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The House Called Alcatraz: Love Kills
The House Called Alcatraz: Love Kills
The House Called Alcatraz: Love Kills
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The House Called Alcatraz: Love Kills

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A House Called Alcatraz
I discover an old run down shack house. In side I find a dead body. I get questioned by police about the dead body. I go back to the house and find there is spirits in the house. I tell them I am not a threat. I am a friend. They have a story they want to tell, all story's are how the souls ended up in this run down house shack. I interview soul by soul, they share history of the Grim Reaper and history of a small town called Shady Oaks. This place is haunted and crazy things happen here. Why can't this place be torn down will surprise you.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 27, 2013
The House Called Alcatraz: Love Kills

Bobbie Duane McCoy

My name is Bobbie Duane McCoy. I was born in Eaton Rapids MI. I was raised in Holland MI. I attended West Ottawa Public Schools. I was adopted at the age of three, kicked out and arrested by the age of 17. in and out of foster care, living alone in this world with only the people I meet for conversation and friends I have five dogs and moving home to home at the moment, I want my books to make my living for me and hope to keep on writing my stories about a small town called Shady Oaks.

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    The House Called Alcatraz - Bobbie Duane McCoy

    Copyright © 2013 by Bobbie Duane McCoy.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                                     978-1-4931-2112-0

                                eBook                                          978-1-4931-2113-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 10/31/213

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    The Founding Of A House Called Alcatraz Chapter One

    Max Brown Chapter Two

    Native Love Chapter Three

    Stacy Dwells Chapter Four

    Max Smith Chapter Five

    Jim Grays Chapter Six

    Stoney Chapter Seven

    Anna Smith Chapter Eight

    Grim Reaper Chapter Nine


    In 1712 a house was built. It was built for the ones who had the money to afford the house with all it’s land. The house takes in more stories then what you would believe. Love ones fight as the other dies. There where two then it all ended in one. Author Bobbie Duane McCoy tells the tail in which these spirits have to say. The paranormal speaks through Bobbie Duane McCoy takes you on a spirit romance adventure. The law has no case on this house and the city wants the house torn down as the town wants the house to stay up and be rebuilt. The President of a big major company wants to buy it and make it into an office for his business. The county wants to use it as a museum. What will happen to the house that Bobbie Duane McCoy discovers after the storm. You will not believe the actual history on this house. This is not just a ghost story. It is love at it’s best. This is Bobbie Duane McCoy’s first romance novel.


    Chapter One

    I drive around town looking for a story to come to me. It is 12:00 pm and I am very hungry as it is time for lunch. On my seat of my old rusty beat up Grey Chevy s10 pickup truck I have my lunch from Wendy’s. Triple burger with curly fries and a nice cold cola with a apple pie. I take out an old torn up blanket out of the bed of my truck. This old blanket has been through a lot of history. It was handed down from my 6th great grand father. To his son and down the line to son after son. Time after time I think about my family. And today just so happens to be my time to think about only me Bobbie Duane McCoy. As I throw the blanket down on the ground. There was a hint of lighting flashing in the sky. But the weather does not call for rain. But it sure was smelling like rain. I get back to my truck and grab my lunch. There was a blast of thunder and it struck a tree across the street. The rain comes pouring down hard. I go get my blanket and as I bend down I see an old house. Beat up falling apart And abandon. I pick up my blanket and head for the truck and here comes in the hail. And I get inside my truck as fast as I can. The tree crashed so hard that it shattered from the fall. Taking a few others with it. Uncovering the house even more. The house was big and you can see it has a lot of room. There is a fence that goes around the whole property and has a gate where you enter. The fence was made of strong steel. The tips pointed up are real sharp. There is a twist to the poles of the fence.

