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From Waiting on God to Waiting in God—My Faith Journey: Finding Peace in Life's Storms
From Waiting on God to Waiting in God—My Faith Journey: Finding Peace in Life's Storms
From Waiting on God to Waiting in God—My Faith Journey: Finding Peace in Life's Storms
Ebook97 pages3 hours

From Waiting on God to Waiting in God—My Faith Journey: Finding Peace in Life's Storms

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Life happens and can occasionally throw us the unexpected. We find ourselves thinking, I didnt ask for any of this. From Waiting on God to Waiting in God will allow you to journey with a mother who finds herself in this very predicament.

What are you waiting on in this season of your life?
Are you waiting on a call-back from a job interview?
Waiting on your unemployment to be verified?
Are you waiting for test results or healing?
Do you feel like your back is against the wall?
Is life throwing the unexpected at you and your family?

If you have answered YES to any of the above or youre currently facing a situation that causes you to wonder if God has forsaken you, then stop! Look no further and allow Shamilla Pennington to take you on a journey while she speaks truth and breathes hope into your circumstances. Dont throw in the towel just yet. Help is just around the bend. Youre only a prayer away from the blessings that will change your life, as you learn what it means to wait in God.

From Waiting on God to Waiting in God illustrates a clear picture and personal story of lifes happenings and events that take one woman and her family from desperately waiting on God to trusting and peacefully waiting in God. Shamillas experiences, transparency, and real humor will encourage you to keep your head up while facing your challenges.
Release dateOct 31, 2014
From Waiting on God to Waiting in God—My Faith Journey: Finding Peace in Life's Storms

Shamilla Pennington

Shamilla Pennington is an inspirational speaker, writer, mentor, and workshop facilitator who enjoys empowering people from all generations and walks of life. She is a student of the Word and has a passion to encourage, uplift, and serve. The devoted mother of four children, Shamilla lives in Southern California, where she dedicates herself to making a difference in the lives of those she encounters, in the hope that all will come to know and experience the love of Christ.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very moving and touching experience. Gods timing is always perfect. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ saviour of mankind

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From Waiting on God to Waiting in God—My Faith Journey - Shamilla Pennington

Copyright © 2014 Shamilla Pennington.

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Shamilla Pennington’s transparent, raw, and up-close look into her personal journey as she waited in God, is a true testimony of her faith and God’s ability to do anything but fail. From Waiting on God to Waiting in God is a must read for anyone who has ever felt like God had forgotten them in their wilderness season.




Shamilla, is not only a very good friend of mine, but also my sister, who I look up to, and she has inspired me on my journey to seek the Lord more than ever for my own personal life. Shamilla has no idea how much she has helped me get through some real tough times over the last three years of my life. Reading From Waiting on God to Waiting in God has encouraged me to Wait in God as I seek him more. You will be encouraged reading this book, and her journey will give you a new perspective on waiting and how you wait. God is good all the time; all we must do is continuing believing and have faith in His word.





I would like to dedicate this book to my four beloved children: Austin, Joseph, Miyon, and Ania. Mommy loves you all so much. To infinity and beyond. Your lives have impacted my life in so many wonderful ways, and I am truly honored to be your mother. To my family and friends who supported me through this journey and continue to support me in all my endeavors: Thank you!

To Pastor Jody and Keniya Moore and my Praise Tabernacle Bible Church family: Thank you for your love, support, and endless prayers.

To Gail Burks-Stansell—my mentor, my friend, my sister in Christ: I can’t thank you enough for being the midwife, the vessel of love who poured into my life on many a day and night. Thank you, Gail, for telling me these very words in 2009: You have to tell your story. I love you always and will always pay it forward.

To Susan Hughes, the woman who was God-sent to save my written words, my baby: Thank you for being the truth in which I found trust. Thank you for your professional editorial work. There is much more in store for us; this is only the beginning!

To the entire iUniverse team: Thank you so much for believing in me through the death and resurrection of my first manuscript. You’ve been amazing to work with.


Have you ever felt that what you’re doing in life does not match the desire and passion inside you? Is there an overwhelming feeling that there’s more to your life? Perhaps you’re not certain of what that more is. This is exactly how I was feeling working a steady nine-to-five and knowing that the dream and passion inside me were bigger than the cubical in which I sat every day. Every morning, I endured the same old robotic routine. I’d get up at four a.m. to get ready for work, and then make that monotonous commute, often seeing the same cars on the road every day. I wanted off that merry-go-round.

Like many of you, I had unfulfilled desires: writing a book, becoming an inspirational speaker, getting married just to name a few. I felt I needed to share my life experiences that I had knowledge that might help others who faced some of the many trials I had encountered. As months passed, one desire seemed to outweigh the others, and that was a call to ministry—to serve in the vineyard, get out of the box, escape the cubical that held captive my hopes, dreams, aspirations, and desires. I later learned that those desires were not only mine; God knew my condition and heard my cries and prayers at night. He saw that it was time I challenged the status quo. Looking back, I wish God would have given me a heads up to His plan and the lessons I was about to learn. Little did I know it would increase my wisdom, strengthen my character, teach me how to become a fisher of men and how to sit patiently and wait on God’s timing. Scripture tells me that God’s timing doesn’t tarry, but it all works together for my good and His glory. I became like a child who had to solely depend, trust, and rely on her Father.

Through various tests, God is going to teach you how to stop worrying in your times of trial and tribulation, how to stop waiting on Him like we wait on Metro trains that show up on a fixed schedule, and how to trust His timing. I learned to serve Him while I was waiting and experience the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, even while things didn’t make sense. I could count on Him to guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7 NIV).

As a young, single mother of four children, I knew life wouldn’t always be easy. I had faced many challenges and was about to learn a lesson that would mold my character. My children are my pride and joy, although tending to their specific needs has its challenges. I would do anything for my children, but I think I held on to them more tightly than most mothers because of our unique situation. My children weren’t the only things I held on to, though. My job was my foundation and my security; as long as I had a job, I felt like I was in control. Most parents can relate to this need for security—not just for themselves, but for the sake of their children. But God had other plans for me. He was getting ready to help me loosen my grip as He wrapped his loving arms around each of us during the journey ahead.

I had a decent job. It wasn’t the best paying, but it beat being unemployed. I did customer service for an ophthalmic company. It paid the bills, but I was still living paycheck to paycheck, and just getting by was not what

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