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Angels and Energy: Daily Inspirations and Angel Guidance
Angels and Energy: Daily Inspirations and Angel Guidance
Angels and Energy: Daily Inspirations and Angel Guidance
Ebook262 pages3 hours

Angels and Energy: Daily Inspirations and Angel Guidance

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About this ebook

It is author Stacey MacDonalds passion to teach others to connect with their angels, guides, and the power of self. Stacey channels messages and inspirations from the archangels and her guides. In this book, she focuses on messages to build confidence and self-esteem, ways in which to challenge your self forward on your life path, methods for clearing and cleaning each of your chakras, ways to connect to your own angel team each day going forward, and more!

This book can act as a daily guide in order to build confidence, personal energy, and an ability to connect to your own angels and intuitive guidance, assisting you in moving forward powerfully on your life path!

Stacey MacDonald, the founder of Angel Light, is an energy healer, Reiki master, and intuitive coach. Visit her online at
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 13, 2013
Angels and Energy: Daily Inspirations and Angel Guidance

Stacey MacDonald

Stacey MacDonald lives in Oakville, a small town just outside Toronto, Canada, with her husband and two sons. Her intuitive path began early in life, and over the years she has been told that she has a straightforward, practical approach and no-nonsense delivery in communicating messages and guidance.

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    Book preview

    Angels and Energy - Stacey MacDonald


    PART I

    Angels and Guides


    Life Force Energy


    Power of Self


    I Believe the Divine lives within each one of us

    I Believe we can heal our Selves

    I Believe we can help others to awaken their own healing power

    I believe in pure joy

    I believe bliss lies in simplicity

    I believe the answer to every issue becomes available when you open your mind to possibility

    I believe that learning to live in the present moment is the key to uncovering ‘the power of Self’

    I believe laughter is powerful in its healing capacity

    I believe compassion and love provide a gateway and safe passage through anger and fear to a new landscape of greater understanding and peace

    I believe we set down our own Paths before we come here on this Journey and feel a comfortable fit as we unite with people and situations that allow us to reach our milestones

    I believe we are all human connectors between Mother Earth and the Divine. I believe wherever we have walked we leave a footprint of the Unity - a column of Light in our Path to shine for others

    I believe everyday that I believe creates more to believe in

    I believe in the power of one

    I believe in the power of many - working together as One.

    I believe in Believing


    My name is Stacey MacDonald. I teach people to connect to their intuition, communicate with their Angels & Guides and to heal themselves and others. As I am inspired to pass on messages and guidance I receive, I feel and am told very strongly that we are not alone on this Life Path and we DO NOT have to figure everything out on our own - we are not alone. There is guidance we can rely on that assists us GREATLY in being able to move along our own Path in a positive and powerful way. This is Divine guidance and THIS - is the type of message that I channel.

    I requested of my Angel Team, that I only receive channeled guidance on an ongoing basis as I request it for myself or for a client. Prior to setting this standard, messages would come through on a continual basis and this made the general ‘comings & goings’ of my daily life….BUSY!

    STILL! At times there are messages that come through and unless I write them down…the messages are so strong that they keep running ‘like a loop in my thoughts’ until I do so. These are the messages I share with you today. They are random and strong messages that will serve you well as you connect with them at the time you are meant to.

    This book is a collection of inspired and channeled messages from my Guides & Angels. Working with each of the 15 major Archangels, the Angel messages in Part I focus mainly on guidance they want you to know, ways in which they communicate regularly and messages that will enable you to connect with them on a daily basis for personal guidance and inspiration.

    As a Reiki Master/Teacher RT-CRA and Energy Healer, there are also messages from my Healing Guides in Part II on how to Increase your Life Force Energy in order to ‘POWER UP’ your own personal strength and wellbeing.

    Lastly, as an Intuitive Life Guide, MY Guides provided Part III in order for everyone to realize the power of connecting to SELF and believing in their own ability to face and meet any and every obstacle to MOVE FORWARD TOWARDS GOALS AND DREAMS to their Life purpose.

    Each entry was written spontaneously just as I received it ‘in the moment’ to be passed on and shared with others.

