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Hunter Stalked: The Kaylee Saga, Book 1
Hunter Stalked: The Kaylee Saga, Book 1
Hunter Stalked: The Kaylee Saga, Book 1
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Hunter Stalked: The Kaylee Saga, Book 1

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Shalina, or Kaylee as some know her, is a gal you dont want to anger. She has had an extremely depressing childhood and does not trust the system. She is about to enter a world most people do not believe is real.

As she is scoping out a new job Sammy has assigned her, she is approached by an F. B. I. agent. He shows her an extensive jacket he has on her then gives her an ultimatum. Join us, or never see the light of day again.

She is trained as an F. B. I. field agent and hired as a contracted employee to work on a surreal mission in Tucson, Arizona. The things they show her are unbelievable, but as she completes mission after mission she realizes she has an unknown stalker, who knows more about her than she knows about herself.
Release dateSep 28, 2015
Hunter Stalked: The Kaylee Saga, Book 1

Carey Moss

This is a book series I have been working on for ten years. I finally finished the first book in February 2013 after being separated from my family for a year. It is a science fiction book about a character I played in a role playing game. I would like to take this time to thank all my friends for giving me the ideas and know how to create and use this character in a book series. I would also like to thank my family for putting up with the 18 month separation we had due to my job which gave me the opportunity to complete this book.

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    Hunter Stalked - Carey Moss


    I was brought into the hunting arena from Louisville, KY by the F.B.I. when I was eighteen. They thought I should get out of my other line of work. I wasn’t given much of a choice in the matter. They informed me I would work for them or go to federal prison for a very long time for my crimes, which they handed me a list of and informed me they had evidence to convict me on all charges. The list was several pages and I blushed a little at the thought that I had done all this since I was fifteen, but I also noticed that not all my crimes were listed. They had missed all of my high paid criminal activity and I meant to keep it that way. I felt the better choice was freedom in the form of an F.B.I. operative. The F.B.I. increased my skills in martial arts, fire arms, and evidence evasion exponentially.

    The training environment was laxed as far as I was concerned. I only sleep about four hours a night. I guess my metabolism is a little higher than most peoples. When I was training I used all the intensity I could. This impressed the F.B.I. fighting instructors, but they also seemed a little apprehensive around me. Apparently, agent Graham had a little conversation with them about my history. It didn’t bother me as much as it bothered them.

    I was having a hard time with boredom at night. I had to find something to do with my time. I tried to do some fire arms training, but they wouldn’t let me keep the weapons, and ammunition late enough to practice when everyone was sleeping. I finally resorted to physical training and martial arts practice in the less lighted areas of the facility.

    I was taught how to identify clues at a crime scene, which gave me more information for my arsenal against evidence evasion. I learned that this was mainly about the perception of things around you. If you don’t see it, you can’t use it. I learned to be extremely aware of my surroundings and watch for things that didn’t fit.

    The final part of my training was learning to work with a team. I did very poorly at this until I started looking at it from a different perspective. How can these people work for me? Of course, that was the last day of my training. Do you know how hard it is to work with people that don’t understand the concept leave no evidence behind? That F.B.I. team training sucked. I hate working with morons! The thought of working with more people like that is revolting to me.

    Agent Graham isn’t impressed with this team training failure, but he says, we will work on it.

    The day that Shalina left for Florida with the F.B.I. agents, Sammy got a visit from a man he had not seen since she was thirteen. His name is Jeb. He says, she is on a new path now, when she calls for a new contact in Tucson, give her to Frank Wachova at 520-555-1313.

    Sammy nods his head in agreement as he was told by his boss to cooperate with this man on all endeavors. Sammy knew the repercussions of not doing as the boss told him well. He would never forget the last time he disobeyed the boss, the nightmares were so realistic that he did not sleep for weeks, even from 1800 miles away, it was like the boss was standing in the room. That was two months before he was sent to find her and bring her in for training. Sammy may have been 70 years old, but he looked to be in his late 20s, and he still had a bit of a rebellious streak that got him in trouble.

    The night before Shalina left for Tucson, the phone rang in Raffiel’s office. He answered it and was in awe with the man he was talking too. It was his clan leader, and he had called to inform him he had a prospect coming his way. The master said, do not touch this one and let no one else touch her. She is for me, and I will have my reward for the grooming I have done with her. You are to protect her from any harm until she is ready for me. Failure is not an option, and you will not let her catch you either. I expect you to remain hidden in the shadows. No matter what you have to do, she is to survive. I have invested many years into her lineage and training. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!