    In the next few hours the storm lets up and the sun comes out. I get out of my truck and head over to the house that the thunder had uncovered. It was a big house like it was meant to be a castle of some kind. The gates were wide open and the door to enter the house was leaning and off it’s hinges I remove the door so that I may enter the large house. It was cold as it was winter and it could snow inside this house. There was a smell I know I have never smelled before. I know this is very dangerous. The floor can give out and I fall to what ever is under this floor. As I walk I stumble over something I can not actually see. I walk back out of the house to go to my truck for a flash light. As I walk out of the door I get hit by something that makes me fall to the ground. It was hard and it hurt like hell. As I look to see what it was there was nothing there. I knew that I needed to get out of the house and fast before something kills me. I get back up and run out the door as fast as I could as I stagger from the pain of getting hit once I got to the street I almost got hit by a car. I kept going as I was lucky the car did not hit me and on coming traffic was all around me. I made it to my truck with out a scratch but now I got to get in my truck to get my flash light as I lost my keys. I looked over to the passenger side I seen that I left the window open. Lucky for me that was to lucky for me to forget to roll it up. I do not know if it was my attention deficit disorder, or just plain stupid on my part but I was sure glad the window was open for what ever the reason was. I go on my glove box and get my flash light. Once I get it in my hands I head back to the house. I really want to take a look around and I want to see what this was all about. Maybe I can find some information on this house. The information I need to keep this house alive.

    By the looks of this house it is already up and running just the rest of us never knew it. On the way back up to the house I turn my flash like on. As I walk threw the door once again. I hear screams of people being beaten. Here I stand and listen even more. There was a reason I was hearing these sounds but what the hell was it. I look around the floor to see if I can find like a note or news paper laying around. There it was in cold blood the dead body of a man with blood all over the walls and all over the floor. It hit hard as the hardest times can hit you with. Nothing can stand the smell of the dead when they have been there for days or weeks even months. It sure made me sick to my stomach. I get my cell phone out and call the police to what I discovered in this house. It was a bloody murder that happen here. And now I would probably be number one suspect as I was the one that found the body in the first place. But I know I have no choice at this point but to report the body to the police. The house offers no signal to my cell phone. I go outside to place the call. I still feel cold as it is hot outside the house but I am still freezing cold.

    911 what is the matter of you’re emergency?

    Bobbie Duane McCoy.

    I have found a dead body in an old house. There is blood every where.

    911 operator,

    What is the address where it is located?

    Bobbie Duane McCoy,

    There is no address here. You can find the house on the corner of main street and black smith Drive.

    911 operator,

    I have officers in route right now, can you tell me are you a witness?

    Bobbie Duane McCoy,

    no I have not.

    911 operator.

    How did you find this body?

    Bobbie Duane McCoy,

    I was near by as a rain storm came and it was lighting and thundering out here, I walked into the house first and it was too dark to see, so I went and got my flash light so, I can see and when I returned to the house with my flash light I found the body and called you guys.

    911 operator,

    the officers should be there right now.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy,

    I see them, I am calling them over to me right now.

    911 operator,

    okay I will let you talk with the officers on call.

    As the officers showed up they pulled over right in front of me and the first officer that showed up got out of his car. There were four officers in total. The first officer ducked down so the car gave him cover. He gave me orders to get down on the ground and now. So I got down on the ground spreading my arms and feet out. He had a shot gun in hand, he rushes up and places me in handcuffs, then tells me to get up as I get up he brings me to another officers car. There was nothing that I had even done and this was all uncalled for, he keeps pushing me on the

    way to the other officers car like I am the killer. But it is plain to see I am not the killer. The officer does not waste and time getting to to the police station for questioning. The officers chain me to the floor of the room then walk out of the room.

    Three hours they come back into the room. As I sit there in the chair, the two officers come into the room, one is a little chunky and balding, he stands about 6 foot, his partner is skinny and has all his hair, the chubby one goes by the name Fuller, the other man as thin as he is going by the name Dirks, Fuller comes in the room with Dirks following him into the room,

    Fuller asked,

    why did you kill Sam?

