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Witches of Venus: Hell's Grim Tyrant: Witches of Venus, #2
Witches of Venus: Hell's Grim Tyrant: Witches of Venus, #2
Witches of Venus: Hell's Grim Tyrant: Witches of Venus, #2
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Witches of Venus: Hell's Grim Tyrant: Witches of Venus, #2

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Four people have a gift, the power of an element. If a sacred ritual was used to combine them, they would become very powerful. The dead would rise, demons would roam the earth and man would kill man. The blood of the innocence would cover the earth. The ground would shake, fire would burst forth from the earth, water hundreds of feet high would crash down on homes and people, the air would swirl into powerful tornadoes annihilating everything in its path. One group of friends join together and try to put an end to hell's powerful grip on the earth.

Release dateJan 7, 2024
Witches of Venus: Hell's Grim Tyrant: Witches of Venus, #2

Genevieve Lilith Vesta

Genevieve Lilith Vesta is a self-published author of the horror/occult, with a bit of fantasy, thriller, and mystery thrown into the mix. She was born and raised in Michigan but always dreamt of living in the South. Genevieve began her yearning for the written word thirty-nine years ago at the tender age of ten; she wrote mainly poetry and children’s stories in the beginning. As a child, Genevieve was plagued with reoccurring nightmares; so at twelve years old, after reading Pet Sematary from Stephen King, she began to reach deep into the darkness of her own mind and discovered the art of horror within herself and began to write stories about the nightmares that were buried deep inside her. In her teenage years, she became interested in witches and through research, the occult. Soon the love of her true genre was formed, the horror/occult. Genevieve’s first book though was a children’s fantasy called, Jessika and the Magic Staff, which was based on her daughter. At the age of thirty-seven, Genevieve’s dream of living in the South became a reality when she moved to Virginia with her husband and their three children. There she finally completed her second book, which is in her true genre of occult/horror called, Witches of Venus: Hell’s Grim Tyrant, and was the first book of four in the Witches of Venus series. Through the years, Genevieve tested her talents with different genres like romance, thriller, adventure, mystery and another children’s book; she also always stayed true to her heart and first calling, the love of the occult/horror genre. In the present, Genevieve is forty-nine years old and working on her new book, a science fiction mystery called, Mysterious Summer. She also is currently in the process of republishing her twelve books that have been self-published previously, with the help from an editor and a manager she did not have before.

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    Witches of Venus - Genevieve Lilith Vesta



    T he large full moon lit up the night sky, as the wind blew my hair back out of my face. A euphoric sensation overwhelmed me as I moved along the tops of trees. I dove; the ground rushed up to meet me. At the last moment, before crashing into the earth, I would soar upwards into the sky. It was exhilarating; I could not help but to laugh aloud. It was so real; I was flying. I was actually flying.

    Cass are you in there, come on, wake up! Someone shook her.

    What! Cassandra yelled. She could hear the Iron Maiden CD playing on the stereo. Cassandra looked around; she was dazed and confused. Cassandra did not feel like she had been asleep, just rudely interrupted. She saw Duane’s big, brown eyes staring at her.

    Why are you giving me that dirty look, what I do? He asked her.

    You shouldn’t bother me when I’m busy! Cassandra screamed.

    Duane now looked confused. Busy, are you kidding? You were just sitting there with your eyes wide open. Were you meditating?

    Cassandra’s eyes widened in surprise, and she said, That can’t be right, I was flying, flying through the air with the moon and the stars, she told him.

    Duane laughed and said, Yeah and I flew up there after you and dragged your ass back down to the earth, too.

    Cassandra slapped his arm. Stop it, I’m serious. I was flying.

    He stopped laughing. Ok, tell me everything that happened.

    You put in Maiden, I was listening to the song when my body began to tingle, and everything got hazy. Then I was flying in the moonlight, until you came along.

    I’m sorry, all I know is that you were jamming. ‘Infinite Dreams’ came on and you just suddenly sat still, staring ahead and did not move. Which is strange for you, ‘because you can’t just sit still when Iron Maiden is playing, Duane told her.