    He said, in a tone of reverance and fear, yes master, as you wish. My coven will watch her for you and will do as you wish. Let me know if there is anything else I can do master.

    With that the phone goes dead.

    I will have to see if this new team is worth the effort. Total curiosity, and finding out what really happened to my parents are the reasons I am going to Tucson anyway. We get to the airport to leave for Tucson. Agent Graham keeps telling me I will like it, but he won’t tell me what we were doing in Tucson. He says I won’t believe it without proof. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow.

    It is sunny and warm when we get to Tucson. We are picked up at the air port by a company car. The car is a newer Monte Carlos with a supped up engine. They take us to a decrepit old house. I’m thinking there is no way he is serious about this, but apparently he is. He goes right on in like he belongs there. Upon arriving I’m told that I’m not to go outside alone after dusk, this doesn’t sit well with me, but since I don’t know the town well, I won’t try anything until later.

    Agent Graham introduces me to the people that are on the team. I meet Dr. Sara Angel, she is short, with brown hair and eyes, and seems to be a very respectable person, but I wasn’t sure what she is a Dr. of, she is very young to be a doctor. She has a cat named Mr. Jingles that lives in the house with us. Next, he introduces me to John Silver, he has red hair, green eyes and is of average height for a man. He seems pretty cool, and is very outgoing. Then there is Fredrico Ramez, he has red hair and brown eyes is about 5' 6 his heritage is mixed between Italian and Gaelic. I’m not sure what to think of him, he seems kind of shady, but extremely charming as he kisses my hand when introduced. Next, I meet Gabriel, a very attractive young man with brown hair and gray eyes, but he’s extremely vain and full of himself. He introduces himself as a vampyre hunter and I get a weird vibe from him. I think this guy is crazy. Agent Macelroy, walks in and introduces himself. He has brown hair and eyes, 6'2, built like a brick shit house, and the security head in this safe house. Finally, agent Fitzgerald, salt and pepper hair with dazzling green eyes, very fit and high strung due to stress. He is the boss of the F.B.I. guys and the one that gave me the ultimatum. I definitely don’t trust the F.B.I. guys, but they can be useful when things don’t go right. I’m not sure if I can trust the rest of the people, only time will tell.

    Agent Graham gives me the grand tour of the safe house. He shows me something unbelievable, there is a woman chained to a pillar in the basement. She is so pale her skin looks like ash, and she never wakes while we are in the room. I’m told she is a vampyre and very dangerous. They call her M. They have been running all kinds of experiments with her blood. There is a huge lab in the basement.

    After the tour, Fitzgerald decides we need to explore a lead on vampyres. We go to a mechanic shop on Golf Links and decide to do some snooping around, so we climb the back fence. John goes over the fence first to watch for anyone. I go next and in my clumsiness get my pants leg caught on the barbed wire and jack my leg up a little. It hurts like hell, but I keep going after landing on my shoulder and pulling out in a martial arts roll. Thanks to my training I didn’t seriously injure myself. All that was going through my head was a thousand strings of curses. It must have been the flight that threw off my balance. In the back of my mind I hear a faint, keep it down, they can hear you broadcast that shit. I didn’t know where this came from so I tried to block the thoughts into my mind. I’m unsure if it is from someone on the team, or if it is my conscious.

    When I finally, get done rolling John comes over and gives me a hand up. He hands me a strip of cloth and says, you should dress that quickly, they can smell it from a mile away when they are hungry. Spray some of this on it after you wrap it. It will hide the scent of blood. I did as he suggested. The stuff smelled like ass, but it did hide the smell of the blood.

    Everyone else made it over the fence without incident, and we start working our way to the door. When we get there, the door is unlocked so we open it and creep in stealthily hiding behind the cars in the open bay and working our way to the door with the light under it. We get about half way down the bay when the back door opens again and a guy walks down the center of the bay, then enters the office where the light is coming from.

    When the man made it into the office he looks up and says, boss we have company. There are about five people trying to sneak in on us, and one of them is a ghoul. What do you want us to do?

    When the lead person makes it about three quarters of the way up the bay the door burst open. They open fire on us, there are four of them and they are fast. We draw our weapons and start firing back at them. It is crazy for about five minutes, but then we start doing some damage to them and they start falling. We are doing good until the last guy comes out of his office. That is when all hell breaks loose. He is twenty times faster than anyone I have ever seen. He is on Graham in a flash, but as he starts to bring his fangs out, he is hit in the face with something that makes his face start smoldering like he has been splashed by acid. He screams, then a fire erupts around his waist. Try as he might he can’t put the fire out. Finally, consumed he turns to ash, no bones to clean up or anything.

