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A Light in the Sea
A Light in the Sea
A Light in the Sea
Ebook282 pages4 hours

A Light in the Sea

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They are ancient. They are waiting. They are patient and prepared to battle for souls

Captain Raoul Rivera wrestled with the helm. His heart was turning to stone at the hopeless situation before him. The hurricane storm clouds rose in front of his ship like a huge impenetrable wall. He was choosing to take his ship into certain danger.

He searched the deck below, his eyes making a quick scan for Miss Patterson. He quickly spotted her among the crew and rigging; everyone was making ready for the storm. She was smiling up at him as if she had been waiting for him to notice her. His heart swelled, and he knew that he would fight the devil himself to protect her.

At that moment the hair on his neck stood on end. He looked over his shoulder. There on the western horizon crested what he dreaded most: the black sails of the Pirate Demon. Titus Ordonez, that dirty-evil pirate had found them. Would his luck and wit be enough to save his ship, crew and Brenda?

Lord, help me. His whispered prayer was blown away on the wind.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 19, 2013
A Light in the Sea

Debra Nowaczek

Debra Nowaczek lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with her husband, Steve. She enjoys studying God’s Word, being a wife and homemaker, biking, and walks in nature. The inspiration for this book came while watching a program about sharks with her son, Nick.

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    Book preview

    A Light in the Sea - Debra Nowaczek


    Part I

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Part 2

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Dedicated to my son, Nicholas.

    A spirit that has brought light

    to his father and myself

    from the moment he came into our lives.

    And a cool dude.

    PART I


    TITUS’ EYE HAD NOT MISSED seeing the beautiful woman swimming off shore of the secluded beach. The pirate spotted the girl when he was skirting the island of Jamaica looking for a cove where he could anchor his ship the Pirate Demon. He needed to make his ship sea worthy for an Atlantic crossing, the island had good resources. Very good resources, by the looks of things, he thought to himself.

    Brenda and her servant, had been seashell collecting and swimming all morning. The women noticed the big dark ship as it skirted around the southern cliffs. The ship lowered its unusual black sails, right at the mouth of the secluded cove and dropped anchor. By the time the women recognized the ship as a pirate ship a small shore boat had been launched. Brenda’s curiosity got the better of her and she stood in the sand with her hand over her brow, blocking out the sun. She wanted a good look as she had never seen pirates before. In the boat were six very rough looking men rowing at top speed toward the beach. Standing in the back of the boat was a tall man dressed in black clothing. He seemed to be staring at her, though she couldn’t be sure, the launch was still too far off shore to see the man’s face. At his side hung a wide bladed sword, it looked like gold shining in the afternoon sun. He wore a large black hat. Brenda smiled, the hat was rather comical because it was floppy and had a huge red feather poking out the top. Brenda’s smile faded and her feet took flight as, on the front of the hat, the now frightened girl, could see the picture of a skull and crossed bones!

    The women, frightened of being captured, ran far into the bushes near the cliffs. They wiggled into a small cave that was invisible from the beach. The trembling females could hear the pirates searching the area nearby. They huddled together not daring to make a sound, less they would surely be found. The largest pirate, the one with the hat, came dangerously close to the cave opening.

    I don’t care about the ugly creature, find me the one with the long blond hair, she is the one that I will have for my own! The pirate shouted, as he stood outside the small hideaway.

    Find her you fools and bring her to me! If you don’t, I’ll kill every one of your useless hides and leave your ugly carcasses here for the insects to dine on!

    The pirate captain raged on, endlessly, You can take the other woman for your own but the woman with the hair of gold is mine!

    Brenda’s breath was stolen away for a moment when she realized that it was she that the big ugly pirate wanted. The large man turned and approached a boulder near the cave’s entrance. He sat down and continued to command his followers like a king on a throne. Brenda was able to see the pirate’s face, shadowed under the big hat. She was revolted and terrified at what she saw! The pirate was missing his left eye, only a dark hole was where the eye had been!

    A huge hideous scar ran down his face from the empty eye socket. He was more than a pirate, he was a mutilated monster!

    Brenda fell away from the cave entrance, catching the scream that rose in her throat. She knew that if the pirate were to ever find her, her life would be over! She had heard all about what pirates did to young women. The beasts would make slaves of them and steal them away from their families, never to be seen again!

    The small band of pirates searched for over an hour. The large pirate finally ordered the men to stop searching, using many enraged insults. He feared that the women might have gotten away and would be warning the authorities that pirates had beached in the cove. He sent a signal back to the ship, to make ready for sail. As the pirate left the shore, he took one more sweeping look over the beach and bushes. In his deep scratchy voice he yelled toward the island. I’ll be back my beauty! When the next time you bathe and picnic, I’ll be waiting for you and you will be MINE! He growled out, Titus Ordonez always gets what he wants, sooner or later! He turned and laughed a self assured laugh and retreated back to his ship.

