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Emotional Transition: A Journey of the Human Spirit
Emotional Transition: A Journey of the Human Spirit
Emotional Transition: A Journey of the Human Spirit
Ebook431 pages6 hours

Emotional Transition: A Journey of the Human Spirit

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On his way to fifty, Vincent Interlande thought he lived a normal lifeuntil the many pressures of that life took him down. After thirty years, his marriage ended in divorce, blowing apart any sense that his life was well-balanced and harmonious. In the darkness of divorce, his soul sank into despair, and his mind began to reveal the emotional shadows that had eroded his life. He began to discover that he wore a mask of his faults, weaknesses, and failures. A shadow of the person he once was, he knew that it was time to figure out who he really was. It was time to live again.

Like others, he faced trauma, heartache, disappointment, and grief that threw his behavior and emotional health out of balance. For Vincent, balance was restored via the written word and music.

Emotional Transition is the product of his personal quest for understanding and sanity in a life that seemed devoid of both. A collection of musings on the experiences that contributed to his failures and his hidden, weak emotions, it documents how he overcame it all after a traumatic event. Through the use of detailed thought, personal stories of humor as well as misfortune presented as symbolic poetry, prose, and story, he seeks to inspire readers to become more aware of themselves as well.

The readings may seem like only a personal stories but if read by the individual reader's portraying of him/herself with the content of this book, they will gain insight into themselves. This is the intent of Emotional Transition.

Vincent challenges the reader to walk in his shoes, look in the mirror, and then ask themselves, What person is looking back at me, and where is that life going from here?
Release dateOct 8, 2013
Emotional Transition: A Journey of the Human Spirit

Vincent J. Interlande

VINCENT J. INTERLANDE is a self-taught home renovator, entrepreneur, and nnewly inspired writer of stories and poetry. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary and Physical Education from the University of Massachusetts, and is author of the motivational book, Emotional Transition: A Journey of The Human Spirit. A single father of two, Vincent lives in Turners Falls, Massachusetts.

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    Emotional Transition - Vincent J. Interlande





    Vincent J. Interlande

    iUniverse LLC


    Emotional Transition:

    A Journey of the Human Spirit

    Copyright © 2013 Vincent J. Interlande.

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    CHAPTER 1       Emotional Transition

    CHAPTER 2       Birth and Innocence

    CHAPTER 3       My Clothes Don’t Fit Anymore

    CHAPTER 4       Shadows in the Night

    CHAPTER 5       Disappearing Mirrors

    CHAPTER 6       Illusions

    CHAPTER 7       A Sailor Changes the Sail

    CHAPTER 8       Sunrises Expose the Shadows

    CHAPTER 9       Melodies Quench the Soul

    CHAPTER 10       Every Step a New Horizon

    CHAPTER 11       Lasting Impressions

    Dedicated in memoriam to my father,

    Vincent, Sr.,

    who guided me from a disposition

    of chaos and disillusion,

    towards a new spirit of living.


    The daylight molds the senses of our reality,

    Our strength endures by wisdom’s open doors.

    Come the darkness of our perceptions,

    The visions of our mind turn to shadows,

    And we become the phantoms of our opera.

    As daylight dims, there is change on the way as darkness rides into the fading day on waves of shadows. The shadows overwhelm and slowly engulf the remaining light, pushing the sun to the edge of the world. The black night now becomes the ruler of life and humans seek refuge from the unknowns in the dark. Humans hide in niches and artificial light to protect their soul from being taken by the shadows that lurk in the night. They sleep, hiding their faces in dreams as safe havens, camouflaging their fears. The night watches, looking for any soul who strays from where safety lies. It is patient and it will find that hidden passage we forgot to close.

    When the sun rises, burning off the gray mist of the black night’s ruling powers, people open their eyes feeling safe. The sun rises out of the shadows of the night at the edge of the world and the horizon is born, our new day’s beginning. Morning rays illuminate the sky, pulling at the pillow of our dreams and we are born to life from the dark. Every morning we are reborn into another day’s path that is another part of our life’s journey and we are nurtured by the offerings it brings. We have survived the night shadows, our night shadows. We have slept through the darkest time of our mind’s thoughts and perceptions, hoping that it will not fail us during the new day. Most of the time we succeed. Sometimes, however, the night awakens things dormant in our minds not meant to be acknowledged. But, they do, and our night shadows are now the demons from the night taking possession of our soul. A question follows, What becomes of the day?