    While this is happening, Gabriel does something really weird. He runs towards the guys we have almost killed and starts dispatching them one at a time. When he gets to the fourth one, he realizes the man is still alive. Gabriel takes a needle out and drains the man of three pints of blood, then stashes them in his inside jacket pocket. Next he leans over the guy, and gives him the final blow of death.

    Something in the building has caught fire in the fighting. We decide it is time to get out of here. There is smoke starting to collect in the ceiling of the bay and no place to hide from it. We start working our way back to the exit. We shimmy up and over the fence and load into the cars. As we are pulling out the fire trucks are pulling in, sirens blaring. We leave out the back way.

    As we were leaving Graham looks at John and says, no evidence John. Can you do it?

    He says, sure thing boss. He closes his eyes and the building behind us seems to start burning more intensely as it’s consumed in black smoke. When we round the corner the fire trucks are just getting hooked into the hydrant. By now the building is completely consumed in fire and it has spreading outside the building into the yard we entered through. When I saw the fence catch fire and melt, I was elated. The evidence of my presence has burned with it.

    Dr. Angel and another agent are driving the cars. John, Ramez and I are in the back seat of her car, I’m in the middle. Gabriel is sitting in the front seat with her, when he pulls out two bags of blood she almost wrecks the car. She says, what are those for Gabriel?

    He says, for you to study. Those guys weren’t as fast as vampyres, but they were super fast. I think they were ghouls. I thought I should bring you some blood to test before they died.

    She thanks him as we pull into the driveway of the house.

    Upon our return, we find the house wide open. It isn’t open from the outside, but crashed out from the inside. We search the house in a guarded fashion to ensure the intruder is gone. We use the inspection methods that I learned in the F.B.I. training classes. We search one room at a time with our weapons in the lead. We find all five of the agents that we left behind dead. Each body has been torn to shreds and is almost unrecognizable. Their deaths are as if some animal has torn the bodies apart, but there isn’t a lot of blood. We find the last agent in the back yard, it looks like he has been lifted and thrown through the back door. He is a gory mess, there is a slash in his neck as if the animal was going to feed on him and decided not to. We finally make it to the basement, the lab is totally destroyed. It is very unnerving. The vampyre, M, that was in the basement is gone. It is as if someone didn’t want us to continue our research into the reality of vampyres, this gives me the perception that they are real, not just a myth. As we search the rest of the house, the good Dr. Sara finds Mr. Jingles dead as well. This is extremely traumatizing ordeal for her apparently, she breaks out in a hysterical fit of crying.

    I say, I guess the pretty little M was hungry because the cat was drained of blood.

    Once the house is secure, we evacuate to a new location. Agent Fitzgerald calls an F.B.I. crew to take care of clean up.

    While we are settling into the new place, we sit in the living room to have a get to know y’all session. As we are all talking, Dr. Angel is in the kitchen baking up a storm. She brings trays of sweets in for us to try. We start discussing the mission we just completed.

    I look at John and ask, what was Graham talking about when he said John, can you take care of the evidence?

    John says, I’m a fire starter. I have been for years. I’m not talking about the kind like in the movies where they can’t control it, but a mental fire starter. They call it pyrokenetic. It is a good weapon against vampyres, that is why the F.B.I. recruited me. They needed a better weapon.

    I say, you do not seem like the type of guy that would work for them. Why are you really here?

    He says, they have me by the balls, it was pretty much my only option. Why are you here?

    I say, to find out what really happened to my parents.

    Everyone sitting in the room looks up and says, your parents, in unison.

    I say, yes why?

    John goes, were they ever in Romania?

    I say, yes, they were there for a few years before I was born. Why is that significant?

    John says, that is where most of the vampyre stories stem from, do you still have ties over there?

    No. My parents died when I was ten.

    Oh, I am sorry. How did the F.B.I. find you then?

    I was in foster care when they pulled me out. So I lied, they did not need to know about my other past right now. It was too personal for me to share with strangers. Graham gave me a look like why are you lying to them. I give him a mental smack that says, it is my choice, shut up.

    I say, Okay, you know about me, I know about John and Graham. How about the rest of you?

