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The Real Life
The Real Life
The Real Life
Ebook42 pages34 minutes

The Real Life

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About this ebook

Samantha, Susan, John, and James are friends who struggled much together and believed in each other. They werent just friends. They were a family. Despite all the bad things they had been through, they didnt give up hope and faith. They made it to the end of the journey of life and achieved their own dreams.
Release dateFeb 24, 2014
The Real Life

Dana A. Alkandari

Dana Sakeen Alkandari is a Kuwaiti writer. She is a fifteen-year-old student who started to write since she was ten years old. She was inspired by a respectful, honest, and cheerful British old woman. Her dreams are endless. Part of her dream is to change people’s thoughts about life and friends and to make them know that there are still good and honest people in this world and to draw smiles into every person she meets even if she doesn’t know them, because she thinks that their smiles show and reflect what they had been through, even if she has to say silly things just to see their smiles shine on their faces. She has so much to tell, so much to share, so much to solve. Her goal in this life is to bring about big changes and developments in the whole world. Also to contribute in helping people who need help in every way she can and try to stop the violence that is happening nowadays without a logical reasons.

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    The Real Life - Dana A. Alkandari

    © 2014 Dana A. Alkandari. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/20/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9566-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9567-2 (e)

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    To my two best friends and soul mates, who meant everything to me: H.A. and H.S.

    Also to my lovely cousin S.A., who died, and to my grandparents.

    We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

    —Martin Luther King

    You may not always have a comfortable life, and you will not always be able to solve all the world’s problems at once, but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have, because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.

    —Michelle Obama


    First I would like to thank the author Najlaa Aryan for supporting me and believing in me. I hope I have made you proud. And a special thanks to my family, who encourage me to write more, even if it’s a short story. I know saying thanks isn’t enough, but you deserve it. I wouldn’t ask less for this great family. Afnan Esmaeel is the girl who told me that my writing is worth publishing. Without her I wouldn’t publish this book. Thanks, Susan Mary, for supporting me and telling me to write more and more. I won’t forget what you’ve done for me, so thank you for the hope that you gave me.

    L ife can surprise us in many ways. We all know that life is too short to regret. If you have a dream, go for it because you don’t know when you are going to be unable to follow that dream. And don’t live without hope. It is never too late to achieve your dream. Be like Samantha, not like Samantha’s parents. This is her story:

    Samantha was seventeen years old. She was a girl who people had dreamed would be one to change the world and people’s lives.

    She was afraid to fail. She had all that she wished for except a great and understanding family. James, John, and Susan: they were her real family. She had those three best friends in her life, but she didn’t realize it

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