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Justice for All Peace for None
Justice for All Peace for None
Justice for All Peace for None
Ebook336 pages3 hours

Justice for All Peace for None

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About this ebook

MySasha Phason is a single mother, trying to raise her amazing son DJ without the involvement of his father, Dice Young.
Dice Young is part of a world Mysasha could never grasp or embrace. But fate and Dice's choices throw the family into turmoil over and over again. Can love and devotion overcome all the trials and tribulations this young family must endure to survive? Is love and devotion enough??
Release dateMar 21, 2013
Justice for All Peace for None

Amy C Bryce

AmyxBryce is team of writers, both writers were born in Michigan and continue to live in Michigan. The team has 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren between the 2 of them. The writing team is bound together by love, a long history and mutual respect. The team is made up of Bryce W. Young and Amy J. Double they make an outstanding team.

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    Book preview

    Justice for All Peace for None - Amy C Bryce



    Amy X Bryce


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    © 2013 by Amy X Bryce. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/13/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-2899-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-2898-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013904806

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    Author’s thoughts

    Part one


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65

    Chapter 66

    Chapter 67

    Chapter 68

    Chapter 69

    Chapter 70

    Chapter 71

    Chapter 72

    Chapter 73

    Chapter 74

    Chapter 75

    Chapter 76

    Chapter 77

    Chapter 78

    Chapter 79

    Chapter 80

    Chapter 81

    Chapter 82

    Chapter 83

    Chapter 84

    Chapter 85

    Chapter 86

    Chapter 87

    Chapter 88

    Chapter 89

    Chapter 90

    Chapter 91

    Chapter 92

    Chapter 93

    Chapter 94

    Chapter 95

    Chapter 96

    Chapter 97

    Part Two

    Chapter 98

    Chapter 99

    Chapter 100

    Chapter 101

    Chapter 102

    Chapter 103

    Chapter 104

    Chapter 105

    Chapter 106

    Chapter 107

    Chapter 108

    Chapter 109

    Chapter 110

    Chapter 111

    Chapter 112

    Chapter 113

    Part three

    Author’s thoughts

    Home is a place that you can’t wait to grow up and leave, but after you do, you spend the rest of your life trying to get back there.

    This novel is dedicated to my grandmother, Evelyn. I will always love her and hold her in the highest regards. My only hope is, I’ve made you, grandpa & daddy and even my mother a little proud of me, by my achievements and by whom I’ve become.

    My grandmother was the strongest woman I’ve ever known; after all she took on the huge job of raising me & my brother. Allah only knows where we might have ended up if it wasn’t for her. She taught me how to be an amazing, good person. Even though I lost that when I was married to my children’s father. I rediscovered it, after fighting breast cancer more than once. I also discovered that I’m worthy of all the greatest things Allah has to offer. I’m blessed with so many wonderful people, people that have always believed in me, even when I didn’t. To them I say thank you and I love each and every one of you!

    Have faith… . true happiness waits… . Inshallah!

    There are a few people, I must thank by name, Chad, the most amazing brother ever. Melanie, my sister and friend, Raven, Symphony Bree, Cheetah, Ethan Paul and my best little girlfriend Evelyn Mae, My friends Kailey and Kelly and my sister in law of my heart, Erika, Steven, you are my constant in my life, and Cody my potential future. My newest inspiration and friend, Priscilla, so much I have learnt from you. All of your love and faith in me is so empowering. With you and God on my side there is nothing I can not accomplish!!

    Thank you Brycee’ for all the lessons you taught me, even the ones that hurt. I will love you for the rest of my life and into the next. But life changes, my love. You helped me be a better me. Supermen happen once in a lifetime and I’m so grateful I was blessed with you as mine.

    And last but never least, Arty Solis, thank you for another outstanding cover. I’m so grateful to have you as my incredible friend, teacher of faith and Private Artist!!!! God is so Great!

    Part one

    The Beginning is really the ending of the

    old and the start of the unknown… .

    And so the journey begins.

    Remember to always embrace every blessing that is given to you… . Take nothing for granted,

    no one’s promised tomorrow;

    all we have is today and this minute.

    So don’t hesitate, Embrace life!!!!


    The sunny court room is packed, full of news reporters and nay sayers. I woke this morning and saw the sun shining; realizing one way or another, this is the first day of the rest of my life. I’m not sure how the verdict will go, but regardless my life will never be the same.

    Slowly, taking a deep breath, I prepare for this to be the last time I will see, Dice Young, the true love of my life. He’s on trial for second degree homicide, even if he’s found not guilty, I must save myself and walk away from his gangsta ass.

    We’ve been together for years, and he’s tried to keep me out of the game. Setting me up in a nice home on the upper side of town, he always washes the street off himself as soon as he gets to me. Can’t have the filthy street touching his sweet wifey. We never discuss his business or what it entails. He sheltered me from it all. He lived two separate lives; he always claimed it was to protect me, because he never wants it to hurt me. Well it’s touching me right now and will for the rest of my life.

