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Xetonian Trades Iv: Infinity's Gate
Xetonian Trades Iv: Infinity's Gate
Xetonian Trades Iv: Infinity's Gate
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Xetonian Trades Iv: Infinity's Gate

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The Augerite invasion and the Reaper war convinced the United Galactic Treaty Organization (UGATO) leadership that the galaxy must be teeming with intelligent life that their descendants would eventually meet. Some would be hostile so they decided to use time travel for preemptive defense purposes. By knowing the future they might be able to take action in the present to enhance their security.
UGATO had originally justified the time ships cost by promising to locate and visit God to discuss his real purpose, the meaning of life and the mysteries of the spiritual world. This was soon abandoned as fool hearty. UGATO traveled back in time 2,900 years to visit the Xetonian Messiah Graciana who convinced them that a precise understanding of God is not possible purely through the use of technology. God cannot be known in a physical sense and it would always require a measure of faith in order to achieve a state of grace.
As the Unitarian survivors of the Big Bang and their alien allies continue their manifest destiny in the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond by traveling in time, their faith and courage would be tested. They were about to breech the zero time barrier or what the news media had dubbed Infinities gate.
Release dateJan 20, 2014
Xetonian Trades Iv: Infinity's Gate

J. Wayne Stillwell

J. Wayne Stillwell is a native of Greensburg, Pennsyvania. After serving 34 years as a Naval Officer he completed a second career as Corporate Vice President Vice for an R&D company. He is currently an independent consultant and fiction writer. He received his B.S. in Electrical Emgineering from Purdue University, Master's degree in Physics from the Naval Post-Graduate School and completed the Executive Development Program at Carnegie Mellon University. He is a life long fan of science fiction and considers himself a 'Trekie'. He has published articles in Navy journals and authored his first science fiction book in 2003. He enjoys golf, writing and science fiction. He and his spouse of 46 years have two sons, John and Matthew, and four grandchildren.

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    Xetonian Trades Iv - J. Wayne Stillwell



    Infinity’s Gate

    J. Wayne Stillwell


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    © 2014 by J. Wayne Stillwell. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 01/16/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-5409-9 (sc)

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    Author’s Preface

    Glossary Of Terms

    Chapter One Prelude To The Future

    Chapter Two Deterrence Mission One

    Chapter Three Galactic Security Service

    Chapter Four Imbedded On Gondor

    Chapter Five Fifth Dimension

    Chapter Six Clandestine Exposure

    Chapter Seven The Setting Stage

    Chapter Eight All In

    Chapter Nine On The Brink

    Chapter Ten Deterrence Mission Two

    Chapter Eleven Operation Galactic Center

    Chapter Twelve Capella Pass

    Chapter Thirteen The Battle Of Excellar

    Chapter Fourteen The New Manifest Destiny

    Chapter Fifteen New Renan

    Chapter Sixteen Signals From Andromeda

    Chapter Seventeen Contact


    About The Author


    This book is dedicated to the engineers, scientists and space travelers who have yet to be born. They will be the people who prepare the universe for the greatest migration the human race has ever seen.


    The second and third books in the Xetonian Trades trilogy, Xetonian Trades, The Augerite Hordes and "Xetonian Trades III, The Reapers, were published in 2013. When I read the completed trilogy, I realized there were inconsistencies between the first book, The Xetonian Trades", published in 2003, and the rest of the series. I therefore felt compelled to publish a 2nd edition of the first book in 2013 to correct these inconsistencies, reduce the number of secondary characters and reformat the flow of the story to make it easier to read.

    Although the original first book is still for sale by some venders, the 2nd edition, titled Xetonian Trades I, The Seeding, is the best option for readers interested in enjoying the trilogy from beginning to end.

    As a brief prolog, the first book begins with the internal sun of the mega planet Unitasia about to supernova. Modern astronomers call the subsequent explosion the Big Bang. Unitarian scientist Hyzuses Detarius had secretly built an escape vessel for his son Kanan. He launched the ark into infinity a few days prior to the Big Bang with his son and a young girl named Nanneen on board.

    After 12 billion years, reestablishing viable populations of Unitarians was priority one. Kanan found two planets with environments similar to Unitasia in the Orion and Sagittarius regions of the Milky Way Galaxy; Venisha, the fourth planet in what would become known as the Xetonian solar system, and Earth. Thirty-five-thousand Earth years later the descendents of these clones were brought together by fate and technology with the highly intelligent Cantonians who evolved through natural evolution in the Portalian oceans of the outer Xetonian solar system.

    The Cantonians, rebelling against generations of slavery under the paternalistic but harsh Xetonian Empire, planned to conquer Earth and claim it as their new homeland. The Xetonians hoped the people of Earth could provide biologically compatible blood products to restart their atrophied immune systems. On the verge of all-out war, Proclaimer Maxeum Zenn and the Janor Hiltner family from Xetonia; the Cantonian leader Prince Mango; and Amy Glover, a young Earth woman, conspired to save the day.