    Bobbie Duane McCoy asked,

    who is Sam?

    Fuller said,

    the body you claim to find? Why did you kill him. Was it a drug deal gone bad? Or did he just look at you the wrong way?

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    I did not kill the man, I only discovery his body because of the lighting knocking down the trees, other then that I have no clue who killed him. I was no where near the body till I called it in and you two showed up,

    Dirks said,

    this is the fifteenth body we have found with your finder prints on the murder weapon,

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    my prints are not on any weapon and I did not kill no body.

    Just then Fuller drew the shades down, he stopped the tape recorder from recording, he rolls his sleeves up as he walks up to me and Fuller punches me in the face trying to get me to confess to the murder, I look at Dirks and he just sits there with a smile on his face like he is getting his rocks of with this. I looked at Fuller and I knew I was bleeding in the mouth and I spit right in his face a load of spit filled with blood, I did not kill no body, I am a writer for the local news paper and I’m taking notes about this and it will hit the front pages,

    (Dirks laughs)

    Fuller said,

    your full of it son, your the killer and we have the weapon you used to kill Sam, everyone knows he was a drug user and no one messed with him and just gave him the drugs he needed to get by, he did not have the money and you stabbed him over and over didn’t you?

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    I never put a finger on him at any time. So here your barking up the wrong tree.

    (Dirks gets brave and yells out, you did it you know you did it just say it to get it over with)

    Fuller comes at me with a left and a right fist to my face.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    I said I did not do it and I stick to it I did not do it.

    (Fuller goes into full fight mode)

    Punches left and right to my face,

    There is nothing you can do to me to make me break into a sack of lies like you want me too Fuller.

    Just then as Fuller takes his very last punch to my face. The door opens up and Fullers boss seen the last hit.

    Fuller and Dirks in my office now, Fuller and Dirks head to the bosses office.

    The man said,

    I am sheriff Granite of Shady oaks, I am sorry about my employee’s, they have no rights to lay any hands on any one other then restraining them or searching them or cuffing them, never for a confession. I will handle these men and I will make damn sure they get the max what I can give them believe me, they will be fired as this is not the first time and they will be jailed as well, there is no reason for this to happen from any of my officers.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    if you do not mind, I want to put it in my news paper add, I cover all local news and it goes to the front page as all my work is on the front row.

    Sheriff Granite said,

    you put the add in the paper you own the story rights to the story because it happen to you,

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    thank you I sure will do that first thing in the morning as I clock in for work I’ll get started.

    Sheriff Granite said,

    Bobbie you are free to go.

    As I walked down the hall to leave the building. There was a woman walking towards me, she was sexy from head to toe, she was wearing a beautiful name brand dress, the maker sugar was a gay man but knew his women clothing better then any man alive, I walked down the hall as I passed her I knew I knew this woman from some where, I just did not know where I knew her from. As I passed her in the hall

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,


    the woman said,


    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    Mrs do I know you from somewhere?

    The woman said,

    maybe, I have been around,

    Bobbie Duane McCoy asked,

    what is your name?

    The woman said,

    I am Sarah miller,

    Bobbie Duane McCoy asked,

    did you go to Shady Oaks high school?

    Sarah said,

    yes I sure did, I was born and raised here and never lived any place else.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    we had classes together, you always sat in the front of class everyday, you always was the quiet shy one in school.

    Sarah said,

    yes I was the quiet shy type, but look at me now, not so shy any more now that I have grown into a call girl, I am living the wild life and loving every minute of it

    As I looked at Sarah, times keeps ticking on, I don’t know if it was her eyes that turned me on so much or if it was the body of her looking like some cheat whore from a trashy brothel house from the old west. I walked away from her wondering why she turned in to a call girl, more like wondering how she got into that life style. She was always a beautiful girl when she was in school, but here now and gone with some STD some gave her. But it was her choice to pick this life style, there was nothing that she could not do as for a career, hell she used to be the smartest girl in class and we used to think of jobs we would like to do after we got out of school and she wanted to be a police woman, I wanted to be a reporter for the local news paper. I followed my steps now is time for her to follow hers, I decided to give this girl some help if I can help her change her life around, that is if I can and if she lets me change her life.