    The huge war ship hurled her sails into the wind and slowly sailed away. The young women escaped from the hiding place and returned to their home.

    When Brenda’s father heard of what had happened, he immediately started looking for passage for his beloved daughter to South Carolina. She would be safe from the pirate’s threat if she lived with his brother’s family.

    Mr. Patterson was a very determined man when he found the Caribbean Queen docked and ready to sail for the colonies. He offered the young Captain a king’s fare for his daughter and her companion, but the young captain was very reluctant to take on any passengers. When he finally agreed he absolutely refused to bring along a female companion. One woman would be hard enough to explain to the crew. Not that he had to explain anything to his loyal crew, but it was just understood, no females on board ship! He would do the job if Mr. Patterson were willing to pay double the fare, Mr. Patterson was. He accepted the passenger with the thought that he would split the fare amongst the crew, this would ease their minds and pockets. The men would surely be happier catering to a stuffy young brat, for the next few weeks, with some gold in their pockets.

    Raoul did not realize that the young ‘spoiled brat,’ Brenda, was actually a very beautiful young woman. Her long blond hair, crystal blue-turquoise eyes and lighthearted disposition had been a welcomed part of the Jamaican community from the moment she was born on the island. She spent her seventeen years learning the native slave’s language and culture as if it were her own. Growing up with beaches to play on, the sea to swim in and mountainous jungles to explore, Brenda was not only beautiful but she was also quite the adventurer. There had not been an adventure, yet, that had proven to be too much for her. She had never even known fear, until Titus Ordonez had instilled it into her heart that fateful day on the beach.

    The captain of the Caribbean Queen planned to set sail from Jamaica on a beautiful August morn. As the pre-dawn light began to glow Raoul was eager to be on his way. The crew was awaiting the command to hoist the sails. All supplies had been loaded. There was an excited charge in the air. It seemed as though the Queen herself sat in anxious anticipation, awaiting the pull of her sails on her great masts, as the winds plowed her smooth hull out toward the open sea.

    Raoul knew that he had told Mr. Patterson to have the girl ready to leave and aboard by dawn. If this was any forecast of the voyage to come, it was not good, she was late! As he turned toward the shore he noticed a carriage approaching the long boat that would port the unwelcome passenger aboard. He recognized Mr. Patterson and a young woman at his side, her head downcast. As the sorrowful couple was rowed to the ship, Raoul sensed a sadness about the girl that tugged at his heart.

    The first mate, Anthony Manquero, better known as Tony, assisted the girl and her father aboard ship. The ship’s cabin boy retrieved the luggage that the new passenger was bringing with her. Raoul watched the scene from his perch on the quarterdeck. He decided to go down and get introductions out of the way. He would also take this opportunity to lay down the rules of his ship to this new female intruder.

    As he approached the small group of people Raoul noticed that his first mate and cabin boy, Tito, were flushed in the face and acting quite out of character. They were shuffling their feet and holding their hands in their pockets, acting like a couple of school boys.

    Greetings, Mr. Patterson, I see that you...finally...made it. We were about to set sail without your daughter. As Raoul uttered the last words his gaze was drawn to the prettiest pair of eyes he had ever seen in his entire life. Even though the girl’s face was swollen from crying and pale from the stress of leaving her father and home, she was the most beautiful creature that Raoul had ever set his eyes upon. Quickly regaining his composure and clearing his throat, he was able to finish his purpose in coming down upon deck.

    I am pleased to meet you, Miss Patterson, but tardiness is not a habit that will be tolerated upon my ship. You will find yourself left hungry if you are late for meals. A ship’s schedule is strictly enforced and honored by all aboard. Raoul looked down his nose at Brenda, and then quickly turned intending to retreat and regain his composure up on the quarterdeck, far away from this woman-child.

    Brenda recovered from the Captain’s good looks and rude words, and then a spark of anger lit her eyes. She responded with a hint of impudence, Yes, Captain Rivera, it is nice to meet you as well. I do hope that the dinners served will be worth the effort of eating. Raoul scowled back at Brenda.

    As the sparks of dislike flew between the Captain and the young lady, Tony’s eyes sparkled with mischief. The Captain had finally met his match. He grinned at the prospect of watching his Captain, and friend, learn to deal with this new kind of feminine challenge.

    Tito elbowed Tony with the same smirk on his face.

    Ready sails! Hoist anchor! Let’s be on our way! Captain Rivera boomed out to the crew. Say your farewells, Miss Patterson, we are losing the tide. With that Raoul bounded back to his station on the quarterdeck.

    Oh father are you sure that I must leave? Brenda turned to her father. Is it truly the only answer to this pirate’s threat? Jamaica has been my only home. It hurts so much to leave.