    After overcoming mistrust, war and disease, Xetonian Proclaimer Maxeum Zenn brokered a peace treaty, titled ‘Xetonian Trade Number One’ and then chartered a security council apply named the Sagittarius Constellation Treaty Organization (SACTO). Zenn then won approval of a plan to convert a large asteroid into a Mobil Science Base (MSB-1) to explore the cosmos. Book one ends with the successful completion of MSB-1’s first mission.

    The second book in the trilogy, Xetonian Trades, the Augerite Hordes, was published in 2013 and begins twenty years later after a period of relative prosperity.

    One of the most fascinating reports from MSB-1 was the discovery of Kanan Detarius’ escape vessel, named Progeny after his mother, in orbit around the planet S-4 in the Upsilon System. It reopened the debate over creation versus natural evolution. DNA analysis confirmed that the Detarius’ had seeded Earth and Venisha with their clones.

    In the year 2042, the merits of constructing a second mobile science base from an Ort Belt asteroid versus retrofitting the Detarius’ Progeny was SACTO’s number one budget issue. It was simply taking too long to survey the Milky Way with one ship. Progeny, mothballed in geo-stationary orbit around the planet S-4, could be converted, but the ship’s relatively small size would limit its capabilities. On the other hand, constructing additional MSB-1 class ships was considered unaffordable.

    The discovery in 2043 of a small, densely packed asteroid cloud seemingly on a collision course with Earth, added some urgency to SACTO’s budget process. For centuries Earth had feared the impact of just one large asteroid. The possibility of multiple hyper velocity asteroid impacts created a state of near panic.

    There was the frightening possibility that to preserve the human race, some people would need to be evacuated to S-4 and the Xetonian home planet Venisha. MSB-1 could evacuate only a fraction of Earth’s population and Proclaimer Zenn’s Xetonian battle cruisers could not reach Earth in time, the situation was dire.

    SACTO soon found out that the asteroid cloud approaching Earth was in fact an invasion force. Emperor Raygan and his Augerite Hordes were about to become Earth’s newest and worst nightmare. With the Xetonian fleet in stand down around their home planet Venisha, the Augerites conquered and occupied Earth. Through bravery, technology and espionage, SACTO forces finally defeat the Augerites and liberate Earth.

    Xetonian Trades III, the Reapers, the last book in the original trilogy, begins with the United Galactic Treaty Organization (UGATO) continuing to explore the Milky Way with a fleet of science ships. SACTO was renamed the United Galactic Treaty Organization (UGATO) after the Augerite wars. Trade and technology agreements were in place and working. A formal UGATO governess structure provided policy and treaty enforcement. The rule of law replaced militancy.

    In 2061 a UGATO science vessel, MSB-4, was two years into a five year survey mission. Its last movement report was five months late. The arrival of the ships automated emergency distress probe at its home base squawking the code Gamma-two confirmed their worst fears. Gamma-two meant the ship had been forcibly ceased and boarded.

    UGATO prepared for the worst. Space pirates could be easily dealt with but the perpetrators turned out to be a hostile society bent on conquest. They extracted wealth from conquered planets and called themselves the ‘Reapers’. UGATO sends a massive fleet to the Perseus arm of the Milky Way to battle the Reapers and recover their ship. The Reapers were a threat to their freedom and had to be neutralized. The trilogy ends with the Reapers defeated and UGATO preparing to explore the future through time travel.

    "Xetonian Trades IV, Infinity’s Gate", is a continuation of the Xetonian Trades series. The Augerite invasion and the Reaper war convinced UGATO leadership that the galaxy must be teeming with intelligent life that their descendants would eventually meet. Some would be hostile so they decided to use time travel for preemptive defense purposes. By knowing the future they might be able to take action in the present to enhance their security.

    UGATO had originally justified the time ship’s cost by promising to locate and visit God to discuss his real purpose, the meaning of life and the mysteries of the spiritual world. This was soon abandoned as fool hearty. UGATO traveled back in time 2,900 years to visit the Xetonian Messiah Graciana who convinced them that a precise understanding is not possible purely through the use of technology. That message ended all protests against time travel by religious leaders. The announcement validated their position that God cannot be known in a physical sense and it would always require a measure of faith in order to achieve a state of grace.

    As the Unitarian survivors of the Big Bang and their alien allies continue their manifest destiny in the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond by traveling in time, their faith and courage would be tested. They were about to breech the zero time barrier or what the news media had dubbed ‘Infinities gate’.

