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The Celestial Window
The Celestial Window
The Celestial Window
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The Celestial Window

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As Vicky and Jamie complete their plan on Sanctus, the remainder of their lives there are spent preparing their daughter, Sasha, for her task in life. In Sophie, the daughter of Sam and Kenny, Sasha realises a faithful companion, and together they take up the challenge begun by their parents.
Making their transitions back to the spiritual dimension, Jamie, Vicky, Sam and Kenny gaze down through the Celestial Window, and soon discover their lives there have given them the power to guide and protect their children. The evil minions, ever present, sense this and cunningly begin to draw their plans against the ageing Sasha and Sophie.
Constantly gazing towards Sanctuss celestial horizon, Jamie sees a confusion of events looming for the elderly women. What gives him heart is the development of mediumistic skills in both Sasha and Sophie? a priceless resource that will give them access to the home dimension. With this access to spiritual knowledge, the onus, once again, rests on humanitys ability to accept on faith what Sasha and Sophie offer.
With their second incarnate period behind them, Vicky and Jamie feel secure in their knowledge; basking in the increasing spiritual companionship with each incarnation. Dedicated to the Infinite One, they have submitted to a greater understanding of his plan; consequently, Sasha and Sophie, both proven souls in their own right, have been prepared by their parent hosts. Drawn together by this conscientious guidance from their parents, they gradually move towards their own kindred, spiritual companions? once joined together, they will begin the next stage of their destinies CJB.
Release dateJun 5, 2013
The Celestial Window

Chris J Berry

Since writing the first of his books, the author’s main objective adheres to his plan to try and help the creatures and people of our planet. Gazing over the world, nothing changes; the trend on Earth descending deeper into violent confrontation. Societies continue to fragment into smaller dependencies rather than unite in a common cause. A blend of weather and human catastrophic events, across the globe, not only destroy food harvests, but desecrate their crop areas. The theme of this ninth book; The Imperceptible Conflict, the fourth in the series ‘A Voyage to Infinity’, expands the author’s suppositions on the life beyond offered in the previous books. The introductions of this series, the author hopes will provide ideas that will help us to view life logically; imagine how the spirit might evolve while travelling across several physical planes similar to Earth. He persists in his belief; the demise facing humanity can only be addressed by a united world. Remaining dedicated towards our Maker’s doctrines, the author continues to guide his life by Him.

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    The Celestial Window - Chris J Berry

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    Chris J Berry




    1.     Sanctus in Question

    2.     The Spiritual Connection

    3.     An Audience with Spirit

    4.     A Dream Realised

    5.     The Silent Cry of Despair

    6.     Jamie’s Legacy

    7.     On the edge of the Precipice

    8.     The Inner Perspective

    9.     Anna Signs On

    10.   The Imperceptible Inmate

    11.   Celestial Dispatches

    12.   Safe Havens

    13.   Beyond the Celestial Window

    14.   A Medium Realised

    15.   Wilt thou Have Me?

    16.   An Astral Experience

    17.   Celestial Avataria

    18.   Back to Reality

    19.   The Polar Enemy

    20.   The Glass Project

    21.   The Final Project

    22.   Beacon of Hope

    23.   Polar Encounter

    24.   The Nuclear Issue

    25.   Dark Emissary

    26.   The Emissary’s Legacy

    27.   The Doomsday Button

    28.   Apocalypse Sanctus

    About the Author


    IN ALL MY BOOK INTRODUCTIONS, I have submitted ideas that have arisen from both my parent’s beliefs. In this third book in the series ‘Voyage to Infinity’, I explore my personal feelings of what I believe my parents spent their lives teaching me. How, by living a responsible life that considered and shared the resources of our world with others, prepares one for the great spiritual adventure beyond.

    It has been difficult to get over to anyone, reading my books, why I have come to the conclusions I have. Though my early years were governed by strict discipline, neither of my parents forced their beliefs on me; rather advising me to look at the physical life logically. I apply this idea, in the first two books of the Voyage to Infinity series, creating hypothetical situations where my characters act out my conclusions.

    I have been careful, when using these ideas, submitting them as my understanding, which has developed over the years. The question has been put to me on many occasions during the past, ‘why do I believe there has to be something beyond this life’? To the Christian believer the answer is obvious; simply because Christ said so. With the beliefs I have today, His word is good enough for me. But what of those, symbolically speaking, who need to see the holes in his hands and feet, before they accept His word as fact?