    Yes dear, this is the only answer for now. Until that filthy pirate, Ordonez, is captured and hung you will not be safe here in the islands and I will not have you threatened by him. Kyle Patterson was trying to be brave and not show how much losing his daughter, at this time in his life, was hurting him. Since his wife had died, Brenda had become his life. Brenda was his only source of joy and love in a life full of political formalities. His duties would be finished in Jamaica within the next three years. Till then he would look forward to the day that he could join Brenda in North America.

    We’ve gone over it before Brenda, Uncle Brian will be a good guardian and Aunt Louise will love having a young woman to fuss over. I’ll write you every week. Brenda’s father glanced around nervously as the men were making ready to sail. I love you darling. God’s speed. As he kissed his daughter’s forehead the tears began to roll down his face and Brenda’s as well. They held each other in one last embrace.

    I’ll write you as well Father, starting today. Brenda said bravely. I’ll love you, forever. Her voice broke as the tears slid silently down her cheeks.

    Mr. Patterson turned and strode toward the rail and rope ladder that would lead him to the small row boat. Brenda stood by the rail and watched her father retreat from the ship. He was a proud man and she knew that he would not chance a glance back at her because he would never want her to see his tears. She turned to see the Captain watching her from his place at the quarterdeck. His face was unreadable but she knew that he was studying her. Brenda glance around the deck and realized that she was now alone, on a ship, bound for the open sea, with thirty- some-odd, crew members, all of whom were men. She straightened her shoulders and strode over to where Tito stood. He took her hand in his and spoke reassuring words.

    Captain Rivera didn’t understand the strange feeling in his stomach as he watched the tender hearted Tito with the Patterson ‘brat.’ All he knew was that he didn’t like seeing any one of his crew touching Miss Patterson. Take her below Mister Tito! boomed Raoul’s voice. Then return top deck immediately!

    The young woman returned the Captain’s glare and retreated down below with the reprimanded cabin boy. Raoul sighed deeply, This is going to be a long voyage, he mumbled to himself.

    Tony, meanwhile, was standing nearby watching the rough words coming from his Captain to young Tito. Tony understood his Captain’s protective instincts. This young woman was capturing Raoul’s heart and his friend didn’t even know it...yet. Tony decided that he would take some time later and try to explain the way of things to Tito. For now though, Tony’s thoughts returned to something that he had overheard while Brenda and her father were exchanging farewells. The mention of Titus Ordonez, he knew the pirate, all too well. He was bothered to think that the beautiful young woman had been exposed to such a man. Tony joined Raoul on the quarterdeck to share this disturbing information with his Captain.

    The Caribbean Queen hoisted sail, pulled anchor and headed into the rising sun and the waters of the Caribbean Sea. Raoul breathed in the fresh morning air, trying to clear his head of the image of Brenda. It was to be a very, very long voyage.


    TITUS HAD FOUND ANOTHER SMALL secluded cove far to the east side of the Jamaican island. Safely hidden, his men would be able to supply the Pirate Demon. Titus and his pirates raided a nearby village for food and fresh water. During his pillaging adventure, Titus asked about the woman with the blonde hair. Most Jamaican’s knew of the white woman but would not tell Titus of her. Titus, tiring of the villager’s loyalty, picked out one native and had him flogged, forcing all the other villagers to watch. When the man was all but dead, the village leader told Titus the white woman’s name and where she could be found.

    Brenda’s father was a well liked and trusted man of the islands and his daughter had become practically a native herself. She had spent many hours in the deep jungles, exploring and learning the ways of the people. Most of the people loved the white girl and called her White Angel. The villagers were ashamed that they had betrayed the young woman, but hoped that they could send a runner to warn Mr. Patterson of the pirate’s determination to find Brenda.

    Titus was not in a good mood when he returned to the ship without the girl. The crew, knowing their captain, stayed clear of his way. All, but one member, were fortunate enough to avoid their Captain’s wrath. This one unfortunate soul was the first mate of the Pirate Demon, Paco Miaz.

    Paco had been pirating under another captain years ago when his ship had been sunk by Titus. The choice was simple; either come sail with Titus or stay on the sinking pirate ship and be eaten by sharks. Paco chose to go with the new Captain.

    Titus had lost his own first mate in the battle and he decided that Paco would become his new first mate. Paco didn’t like his new captain but he respected him. The fact was that if Titus were to ever tire of Paco, he would enjoy tearing the skin off of Paco’s back with a whip and drag him behind the ship until the sharks attracted by the smell of blood would eat him alive. Paco knew this to be a true threat for Titus had done this before to other men he had grown tired of, this...and so much more. It seemed that Titus’ mind was full of horrible ways to torture living things.

    Paco! yelled the scratchy deep voice of the pirate Where are you hiding from me today, you little toad?

    I’m here Captain, sir. stuttered Paco in a small whinny voice. What would ya be needing, sir?