    Cassandra shook her head. I don’t get it, she said.

    Duane jumped up and yelled, The curse! He pointed at her excitedly.

    She looked at him. What?

    Every time the curse happens you stare off into space. You even said you felt your body tingle and your vision gets hazy.

    I didn’t see any fires, Duane. It was similar to the curse, but different. She sighed.

    Well, I wouldn’t worry about it, Duane said.

    Worry about what?

    Cassandra and Duane looked toward the voice; Thomas stood in the doorway that led to the kitchen.

    Duane smiled and said, Cassandra’s been flying.

    Flying huh, well, we need to fly to school, you’re late, Thomas told her sternly.

    Cassandra looked at the clock. Oh, shit! I hoped to see Caleb. I guess we better go.

    Thomas said as he walked to the door, You can see my brother, later.

    Cassandra stood up and kissed Duane’s cheek. I’ll see ya later. She stopped in front of the mirror in the hallway and looked at her reflection. Sixteen-year-old, Cassandra pulled back her long blonde hair and moved the bangs away from her face; bright green eyes reflected back. She smiled, ran into the kitchen and out the door.

    Thomas was already in the car and had it started. Cassandra got in next to him and shut the door. He pulled out of the driveway, and they headed to St. Johns. When Thomas pulled onto the highway, he finally asked her, So where were you flying off too?

    Cassandra looked out the window. She watched the trees go by for a minute before she smiled and looked over at Thomas. We were listening to ‘Infinite Dreams’ when I had a vision, I guess.

    A vision of flying?

    Yeah, it felt so real; I swear I was actually flying. Duane said I was just sitting, staring off into space, Cassandra told him.

    Like the curse?

    I guess, but I didn’t see any fires. Cassandra looked out the window again. She wondered if it was a new part of the curse that decided to appear now. But why now? Cassandra thought to herself. True, flying was much better than seeing fires, but it still worried her. What does this new vision mean? Cassandra thought.

    She felt his eyes on her and then he began to watch the traffic. Thomas had feelings for Cassandra, the wrong kind. She did love him, but only as a brother. Thomas was her guardian; he signed all the paperwork when her mother was dying. Cassandra’s mother always loved Thomas and secretly wished her daughter would end up with him but that never happened; Cassandra was in love with his brother Caleb. Thomas continued to take quick glances at her and just as quickly, his eyes would focus on the road again.

    Thomas pulled up to the school and Cassandra opened the door. He asked her, When are you coming home?

    Cassandra smiled, kissed him on the cheek and said,

    I’ll be there around seven.

    Is Miranda coming over too? He asked.

    Miranda was Cassandra’s best friend. In looks, they were quite different; Miranda was shorter than Cassandra and her hair and eyes were both brown, but their personalities were the same. They met in elementary school and been best friends since the beginning. Cassandra always secretly wished that Thomas would fall for her.

    She has to baby-sit, but she will see you tomorrow.

    Cassandra watched Thomas drive away; then turned toward Theresa Merrill. It was a school for troublemakers or in her case the quitters. Cassandra hated high school and she quit but she also wanted her diploma, so she went back to a school that was better suited for her.

    Everyone liked Cassandra, although she felt like a freak. The other students understood her; they believed the curse was cool. Cassandra could not agree with them; it was a curse, and she did not think it was cool at all. Hey, can you make someone catch on fire? They would ask and Cassandra would reply, No, I just see the fire before it happens.

    One time she saw a barn catch on fire, all the animals ran, and Cassandra yelled during class, Fire! Everyone looked at her when the fire whistle blew. She felt like such a freak.

    Cassandra walked up the stairs to the school. She saw two guys standing on the steps, smoking cigarettes.

    Cassandra never saw them before.

    The both of them wore black jeans, black T-shirts and black boots; they looked like twins. Once she reached them, Cassandra noticed one had brown hair and brown eyes; the other had blonde hair and green eyes. They smiled at her; she smiled back.

    Wanna smoke? One offered a cigarette.

