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Retelling the Golden Truth Through Short Stories
Retelling the Golden Truth Through Short Stories
Retelling the Golden Truth Through Short Stories
Ebook69 pages2 hours

Retelling the Golden Truth Through Short Stories

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Religion, spirituality, culture, science, technology, etc. are for the good of mankind. We, the human beings, misutilise them to fulfilling our selfish, petty desires. It is our own fault, our deteriorating character that makes us blame both religion and science at our whim.
The present book endeavors with the help of short stories for the search of the golden truthrather the golden means that the human life seeks for its betterment in true sense.
Release dateDec 27, 2013
Retelling the Golden Truth Through Short Stories

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    Retelling the Golden Truth Through Short Stories - J.R. Kokandakar

    Copyright © 2013 by J.R.KOKANDAKAR.

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    T his is a short book full of wisdom and knowledge. Sri J.R. Kokandakar has drawn parables freely from different faiths in the world. After all, a faith represents intellectual endeavour of people who have vision. Thus this collection of short stories is a treasure of divine goodness.

    The characters here are drawn from different walks of life. All the strata of today’s human civilization stand represented here. Thus the readers are bound to find their own images here in this treasure-book.

    One of the essences of human civilization is that the eternal truths have to be told to the new generations again and again so that their conscience is enlivened and the youngsters begin to think and judge the things and thoughts on their own. This book serves a great purpose of keeping the essential of civilization intact. The language of the book is so simple that young minds are bound to fall in love with these eternal short stories.

    Dr. Vilas Kumthekar

    Ex-Professor of English

    Science College, Nanded.

    Though these are short stories they cover a wide range of human experience. They are taken from various sources. The stories throw light on the need of inculcating and fostering human virtues like tolerance, fortitude and freedom from ego, anger, greed and false assumptions.

    The necessity of justice has been emphasised as a backbone to the whole structure of society. Compassion and Morality have been shown central to the fabric of human existence. Moralising impact of such stories can have therapeutic and purifying effect on the over-burdened sensibility of modern man.

    Too much adherence to and dependence on science and Technology have paralyzed human conscience. They have spoilt the harmonious ties between man and Nature. The message through the stories is to restore this balance by following the way of sanity.

    The comments on the stories by the compiler are not only commendable but also greatly justifying to the spirit of the stories. These comments are interpretative and most convincing with a rational appeal inherent in the stories.

    Prof. Dr. M.A. Jabbar Khan

    Ex-H.O.D., English,

    People.s College, Nanded.

    This book is worthy to be read. I appreciate author’s attempt to bring harmonious whole between science (including technology) and spiritualism.

    There is a story of the old man and young child. The old man goes on grumbling about everything created by Nature (or God), whereas the child enjoys the things created by Nature. Much depends on your attitude what to accept and what to reject. The mistake the adults make while looking at the present and future is that they see these from their own perspective and that is why so many adults and old men cannot see the changes that are coming. This seems the motive of this book.

    This book gives us message to live in the present; past has gone and the future is uncertain. One must consume the present in the spirit of laughter. Lead your life without any tension but with attention.

    I pray that this book will reach wider circle, to young generation and enthuse in them how to lead life with some purpose, thought and action, devotion and dedication.

    Dr. D.S. Deshpande

    Ex-Chairman, Board of Studies in Chemistry &

    Dean, Faculty of Science,

    SRTM University, Nanded.

    The stories are a treasure. The stories are timeless. They are often full

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