    The desire for proof that the spiritual dimension is the real life, no longer concerns me. After making the first move my belief arises, not only because of what my parents have taught me, but also from the subsequent experiences that graced my life as a result of that belief. Those experiences revealed the importance of essential values, which seemed to have no real significance in the physical existence, but could in the spiritual life.

    If we consider the need for proof of the life beyond as essential, then viewing it in the context of the examination principle, it could equate to the answer paper resting next to the question paper. As I have stated in my previous books, the transience of our lives, and eventual transition from it, are both facts we cannot avoid. For me, after Christ’s teachings, these facts have become the focus for my belief. For me, they reveal something special awaits us in the spiritual world; if we can tread the straight and narrow.

    It is, without doubt, a pious, incarnate soul indeed who can accept the truth from birth; only one soul I believe has truly demonstrated that in the history of our world. If it were not for my parents, I emphatically know I would not possess the faith I have today; parental responsibility towards the young being another theme I have laboured on in all my books.

    When I look back over my life, I am responsible for countless misdemeanours; some made in ignorance, while others have been premeditated; symbolically speaking, where I have taken a bite of the forbidden apple. Dwelling on this, in light of my new faith, it has concerned me in my later years, but I have sensed since that our Maker is all forgiving. If we can genuinely seek to rectify our misdemeanours during our lives, I sense it will favour us when returning to the home dimension.

    After making our transition, what then? In my books, I have tried to present some idea of my understanding of what I believe is the purpose for our lives here on the physical plane. Those venturing in between the covers of my work will, I hope, derive clues that may open up pathways in their minds; lead them toward what I have come to believe is our origin. In ‘The Celestial Window’ I feel my team beyond are going to give us a brief insight into the spiritual world; how once we have submitted our allegiance to our Maker, the real adventure begins for us out in the spiritual dimension of the Cosmos…CJB.


    AS VICKY AND JAMIE COMPLETE THEIR plan on Sanctus, the remainder of their lives there are spent preparing their daughter, Sasha, for her task in life. In Sophie, the daughter of Sam and Kenny, Sasha realises a faithful companion, and together they take up the challenge begun by their parents.

    Making their transitions back to the spiritual dimension, Jamie, Vicky, Sam and Kenny gaze down through the Celestial Window, and soon discover their lives there have given them the power to guide and protect their children. The evil minions, ever present, sense this and cunningly begin to draw their plans against the ageing Sasha and Sophie.

    Constantly gazing towards Sanctus’s celestial horizon, Jamie sees a confusion of events looming for the elderly women. What gives him heart is the development of mediumistic skills in both Sasha and Sophie—a priceless resource that will give them access to the home dimension. With this access to spiritual knowledge, the onus, once again, rests on humanity’s ability to accept on faith what Sasha and Sophie offer.

    With their second incarnate period behind them, Vicky and Jamie feel secure in their knowledge; basking in the increasing spiritual companionship with each incarnation. Dedicated to the Infinite One, they have submitted to a greater understanding of his plan; consequently, Sasha and Sophie, both proven souls in their own right, have been prepared by their parent hosts. Drawn together by this conscientious guidance from their parents, they gradually move towards their own kindred, spiritual companions—once joined together, they will take their group onto the next stage of their destinies… CJB.

    For Donald

    in appreciation

    of his literary help

    and knowledge in

    writing my




    Book four







    THE CLIMATE-CHANGE ON the world Sanctus was increasingly posing a question over the future there. What the scientists of the world had predicted, two decades earlier, was now steadily materialising to reality. This evolutionary change, taking place globally, was further exacerbated by humanity’s persistent, mismanagement of the world’s ecological resources. Typically, it was the poor who were bearing the brunt of deprivation, but gazing across Sanctus’s celestial horizon, the meagre theme seemed set to affect everyone in the future, regardless of a soul’s level of affluence in society.

    What was now emerging as one of the biggest threats to humanity’s future was the population explosion. Crop production on Sanctus was failing to meet demand: complicated still more by climate change and rising prices, food scarcity and costs were drifting beyond the reach of the poor. The solutions, however, were aggravated by the irresponsible use of the carnal instinct, and humanity’s inherent desire to reproduce. Those viewing life there, from the Celestial Window, knew the writing was on the wall for this civilisation—should they remain unable to rationalise and discipline themselves on these inherent issues in the future.