    Sure, she took the cigarette. Cassandra noticed a tattoo on the back of his left hand. It was a red oval with something black in the middle, looking closer she saw it was a bug of some kind. 

    When the other guy lit her smoke, Cassandra saw he had one too, same one, and same place.

    My name is Lewis, said the one who gave her the cigarette. And this is Arnold, we are new here. You must be Cassandra, we heard so much about you.

    Good things, I hope, she said.

    Arnold’s smile widened. Only the best.

    You got yourself a hell of a gift, Lewis blew out a cone of smoke.

    A curse, you mean. Cassandra threw out her cigarette and walked into the school. They followed her in.

    All her friends were in one room, had one teacher and learned all the subjects at once. As the day continued, Cassandra felt more uncomfortable. She noticed Lewis and Arnold spent the day staring at her, instead of doing their schoolwork.

    When school was finally over, Cassandra quickly walked out into the warm evening. Lewis and Arnold caught up with her.

    Where are you going now? Lewis asked.

    Cassandra lit a cigarette, blew out the smoke and looked at them. I am going home.

    Where do you live? Arnold asked.

    Cassandra looked at both and said, With a friend.

    Arnold then asked, What friend?

    A friend of mine, look, I got to go now. Cassandra walked away; she turned her head and saw that Lewis and Arnold were still watching her.

    Cassandra turned back around, and said to herself,

    Something creepy about those two.

    She knew the way well. Cassandra moved in with Thomas when her mother passed away five months ago, and Thomas became her legal guardian. Thomas’s best friend, Duane, lived there also. Cassandra had known Duane just as long as she knew Thomas. Duane was very tall with brown wavy hair and handsome; they were one big, happy family.

    She had met Thomas through Caleb. Cassandra had known Caleb for almost two years, through their mutual friend, Toad. She was elated to find out her crush on Caleb was not one-sided. Toad worked his magic, her and Caleb had been together for a year, sure their relationship was not smooth and some of their fights could get scary, but they always made-up rather quickly; it was obvious though they did love each other. 

    Cassandra had known Thomas for just as long as Caleb, him and Duane were good friends with Toad also. Thomas and Caleb were brothers, but opposite in every way. Caleb was the same age as her and Thomas was twenty-one. Caleb had brown hair and his eyes were blue. His eyes were what made Cassandra fall in love with him; Caleb's eyes really captivated her.

    Thomas, on the other hand, was a tall, blonde-haired person with blue eyes. His eyes were different from Caleb’s; Thomas's eyes held love, compassion and friendliness. Caleb’s eyes were very dark; Cassandra could not read them.

    Thomas and Caleb's personalities were as different as their eyes were; Thomas was always loving and caring. He was the friendliest guy that you could ever meet. Caleb was as dark as his eyes, one minute he could love, and then he would suddenly change and became almost evil. That part of him always scared her. Cassandra did not know why she had such a strong urge to stay with him. It was almost worrisome.

    They all had something in common too; all three had a sixth sense. They could talk to the dead, bring back their spirits, see and know things that no one else could. Only Cassandra and Caleb had an even more special gift; she called it a curse. She could see fires; she had predicted many fires before they happened. Caleb’s was earthquakes and landslides; anything to do with the earth.

    Cassandra turned down the familiar street and walked down the block. Children were out playing; she smiled at them. Cassandra reached the tall, blue house and entered the front door. Thomas’s apartment was upstairs; she began climbing the steps when a sensation of dread filled her soul. She did not know why. Cassandra took a deep breath and continued up.

    Thomas opened the door as she reached for the handle.

    Something’s wrong! He exclaimed.

    You felt it too, what happened? Cassandra asked.

    Thomas turned around and Cassandra followed him inside, I don’t know, I can’t see anything, he said. Neither can I, but something bad happened. Cassandra felt blocked somehow. 

    They both sat down on the couch; the feeling never left them. They just sat and waited in silence. An hour later, the telephone rang, Thomas and Cassandra jumped.

    Thomas stood up and answered it, Hello? Thomas listened for a moment and then looked at Cassandra. Ok. He hung up the telephone.