    Dr. Angel pops in and gives us her story, I have a BA in chemistry and a PHD in hematology, the study of blood and blood borne diseases. Mr. Jingles was my childhood cat and I miss him too much. I am from Europe originally, but I have been in the US since I was ten studying at various college campuses. I got my PhD when I was fifteen and have worked in many high tech labs across the world. I will answer any questions I can on vampyres for anyone on this team, but I’m not open to discuss my personal life with any of you right now. Have some more cookies, brownies and cupcakes. And Gabriel, piss off, you’re not going to get in my pants you vain freak, I think your ugly.

    We all look at Gabriel who gets a pouty look on his face, this makes me smile for some reason. Talk about some team rivalry, Sara doesn’t like Gabriel at all, but no one knows why. Personally, I think it’s his vanity.

    Next Fredrico introduces himself. He steps across the room and puts his hand out for me to shake. I give him a firm shake and he pulls my hand up to his mouth kissing it gently, for the second time tonight. I give him a nod of thanks as he bows away. Involuntarily, I blush a little. This has thrown me off, I am so used to working like one of the guys. He says, Fredrico Ramez at your service my beautiful lady. If there is anything you need I am sure I can get it for you. Would you like to go out for breakfast in the morning? I will be ready at seven.

    I tell him, I will think about it, honey. After I say this I am thinking, wow, he is a smooth talker, I wonder who he trained with. It may be fun to work with this guy. He seems to be on the same wavelength as me. He also seems to be a close friends with John.

    Finally, Gabriel recovers from the blow Sara has given him and he looks at me from across the room. He says, hello pretty girl, I am Gabriel, the most beautiful man in the room.

    I give him an evil grin and say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you’re not my type. You are so self absorbed that you are going to get us killed one day. If you touch me unwarranted, I will break the offending body part.

    Gabriel looks at me with a mock scared face and the others in the room laugh at me, except Graham. I think, just wait I will show them, I’m not as clumsy as they think I am. I am just off from traveling.

    By now it is about five in the morning and I look at everyone and say, look I spent all day traveling and I need a shower. I will see you all later in the day. I get up and head for my room to get clothes and take a shower.

    I get in the shower and run the water super hot, it has been a rough two days. I enjoy the massaging shower head, and let the heated water release the stress in my body while I think about what has happened the last two days. I get out of the shower after forty five minutes and start getting ready for breakfast. I comb out my long hair and put it up in a partial braid bringing it from the nape of my neck around to the other side leaving the rest of it loose. I put on a black miniskirt and a tight t-shirt with knee high black leather boots. I grab my leather jacket and set it by the door.

    I call Sammy and let him know I am settled in Tucson, AZ. I ask him to find me a hook-up out here for future missions. I tell him to give it a few months before I start. I am working on some other contacts as we speak. He gives me an affirmative and says, good luck little sister.

    I walk downstairs at seven on the dot and see Fredrico and John standing at the bottom of the stairs watching me come down. They both have that look on their faces like, wow, she is actually coming to breakfast with us. As I reach the bottom of the steps I look at them and say, are we going to breakfast or not?

    They both nod their heads and start heading for the door. As we walk on out the door, Gabriel sees us and says, why do the beautiful people always get shit on?

    I turn to him and say, it’s all about the personality dear, and you don’t have one.

    We pile into John’s car, a Nissan Supra. I take the back seat and sit in the middle so I can see where we are going. John takes us to a place called Chuy’s on 22nd and Kolb for breakfast. We sit out on the patio because it’s empty. We order our food inside and head out to wait for it with our drinks. John and Fredrico get coffee. I have water. We sit at one of the high tables with the window open and start talking about the night before.

    Fredrico looks at me and say, my dear, you may call me Freddy. It is much more pleasing to my ears than my formal name.

    I nod and say, Okay Freddy. So what really brings you two into this game with the government?

    They both look at me like I am crazy and say in unison, the same as you my dear, they have some dirt on us. How long is your wrap sheet?

    I smile and say, you first.

    John says, well mine is about a page and a half and it is all local robbery and minor federal offenses with some embezzling charges mixed in. They promised to expunge my record after helping them. Not bad for what I have been doing, there is a lot they have missed. I have been doing this for about ten years, and I’m twenty six years old.

    Freddy says, my record is three pages and has a laundry list of larceny, racketeering, extortion and forgery. It is part of the family business, and I haven’t been taught very well. At nineteen, I am feeling the lack of training and experience. How old are you dear, twenty three or so?