    I envision this book being read in a similar way to which it was written; as random daily guidance passed on in no apparent sequence in order to strengthen you in every manner; physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. Every day, different situations, challenges and emotions challenge us forward and we likewise find ourselves in need of different kinds of motivation and guidance depending on what we are facing in the moment. Our Angels, Guides and Higher Selves know this and are here to lend messages and guidance to us at any moment regardless of the situation we are in.

    We are not alone and the guidance is always available, this book helps to ‘open the door’.

    Choose a page randomly when you are led to receive some guidance. Your Angels and Guides will make sure you land on the right message.

    Sending many blessings and Angel Light your way,

    Stacey MacDonald


    Copyright 2013 by Stacey MacDonald

    All rights reserved.

    For my wonderful husband John A

    and my two sons, Emeric & Jack

    - who inspire me -

    I love you.

    PART I

    Angels and Guides


    To Believe? or not To Believe

    Well don’t let me try to persuade you ….. instead, I offer you this beautiful jewel…

    "It is better to believe than to disbelieve;

    in so doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility."

    —Albert Einstein

    I absolutely love when my life path puts me in a position where I realize (yet again!) that I have EVERYTHING TO GAIN BY BELIEVING and….well?….. uh….yeah, that’s it that’s all…

    I have everything to gain by believing!

    That’s it. That’s enough. Done.

    So, whether you believe in Angels, intuition, Higher Self, unicorns, Faeries, mermaids, guides, guardian Angels, messages in your dreams, gut instinct, everything happens for a reason, bad luck to leave your hat on the table/walk under a ladder/shoes on the bed (Irish background speaking here ;) …. the point is that you BELIEVE.

    If you believe in a Higher power, Source, your own ability to get things done, go with the flow, tune into a higher vibrations and manifest, an ability to heal your Self or others, the power of positive thinking…..the point is you BELIEVE.

    If you believe in your own power to support your kids, your extended family, your immediate family, your friends, your SELF…..the point is you BELIEVE.

    You Believe.

    and the Universe and your Angel Team believe in you.

    VERY much.

    Revel in Believing.

    I T I S J U S T T H A T S I M P L E

    Angels send Ideas and Inspirations

    That’s right! You DO have a very definite idea of where you would like your life to go.

    YES! you do ~ however, you might not have any inclination of how to ‘get there’ or what steps to take to achieve your end goal…that’s OK ~ we don’t always have to know ‘the how’.

    In fact, sometimes if we DO NOT concentrate and try to figure out ‘the how’, it enables our Angels to ‘do the driving’ for us. Particularly, Archangel Uriel as he is our strongest guide at this point. He is always shown holding a lantern as he illuminates our pathway forward one step at a time. It is not always (rarely actually) useful for us to know the WHOLE pathway forward and more than enough for us to simply be shown ‘the next step’. Trust in Archangel Uriel to light up that next stone on your path and once you have accomplished that stone, he will light the next. Believe and trust.

    Archangel Uriel also speaks most strongly to us through claircognizance - inner knowing or gut feeling. If you KNOW something (inspiration) within your Self and you are not exactly sure why or how you know it, this is most clearly Uriel guiding you forward with an inner nudging.

    Trust in this guidance and take the next step.

    Ascended Masters are guiding you to success

    Our Angels are telling us that they are not the only ones who are around us; lifting us up, guiding us, urging us forward. The ascended masters are literally surrounding us, whispering in our ears and showing us available paths to travel if we so choose and putting synchronicities in front of us to remind us of how we are cared for. The Ascended masters are those figures like Jesus, Quan Yin, the Saints, Moses, Mother Mary, Ganesh, Buddha etc. They are often associated with religions but you don’t have to be religious or be associated with any certain religion to feel their loving guidance and power at your side. Which of these sounds ‘familiar’ to you? Which of these listed or perhaps another Ascended master gives you a surge of knowingness when you hear their name? There are so many to surround yourself with - do some research and connect with the Ascended master(s) that you feel most strongly about.