    Although the story you are about to read is fiction, the possibilities it suggests are not. As in previous Xetonian Trade books, all alien dialogs have been translated into North American English.


    Actium—Fifth Planet in the Baycore solar system. Baycore is the end star on the long axis of a celestial cross formed by the M38 star cluster in the Auriga Constellation. Raygan named the star after his son. Actium has a forty percent sulfur gas atmosphere, is resource rich and is the home of an advanced race of aliens.

    Alpha Centauri—Star complex 4.27 light years from Earth. The two largest stars, Alpha Centauri A and B, are used as a navigational outer marker and debarkation point for transits between Earth and the Xetonian solar system.

    Amy Glover—Harry and Nancy Glover’s daughter and the West Virginia woman who married the Xetonian, Janor Hiltner Jr. in 2023. Her DNA saved the Xetonian people from extinction.

    Andrea—Asteroid #216, the largest asteroid in the Xetonian solar system, a year around vacation retreat and a major Xetonian military base. Halomaine, the largest city, is a major mining center.

    Antelya—The home planet of the Unitarian Confederation; similar in characteristics to the pre big bang planet Unitasia but much smaller in size.

    Augerites—Descendants of the pre Big Bang planet Unitasia who interbreed with the indigenous population of the Augerite solar system.

    Auker Kaniba—Unitarian Confederation Leader who prevented a second SACTO/Augerite war. He is the political head of the largest contingent of Unitarian’s to escape the big bang. He became the supreme commander of the United Galactic Treaty Organization (UGATO).

    Baycore Detarius—Son of Emperor Raygan and Mali Detarius who forgoes a military career to become a Galactic Security Service (GSS) ‘Interceptor’ Agent. He falls in love with Progeny, the great granddaughter of Kanan and Nanneen Detarius, while attending the GSS academy on New Unitasia.

    Bernadette Sundry—Plummersville, West Virginia waitress who became an effective spy for SACTO during the Augerite occupation of Earth but let herself become too close to the enemy. She was cleared of espionage and married her Augerite capture, Danso Hiltner.

    Bi-Polarium—A sophisticated alloy developed by Augerite scientists. When formed into a containment vessel and lined with negative magnetic poles, it can contain anti matter.

    BP-3—Primary Cantonian Fighter Bomber. Armed with laser cannons and six air-to-ground missiles equipped with sub munitions warheads. They are powered by a plasma-jet engine for exo-atmospheric thrust and a high energy liquid chemical jet engine for exo-atmospheric boost and endo-atmospheric flight.

    Bynor and Emerald Detarius—Twin children of Kanan and Nanneen Detarius, who were born, raised and educated on the Big Bang escape vessel Progeny.

    Citician—Alien indentured servants who serve as overseers for the Gondorian Reapers.

    Consumption periods—Four equally spaced mealtimes scheduled during the UGATO military day.

    Crab Nebula—Supernova ruminant in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, approximately sixty five hundred light years from Earth.

    Danso Hiltner—Augerite Squad Leader who became romantically involved with Bernadette Sundry.

    DSCS System—Deep Space Communication System (DSCS) used by the Unitarian Confederation. Hyper-light speed Beta particle technology that is not quite as fast as the SACTO Gwave system but its transmitters don’t require twenty acres allowing transceivers to be installed on Battle Cruisers.

    Emperor Raygan—Leader of the planet Excellar and the Augerite Empire. Invaded and occupied Earth on August 16, 2043. He is now a UGATO flag officer.

    Excellar Detarius—Thermaltine Unitarian elected by his people to the office of Prime Adviser, the highest leadership position in their political system. The planet Thermaltine is located in the outer arm of the Milky Way.

    Fifth Dimension—An endless matrix made up of space-time realities human’s call universes. These universes, like the molecules in a solid material, define a continuum of infinite proportions. Universes in the fifth dimension are isolated by what the scientists call zero time barriers. Intelligent life therefore cannot perceive or sense the existence of the fifth dimension from the universe they live in.

    Galactic Security Service—Commonly called the GSS. It was established by UGATO to field an elite group of special security agents trained in espionage, hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, languages, criminology and covert operations. The top agents are called ‘Interceptors’. They are licensed to terminate intelligent life and qualified in time travel operations.

    Gondor—The home planet of one of the Unitarian groups that escaped the super nova known on Earth as the Big Bang 12 Billion years ago. Their leader is a ruthless Unitarian named Zoid. The planet has an ecosystem perfect for the Unitarians but no fossil fuels or significant ore deposits. The population of Gondor sustain themselves by exploiting their sister planet Actium and extorting resources from other peaceful planets in the Auriga Constellation.

    Graciana—Daughter of the Xetonian Supreme Being and believed to be the messiah. She was sacrificed by the Supreme Being so that the Xetonian people could be saved from their sins.