    I say, actually, I was jail bait for both of you until last year. Over the last three years I have become very experienced and the list they showed me only cover the first year and a half of my record, but it was about eight pages of assault, battery, kidnapping, stalking, and assault with a deadly weapon charges. There was some pretty solid evidence to go with it. They promised to wipe my record clean and destroy the evidence after helping them. The training they sent me to has really given me more experience for my future exploits. It is interesting how they don’t realize what they are doing bringing me in to work with them. Thank you for the compliment on my age. I could use some assistance from you in that department. I need a few new ID’s made so I can actually hit the night spots here in town. I am only eighteen, and my brother didn’t see fit for me to have an ID that made me older. I will pay you in cash. My other skills you will have to find out on your own. I grin that wicked flirtatious grin Sammy taught me so well, and let out a small giggle.

    John and Freddy smile back at me and laugh. In my mind I here John say, what a minx.

    Freddy thoughts are, she is so my type of girl, I think. Sexy, charming, and seductive. I wonder what else she is into when it comes to the games of life.

    Our food is brought out as we are laughing. I give the guys a slight smile and say, shall we eat? It is that time. By the way John, Minx is a great nickname for me.

    They both look at me like, how did she know that. I say, John you are not the only one with mental powers. I have my own secrets and the F.B.I. doesn’t like them. Agent Fitzgerald has them too, but he suppresses them. I have been working on developing mine for years. I am getting much better at it. Then I say to their minds, do you see what I mean. Finish your breakfast and let’s get out of this place so we can talk in private.

    We finish our breakfast and pay tipping the waitress well. Then we pile into the car and head for Freddy’s house. He has been in Tucson since he was young. They say we have to be back at the house by five in the evening, so we take the time to talk a little more explicitly at Freddy’s house.

    John explains that he has been embezzling funds for many years and has about $100K in an off-shore account that he lives off of when he’s not working.

    Freddy tells me that he is part of the local mafia, and has many ties in Vegas for his job. He says his parents are both mafia, and if I need ID’s he will get them for me, but it will take a few weeks. He needs to know what names to put on them and what kind I need.

    I tell him I will give him a list in about two days, but the most important one will be an Arizona driver license with Shalina Chay on it saying I’m twenty one.

    Then I look at them and say, are you ready for the whole story? It is almost unbelievable.

    They both nod and I tell them how I started as a blessed child and a twin. Then I say, as my life went on I became more and more hateful considering the things that happened to me, which are too personal to explain right now. I eventually ended up in Louisville and was found by my ‘brother’ at the age of thirteen. He taught me all my new skills. When the F.B.I. gave me the ultimatum, I was the highest paid gun in the Louisville area. I couldn’t let them know what else I had been doing. I decided to take a break to see what they wanted. I also found it intriguing that they thought my parents were killed on purpose and it wasn’t an accident. I need to know why they think this.

    Since we were all exhausted and needed to get back to the house by five in the afternoon, we decided to sleep at Freddy’s place for the day. We planned on getting up around three so we could get to the house on time. It is currently about nine in the morning. Freddy let’s us both crash in a separate bed and he takes the couch. I crash as soon as I hit the pillow. I sleep hard and sound, but I wake up about two. My stomach is growling, so I go in the kitchen to raid the fridge but it’s empty. I walk back into the living room and find Freddy watching me walk through the house with a smile on his face.

    I look at him and say, sorry I awoke you dear, why are you smiling?

    He says, I am smiling at the beautiful woman that is walking through my house. You know you are the first one I have ever brought here. Come on over here and sit on the couch next to me.

    I walk over and sit next to him. He reaches up and starts massaging my back to relax my stressed body. He says, you are tense Shalina, why don’t you go lay on the bed and I will give you a real massage.

    This is appeasing to my body, so I do as he asks. As he enters the room he shuts the door and says, you don’t mind if we have some privacy do you?

    I say, no, it is more relaxing that way.

    He starts massaging my back again, but this time with more finesse. He untucks my shirt from the back, unclasps my bra and moves it to the side. Once this is done he continues the massage under my shirt with his warm rough hands. He begins a deep tissue massage, and I begin to moan with pleasure. I am rewarded with him putting his legs over me and to straddle my hamstrings. He continues the massage by going down the small of my back followed by my buttocks. He stops there and stretches his hands and fingers. He scoots up onto my buttocks and works my shoulders, neck, and scalp. When he finishes the first round he leans down and asks in a whisper near my right ear, how is that my beauty?

    I shiver from his breath on my neck and say, I will give you a year to stop.

    He kisses my neck and it sends more shivers up my spine. Then he gets off my body and sits next to me on the bed. He leans over to take my body in his arms pulling me into his embrace as he rolls me over. He proceeds to kiss me on the other side of my neck and ask in my ear, do you wish to continue my lady?