    The strengths and weaknesses of humanity expose themselves by the very nature of their existence, their heart and soul, our heart and soul. We ride the sands of the hour glass with each particle of sand an emotion that governs and sews the fabric of our individual life. These emotions are the heart and soul of our being, much of the foundation that helps us evolve within the scope of our environment. The very nature of our emotions is always in the balance, influence by the interaction with our friends, work, marriage, our very own perceptions, etc. These influences vary from one person to another and effect the dynamics of everyday living. But one thing is certain, each person has an emotional character of their own. How these emotions are controlled or how they are allowed to be the lead of a person’s behavior has been the subject of thought for centuries.

    To live within our environment, we are susceptible to the emotions of everything around us, especially ourselves. At all times, and everyone included here, our emotional lifts, the breakdowns and our psychological changes are influential on our behavioral mannerisms. Sometimes these changes can become strengths. Sometimes, they can become weaknesses. At all times, they can be controlling.

    As people follow their daylights, their positives, they interact with life with formidable strength and fortitude with all that they seek, with all that is around them. Each step taken along their path in life has meaning, purpose and even a bit of daring into mysterious adventure. We appreciate stepping towards the unknown to see where it will take us. This in itself is part of our growth, a challenge to succeed over things much higher than ourselves. This is part of how we evolve. This is also an emotional rush. Facing life’s challenges and mysteries, whether work related, relationships, challenging Mother Nature’s landscape, etc., can kick our adrenaline levels like a drug. With that rush we are emotionally effected to succeed and to accomplish in a positive way.

    However, if a person experiences troubled times that raise emotional distresses in daily life, what I call the shadows creating a darkness in there thoughts, can bring trouble to their lives. Sometimes, these troubles can be extreme or uncontrollable, as I experienced, and these shadows of behavior can seem like demons lurking within us just waiting for an open path to haunt our lives more seriously. If left non-confronted, these emotional demons can mold us to their delight and we become puppets to a controlling master without a conscience and we may lose our identity, one emotion at a time. Unfortunately, I feel that this master is our own set of weaknesses that cannot be faced in a controlling, positive manner.

    Everyone is different and perceives or experiences life from their own pair of shoes. These troubling emotions may come from experiences, guilt, memories or feelings that have infiltrated and imprinted themselves into the subconscious or conscious life. Their could be medical or innate psychological imbalances involved that create the fears and anxieties in our thoughts. Or, they could be events taking place in our life from the past, the present or even those which will occur in the future, that will effect, even haunt our future. They can be anything that becomes a negative force that interrupts the normal flow of our life, therefore, changing our life to unexpected or unwanted experiences. They even have the power to take us to the threshold of ruin and / or personal dysfunction. These are the emotions that become the dark forces working against us and they want to be our master if allowed.

    As with any human being on this planet constantly encountering more frustrating and controversial situations, we sometimes lose that control. Our behavioral and psychological balance is shaken. If our mind loses balance, we may face an altered path in our daily decision making and perceptions, knowingly or unknowingly. When this happens, we can be unwittingly controlled by these mental degradations. When they do, our life can be changed. When they do, we may change. When they do, we may become the demon of our night and our manners in the day may decay.

    From the day we are born until the day that our body returns to the soil of the earth, we ride the time line of life hoping to keep a balance in our daily life and our perspective. We do this praying that we do not fall from grace. We hope all things remain positive and smooth flowing, with nothing disrupting our lives. Balance, normalcy and maintaining control is our goal, our determination, our every breath.

    But, whether we like it or not, our lives are subjected to constant change, sometimes wonderful, sometimes undesired. These changes can be inspiring and feel like rays of constant sunlight warming our souls. There will also come a time when some event will act as a catalyst to energize our unsettled emotions and trigger a strong negative force to cause concern. Whether positive or negative, our mood, our perspective, can be effected. Whether we like it or not, our life can be unexpectedly put into a position of change, good and bad, whereby molding life towards uncertainty. Or, our actions of emotions can lead us to more positive plateaus, more successes. Whatever our state of mind is at these times or however we consciously or unconsciously interpret them to be, we are always taking part in some kind of personal, emotional transition.