    As I walk out the door of this police station I noticed the rain had stopped but the sun was out making the air real muggy, the air made it hard for me to breath, body gets so hot that it makes me sticky and sweat comes pouring out of my skin, the muggy air was just a little to much, I start walking down the street to get to where my truck is located, across the street from the shack I was arrested at. Sheriff Granite pulls over and asks me for a ride, I take up his offer for the ride as the walk is way to much and my truck is across town, as I get in the car, he can see I needed to go see a doctor but I knew I needed to get to my truck first. Hospital after I get my truck and I know my truck is safe, that is if my truck is still there, along the way Granite tells me a story about his grandfather. How he was raised in this town and never lived any where else. At the moment I could care less about his story about some one I did not know and may never meet.

    As we got to my truck I was sure glad that I did not have to listen to him talk about his family business stories, as I get out I think him for the ride and I shut the door. My truck was now safe in my hands. There was tape all around the shack that reads police line do not cross. Every reporter knows you do not listen to the tape if you want the best story on your side to make your readers happy. I see a small drive to where I can park my truck, I look at the shack a little better. The front door was of the hinges and leaning where it should be put up. The paint sure was old and fell off. The steps was broken and the house was caving on in. there was not one but two windows broke the rest was still up. I see there is cloths laying all over the ground on the outside. I walk to my truck and once I got inside there was a cop coming down the road. I started my motor and put the truck in drive. As I pull off the cop was on my tail. I pull into an old dirt road to head over to the house and park in the driveway, the officer followed me all the way around the block. But when I turned into the driveway he kept going. The officer knew not to bother me if he did not want any trouble. I was sure going to cause him a lot of trouble if he tried to mess with me. I put my truck in park and I get out of my truck and I walk up to the shack, I remove the door so that I may walk in. once inside I hear screams, the screams of torture of little children, but the sound was in fact faded, I knew of the down fall was not going to look very good on my behalf, I needed to find these screams and help these children out.

    Just as I look around there was a faded body running across the floor, back and forth, I could not tell if it was a man or woman by no means, the person is moving way to fast for my eyes to see, there is was in a glance of a look the body stopped for a second as he lost his place and what he was doing, I can see the figure was a man, long black hair with a real faded white. Some kind of western clothing like he was a cowboy back in the hands of time. Now he looks lost not knowing what to do, Suddenly I felt a hand nudge me from behind like it was a grown person. I looked back and seen a woman standing there, long straw berry blond hair, blue eyes, beautiful skin texture, and wearing a dress that looks as it was made around 1801 or 1802, by the name Delaney Desray, better known as Dee Dee, legend has it in her time of last days, she had killed a child for destroying her best dress she had ever made and sheriff Grim Reaper had found her guilty and put her to death. Such a sad day for Shady Oaks that day as the town caught fire because Dee Dee was a witch and made the town catch fire while she was put to death. Grim Reaper could not stop the spell, this woman was in fact beautiful, but not as beautiful as this woman, the woman stands there and smiles and looks at me and motions me to take a seat. She brings me a chair and I have a seat, she walks around me and looks down on me as I sit there and she smiles and the man that’s running back and fourth stops and watches her as if she is going to do something to me. I get scared at this point and get myself ready for the worst as best as I can, there was a faded voice coming from her mouth as she tries to talk with me. I could not hear to what she was saying and she can tell I did not hear the words she was saying, she tries harder and harder to speak, maybe I am the one who can just see her but can not hear her and she maybe yelling at me, there was a sound that I could hear after she turned to my other side and it was clear.