    I moan into his ear and say, yes, take me.

    He continues caressing my neck with his lips as he removes my shirt and bra. While he is doing this, I am unbuttoning his shirt and caressing his skin. In no time at all we are both naked from the waste up. We continue motivating each other with our seductive techniques in turn. When he reaches my breasts he seems to be playing with them fascinated by their shape and size, then he grabs the one he is not kissing and pinches the nipple. I moan and arch my back from pleasure. I grab his hair and pull his face to mine with an aggressive kiss to the mouth, biting his lip as I release. I pull his ear to my lips and nibble on it a little then I growl, I like it rough, baby.

    I bite him on the neck and release him to fall back on the bed. He watches my bosom bounce for a bit, then he removes the rest of his clothing. As I watch him he sees the desire grow in my eyes.

    He is a well built young man and his body is sculpted like an artists rendering of Atlas. I am definitely interested in continuing this relationship, at least for a while. When he is finished, he grabs my feet one at a time and removes my boots. Then he puts his hand out to help me off the bed. After I am standing he grasps my waist and picks me up. I wrap my legs around him. He grabs my buttocks bringing my body up high enough to reach my breasts with his mouth. He begins sucking and biting them with vigor and hunger. Once he is satisfied with the sounds of pleasure coming from me, he slides me back down his body to stand in front of him on the floor. He brings his hands around my waist again unzipping my skirt so it drops to the floor. I stepped out of the skirt. He ogles at the see through satin thong I am wearing. He gazes at me for a few more seconds, then slides them down my legs as he kneels in front of me.

    As I step out of the thong around my ankles he pushes my legs apart. He is now licking, sucking, kissing, and tonguing my flower. After about fifteen seconds I am groaning, moaning and leaning on his shoulders for support. In no time at all I am cumming on his face. He slows down and then stops as my body shutters. He slowly works his way back up my body with his mouth and hands. When he gets to my mouth he is aggressive and sensual at the same time. He takes the back of my head and brings me closer to him by holding the small of my back with his other hand.

    When he releases me from that kiss he picks me up by the waist again, bringing me up to ride his member. As he enters my body I gasp and moan from pleasure. He holds me tighter and begins moaning himself. He begins to loose his balance in a bout of ecstasy, so he moves placing me against the wall. I put my hands on his shoulders so he can brace on the wall. He puts his hands on the wall under my arms as he thrusts into me with the power of a man who had been denied far too long. It gives me the feeling of severe need like I had as a child, when my sister died with no body to bury. Tears form in my eyes from the memory as he cums. He carries me over to the bed when he is finished and lays me down. As he does this I do my best to bring the tears under control, but he sees them anyway. He asks me, did I hurt you dear?

    I say, no, you just brought back a heartbreaking memory from my childhood. It is a need I have been missing for many years. I’m not going to talk about it. Maybe some day, but not now. What time is it anyway?

    He looks down at his watch and says, it is about three thirty. We need to get cleaned up and head back to the safe house. I will get you a towel. You can shower first.

    He puts on his pants and shirt before walking out of the room. A minute later he brings a towel to me saying, you will find everything you need in the bathroom. Take your time dear. We have an hour before we need to leave.

    I kiss him on the cheek and head for the bathroom with the towel wrapped around me. John is sitting on the couch with a smirk on his face. As I pass him to get to the bathroom he says, kids.

    I take a quick shower to wash the smell of sex from my body and hair. As I step out of the shower Freddy is standing there waiting to get in. I smile at him and say, thank you for the day. I would like to continue this another time. This time he blushes. I smile and slap him on the ass. Get in the shower, before we’re late.

    I take the time to comb out my hair then wrap the towel around me to get my clothes. I dress and put my hair back up like it was before, then walk out to sit with John on the couch. We wait for Freddy to finish getting ready.

    When I sit next to him John says, I knew you two would hit it off the first time I saw you. You are definitely his type of woman. If you need someone to go out with you, I am your man. I love to party. I also know all the good clubs. Would you like to learn about security systems and locks?

    You bet John, that is something I need to know, it will help me exponentially in my future endeavors. Can we start the training tomorrow?


    Freddy comes out and has changed clothes. He is now wearing black jeans, and a black long sleeve T-Shirt with the band Abney Park’s logo on it. He looks at John and I on the couch and gets a jealous tinge to his facial expression.