    At times, the confrontations of the dark forces of our life will battle the positive forces. How we handle these situations can influence our sunrises from that point on. How we handle these situations can determine the integrity of our existence. How we handle our successes or demons can determine our personal emotions towards sanity as we integrate into our life. And when we look into a mirror……..who do we see? As we look into the mirror……what do you see?

    We are the children of Mother Nature, delivered from the comfort of our maternal mother’s womb into a world of kings, queens, court jesters and fairy tales. Our fantasies acquired in youth carried us through each day viewing the world in rainbow colors, playing hop scotch with our friends and playmates, and while alone, found comfort with our shadow friends. As children, we were the innocence of life and thought not of what lied before us, but what games we could create to build our own little world. We spent much energy creating a playground in our physical and mental world, and we were happy.

    We created, invented and fantasized a cozy, safe world for ourselves, made best friends, licked lollypops and swung in the breeze on our favorite swing on a sunny day. We were fed, clothed, taken to the fair, told fairy tales, and believed that the long gray haired man next door was Santa on vacation. We were free, carefree, happy and everything seemed full of frolic and play. Little did we know that as our life moved forward into the labyrinth of the future, these fairy tales would change colors and sooner or later, we had to, grow up!

    How many times have we heard that phrase, Grow up, in our lifetime? As we found out, sooner or later, life did change and we were challenged by adversity and influences, by an array of causes and effects. We were exposed to many different challenges. Just like a rainbow of colors sparkled our youth, a rainbow of challenges confronted us in our growing years and effected every decision we made as we followed the paths of our life. Most of us planned for the future, making lists of goals we hoped to accomplish, enjoy some simple pleasures, find love and enjoy it’s love making, raise a family, develop our philosophical and perceptual direction and in one way or another, pursue a life of security and wonder.

    Along the way, we found out that these plans succeeded or failed at their own level. Our successes become the measure of our positives and stature among our peers. There’s gold in them there hills and we aim to fetch it. Along with our successes came our fantasies and more mature fairy tales of walking the path into the Emerald Forest of fast cars, boats, stature among our peers and again, we were the Kings and Queens of our new Realm. Life was good.

    Now that we are adults, we hopefully continue walking a path through life’s maze, still seeking those pleasurable wonders and successes that keep us warm inside. However, we will also walk many paths of pot holes and detours. We encounter a world full of positive and negatives forces raising havoc with our balance in life. These forces are far more confusing on us than those experienced as children. We learn to balance the consequences of the downfalls and the successes of gaining our positive steps and paths that as a child, were taken cared for by our parents or other adults. Enjoying the successes becomes an easy and delightful experience. The defeats, the negative forces, however, become mischievous to our psyche, our anxiety, our balance.

    Again, as adults, we confront these forces of successes and downfalls at our own level, at our own perception as to how we got there and how we move on with positive emotion, with continuation. Our successes are usually a builder of our high energy positive emotion. Our ability to move forward becomes easier each step along our path for fulfillment. For a life as we perceive it.

    To some, a positive embrace for succeeding from the downfalls is confusing, hard to achieve. To some, the emotions of defeat become the beast that rules, creating creatures of the mind that root their fangs into our wisdom. These become the shadows that I interpret as the master and they thrive on haunting our soul, our reality of being.

    After birth, we all begin a life long journey from the simple life of a child, gradually entering the maze of adulthood with no journey exactly alike, because in reality, we are beings not exactly alike. Our culture may be alike. Our religion may be alike. Our gender may be alike. But, at the same time, all these cultures, these religions, our genders and more, have their own mythology. We mature by our own story of beliefs that we feel are acceptable to life. And yet, somehow, all these equitable values and differences in human characteristics do co-exist and interweave with each other. The differences of the many somehow weave together and exist as one, a cooperative group, a society. We learn to incorporate all character behaviors and cultures of the many to harmonize as one.

    Along our journey we also discover that our plans go through compromises and therefore, our life is compromised as well. There are road blocks and/or conflicts that can change our destiny all together. It is the presence of these unintentional changes, as well as the many self-inflicted changes brought on by our own hands, that constantly influence our life by the resulting readjustments. By merely living on this planet, the many influences that interrupt our lifestyle are inevitable, from youth to adults. These influences can be positive factors or negative factors on daily living, our character, and we cope with them as best we can to live our lives forward.

