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Nicole and Nathaniel's Adventures: My Memoir
Nicole and Nathaniel's Adventures: My Memoir
Nicole and Nathaniel's Adventures: My Memoir
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Nicole and Nathaniel's Adventures: My Memoir

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About this ebook

Nicole and Nathaniel Adventures talks about one sister and her brother and their daily life, with there fights dreams and unexpected events that shake their lives.
It explore not only about family feelings or intelligence but also about the power that everybody has inside showing that is more easy to develop it for children because of their innocence than adults.
It does a special point in the outside life too the same that made a review about time machines on the other hand it talk bout the celebrations that all children enjoy more.
PublisherXlibris NZ
Release dateJun 30, 2013
Nicole and Nathaniel's Adventures: My Memoir

M Robaina Cabrera

My name is M Robaina Cabrera I was born in born in the little Town of Melo in Uruguay in 1965. I’m the only girl of a carpenter and a housewife. I did my school and first years of high school in the Catholic School ending my secondary at normal high school. I did studies of English and accounting assistant at Work University in my Town. Since my earliest years I have a remarkable interest for the Literature and all that have something to see with them like including History and Geography. I thank this to one uncle that give me my first book at the edge of ten, after that I start doing my first write and then I could show my skills at school.

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    Nicole and Nathaniel's Adventures - M Robaina Cabrera




    Hi, my name is Nicole, as everybody knows children normally don’t live in a real world like the most of the adults. It is because the real world is too complicate., I’m not talking about responsibility if not about love, we can love without asking anything, in exchange adults wait the retribution always.

    They lost too much time fighting for getting the thing of the other, not because they need it, if only by envy or power. They had made revolutions, war and all kind of things for obtaining what they want not because they need it but only for showing superiority.

    They don’t know how to live in peace, they are used to live in a violent world, and children prefer all this in a video game only.

    It would really be better for everybody if they would live in our world, I think they would be more happy. It’s what I like more of all the member of my family they still goes on having a kid inside them. Last summer we move to our new house, it had been the dream of all of us for a long time, it means that we are very happy with our house.

    The first day at home was amazing for us we would live in the step of the mountain, what is more, we would have the entire mountain for us, and we could climb it frequently.

    The second thing we discovered in there was a pond, it apparently used to have some little fish in the past till we arrived. Nathaniel hadn’t see it and fell with one of his feet inside, loosing his sneakers, probably it cause the death of the poor fishes and call the attention of our neighbor who told us we couldn’t stay there.

    It has crossed my mind too many times how it was the first impression she had thought about us. She would had seen as little monster who invaded her territory crushing everything we find in our way including her loved fishes; She probably locked her cat inside the house fearing for its life too, because it wasn’t after one week we knew about its existence. At the end she resulted to be very switch woman with us, she has some grand sons who come time to time, we usually play with them.

    On the other side of our house we had nobody living there for the moment so we have a big back yard all for us. After we had done a brief recognize of the yard we had to help to organize the thing at home. The first thing mum did was connect the music, she says that a world without music is like a planet without life. She like dancing and singing while she is working, it gives her more strong, energy and made her feel very happy. Daddy like’s dancing too, he never is tired for doing the job of the house they are so similar in so many thing, maybe for this we are a happy crazy family.

    As I see it was only a matter of time for the neighbors realized the crazy Skeletons had arrive to the neighborhood, and with us the happiness to the neighborhood of course. Well not always, here is Nathaniel he… .

    _What are you doing Nicole?—He always wants to know what I’m doing, if I’m writing or drawing or talking with somebody else, etc.

    _I’m writing, don’t you see!

    _What are you writing?

    _About our life.

    _Can I do it too?


    _Why no?

    _Because I say!

    _Fool you are a fool!

    _Get out Nathaniel!

    _ I’m telling mum. –He said running down stairs to tell mum.