    He took a deep breath and looked at her.

    She braced herself. Cassandra knew that she was not going to like what he had to say.

    Thomas breathed hard, turned away for a moment and then began to speak in a low voice that cracked with each word, That was Caleb, Duane isn’t coming home.

    What do you mean? Cassandra asked frightened.

    Thomas could barely talk, he inhaled deeply and continued slowly, There was a car accident, he ran into a tree on his way here. Thomas stuttered as he placed his hand over his mouth and softly spoke once more, Duane is dead. Tears welled up in his eyes.

    Cassandra’s first thought was not of the friend she had just lost, but of Caleb. She wondered if tears welled up in his eyes when he found out. Then suddenly it hit her that Duane was dead! She jumped up and hugged Thomas.

    Cassandra could not help the tears that fell from her eyes. They held one another and cried.

    Later in the night, they brought out the Tarot cards.

    Their hearts were not into it, so the two friends gave up. Let’s talk to him? Thomas questioned.

    Talk to who? Cassandra asked. Caleb?

    Thomas looked at her disappointed and said, "No, to


    Duane is dead.

    Yeah, but we can bring him back for a visit, Thomas told her.

    Cassandra smiled. I did tell him I would see him later.

    Thomas stood up, went to the top of the bookshelf and grabbed a white candle. He sat back down at the dining room table, across from Cassandra. As he lit the candle, Cassandra turned off the lights in the apartment. When she sat back down, they began the seance.

    Cassandra closed her eyes and opened her mind. She concentrated on Duane's face; tears formed in her eyes. She was going to miss him so much.

    Thomas put his hands on the table and said, Cass, your hands.

    With her eyes closed, Cassandra reached over the table and held his hands. She said, Duane, we are trying to reach you in the spirit world. If you can hear me, please answer. We wish to communicate with you. I miss you, use our... Cassandra could not continue.

    Thomas finished for her, Please Duane, show yourself to us. Use our energy to give you the power to appear.

    Both Thomas and Cassandra began to feel the energy drained from their bodies. There was a slight breeze in the room and the candle went out. As they sat in darkness, the temperature in the apartment got colder.

    They slowly opened their eyes. The streetlight outside the window cast an eerie glow into the room. Cassandra looked around; they were alone. Thomas and Cassandra looked at each other.

    That's strange, where is he? Thomas asked.

    I don't know something drained us of our energy; I felt it.

    Thomas nodded. I know, I felt it too; someone is here.

    But where is he? Cassandra questioned.

    They heard a low growl.

    What was that? Thomas asked.

    A louder growl came from Duane's room.

    It sounds like a dog, when did you get a dog? Cassandra turned around.

    Thomas told her, I didn't.

    A howl sounded from the bedroom.

    They jumped and ran toward the sound; it did come from Duane’s bedroom. Thomas opened the bedroom door. A gray wolf sat on the bed and stared at them. Thomas and Cassandra looked at one another, then back to the wolf. Suddenly it spoke to them, Hello.

    The two friends looked at each other again, shock showed plainly on their faces. They both thought that perhaps their mourning had brought on hallucinations.

    Well, come in, the wolf told them.

    Cassandra and Thomas reluctantly went into the bedroom.

    Stop staring at me, this isn’t my doing, the wolf said to them.

    Who are you? Thomas asked.

    It’s me, Duane.

    Cassandra could not believe that she was about to talk to an animal. Why, why are you a wolf?

    Duane answered, A wolf is my animal guide spirit.

    He laughed, Can you believe it?

    No, Thomas chuckled.

    What happened? Cassandra asked.

    I don’t know, I was coming home, and I saw a tree; that’s all I remember, Duane told him.

    All you remember is a tree? Thomas said, You ran into it.

    I ran into a tree, he looked away for a moment. That was stupid.

    Cassandra laughed and said, No kidding.

    Look ya guys, Duane advised as he stretched out his paws on the bed. You are in danger, Cass.

    Danger? She asked. Why?

    I can’t tell you why, I can tell you warnings, though, Duane explained.