    Actually, we soon discover that life and change are interrelated. Life is a continuum of adapting to adversity that helps us grow and improve our mental and spiritual needs if confronted maturely. This change can be a catalyst for improving the quality of life, to adjust, to think, re-think, analyze and improve our careers and lifestyles. This requires mature and rational thinking for reaching positive goals, accomplishments, and quite possibly, personal survival.

    The theme of this book is about life, about living with emotional response to events and experiences that people confront daily. It is about living in a world of adapting to changes that we experience and the effects they have on us, whether good, bad, bizarre and yes, even a fairy tale ending or two. I believe the theme of this book, my theme, is about living, about life and how our emotional transitions adjust to life events. It is about life experiences and the adjustments of our thinking. It’s about lifestyles and how we weave ourselves into our environment for a continuum of a balance in life. We are born into this world as a child and taught to become adults by overcoming a multitude of influences that again, will weave us among all that is around our environment, the world in which we live.

    I am an observer of all that is around me. From my birth, through childhood, through all the adult influence of change, I have watched people interact with one another. I have observed human mannerisms interact, the love, the hate, the successes, the defeats, the cooperative support and the dismantling degradation. My own life definitely influenced my perceptions of life and how humans developed such an emotional characteristic or behavioral reaction to everything they are effected by in life. I had to adjust my mannerisms, face my shadows of mistakes that haunted me and creatively sew my life into the varied dressed environment around me without losing myself along the way.

    We live in a world where the dark shadows of common tragedies and the errors of our making co-exist with the beauty of all that is good in our lives. They exist side by side, hand in hand, and by their very nature can inspire harmony and growth that the human spirit needs for survival. While soul searching through my own path of discovery and spiritual rebirth from my own inflicted flaws in character, there were many self-realizations that came to me, bringing balance back to my life. Life is never perfect, but finding some form of balance that works is a key to help the human spirit become another thread in the fabric of humanity as well as accepting emotional transition in ourselves to overcome the multitudes of adversities confronting every day living. Life is an Emotional Transition.

    This writing came about because of major changes that took place in my life that triggered an awakening of my soul, that I was not the person I wanted to be. I was not functioning in the real world as I should have been and therefore living in a box to hide my fears and anxieties from the world. The reasons for my personal calamities became the reasons for this writing. The inspirations acquired through my own emotional growth, make the resulting ingredients of this writing important, at least to me and my transitions. Whether the reader will be inspired is individual. My hope is that my thoughts and experiences may touch a nerve in the reader concerning how their emotions are a major factor in their life.

    My father served in the Navy in World War Two and The Korean War. Our early life as father and son was full of missing links, missing emotional ties. We never acquired an early tie of love and understanding when I was a child. Being mostly raised by my mother, I was sometimes looked on as a Mama’s Boy, a stereotype hard to defend or explain at that time. Missing my father became not only a present sadness in my youth, but also a subconscious sadness and void that followed me into adulthood. In adulthood, it became a nemesis caused a division between my father and myself, the reasoning I never could figure out until I was 58 and finally overcame that pain and reunited with my father emotionally.

    Briefly, I also went through a divorce after thirty years, made career changes that became mistakes, lost my best friend canine, lost a business by deceit and owner selfishness and a father’s death within three years. Along with a low self-esteem from childhood, from being a mama’s boy symbol, these factors triggered vital blows to my emotional well-being and caused personality changes in me that had to be confronted, and confronted fast before they found ways to control me for life.

    The rebirth with my father was the kindling for many writings in poetry and prose. My father and I discussed the influences of the world and it’s happenings on the emotions of people, and how susceptible we are to them. He told me stories of his Navy years, his heartbreaks and failures. However, he always enlightened me how he tried to mold the good and bad together, to always make things positive, to make life a worthy place to be, to make the end result a smile on your face and a positive step along life’s path. He also taught me how to raise a toast of sailor’s grog to salute the happiness of living.

    You’ll find that the words, poetry and prose of this writing trying to do just that. To live towards the positive. There’s good and evil, love and hate, voyages in our dreams and sails by the morning tide. We all began as children, as innocent or bratty as we were, and confronted life along a wild journey. My father sailed the seas as a modern sailor, or maybe a pirate of woman’s hearts, and I helped send him on his final voyage raising a tankard of ale at his grave site. His memory, our laughter together, our overcoming adversity, and especially his simple wisdom, led me to this writing. We had our own emotional transition together and in the end, we saluted one another as one. In my heart, I became my own form of sailor, a pirate. I enjoyed life, confronted the oppressions, the selfish masters who torment the human soul and I learned to nurture the positive. More importantly, I found love and the music of life that made me feel alive.