    I look at him and say in his mind, it is not like that John has offered to teach me security and show me the clubs here in Tucson. If you want to be exclusive, you need to tell me now. I will play the field if the opportunity presents itself.

    He sticks his tongue out at me and says, exclusive, please.

    John looks at him and says, what was that about?

    He says, private conversation, stay out of it. Do me a favor and stay off her as well.

    John looks at Freddy and says, you don’t have to be possessive man, she’s not my type. I would love to take her clubbing some time though. She seems like a fun gal.

    Freddy says, as long as we are on the same page, I am good with that. She is my lady now though, so protect her like she is yours.

    Hey, I am still in the room guys.

    They both give me a sorry look, but continue talking.

    John looks at Freddy and says, I’m pretty sure Shalina can protect herself. Why don’t you have your dad check her out. He might be impressed with her you know. He is such a dick to you all the time. Does he even know you are working for the F.B.I. right now? I am sure that would make him real happy. Let’s load up so we aren’t late.

    We head out to the car and they continue their bickering about his parents and their displeasure with his choices.

    After another five minutes I get fed up with it and say, hey, get over it already. What are we doing tonight anyway?

    John says, We will talk strategy for the next hunting job and keep vigilant for other calls.


    We get back to the house about four forty five in the afternoon and head on in. Gabriel is still out. The agent at the door says, Dr. Angel has been asleep all day. She crashed after the last batch of cookies was finished. Please, let her sleep. Shalina, I suggest you get into something a little more appropriate for missions just in case we need to go out.

    I go upstairs and change into some pants and a dark shirt. I have on black boots and have covered my hair in something dark. I have also put on some dark eyeliner to highlight my eyes.

    Agent Fitzgerald gets a call from Gabriel, apparently there is a problem somewhere on the reservation.

    We go out to a sighting on the native American reservation west of Tucson. By the time we arrive the place has been ransacked and everyone inside is dead. Gabriel, was going to visit his friend, the man that lived in the house. As he approached the house in his truck, he saw something strange approaching the house. By the time he arrived his friend was dead.

    We post guards outside the house while the doctor takes samples of things inside. It is a pretty simple place of adobe construction. There is one bedroom, a huge common area with a kitchen, dining, and family room combined. Gabriel keeps telling us he thinks it was a vampyre, but he can’t give us a good reason. I personally think there is something fishy going on here, but no one really listens to me. I poke my head into the room and notice it looks like a tornado hit the place, and there is blood everywhere. The one thing I don’t see is footprints or hand smears. It is almost as if the body had exploded and no one was truly in here killing anyone. I went back to my position outside the door. Gabriel went into a fit of grief and ran off.

    The agent that is with us tells me to go track him down before he gets lost in the desert, so I follow him. I’m not too keen on following some freak I don’t even like, but that is the order. He runs about two miles from the house into the desert, and is really hard to keep up with. He out distances me by over a mile.

    Raffiel said, Gabriel, you are there to spy on the girl, not try to get into her pants. She is not yours, she belongs to the master! I destroyed your friend because of your insolence, do you understand!

    Yes, master. How can I please you in the future?

    Raffiel says, you will keep feeding them information as I provide it to you and you will not give away your secret. If you feel you have been comprimised, return to me immediately.

    As you wish master. Gabriel says, then he bursts into tears of remorse for his friend that was reciently slain due to his mistake.

    By the time I catch up with him enough to see what is happening, all I see is a shadow that looks vaguely like a man flying off. Gabriel is on his knees crying.

    I walk up to him and say, who was that?

    Who was who? He says between sobs.

    I say, get yourself together, we have to head back to the house.

    He asks me between his sobs, have you ever lost anyone?

    I reply, too many people I really cared about to count. Now let’s go. By the way, what was that shadowy thing I saw leaving as I approached?

    He looks at me, but says nothing. I try to probe his thoughts, but I can’t get into his mind. It’s like a steel trap that has no door. We head back slowly. By the time we get back Gabriel has himself composed. The agents and Dr. Angel have completed their mission inside the house. They are ready to leave. We load up and return to the house in Tucson so the doctor can analyze the new evidence.

    The next night, I decide to test the F.B.I. guys to see how good they are and what I need to learn. I get up at five in the morning and sneak out the window of my room. I come strolling back in the front door about six thirty with a smirk on my face.

    Fitzgerald proceeds to tear me a new one, so I lay low for a while. This is when I decide I need to learn a lot more about security systems than what John has taught me so far. I get more enthralled with the training John and I are doing. I start looking for a daytime job to get out of the house.