    From infancy Sasha and Sophie had gelled as pocket-companions, and destined to remain so as they grew up. Like any normal young women they were attracted to their male contemporaries, but as a result of their upbringing, they became disenchanted with the trend of companionships developing between young people. Passing through their adolescence they entered adulthood—a string of failed relationships confirming a celibate life for both.

    Since Jamie’s first ‘Quest Humanitarian’, the success of that first event had set a precedent, with support for subsequent presentations exceeding expectations. Though the first production was considered as Jamie’s brain-child, he refused to accept the credit and acclaim arising from its success; insisting it was to be shared with everyone who supported them.

    Influenced by their parents, it was inevitable that Sasha and Sophie would focus on the spiritual dimension, increasingly sensing the purpose for their lives here. As the years moved on, they maintained a modicum of involvement with the humanitarian movement their parents had been associated with. But Sasha’s interests, in particular, were beginning to diversify, she, intrigued by her father Jamie who had become a practicing spiritual medium—and not long after that influencing Sophie into showing a similar interest.

    As their parents succumbed to old age, Sasha and Sophie remained close friends. They continued to enjoy male company, but found their male contemporaries were still focused more on the physical aspects of relationships. Because of Sasha’s and Sophie’s reluctance to partake of the nuptials in life; rejected suitors viewed it suspiciously, though never openly resorting to the term—lesbianism.


    Jamie and his companions had, effectively, completed their task, and intuitively sensed their return to the spiritual dimension. As Jamie, Vicky, Sam and Kenny succumbed in turn to the call of the Infinite One; their arrival back in the spiritual dimension filled them with a definitive sense of home-coming. From their spiritual understanding, they were aware now of the Infinite One’s plan for the universe, and the part they had all chosen to play in it. It filled them with anticipation over what the future promised, but even more so because they sensed it as an infinite future.

    Sasha and Sophie in contrast found themselves approaching the twilight years, but continuing to make their mark on this incarnation. Working with their guides, companions and partners inter-dimensionally, they contemplated the age-old question hanging over the Sanctus physical plane; ‘how long would it take humanity there to embrace the Infinite One’s truth?’ From beyond the Celestial Window, Jamie sensed the same question in the spiritual minds of his companions. There were no doubts in any of them that the Infinite One’s will would be carried out, and then rule the world, but again the question posed was, at what cost to the young spirits born of His Hallowed Sanctum?

    As Vicky and Jamie gazed over Sanctus’s celestial horizon, they deliberated on their spiritual journey so far, reflecting back on the moment when they had emerged from the Hallowed Sanctum. John and Sarah, standing with Vicky’s spiritual guides, sensed the thoughts in their minds; how as two, over both their incarnations, Vicky and Jamie were now part of an increasing spiritual fraternity, which was expanding the legions of the Infinite One.

    For Sasha and Sophie, their future task was obvious to all those standing beyond the Celestial Window. While contemplating the magnitude of that task, Jamie, Vicky, Sam and Kenny suddenly realised their children were two mature proven souls, and now approaching the end of their voyage to infinity. Since his and Vicky’s return to the spiritual dimension, he had felt the reverence emanating from their guides—their divinity even touching the composure of Jamie’s and Vicky’s guides.

    Jamie sensed a celestial moment would arise, when Sasha and Sophie returned to their spiritual partners; all of them then, able to witness the Infinite One welcome Sasha’s and Sophie’s spiritual guides into His Eternal Kingdom. Sarah and John sensed that moment would remain with Vicky, Jamie and their companions; to become an irrevocable incentive to follow in their footsteps.

    Following that Divine event, Sasha and Sophie, with their spiritual companions, would gather in a vigil by the Hallowed Sanctum. Paused there, they would receive the Infinite One’s blessing, and prepare to accept a virgin spirit into their care. The journey then for Sasha, Sophie and their partners would begin again; perhaps their spiritual protégés, taking them in different directions. The bonds however, were established, and now, attached to Vicky, Jamie, Sam and Kenny, it would add to that future joyous reunion in the Infinite One’s Kingdom.

    The focus now fell upon Sanctus, its creatures and inhabitants. The problems that loomed for Sasha and Sophie there, were those that had faced countless proven souls throughout the history of the universe. Jamie despaired over why these lower planes took so long to evolve; life on them having to develop from ground-level. Over the periods of evolution on new worlds conflicts were unavoidable; the same differences of opinion arising from humanity’s biggest stumbling block—free-will.