    This writing had a purpose for my soul, my love for experiencing life. For you, there may be different journeys for facing life, to experience the understanding and weaving of your mystical tales, your mythology of your existence, going into your horizons. I found within myself that you must understand your one with the many, and how the many become the mold of your one. I became a pirate of my one. I dissented and harmonized together in a chaotic world, learning to live life my way and still remain, to weave, with the many. I weaved my own path of emotional transition to overcome my own burdens of adversities and demons from the past to live with the many and still remain my one………myself!


    Emotional Transition

    All things of heaven and earth are subject to many conditions as part of their existence. They have substance, mobility, purpose and/or from whatever perspective, a reason for existing. One characteristic that everything seems to have in common is to undergo change. This change is a transition from one level to another, one stage to the next, one need to another, etc. This is a common feature in nature or for the human course of existence. The universe and earth are in a continuum of change, from the tiniest speck of dust to it’s geographical make-up. Living organisms and creatures undergo change as part of development along it’s course to evolve. Change seems to be inevitable in life as part of existence.

    From this writer’s observation, it is quite interesting to discuss the effects of changes in the life of us, the human creature. After all, when it comes to the human species, haven’t we all seen some very simple to outrageous wild influences that have effects on our very sensitive selves? Go out of your way sometime with a cup of coffee or tea and watch humans perform and react with their environment, their peers, their own actions in life. It’s amazing, intriguing and sometimes a bit scary. Heck, I look in the mirror and always find a mystery looking back. Yikes!

    We are born, we live and we die. Within that period of life, within that time line, the human creature is subjected to massive amounts of circumstances and stimuli that cause it to grow, think, act and react. To some, change may be simple and non-traumatic, like choosing to wear one shirt or dress to a gala affair rather than another. For others, the selecting of one shirt or dress from another for a gala affair can be gut wrenching and severely traumatic. Experiencing change can be as subtle as flipping a light switch to the effects of Mt. St. Helens erupting within a persons mind.

    I’m an observer of life, not a text book professional, so my written thoughts are more from interacting with life, rather than discussing textbook studies or theories. My thoughts come from observations, interactions and experiences of how humans are emotionally driven. There is sadness, love, hate, sorrow, jubilation, and other endless human behavior. We are driven by emotions and we change by emotions. My observations are also experiences from my own personal life. I guess you can say that my experiences are the basis for many of my opinions and discussions. They may not be in agreement with many of the readers of this writing, but, they are my thoughts and opinions as I have come to understanding them and convey to the reader.

    Actually, I think that human emotions are one of the most inspiring attributes of behavior while at the same time, one of the most destructive as well. Emotions are like the foundation of our ability to grow into the path of life as we mature within our soul and within our environment. It’s interesting to watch emotions progress to other maturing, or even declining levels, of physical and spiritual metamorphosis. They can be looked at as a bonding agent to solidify how we relate to one another, but most importantly, how they relate to our inner self. Our capacity for stable emotional growth relates us to the world around us, ie., our behavior interacting with people or our perceptions towards the people and events of our environment and world.

    Just as everything in the universe undergoes change, such as our ozone depletion, earthquakes, meteors striking moons and planets, etc., human emotions undergo change. Humans are effected by the weather, careers, winning the lottery, enduring personal tragedies and even chemical imbalances of the body. The list is numerous. Emotions effect the way we feel and perceive life. They cause people to change from one way of feeling or thinking to another, therefore changing outlooks and perceptions. Just think about our own personalities. These changes can be very positive, or can be very negative. This is part of the emotional transition that we experience from life’s exposures. The positive and negative forces in life do interact and to my experiences, help mold people to be a better person if they view these opposing forces in a constructive manner. Unfortunately, when faced with uncontrolled perceptions, these forces can lead to more negative, even destructive results.

    There is cause and effect, action and reaction chemistry going on here. As we experience all the events that cross our path in life’s journey, we are effected by their stimuli and move forward accordingly. We receive our paycheck, hand it to our wives and they go out and spend it. OK, so that is a multi-level emotional reaction! If you find yourself in a romantic mood, a kiss can excite your emotional rush and your behavior becomes more connected and involved with your partner, and I don’t think that I need to explain these emotions any further from here. How about your behavior once you purchase that car, house or special collection you’ve always wanted? How about your emotions of having or seeing a new born baby in the family?