    _Piss off Nathaniel!—You see what I say, but the same we love each other although our misunderstandings. And here we go again, mum will call me to know what’s happening to what I will say nothing have happened apart the fact that he came to fight with me to my room. After that she will begin with a large advice of how we should behave one each other because we are brothers and…

    _Nicoooole!—Do you see! It’s my family and I love them… Including the little GRASSHOPER.

    _Going mumm! –Here we go again.




    We were in the Warehouse helping mum with her shopping when I saw one little plant that called my attention.

    _Mum!—I shouted.

    _Look at this, one Flytrap!

    _Yes I’ve seen.—Answered my mother going on watching other things.

    _Take one mum! We have too many flies at home, it would be interesting to see her catching the flies.

    _See how it smash the poor fly’s while its leaves are covered with the red blood.—Interrupted me Nathaniel with a low voice that scares me.

    _Shut up stupid!—On this moment mum stopped me, calling my attention for the way I was treating my brother. I complained about how he’s always smiling from me. Then again I insisted with mum to buy the Flytrap but she denied looking at me angrily and telling me not to bother anymore.

    _It is enough Nicole!—After paying in the cash register, we took the way back home, ones we were there Nathaniel began to walk and turned like a spider and with a deep voice said.

    _I’m hungry, where are the flies, I need flies.—Looking at me he go on saying.

    _You are a fly, yummy! Yummy!

    _Leave me!—I cried going for my mum and telling her what Nathaniel was doing and what I was feeling. I was frightened. So mum try to calm us down by inviting us to see a funny movie while we had dinner. The rest of the evening went by in peace between smiles and comments of the things we had lived during the past week.

    The clock was showing the two O’clock and I was trying to catch a fly for feeding the little plant when suddenly I couldn’t appreciate the flower had caught one by its own.

    _Wow! It is amazing what you have done! Good flower, you are a good one.—Suddenly without any explanation it began to appear more and more flies and the flower ate one after the other without stop. I was very happy because she can trap them all. My eyes started to get bigger and bigger because I was very surprised with what I was watching. The more the flower ate the more it got bigger and stronger. It now had the size of a small dog, and it was trying to get away from the little pot. Ones she had done it, two big roots like long legs left to show themselves, the flower began to walk and jump catching the flowers to the long of the sell room. I ran after her very imprisoned shouting her to stop.

    _Stop! Stop! Don’t eat more, it’s enough, don’t do it, stop.—Abruptly she did it and turned run facing me. I felt flabbergasted, I want to run out of there but I was immobilized for the fear, the flower began to walk towards me, the only thing I could do was in a tiny voice ask for help and going on saying.

    _ Please no, please not to me, not to m… —In this moment I was awoken up for my dad who had opened my room’s door and was calling me to wake me up.

    _Come on, it’s time Nicole, yes it’s for you the call, without realizing I was waking up from having a nightmare, there was not answer to him. I awoke abruptly while my eyes run all the room astonished and feared.

    _Oh my God, thanks God thanks, it only was a nightmare.

    The day passed between plays and help to do the house’s task for mum. After lunch we decided to go to the park with dad to play ball; mum approached for going to the shop again, she went on shopping to the supermarket, she really loved to go shopping, but we preferred to stay with our dad.

    We played soccer for around an hour more or less. I’m a very bad soccer player but Nathaniel, he is really good at it, mum think he could play in a big team in some more years. It is like the ball is part of him, the way he controls it, it’s amazing.

    Finally when she came back we were playing Tag; she sat for a while with our dad to talk about how much he had enjoyed playing with us and how much tired he felt. She was happy about how cheaper were the things compared with the day before in the Warehouse. Dad said it was because it was the last weekend of the month.

    _What do you mean? She asked.

    _Haven’t you see the ads on TV, have you?

    _No idea, but never mind, I’m very happy with my purchases.

    She had bought some snacks to have at dinner, because she didn’t want to cook when she arrived home, the sun began

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