    I really need to get my GED, that is one thing Sammy asked me to do. So I sign up for on-line GED studies. I ask Freddy to help me study for my GED. I start looking for a car while I am on-line, and find a 1992 Honda Accord for $50. I go down the next day and give the guy $50 cash for the car. It even ran, although not well. I pull out and head for Freddy’s house. We have a study session in about thirty minutes.

    I pull my car into Freddy’s driveway and head for the front door. The door is locked, so I knock on it. A man I have never seen before answers the front door. He immediately tries to pull me in the house. He finds himself on the ground behind me with his 9mm pointed at his forehead. I look at him and say, who the hell are you?! Do you have absolutely no manners!

    This is when Freddy burst out of the door and pleads, Shalina, let him up and come in the house, please.

    I probe his mind as I am letting the man up, to comply with Freddy’s wishes. This is Freddy’s father. Freddy shuts the door behind us and locks it.

    I look at the man and say, sorry, Mr. Ramez. I just do not like strangers touching me. Is there a reason you’re here?

    Freddy’s mother is at the house as well. She is fussing over his empty refrigerator. He says, mom, stop please, I never eat here anyway. I want you to meet the woman who just took dad down and pointed his own gun at his forehead. This is my girlfriend, Shalina.

    Freddy’s parents both look at me like I am an alien. I look at them and say, what did I do wrong? Is Freddy not allowed to date or something? I know who you are and I am not afraid to be in the family. I can protect myself as you can see, but I am pretty sure I can protect Freddy as well.

    Mr. Ramez looks at me in my sweats and T-shirt and say, but you are not attired properly. Why are you dressed like that anyway child?

    I looked at him and say, I just picked up a $50 car I am getting ready to find a shop to have it brought up to my specifications. You heard it when I pulled up. It’s a piece of shit, but the body is nice. The interior is trashed and I didn’t want to ruin my good clothes. If you give me a minute I will change.

    I go into Freddy’s spare room and put on a nice black silk blouse, a long form fitting red skirt with a slit up the left leg, and some black heels. I looked in the mirror and checked my hair, it is still perfect. I give Freddy the mental mirror image. He sends me back approval, so I step out of the room, standing six inches taller than him.

    His father takes in a breath, but his impression of me doesn’t change.

    His mother looks at me saying, dear, you are breathtaking, how could my son not fall for you?

    I look at them and say, Mr. Ramez, since you still seem to be unimpressed with me, I know you have contacts in Louisville. Check with them if you want to know who I really am. My teacher is there, and he is good at training for my field. I am his latest protege. Once you have done that, tell me if you can really afford to have me pissed off at you. I hold no grudges over lost love. If it doesn’t work out between Freddy and I, it will be a future friendship. Can you truly afford to loose my friendship? Freddy dear, have you offered your parents a drink or snack?

    Freddy looks at me and is awestruck that I have just threatened his father and gotten away with it. His mother replies, no dear, he has offered us nothing. We could both use a nice glass of ice water right now and possibly a cool snack.

    I look at her and say, I will see what I can whip up. I know there is not much in the refrigerator, but there is some nice stuff in the freezer, Mrs. Ramez.

    Freddy’s mom grabs both of the men by their elbows and leads them to the couch, sitting down between them. Mr. Ramez comes out of it first. He looks at his wife and says, since when do they make assassins like that?

    At this comment Freddy snaps out of it and says, did you say assassin, dad?

    His dad says, I did, you gave me her name the other day Freddy, remember? I had the boys look her up. She was the highest paid assassin in the Louisville metro area before she dropped everything in the middle of a job to come out here. No one knows why she is out here. Do you?

    Freddy says, No, sir, It’s a mystery to me. He lied to his parents. I’m glad I found her. She is a fabulous person, and I think I’m in love with her. We’ll see how things develop. Are you alright with me dating her?

    Both his parents look at him and say, approved, my son, in unison.

    I bring water and snacks out. We talk for a few hours before his parents decide they need to head back to the mansion. Mr. Ramez calls the car and says good day to us both. He kisses us in the Greek manner before he leaves. Once they have driven off, Freddy looks at me and says, you are fabulous, my lady. May I treat you to a desert of flesh?

    I giggle and say, I thought you would never ask.

    As we walk back into the house he smacks me on the ass. As soon as he closes and locks the door, I turn around and attack him. He lets me take my pleasures while enjoying the pains I inflict on him. Then it is his turn to take his pleasures and pains out on me. The screams of ecstasy are a

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