    How is she in danger? By who? Thomas asked.

    Duane told him, Well, for some reason I don’t know their names.

    How am I supposed to know? Am I supposed to fear everyone? she panicked.

    I can give you a clue, Duane said.

    Thomas smiled. A clue, are you kidding?

    "Listen closely, hmm let me think, oh yes, here we go Blue as his eyes

    such as the skies

    Hell's Grim Tyrant is what he is

    his love may be real

    but it is your fate he will seal."

    Duane stretched and said, Corny, I know but, I’m not gone for good; from time to time, I’ll show up to help. He winked at Cassandra and disappeared.

    Unbelieving what he had just witnessed, Thomas asked, What the hell just happened?

    Cassandra looked at him. Duane is a wolf.

    No shit, Thomas said as he rolled his eyes. Then he calmed and questioned, Who and why is someone after you?

    Cassandra shrugged. I don’t know.

    Who was Duane talking about?

    I don’t know, Cassandra repeated.

    You must know, what is a hell’s grim tyrant? Thomas asked her.

    I seriously don’t know!

    Thomas looked at Cassandra; she just stood there.

    I don’t know, Cassandra said again.

    We need music, how about some Maiden? Thomas asked.

    Sounds good, she smiled.

    Thomas put ‘Seventh Son of a Seventh Son’ in the CD player; the familiar music began to play.

    Cassandra began to relax as she sat down to listen. ‘Infinite Dreams’ began to play, and her body began to tingle, everything went hazy.

    "Flying again. I was flying over a street; it did not look familiar. Suddenly the street disappeared, and I was flying over woods. They did not look familiar either. I soared higher into the skies; the feeling was wonderful.

    I began to fall; I was spinning downward. As the ground came closer, I landed softly. There was a noise behind me; someone chased me, so I ran. I fell and looked behind me. It still chased me, so I stood back up and ran. I looked toward the sky, to be flying again. I saw the moon and it was not normal. The moon was in front of me, close to the ground. It was red like a ruby and had a strange looking bug in the middle.

    The bug looked familiar, but I could not remember where I had seen it before. I ran on and looked behind me; still it chased. A scarab, that is what the bug was, it was a scarab. It was in one of Thomas’s books; I had just seen it recently too, but where?

    I ran through the moon and landed in a castle; mist surrounded my ankles. I looked back and I was alone. As I began to walk, the floor under my feet turned into dirt. The walls were old brick and looked ready to cave in. Images began to flash in my mind. Men in robes were chanting. I walked on and fell through a hole.

    It was somewhere underground; cockroaches crawled on the floor. I started walking again crunching was heard under my feet. The dirt tunnel turned into an endless hallway. The walls and floor were marble, the hall had cement arches overhead every few feet.

    Then there were voices; I listened closely. They were saying my name, repeatedly. I stopped because something on me was different.

    I looked down and saw I was wearing a black wedding dress, and someone held my arm; I jumped. It had no face that I could see. We walked arm and arm toward what looked to be an altar. Someone, no something stood there.

    We moved closer; I looked again to the person next to me, I could not see who it was. I looked forward again; the altar was closer. I looked behind me, men in robes chanted. We stopped and I slowly turned to the altar, Satan stood before me."



    The sudden ringing from the phone behind Cassandra caused her to moan loudly. Damnit, I just fell asleep. She said while reaching for the phone. Yeah?

    Cass, want to come with me to my brother’s house?

    Miranda! Do you realize how early it is? Cassandra asked still lying down with her eyes closed.

    Miranda laughed on the other end. Cassandra did not think it was funny. She had stayed awake all night thinking about the vision she had, it truly scared her. Finally sleep had overcame Cassandra, then her best friend just had to call. How is waking me up so early, funny?

    Cass, it’s one in the afternoon, Miranda told her.

    Cassandra sat straight up and looked at her phone quickly. Shit! When the hell did I fall asleep? She was awake now. Yeah, sure Miranda, come and get me in an hour. Cassandra hit end on her phone and tossed it next to her. She shook her head forcefully to get her vision to focus. I hope I don’t get any more of those visions, she said and stood up to get ready for Miranda.