    Over the years, Sasha and Sophie had developed into powerful spiritual mediums, able to contact Jamie’s group at will. They were not without their critics on the physical plane, as since time immemorial, the existence of the spiritual world could easily be refuted by those in a material life. Sasha’s and Sophie’s patience and understanding was the key factor, supported by their ability to apply spiritual knowledge that could lead floundering souls toward the truth.

    For the remainder of their incarnations, Sasha and Sophie would be unable to do more than simply pass on the information from those in the world beyond. With the larger part of their physical lives behind them, time now was the real enemy for those who came to listen, but refused to heed their message.

    For Jamie and Vicky, they were experiencing a little of what awaited them in the future; the opportunity to support incarnate souls from the spiritual dimension. From the Celestial Window, it saddened and frustrated them to continually watch young incarnate spirits ignore the truth, unaware that it had arisen from the world of spirit. These lost opportunities arose from the gift of free-will; that freedom of thought given by the Infinite One, which allowed a soul to make choices.

    Jamie sensed Vicky draw close to him, as they peered down through the Celestial Window; Sasha and Sophie, poised on a divine schedule of séances. From their vantage point, Vicky and Jamie sensed there would be many among the civilisation there allied to the dark minions: his concern was for those lost souls, hoping that some of what came through Sasha and Sophie would turn them from the dark minions’ influence.

    Though still attached to the physical plane Sanctus, Vicky and Jamie sensed this was the third phase in their Voyage to Infinity. They knew they still had several planes to pass through, but by adhering to the protocols laid down by the Infinite One, it comforted them in the knowledge they were distancing themselves from the evil influence. The opportunity to experience this phase of their spiritual education had been earned on Orburn, and then consolidated in their incarnate lives on Sanctus. This period now offered the chance to see first-hand the complete picture—to view, symbolically, the holes in the hands and feet of their historic divine soul on Sanctus.

    Jamie embraced Vicky with his aura. He sensed her attachment to Sasha, but it differed from the material one on Sanctus. This was a feeling that went far beyond the physical—a spiritual bonding that was infinite.




    ALONG WITH OTHER INHABITANTS on Sanctus, Sasha and Sophie viewed the future nervously as ferocious storms wreaked havoc around the globe. However, having had a conscientious upbringing with spiritual guidance, this devout knowledge had been allowed to dominate. Their spiritual notoriety now was increasingly focusing nervous people on them, constantly posing the searching question—what did the future hold?

    Despite the global financial decline, Sasha and Sophie had been left fairly secure; thanks to the careful management of family investments. Inheriting properties from their parents, they had decided to share Copper Beech Cottage and let Sophie’s house, benefiting from an income not directly reliant on the stock market. However, with the job situation deteriorating what the future held no one dared predict.

    Sitting in the kitchen, Sasha browsed the newspaper as Sophie took her turn to prepare breakfast.

    Sasha turned to the stock market reports and frowned. Stocks have taken a bashing again, Sophe, she muttered morbidly.

    Oh, Sas! Give it a rest, replied Sophie, ducking fat spluttering up at her from the hob. We’re not the richest in the world, but a lot better off than most. she tossed an egg into the pan, it erupting in a sudden spluttering roar.

    Turn the heat down, Sophe…, smiled Sasha. You’ll have us ablaze in a minute. Sasha returned to the paper. It’s fortunate all our investments are in government bonds—they’re more secure…

    Unless, of course, the government goes down, interrupted Sophie pessimistically.

    Sasha tutted, offering her a tedious gaze. "My, we are in a jolly mood today—aren’t we?"

    A loud splat erupted from the pan, sending Sophie back on her heels. Ooh! This vicious pan…, she muttered dispassionately.

    Sasha giggled. It’s not the pan, Sophe… Turn the he…

    Oh! You cook brekka this morning, Dear; blurted out Sophie. I’m making a complete pig’s ear of it.

    Here, give it to me, mumble Sasha, turning the heat down under the pan.

    While Sasha finished cooking, Sophie buried herself in the newspaper, suddenly gazing up at Sasha anxiously.

