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My Life on the Navajo
My Life on the Navajo
My Life on the Navajo
Ebook53 pages57 minutes

My Life on the Navajo

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This book is a history of My Life on the Navajo.

I was assigned to travel to the Navajo Nation at Window Rock Arizona to help a group of seven Professors create an Indian school of medicine. After that I came to the Navajo for a week each month for the next eight years. I helped the Controller, Dino, with their accounting and their silver business. We became good friends and had a number of great experiences. I made other friends on the Navajo including the first Miss Navajo, Beulah Allen, who taught me about the Navajo life and how the Mountains came together at night. I also found the lost city of Lukichuki, which is now one of the busiest sites on the reservation. What a great experience.

Release dateOct 28, 2013
My Life on the Navajo

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    My Life on the Navajo - Irwin M. Jarett Ph CPA

    AuthorHouse™ LLC

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    © 2013 by Irwin M. Jarett, PhD, CPA. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/24/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1768-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1767-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013917014

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    Introduction to My Life on the Navajo

    Dr. Annie Wauneka

    Miss Navajo Nation 1952-1953

    Beulah Allen 2


    The Warning!

    The Sing

    The Lost City Of Lukachukai

    The Turkey Hunt

    The Nude Beach at Monte Carlo



    Monte Carlo, Southern France

    There are dozens of parts to the Bolo Tie story and they happen in a way that is reflected in the Bolo Tie shown here. The name of the artist on the back is the inscription of a Spider with the date 73.

    There are 23 circles of Silver that were brought together in such a way to create a silver bowl. There are 8 green life objects reflecting the eight periods of life. The life periods are held together with the 3 red (blood) semi circles holding the life together. Notice the green and red objects do not connect because each object is a portion of the eight periods of life, from birth to death, held together by the flow of blood.

    There are two silver leaves attached to the bowl with diamond shaped green that grow wider as they get longer. These two pieces show how life and values grow as we do.

    My wife was an Indian Jewelry buyer for a retail store during my eleven years of working with the Navajo Nation. She bought Jewelry from Spider but she bought this beautiful piece just for me. It changed my life. No matter where I went from that time on I wore Spider’s Bolo. People stopped me at meetings and even on the street to ask about the beautiful piece of art. There are dozens of stories related to my wearing the Bolo.




    I was a Manager working for Arthur Andersen & Co. when Ronnie and I lived in St. Louis. I was offered a higher position with AA& Co. if we moved our family to Chicago. Ronnie wanted to stay in St. Louis because she had a lot of friends and was active in all sorts of community services. We went to a party and I was talking to someone and told him about our situation. He said:

    Aren’t you a CPA with a PhD in Accounting and MIS"?

    I replied:


    He said:

    I know that Southern Illinois University (SIU) is opening a new campus in Edwardsville, Illinois and that is only 45 minutes from where you live. They need a Chairman of Accounting and Finance for the new school at SIU in Edwardsville. Are you interested?

    I replied:

    Sure! Can you help me talk to the right person?

    The next day after the party, he wrote a note to the President of SIU and sent my resume with his note. He sent a copy to me with a hand written note on the copy giving me the President’s name

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