    A more extreme example of emotional transition is when a person builds a career, a family, financial security, only to lose it all to unfortunate events or misguided actions. This is usually traumatic to our spirit and feelings and causes a downfall in our behavior. Our emotions can change from self-satisfaction to one of anger and frustration, thus, changing our perspectives, our behavior. Death is a tragedy that effects us. How about the emotional changes through the use of drugs that change mental and physiological conditions. These also effect our emotions. They are foundations of changing our emotional balance from where it was before using drugs.

    One of the key traits of character of a human being is how strong or weak the ability to control the emotional state of mind. It’s a matter of strength to withstand emotional transition from one level to another, whether from a positive to a positive or positive to a negative emotional reaction. A person with inner strength, internal fortitude and intellectual ability are some reasons for better chances of succeeding with emotional changes. These qualities may, and can make it possible for better problem solving, greater discipline, maybe a better understanding and control of what the diversity of life may present them in everyday life events. Each person who ponders their ability to successfully make the transition of emotions may discover their own reason for success. I have a multitude of my own reasons, from strong discipline upbringing, to music therapy and even this writing.

    If your inner self has symbolic bullet holes or weaknesses, you may fall prey to giving up and not willing to seek solutions to problems, to change, to the mistakes that you may experience or exhibit. If this occurs, you may become a negative force to your environment as well to yourself and your incentive to grow, to overcome, will be effected. This could distance you more from the people around you. Finding yourself more alone could drive you deeper into your own world of solitude, inner loneliness and steer your thoughts into a darker side of life. Your negative emotions can also make you more violent towards your environment and associated friends and neighbors. Sometimes, the deeper you fall into emotional negativity without searching for a positive way out, the harder it can become to move forward with a balance in life.

    Our emotions are one of the important attributes of inner strength for growing forward from yesterday‘s experiences, through the present realities and into the future. They effect whether the color blue remains blue or everything light becomes dark in our mind. We are effected psychologically, physically and spiritually. One thing is certain from my perspective and personal experience. Our emotional changes, our ability to make a transition with the events causing the theatrical happy versus tragic masks of life will influence how we grow forward and perceive tomorrows new light. I feel they are a vital factor contributing towards our mental ability evolving to lead us physically forward in life.

    Hopefully, humans can maintain an understanding of our diverse set of moods in a world with so many changes going on that influence these moods. It is important that we do not remain in negative darkness because of failure to adjust our emotional changes in adverse world. Hopefully, with every emotional transition that influences our future, there is the capacity to find the rational balance that will maintain those tomorrows. If not, then we could fall into a dark world within our mind that could influence us to relate to the world in more negative mannerisms. These can become some of the shadows that may eventually haunt us in the future ….and our survival!

    For many years after my Emotional Transitions, (presented as we progress in this writing), many people confronted me with confused and frustrated attitudes. I can’t tell you how many people would ask the question, Why, do I have to feel this way or that? Why, do I feel helpless, unable to move forward or Why, am I in this state of chaos or confusion? As I will state throughout this writing, I am not a psychologist. I am not a highly book read individual. I was told in a University lecture hall once that 90% of knowledge comes from experience and hands on exercise and about 10% knowledge comes from studies. To me, this may vary somewhat but I believe in the theory or educated thought of the 90% learning.

    My responses to these Why people are very simple. From my own experiences and watching others, I simply ask them,

    What were your decision making CHOICES leading to your present frustrated situation or emotional state?

    Sorry, I like to think in simple terms and leave the $75.00 an hour therapists to their own level of counseling.

    Choices! Let’s face it, every day of your life you are faced with making choices, whether at work, shopping, financial, career, etc. How we make these decisions, these choices, is influential to personal outcomes. Our outcomes are in direct relation to the results of these choices. They lead the direction in our lives and we have to live with there outcomes or results. An important consideration to making choices is our ability to live with our decision and to control our emotions if these decisions were wrong or successful.

    I recently talked to a person who was always frustrated from too much work and too little time for himself. He was always, bitching, as he called it, not really upset. However, his bitching was rubbing people the wrong way and starting to upset those he was complaining to about his life. He was causing a rift in friendships and a loss of consideration for his bitching state of mind. He also couldn’t understand why.

    This person had a great job

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