    Paco, I’ve been thinking, now that the ship is ready to sail I want you to form a search party and go inland. I want you to find the blonde named Brenda and bring her back to me. Titus paced the room of his cabin as he spoke. The girl will go with us to Africa. She will be a good diversion, shall we say, for me on the long crossing. She will keep me happy and entertained, and we all know that I’m a more lovable person when I’m happy. Eh… Paco?

    The pirate looked deep into Paco’s bulging eyes with a threatening look. Paco knew that he had better bring the girl back. The threat of his usefulness running out had him worried. If he didn’t succeed he may find himself being the source of the Captain’s entertainment, dangling shark bait!

    Paco swallowed hard. Yes sir, you can count on me sir, I’ll take four crew members to go get the woman. We’ll be back at dawn. If not, just figure that we were captured and go on without us, Captain, sir. Paco spit out the last words in a flurry of hope. It was soon snatched away by Titus’ reaction.

    Let’s put it this way Paco, my dear man. Titus purred Either way, with or without the girl YOU will be sailing with me to Africa. I wouldn’t dream of sailing without my...entertainment! Titus cocked his one eyebrow in an evil way that sent goose bumps down Paco’s back.

    Aye Captain, I’ll be returning at dawn.

    Make sure you do, idiot! NOW GO! Titus growled.

    Paco followed his Captain’s instructions of where to find the girl to the letter. But when he and his men finally found the Patterson house it was the early morning hours and to their surprise, and Paco’s terror, the house was empty except for a few servants. They told the pirates where Mr. Patterson and the Missy had gone.

    Miss Patterson was to be sailing away that dawn on the Caribbean Queen. Paco and his men rushed to the harbor in hopes that they could catch up to the Patterson’s before they got to the ship, but to Paco’s dismay the pirates were too late.

    Scanning the scene before him, Paco could make out the figure of a young woman at the rail of the ship and that of an older man walking up from the launch boat, on the beach. The well dressed gentleman got into a waiting carriage.

    Paco decided that it would be totally foolish to try and take the girl, but he would get the information that he needed from the old man who was now heading straight toward him. Paco and his men hid in the bushes down the road. They attacked the carriage of Mr. Patterson as he rode past them. Two of the pirates held the spooked horses and the other two dragged Mr. Patterson to the ground in front of Paco.

    Well, well, and who do we have here? Spoke Paco, who was a poor copycat of his Captain in his attempt to be coy and cruel. I see that the gentry folk like to take early morning rides here on Jamaica.

    Mr. Patterson regained his composure quickly and figured out that the man facing him was not just any outlaw, but that he was a pirate! A light crept into his eyes as he further realized this was a henchman for the pirate, Titus Ordonez! Kyle swallowed down his fear.

    Unhand me you villains! You are too late! My daughter is onboard a ship and will be far from your Captain’s clutches before the sun is fully in the sky!

    Oh, so ya think that an ocean will stop our Capt’n from hav’n what he wants, eh? Paco sneered. I think that the Capt’n will be looking forward to seeing the father of his lady, so you will be coming along with us Mr. Patterson.

    Paco knew that Titus would have a temper when he returned without the Miss. He hoped to ease the madman’s mood with the father of the girl.

    Ya see, Captain Ordonez is a very curious man and he would be wantin’ to know all about your daughter...on our way to catch’n up to her.

    Paco ordered the men to bind Kyle’s hands and then they all piled onto the carriage and headed toward the pirate’s ship.

    Titus had become very irritable while he waited for the first mate to return with his new prize. He had been haunted all night with the woman’s beauty, the vision in his mind of what he had seen that day on the beach. With her hair floating around her like spun gold and the slim young body running through the sand. Yes, Titus was very excited about having her all to himself.

    He imagined her laughing at some joke that he told. Her eyes staring up at him with admiration as he adorned her with riches from all over the world. He even let his mind wonder to his heart...what was left of it. Could a woman like this, Brenda, come to love a man like him? He had seen her smile at him from the beach, hadn’t he? Titus scoffed at his own soft hearted ideas. He had never thought himself able to want for love, not until now.

    He had spent his life taking from others, like others had taken from him when he was orphaned in the streets of Spain. Alone, with no friends, he had survived his childhood. He vowed to himself that no one would ever hurt him again and so he began a life of crime. He would get even with the world and all of the people who had looked the other way, while he starved.

    Titus first boarded a ship when he was thirteen. It was the King’s war ship. During the lad’s first year aboard, the ship was overrun by a band of pirate ships. Titus found himself a member of a ruthless band of pirates, furthermore, he loved it! He learned everything that he could as he grew into a young man. He learned about sailing and navigating. He learned how to fight and enjoyed watching the Captain torture the good people that would fall victim to the pirates. He felt a certain satisfaction watching them suffer, as they had

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