    The woman said,

    I am Rosemary, I am the wife of Sheriff Grim Reaper. This man right here is the one and the only Sheriff Grim Reaper, this is the home we built together and turned it into the death row house where Grim took the lives of those on death row. And we are the only ones who have lived in this house and it is going to stay that way as we will kill and one trying to break down our home.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    I am not here to stay, I am only here to do a job and that’s all I am here for,

    Rosemary asked,

    what kind of work do you seek here,

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    I am a writer for the Shady Oaks Tribune, I hope to one day publish a book but I do not have the talent to write any books,

    Rosemary said,

    Grim will like to tell you his story and that will strike a motive for others to buy your work, there is nothing that you can not do if you set your mind to it, and Grim has a good feeling about you.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    I would like to take on this story because Grim was one hell of a Sheriff, his name still lives of and we have a museum where he used to live and all his land is still owned by Grim Reaper, so why are you guy’s not there, that would be the spot to be since you guys loved that property?

    Rosemary said,

    we are forced to be here and not there, we would rather be there this is true, but they have hired this man who forced us to stay here in this house, so we run this house, and that body you found in here was looking to come move into out home and we did not like him. But you Bobbie Duane McCoy we like you and we will help you with your story,

    Grim said,

    Bobbie Duane McCoy I am going to give you one hell of a story that you will work with, you will post this story in your news paper and will be head line news in the county. People know about these stories but do not know it was me, so what your doing will be giving these people the rest of what they do not know about me that suddenly they know all about the work I did, these are not bad people just was in love a little to much. All that you will see in this house is the lovers that lost their way by loving their lover way to much it killed them, I hold these lost souls in this house and they will share their very own stories with you, and these are stories everyone remembers over time that has past.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    well I will only tell these stories as you tell them to me, I will not change any of these stories by no means,

    Grim said,

    well we will give you the length of time you need to get this story covered, you will sleep here and you will eat here, there will be no leaving this house while there is work to be done,

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    give me one week to get set up and get everything I need, just one week is all I need,

    Rosemary said,

    that will work Bobbie,

    I got up out of the chair and walked out of the door and walked to my truck, as I got in the cab of my truck a cop passes by, he did not even temp to see me at this house, close by the river is a spot where the officers like to park and sit all day long when they have nothing to do or no one to pick on, it seams today I am one of those they want to pick on, I do not drink, I do no drugs other then cannabis, yes I do smoke the cannabis tree’s and I know that a lot of us sure do smoke the same tree’s but I have only been caught one time because my own cousin snitching me out, but that is a different story as you will read at a later time, and a different story, there is a snitch in every family as I have learned threw the years and I see one as I start my motor up and proceed to back out of the driveway, I out to the left and headed south to my mothers house where I live in her basement, I know what your thinking it is a sad case being 40 and living at home with my parents, and I was not always living with them but I have moved back in for a few short weeks as I am waiting on my new house to open up as the last owners are still moving things out and I am waiting to move on in, no mercy on me as I am a grown man and getting my own place that I own and not rent.

    On the way home I reached into the lunch hour traffic, it was bumper to bumper as normal, there was a song that hit the radio station and it was a new song from Joan Maoris, she was one hell of a country singer with her hit how crazy am I. It was number one the last three years, now that I listen to this new song being played, I start to notice that her voice sounded more as a woman much older then the age she actually was, she was 16 when she started three years ago, 19 years old with the sound of a 30 year old, it is a crazy time in her career as fans grow to listen and buy her work, which goes to remind me I have an interview with her next week Thursday but I will have to hold off on the interview with her to do this story, since I have one week to get to get this story finished, when I pulled into the drive my dad was just leaving for his bowling thing he does every week, my mother had my dinner plate in the microwave, my dinner was still hot as it was just made as I walked threw the door, I took it out and placed it on the table and I picked up the house phone and called Mr Grady to see if I can get a week off with pay since I am working on a story and I should get the week off with pay,

    (The Phone Rings)

    Mr Grady answers after three rings,

    Mr Grady said,


    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    Mr Grady, this is Bobbie Duane McCoy.