    The room becomes deadly quiet, as Dice walks in and takes his place, proudly at the defendant table.

    The side door opens and the jury files back in with the verdict, the moment of truth has arrived.

    Dice’s extremely handsome, almost pretty if you don’t look too closely into his dark, hard eyes, which represent his cold, vivacious heart. He can be so nice and kind, almost godlike, then in an instant he becomes Satan in the flesh. Breathing fire and spitting flames, destroying you into a pile of ashes, if he chooses to.

    Sadly, it doesn’t matter what happens today, he will survive and land on his feet, he always takes care of Dice Young first and everyone else second.

    He’s a very complicated man, if he loves you, then you are his and he will kill for you, but if you’re his enemy then it’s only a matter of time before your mere existence is eliminated.

    I have always felt extremely lucky that he loves me, but I have learned the hard way it can also be a curse, because it comes with rules and guidelines. Usually I can accept and deal with his double standards, but to be completely honest, I really just want to be his one and only woman, not just the one he holds in the highest regard. He’s a business man that has a lot of demands on his time, because making money’s the number one ruler of his life.

    So I’m his baby, he loves me and I love him and he will be with me when he can. It’s my job to be understanding and not question him. He’s out being him and I’d better be home and safe, but most importantly alone.

    Shaking my head, trying to clear my upsetting thoughts. I return to the present. I feel Dice’s mother squeeze my hand, as we all stand for the judge, praying and holding my breath, Dice turns and smiles, my heart beats rapidly, he mouths, Breath, my baby. I love you forever, no matter what.

    He winks and puffs his chest out. Silently telling me to man up, to solider up, to be his woman and walk tall.

    Smiling weakly at him, wondering what’s going to become of me without him in my life, he’s been part of me forever. I’m not sure I know how to be me, without him, but I know I’m going to have to learn.

    Nodding, I mouth back to him, Ditto, my love. He shifts his swagga and turns towards the front of the courtroom, just as the judge walks in to deliver the verdict.

    Everyone rises, the judge walks to his bench and sits down, and everyone sits down nosily. The judge opens the verdict, after it’s handed to him, he then advises Dice to rise. Dice has his hands behind his back, he signs 1-4-3 to me.

    It’s our secret code for I love you, something my father used to write, because he was an honest, hard working man but uneducated. He grew up in an era were boys didn’t need schooling, just strong backs to do hard labor.

    I feel hot, nauseous, my stomach’s rolling. I’m struggling to breath; I know I’m hyperventilating, even though I’ve never experienced it before. My hand unconsciously rubs my belly, that’s jumping crazy with nerves.

    Closing my eyes, I try to take slow, deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

    I hear the judge say, Guilty of all charges. Take the defendant into custody; sentencing will be in three weeks.

    I hear Dice screaming and yelling. I know he’s trying to get away. The world tilts and sways around me.

    Then I feel as if I’m falling and darkness slowly over takes me, as I crumble to the floor.

    I feel Dice touch my hand, his warm breath as, whispers in my ear, You are mine! You belong to me! I will never let you go! I love you baby, forever!!

    I feel him being pulled away, as his soft lips softly brush my temple. I know he’s being restrained. I hear the handcuffs clink as they are put on his wrists. I hear a male voice demand. Stand up slowly, come on… . He’s being led from the court room, and I can’t even bring myself to open my eyes to see him one last time.

    Drifting, I wonder where my life is headed now.

    6 YEARS LATER… .

    Chapter 1

    Getting out of the car, I slowly walk around to the passenger side. I open the door and lean in to undo the safety belt for the only love of my life. He’s my everything and has been for over five years now. Just when I think the world has beaten me up for the last time, he smiles at me and I know I have to fight to be with him. I absolutely adore him and he’s my entire world.

    I take his warm hand into mine and kiss his cheek softly asking, You ready, my sweet love?

    He just smiles and nods his five year old head confidently.

    I straighten my dress and primp my hair; I know I look good, and the best I’ve looked in years.

    Today, I’m taking control of our lives, truly leaving the past behind us and moving forward. I’m taking my son to meet his father, the father that’s never seen him.

    It’s been a long five and half years, since Dice got locked up. Now, I have a chance at a really great job. Yeah, we will have to relocate, but it’s in the best interest of all parties.

    My life has been a sad, crazy path of low paying, hard working jobs. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I need to take it.

    This will be the only time Dice will see his son, DJ. He’s more important than mine or his father’s pride and feelings. It’s about DJ getting a chance at a great life. He deserves to be safe, so this is how it needs to be.

    We walk towards the state ran correctional facility. I’ve tried to answer all DJ’s questions about what’s going to happen. But unfortunately, I’ve never visited a prison before, so the only knowledge I have is from Nanny, Dice’s mother.

    She visits her son, faithfully. No matter where they send him, she always visits him on a regular bases.

    We walk up to the window that states all visitors must sign in here. A young male officer helps me fill out the necessary forms and he takes a copy of my driver’s license and DJ’s birth certificate.