    Cassandra and Miranda went to the trailer park, they were going to visit Miranda's brother and sister-in-law. Edward was not home, so they visited with his wife Diana. Their friend Derek was there too, it had been a while since Cassandra had seen him.

    The last time she saw Derek, they were breaking up. His brown hair was still down to his shoulders and Derek’s brown eyes looked like a sad puppy dog; he was still very good looking. His voice was deep, but Derek was still softspoken. They were outside talking when he looked over at Cassandra; she quickly looked away. Cassandra saw Caleb and Lewis walking up the street toward them. She smiled and said, Caleb!

    Who is that with him? Miranda asked.

    His name is Lewis, him and his friend go to my school; they gave me the creeps. Cassandra shivered.

    Looks like he is skipping too, Derek said.

    Cassandra ignored Derek, and watched Caleb walk toward her. His long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail; and she could see his blue eyes even in the distance. She knew that he loved her, although he sometimes did not show it. Cassandra felt there was something more going on with him, but she could not read him as she could other people. It almost felt like Caleb blocked Cassandra somehow.

    Caleb walked closer to where Cassandra stood, and he called her over. Lewis kept on walking.

    Cassandra smiled and ran to him; Miranda and Derek stayed behind. Who is that? Derek asked her.

    Miranda looked at Derek and said, Cassandra’s boyfriend, Caleb. He’s an asshole.

    Derek looked over at Caleb. Boyfriend, he said, and Caleb looked his way. Their eyes met and Derek looked quickly away.

    Caleb smiled and turned back toward Cassandra. He handed her a ring. I want you to wear this ring always.

    Cassandra nervously held the ring with her fingers. It was a ruby and in the middle of the gem was a scarab. She looked at Caleb. It looks familiar, I swear I have seen it somewhere before.

    I really don’t think so; it’s the only one that exists. This ring was specially made just for you. Caleb smiled slyly.

    Who made it?

    Caleb motioned with his thumb up to the sky, A friend up north. He took the ring from Cassandra and held her left hand gently as he slipped it on her ring finger.

    Caleb kissed her hand before he let it go.

    Cassandra noticed the back of his left hand, it was a red oval with a black scarab in the center, the same as the ring. Suddenly an icy feeling shot down her spine and an unexpected fear settled in her heart. She shook her head lightly and both feelings went away. Cassandra told him, Nice tat, must be popular. I met two guys with the same one and in the same place too.

    Caleb smiled. Never take this ring off; it must always be with you. Do you understand?

    Cassandra nodded; she really did not know what to say.

    Good, I will see you later. He leaned forward and gently kissed her lips. Caleb looked at Miranda and Derek; he smiled at them and walked away.

    Cassandra watched him disappear out of sight. The tender touch of his lips against hers had sent shivers down her spine; a familiar heat surged throughout her body. She looked down and stared at the ring. The warmness Cassandra had just felt quickly disappeared and coldness took its place, she shivered; something about the ring really scared her. Cassandra turned and went to join her friends.

    What did he want? Miranda asked.

    Cassandra showed her the ring. He gave me this.

    I don’t like it. Miranda crossed her arms. I get a bad feeling about it; I think you should get rid of it.

    I feel the same way too, but he had it made special for me, Cassandra told her holding her left hand close to her chest.

    Derek walked into the house and the girls followed; Cassandra showed the ring to Diane when they walked into the kitchen.

    It looks evil, she told Cassandra.

    Miranda agreed. I bet it is evil.

    You need to get rid of it, now, Derek told her glaring.

    Cassandra looked at her finger; the ruby glowed. Another chill went through her as she said, But he told me to never take it off.

    Yes, you can! You take it off right now and throw it out. Diana pointed toward the door and said, Do not throw it out in here either, I don’t want that thing in my house.

    Cassandra looked down at the ring on her finger. It was heavy, even though the stone was not that big. As she looked at the stone, the bug in the center appeared to move. A chill moved throughout her spine and exploded inside her brain; she felt a strong sense of evil.