    Mr Grady said,

    how may I help you Mr McCoy.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    I will need a week off with pay if you let me, I have a story I am working on and this story is going to be a big story and it is going to be one of the best stories in our history, I have to stay a week with my sources as they work with me on this story and I have a week but after that week I am done.

    Mr Grady asked,

    well Mr McCoy, you are settling my decision here for me as I have to let a worker go, you will have your week off with double pay for this one, and I hope you have a great story, as I recall since you been working with us you never had a day off, I am giving you four more weeks plus your week with double pay, on every week you have off.

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    thank you Mr Grady very much, you will not regret this story at all, it is one our county is wondering all about. as I hung up the phone my mother over heard my telling Mr Grady I needed a week off.

    Linda Lee McCoy asked,

    Bobbie why do you need a week off?

    Bobbie Duane McCoy said,

    I am not really taking this week off but I am doing a job that I will not be able to leave until the job gets done. But he is giving me Five whole weeks off.

    Linda Lee McCoy said,


    I sat down to eat my dinner, as I eat I think of some people who can help me out in this run down shack, I don’t have a woman in my life so who is going to bring me food while I’m in the shack for a week, I need one of my friends for the sound readings, I need a one of my friends for the video taping, we will need someone to bring us food to the shack so we do not have to leave, we need to make this job one hell of a job, maybe this will bring me into the history of this town, this town sure has many tattoos left in this whole county since it was founded by John Shady in 1602, a lot of history and a lot of tattoos in this whole county, as I finish eating I place my plate in the sink and go to my room to get started on making a few calls to get this work done.

    This was going to be a long night with all these calls and talking I have to do till i get a yes out of someone, I need a crew to work with me on this job, it will be impossible for me to do this job alone, as I look at the list of calls I have to make it looks like a lot of names and numbers, the first call will have to be Rick Tyler as he owes me a favor anyway, I sure can use him for the sound, there is a will there has to be away for the sound to be the best with Rick, I pick up the phone to call rick, the phone rings, but there was no answer, I’d have to call him on his cell but what if he is on a job, I can mess that up, I’ll try again later, but for now I need to continue my search, the next call is Anthony Davis, he is a great guy, just sound is just a little bit off from Rick, I look at the time and Anthony should be in, unless he gets a call for a job, I pick up the phone, the phone rings but no answer, I hung up the phone and there was a knock on my door, I said, come in and it was only my mother, needing my dirty laundry, I went threw my list of numbers for the sound over two hours and no answer, was there something going on in town I do not know about? Why is no one at home, I try my next list, call after call nothing, my phone rings and I say hello, it ends up being Rick

    Hello Rick,

    I need your sounds for a job I have on the line here, it will be a week locked in this run down shack, I need you to record the spirits that are in this house, I will be writing their stories they want to share with me, this shack is the missing legend house of Grim Reaper, the one that is missing, this story is going to get us paid and popular and more business, do you want this job or not

    Rick said,

    yes I will take the job offer, but I wanted to talk to you about a business deal you may like to take up with me, the offer is the same thing you are doing now, but having a whole team doing the work, I do the sound you do the writing and we get someone for the video, and we get the rest of the crew together, you and I run this team and we own everything, we just get people that can do this job with a license and lots of training, I am getting the calls for this job and tired of working with the people less qualified for this job, I need someone like you and me to take this job up and we become the best of the best, there will be just you and I as top managers and owners of the business

    I said,

    Rick that is a deal lets do this job, I have five weeks off with pay, I’m looking for the same thing you are right now so lets get this team together and start working with this project first, this story will give us a good just in advertizing and pay, but we will need our own news paper printer, and a lot of other things to start on our own and I can get get by if I stay with this job while we get the money up to do this job, I am moving in my own house at the end of this project, we can run the business in the basement of my new home.