    This is a huge day for all of us, even Dice though he doesn’t know we are here to visit him. We’re visiting to inform him about my job offer and to plead with him to let us go. He’s written and called, since the day he was locked up. I don’t answer his calls or reply to his letters, but he’s relentless. He just refuses to give up.

    No matter how many times we move or change our phone number, he always finds us.

    Just when I would believe we could start anew, one of Dice’s boys would show up and give us money or one of his family members would just stop over and say, Oh, by the way, the rent’s paid for this month. Dice says, ‘to tell you, you are his and he is still your man and don’t forget it.’

    It never fails he always seems to know when the electric is about to be cutoff or his son has outgrew his clothes. It’s completely amazing how Dice can still keep track of us, even from the inside of a prison.

    Even locked away, he still is an active part in his crew’s business. But now I’m ready to be my own woman, not Dice’s baby. Too be honest, I still dream of us having our dream life, the life we always talked about, but now it’s time to stop wishing for something that most likely will never happen. Reality is I’m a single mother, raising our precious son alone and Dice is doing time for murder.

    I’ve finished all my classes and have been offered a job as a trained emergency dispatcher, I have already accepted the offer, and we’re scheduled to move within the next three weeks. DJ will be starting school the week after we move.

    My life is lonely and I miss Dice every single day, but my number one goal is to raise a wonderful, healthy little boy, away from the life of thugs and gangstas.

    Dice always tried hard to keep me away from his thug life: He got us a beautiful home in a upscale community, where I was his wife, his cherished prize. No parties or clubs for his wife, no slinky, sleezy clothes for his wife, even in the bedroom, he didn’t allow freakiness for his wife. We made love, didn’t fuck. Fucking was for him and his whores. Yes, there were other females in his life and it kills me every time I think about it.

    Sadly to achieve all my dreams for DJ, means leaving Dice in the past. Deciding to have Dice’s child was the easiest thing I ever did. I knew I would be a great mother and do everything I needed to do to take care of this sweet gift from the Lord above.

    DJ was my going away present from Dice, the only thing he ever gave me, that wasn’t planned or controlled. Dice didn’t even know about his son until he was already born and the center of my life. Then I wrote Dice one short letter telling him, he was a father of a beautiful 8lb. baby boy with caramel colored skin, dark hair and smoky blue eyes. A little miracle created by Dice and my love. DJ was the one good and pure thing we created.

    We’re led into the visiting room, I’m surprised, that everyone’s being so nice, treating us like we’re extremely important. I realize Dice has charmed the prison staff, this shouldn’t surprise me, he’ll do whatever he needs to do to make his life as comfortable as possible.

    Smiling softly to myself, thinking, it’s good to know that some things never change and probably never will.

    Most of the staff and even some of the prisoners in the visiting room are telling DJ how handsome he is and how he looks just like his daddy, except his beautiful smoky blue eyes, that are identical to mine, the only feature he got from me.

    DJ’s hamming it up, really enjoying all the attention. I’m so proud of him, he’s being brave, and even though I know he’s just as nervous as I am.

    I haven’t really told him very much about his father, just that his daddy had made a really big mistake and now he had to stay and live with all the other naughty daddies. Hell what was I suppose to say? DJ’s only 5, how can I explain it so he understands, his father is a renown thug and he has his fingers in all different crime areas. People know his name and fear him, regardless if he’s free or locked up.

    Every night we say our prayers and daddy is always in them. I ask for his safety and DJ asks for his love. It breaks my heart, but not as much as bringing DJ to meet his father here, his father’s suppose to be part of his everyday life, not an occasional visit in a damn prison.

    I don’t allow Dice to speak to his son on the phone nor do I read his letters to DJ. I’ve been saving them for a long time and when DJ’s old enough to deal with his father and who his father is, I will give them to him, but DJ isn’t ready now and won’t be for a long time.

    To be the only heir to Dice Young is a huge burden of responsibility or a blessing depending on who you ask.

    Chapter 2

    I’m walking down the hallway of my housing unit, the male officer working my unit motions for me to follow him. I shrug and move towards the officer. He writes me a movement pass and hands it to me. I look down and see he’s sending me to the visiting room.

    Completely thrown, I usually know when I’m going to have any visitors. So I begin, mentally checking off who it might be, but no one comes to mind. All my female friends have already visited this month and brought their gifts and my brother didn’t say anything about coming to see me. I take my time showering and getting ready.

    Thinking to myself, yeah I have several female friends, unfortunately there is only one woman I will ever love. But currently I’m locked up and forced to play this game and prison is just one game after another.

    Sadly, due to all my gaming and playing, the love of my life has closed her heart to me. I thought she would stay by my side no matter what. We vowed to love each other forever no matter what. And I know she still loves me no matter what, but she just can’t be with me right now. I haven’t given up on her or us. She’s mine and always will be.

    Truthfully, I can’t blame her, I didn’t take very good care of her, didn’t put her well being and safety in play, on the off chance, I ever got locked up.

    Then she

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