    One of my ascended masters is St Therese and I thank her for her guidance, strength and love by ‘saying so and praying so’ but also by repeating her prayer May today there be peace within…. prayer. I say her prayer out loud, in my head and even have it on the home page of my website at

    May today there be peace within.

    May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

    May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

    May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.

    May you be content knowing you are a child of God.

    Let this presence settle into our bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

    It is there for each and every one of you.

    -St. Therese

    How do you honour your Ascended Master? Say a few words to connect with them now as the more you give your thanks to them the more they are able to connect fully with you and lead you down the appropriate path to connect you with your power of Manifestation. Believe deeply and fully in their desire, power and want to help you reach your dreams.

    They are with you to guide you to succeed!

    Archangel Michael ‘cuts our cords’

    and SETS US FREE!

    We are going to ask Archangel Michael to help us to ‘cut our cords’.

    We all have cords attached to us (etheric cords) but they work much like the lines they have attached to hot air balloons to keep them on the ground pre lift-off. Envision if you will that you have taken the time to lay out this MASSIVE hot air balloon and have also taken the time and training courses to learn how to fill the hot air balloon with the gasses - you want to FLY, you want to soar, you want to LIVE YOUR DREAM! So you work away and gain the necessary information, training, people and equipment to take flight. Finally, the day has come! You feel you are ready. You know it is your time!! So you set everything up ~ the balloon is high over your basket, you have everyone in the basket who you have chosen to ride with you, you are working the mechanics of the balloon with skill and ease…..but you are still on the ground. Why?

    WHY??! You have done all of the legwork! ‘Dotted the i’s and crossed the ‘t’s’ as well as having filled out the necessary paperwork! You have mastered your craft!

    AT THIS MOMENT, you peer over the side of the basket and see the heavy long ropes that are weighted and keeping you down. And it dawns on you, that there is MORE to it than just fulfilling the mathematical equation and ticking off all the boxes. Some of these cords represent the doubt and anxiety, the niggling fears you have had about whether you deserve to fly or not. What about the anxiety to do with having put in all of this work…and there may not be favourable results? Some of these cords are negative self talk (flying is for ‘other’ people, I wish I could do it but let’s face it, this type of success just doesn’t happen for people like me) Other cords represent other people’s comments and derisive negative actions and words regarding your ability to challenge yourself forward, your ability to dream and to achieve something so lofty. Those words had no ability to affect you at all but BECAUSE YOU LISTENED TO IT AND GAVE IT CREDENCE IN YOUR THOUGHTS it became one of your strongest cords out there! Still others are residue from old relationships and destructive patterns of behaviour, self sabotage etc. WOW! That’s a lot of stuff!! No WONDER there may be trouble getting in the air and flying free!

    GOOD NEWS!! Archangel Michael can help you to cut all of those cords away from your Spirit, your Self. Simply ask out loud or in your thoughts;

    "Archangel Michael, please help me to cut any etheric cords that are attached to me right now, holding me down, holding me back and creating a block between my Self and my endeavours and dreams here and now. I realize that any negativity that I have allowed to become attached to me is of no use to me and with your help, I set it free from my Soul to be transmuted into the Divine Light. I feel lighter, free-er, ever grateful that I can move forward comfortably and positively in the directions of my dreams. Please surround me in a circle of protective Divine Light to shield me from any cords that may try to attach themselves to me as I go through my day, today and always. Thank you Archangel Michael"

    You can do this exercise immediately upon awakening, just before bed and as many times a day as you like and especially if you are feeling weighed down, heavy or blocked.

    Set your Self free together with Archangel Michael and fly high in the direction of your Dreams!

    Peace and our Guardian Angels

    A warm, embracing message from our Angels of Peace as our Guardian Angels watch over us. Actually, our Guardian Angels are doing much more than watching over us at this time in that they are guarding us assertively and actively. They are shielding us from negative energies and situations…the very ones that have sprung up randomly and at will as happens from time to time. These energies and blockages are having a VERY difficult time reaching us now as our Angels have us contained in a safe harbour where troubles may not touch us however positive opportunities, relationships and situations are able to and can enter

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