    Rick said,

    that sounds like a great idea Bobbie, we need to get started in this right away and this Jon you have I know is a jump start on what we need to get working on, we can put the rest of these calls on a `date and we get money for these jobs and we keep working on it, this has to be a deal with a contract for both of us, legal by the courts and signed, but for now lets get started with the work we need to get done I’ll do the calls and hiring of the crew you just do the rest of the work you need to be doing for this story Bobbie, I’ll call you same time tomorrow, so be at your phone same time.

    As we hung up the phone there was a loud thump outside the house, I looked out my window and I seen my mother over my father crying, my mother started screaming while she was crying I had to run out to see what was going on, as I went out the door my mother was screaming, (please don’t die) I pulled my mother off my father, I asked her what was wrong with him, she tells me he took some pills and over dosed on them, I told her to go in the house and call the police, I checked his heart and I can say it was not beating at all, I started with crying at that point but I am a stronger person then my mother was, I always have been the stronger one, my crying is just two or three little tears and that’s it, as I looked at my watch 30 minutes later the ambulance came to take my father to the hospital, it was a sad moment for the two of us, and I was so mad that he went and done what he had done, but my job has to go on and it can not be put on hold, there was nothing that could be done at this moment, my mother got in her car and drove to the hospital, I went back to my room and went to work.

    Working on my notes what I needed to get ready for this week long job took all wide awake and work night, before I noticed that it was nine o-clock, I seen the sun was up, I was still working hard, my mother pulls into the driveway, you can see she spent the whole night crying over my fathers death, all the times I never wanted to see my mother cry over any man, now I got to deal with her being a widow, this was going to make me suffer the most, I hates to see my mother mad or cry, this was my mother, my father was not really my father he was just my step dad, but I did hate him for this same reason, he has been nothing but a drunken drug user since the day he could remember, no more yelling at my mother, no more hitting her, no more of his crap, I hate that man, now I need to get this man a funeral and he does nothing for us but give us hell, I do not see why my mother was so in love with this guy, but now is time to protect her no matter what she will say to me.

    As I walk out of my room there she was standing there, she was looking at me as if I was him, she was looking at me as if she wanted me to take his place, I sure was not that kind of person to make love to my mother, no way sir, I looked at her and with my eyes telling her no way mom never, she looked away, I noticed a bottle in her hand and I can see she had been drinking and she was drunk, I knew that was not good at all, there was nothing that can be done now I thought as I thought to myself, this is going to be one hell of a night if I do not get out of here, I kiss my mother on the cheek and told her I’ll be back later.

    As I walked out the door my mother tries to follow me, I get in my truck and I start my motor, my mother starts to scream as if someone is trying to kill her like in a horror film, there was nothing that she would not do to get me to stay at this moment, I did not want to be around her at this moment cause I know what she will try to do, as she has tried to do it a few times before and never worked and I know she reads about those incest story books, to me it is just plain sick, this was not the mother everyone can see, I pull out of the driveway and I head to the store, I need a few packs of cigarettes and nice cold drink, I get back in my truck and I head to the lake, once I get to the lake I sit there and look around, the water was still and the frogs doing there calls.

    As I sit there and spin the thoughts in my head I think more clear out here then at my mothers house, I do not know if its the air or the sounds but I am more relaxed out here, there was just the sounds of nature out here and I know that’s why I just love to be out here on this lake, I can see there was a man fishing out on his boat in the middle of the lake, it gets me to wonder if he has caught anything at all, I know I never have caught nothing out here yet, a jet flying over head you can see but can not hear, I take a sip of my nice cold drink and light up a smoke, the smell of fish and wood burning fills the air, it was the smell I love next to horse manure out in the country air, this is just the simple things that make me come out and enjoy the air, over the time of a few hours, I know my mother has to be sober right now or passed out and I am felling dead tired, the thought of my bed is calling me to go home and rest, the sounds drive me crazy

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