    Gwave—Gravity wave based system used by SACTO for deep space communications. Modulated gravity wave signals are generated using huge moving mass systems that can only be terrestrial based. Space craft therefore can carry only Gwave receivers. Two way communication is achieved by down linking to the nearest Gwave base station using giga hertz RF.

    Harry Bush—Time ship Infinity’s Chaplin and religious historian. Born and educated in London, England, planet Earth.

    Hyzuses Detarius—He was the Unitarian version of a super Einstein, the designer and builder of Progeny and father of Kanan Detarius. He was thought to have perished in the Big Bang but escaped at the last minute with a large group of escapees.

    Hyzuses Exander—Thermaltine national security adviser and political spokesman.

    Janor Hiltnor Junior—Xetonian industrialist trained in medicine and is an amateur astronomer. He married the Earth woman Amy Glover in 2023.

    Junette—Proclaimer Maxeum Zenn’s life partner and political ally.

    Kanan and Nanneen Detarius—Son and daughter-in-law of Hyzuses Detarius. They thought they were the only survivors of Unitasia until the Augerites, Unitarian Confederation and Gondorian Reapers appeared.

    Klystron—Sixth planet in the Xetonian system. Most of the useable real estate is dedicated to above and below ground research and development facilities.

    Lacucka—Prince Mango’s Cantonian love interest.

    Lenisha—Alien serving as a Reaper Citician that was assigned to supervise Raygan’s captured landing party.

    Malico—Daughter of Lenisha, the Actium alien who helped Raygan defeat the Reapers. She becomes Baycore’s primary contact with the Actium underground.

    Manassan Tri-legs—Intelligent, friendly and extremely capable non humanoids used as domestic servants by the Unitarians and Augerites.

    M38—Cluster of stars in the Auriga constellation in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Approximately thirty five hundred light years from the planets Antelya and Excellar and looks like an elongated cross to Earth observers.

    Master leader—UGATO rank equivalent to a full bird colonel.

    N-27 Predator—Primary Xetonian fighter craft armed with neutral particle beam cannons and low yield fusion bombs. Its military operational service life was extended in the 2030’s by upgrading the avionics and weapons control software.

    New Unitasia—The planet S-4 in the Upsilon Andromeda solar system, it was colonized by Kanan and Nanneen Detarius.

    Pargon—Leader of the alien race occupying the fifth dimension space next to Earth’s universe.

    Portallus—The Cantonian home land, eighth planet from the sun in the Xetonian solar system.

    Prince Mango—Leader of the federated Cantonian tribes. Educated in the best Xetonian schools, he was groomed by the Xetonians to be an overseer of the once enslaved Cantonian colonies. His royal blood and intolerance of the Xetonian conquerors drove him to lead his people into rebellion in Earth year 1993. He and his people were freed as part of Xetonian Trade number one.

    Proclaimer—UGATO rank equivalent to flag rank in the U.S. military.

    Progeny (The ship)—Complex escape vessel designed and built by Hyzuses Detarius. Progeny departed Unitasia just prior to the big bang with his only son Kanan and his girlfriend Nanneen aboard.

    Progeny (The person)—Great granddaughter of Kanan and Nanneen Detarius who falls in love with Emperor Raygan and Mali’s son Baycore.

    Proclaimer Mangetta Hiltner—Retired SACTO supreme commander and Daughter of Janor Hiltner and Amy Glover.

    Proclaimer Maxeum Zenn—Retired Xetonian Commander of the GDF and a UGATO flag officer.

    Reapers—Gondorian pirates who sustains themselves by taking a percentage of other planets resources using a systematic mix of extortion and nondestructive force. Like parasitic farmers, they do not destroy the land or the host; they let the exploited planets live in peace until it is time to reap a portion of the harvest. They are descendants of one of the Unitarian Big Bang escape groups.

    Red Base-II—Unarmed international scientific colony on the planet Mars.

    SACTO—Sagittarius Constellation Treaty Organization, it became part of UGATO in 2049.

    Senior Watch Leader (SWL)—Xetonian Battle cruiser watch officer, equivalent to a U.S. Navy Officer of the Deck (OOD).

    Space Distort Signal Probe—Signal device capable of breaching the zero time barrier. It is the only way UGATO can communicate across the fifth dimension.

    Star Reaper—Primary fighter bomber used by the Reaper military. Capable of endo/exo atmospheric flight; crewed by four men, powered by chemical engines fueled with high energy liquid jell and armed with ship to ship missiles, fusion torpedoes and a ramming spar.

    Strikers—Various sized small arms used by the Augerite military. Fires anti-matter modules and short range stun projectiles.

    Tremain—It is the fifth planet in the Xetonian system, twice the size of Jupiter, with a ninety percent methane gas atmosphere, no life, and gravity so

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