    The realization of doom hit Cassandra with so much impact, that she staggered backwards. She felt Derek's arm suddenly around her, heard his voice in the distance asking if she was ok. Cassandra could not answer; her mind was elsewhere, lost in a black void.

    The scarab moved along inside its blood red shell, while Cassandra stared at it. She felt trapped inside a terror that she could not explain. It was overwhelming her mind, Cassandra felt that she was not in control of herself.

    Cassandra! Miranda screamed and shook her.

    She quickly came to her senses; mind and body were one again. Shit, you’re right, this ring has to go, now! Cassandra took off the ring and went outside. She walked to the dumpster and looked around her, Caleb was nowhere in sight.

    She threw the ring in and heard a clank when it hit the bottom. Cassandra walked back into the house, she felt better now that the ring was gone.

    Cassandra thought of Caleb, the next day. She knew that he loved her but something about him bothered her.

    The ring he gave her, also reminded her of something. Cassandra walked into Duane’s room and laid down on his bed. Cassandra stared at the ceiling; she missed him so much. She thought about Caleb and the ring.

    ‘Infinite Dreams’ played in her head, and then it dawned on her. She opened her eyes in shock. The vision, the moon was red, like a large ruby in the sky and in the middle was a scarab, just like the ring. Then I ran into the moon, heard chanting, black wedding dress and Satan himself. Holy shit! It is all connected to Caleb somehow, I think.

    I wouldn’t put it pass him.

    Cassandra sat straight up; Thomas stood by the door.

    Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you, he said waving his hands in defense.

    Cassandra smiled and said, You heard me talking to myself? She laughed. What all did you hear?"  

    Everything, he answered.

    Do you think there is a connection? Cassandra asked.

    Thomas nodded. I believe there is, remember Duane said someone is after you.

    Yeah, but I don’t think Caleb would hurt me, he loves me, I know he does, he just has a hard time showing it at times, Cassandra told him unable to keep eye contact.

    I know he does too, wait a minute, that stupid poem Duane told us. How did it go? He placed his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose, in deep thought. I remember, it was...Blue as his eyes, such as the skies, Hell’s Grim Tyrant, is what he is...what was the rest, damnit! I can’t remember, Thomas said.

    His love may be real, but it is your fate he will seal, Cassandra finished for him.

    Thomas told her, Caleb’s eyes are blue, and what is hell's grim tyrant?

    Cassandra stood up, walked into the dining room and looked at Thomas’s books. He had hundreds of books about the supernatural, ESP, and the unexplained. Thomas was hooked on those types of books.

    She pulled out a thick dictionary about the occult and looked through it. I found it! It means ‘Angel of Death, deaths bright angel, Hell’s Grim Tyrant. Cassandra looked at Thomas and said, His love for me is real.

    And your fate he will seal, Thomas explained, worry was obvious on his face.

    That’s not all; the red ruby with a scarab is not just a ring. I’ve been seeing it a lot lately and not just in my vision. Caleb has a tattoo on his left hand of it; I met two guys at school with the same on their left hand. One of them was with Caleb yesterday. She paused a moment, shook her head slowly and continued sadly, I wish I knew what it all means.

    I don’t know either, but I think you need to stay away from Caleb. I am going to call him and tell him that you are breaking up with him and to stay away from you. Thomas walked into his room and shut the door.

    Cassandra was relieved that Thomas was going to do it, she had been thinking about it, but Cassandra was too scared to do it herself.

    Fifteen minutes later, Thomas came out of the bedroom. Boy, is he pissed, but he will leave you alone even though it took some threatening.

    What did you threaten him with?

    Thomas smiled and told her, Our dad. Cassandra laughed.

    A howl echoed throughout the apartment.

    Cassandra stopped laughing.

    What the hell? Thomas asked.

    It's Duane! Cassandra ran into his room with Thomas close behind her.

    They reached the bedroom and Duane, the gray wolf sat on the bed.

    Cassandra asked Duane in haste, It’s Caleb, isn’t it?

    Duane looked at her for a moment and said,

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