    There’s been another spate of burglaries locally, Sas… I…

    So-phie! Any more good news…? Sasha glanced at her, shaking her head. We all know what’s happening around us in the world today, Sophe, but there’s no sense in making yourself ill worrying about it. We’ve got every modern deterrent available protecting our house, but if someone wants to get in, they will… Sasha gazed around and shrugged. But they won’t find much in here of any value—will they?

    Sophie shook her head slowly, vacantly gazing ahead. S’pose not, Dear, she muttered thoughtfully.

    Come on, Duck; we’ve the shopping to do, and then prepare for the séance tomorrow evening. A grin spread over Sophie’s face on hearing Sasha’s statement. Yes! I thought that might buck you up…, smiled Sasha. The group are impatient to begin the development circles; one even suggested trying a rescue circle. Sophie fleeted a concerned glance at Sasha. Sasha shook her head. Don’t worry. I told him let’s walk before we run.

    Sophie nodded again, vacantly gazing out the window.

    Come on, Sophe—look at the time, said Sasha, making for the door.


    Finished with breakfast, Sasha and Sophie went off to do the shopping, stopping off at their favourite tea-house for lunch. It was a bright sunny day, helping to tease away the morbid news of the burglary story in the newspaper they had discussed over breakfast. As they chatted, Sasha became aware of a penetrating gaze from a little boy sitting at the table next to them. For a moment she ignored him, listening to Sophie prattling on about other items of news that had stressed her earlier on that morning.

    Sophie’s voice gradually began to fade into the background, as Sasha’s attention was drawn again to the little boy. Gazing at him, she sensed a forlorn, uncared for feeling about him, which appeared to be confirmed by his scruffy appearance. His shoes were scuffed, with holes in the heels of his socks peering above the back of his shoes; his hair, looking as if it had, at some point, had a comb pulled through it. A woman, sitting next to him, chatted non-stop with another opposite her, occasionally pausing to chastise him for fidgeting and interrupting.

    For goodness sake, Timothy, can’t you see I’m talking, snapped the woman…; and sit up straight when I’m speaking to you, she added, turning back to her friend.

    The little boy clearly had not uttered a word—sitting like a statue in his chair. He continued to gaze at Sasha with a benign, resigned look of acceptance in his eyes. Sasha sensed a tenuous bond existing between the little boy and his mother, comparing it with her own childhood—feeling the relationship between the little boy and woman seemed to lack affection. Sasha’s only real bench-mark was her upbringing, and even when comparing it with the most conscientious of souls in the present day, hers had been far above average.

    Gazing at her wrist-watch, the woman dragged the little boy off the chair, chastising him again for lagging behind as she made her way out of the tea-shop.

    The other woman had noticed Sasha’s sustained gaze at them, and caught her eye with a smile. It isn’t as bad as it looks, she muttered, gathering up her bags from the floor. Tim’s a little backward… Emily cares, but I suppose she has her limits too, and divorced, with very little money coming in, life easily gets on top of her.

    Sasha feigned a smile, but remained haunted by the look on the little boy’s face. Sophie, by now, had latched onto the theme of the conversation going on between Sasha and the woman, and with very low levels of tolerance, like her father, Kenny, was about to voice her opinion firmly.

    Sasha grabbed Sophie’s hand gesturing for her to withhold her feelings of abhorrence over the little boy’s treatment, as she watched the woman walk away.

    Poor little mite, whispered Sophie. It’s obvious there’s no love lost there for that little boy, Sas, she concluded.

    Sasha stared towards the door, slowly shaking her head. Sadly that’s the way it appears, but we don’t know the whole story. She sipped thoughtfully at her tea. It’s all too common these days… When you see situations like that, it’s easy to understand how things can go wrong: we have to have discipline, but it must be administered with a cherished sense of love.

    Finishing their tea, they got down to the task of shopping, finally arriving home exhausted late in the afternoon. Collapsed in their chairs, Sasha and Sophie revelled in a moment of luxurious recline, allowing the trauma of the shopping spree to drain out of them. The tea-shop event had stayed with Sasha, unable to blot from her mind the lost expression and sadness on that little boy’s face.

    In her earlier years, when she had eventually joined her father, Jamie on his humanitarian expeditions, she had witnessed what caring attitudes could do for the deprived and starving children of the world. Each day now was revealing to her, that right outside their front door a similar need was growing. It was unhelpful to point the accusing finger in anyone’s direction, as to Sasha the problem was clearly humanity’s responsibility.


    It was the old story, when families were torn

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