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His Favour on Your Life: ...Beyond What You Can Imagine or Think
His Favour on Your Life: ...Beyond What You Can Imagine or Think
His Favour on Your Life: ...Beyond What You Can Imagine or Think
Ebook233 pages5 hours

His Favour on Your Life: ...Beyond What You Can Imagine or Think

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His Favour on your life

We all have times where we think to ourselves; "Is there a secret to doing life with heavens smile?"
This book is a collection of thoughts, practical steps and promises to unlock the favour of God over your life.

People want practical, down to earth advice to help them navigate life. They love hearing the real stories of the how someone else has walked through hard places and yet still remain secure in the knowledge that they too have a purpose.

This book has a total of twelve chapters and a study guide with each chapter to enable the reader to ponder what they have read; either individually or in a bible study group. This allows them to be able to dig up the gold within its pages, and then put it all into practice in their own lives.

This book has a light hearted approach, but with a valuable message that can be easily unpacked. Its truth brings a revelation of how different life can be when we understand that we have a heavenly invitation to do life each and every day; propelled by the hand of God.

Heaven is waiting; God is waiting for an opportunity to roll out His magnificent storehouse of blessing on your life.

This book will help to position your heart to receive His favour.

Ps Chris Jones

PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJun 19, 2014
His Favour on Your Life: ...Beyond What You Can Imagine or Think

Ps Chris Jones

Chris is the eldest daughter of pastors Gary and Joy Forbes, who said growing up, She would never grow up and be a pastor . . . Its just way too hard . . . But hilariously . . . Chris is the wife of Pastor Mat Jones, and together, they pastor Adamstown Community Church, Newcastle, Australia. A group of insanely passionate people who believe in a God who can do anything . . . and He Amazingly does! They make the bride of Christ radiant in their city with their flat out love for one another. Chris is the mother of four beautiful daughters . . . All gifts from a generous God who brings about the desires of her heart in ways she cannot begin to imagine, dream, or think! Chris is a speaker to all ages and is passionate about the Church being the Church! Authentic and Available . . . to be the hands and feet of Jesus on the earth. For more information, you can contact Chris at

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    Book preview

    His Favour on Your Life - Ps Chris Jones

    Copyright © 2014 by Ps Chris Jones.

    Library of Congress Control Number:          2014906653

    ISBN:          Hardcover          978-1-4990-0021-4

                       Softcover            978-1-4990-0020-7

                       eBook                 978-1-4990-0019-1

    Cover Design by Chris Jones Design

    Formatting by Emma Jones

    Back Cover Photo by @alicephotography96

    All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Amplified Bible, Expanded Edition copyright 1987 by Zondervan. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide, Scripture quotations marked Message are taken from the message version.

    Italics in Scripture quotations reflect the author’s added emphasis.

    Details in some anecdotes and stories have been changed to protect the identities of the persons involved.

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    Chapters and Study Notes

    1.     His Protection… You know you want it!

    2.     His Call… God, are you really sure?

    3.     His Provision… He’s got it covered!

    4.     His Ability… thank goodness He is bigger than I think!

    5.     Blessing, Blessing, Blessing

    6.     Your part of the deal… You have a few things to give away

    7.     Walk humbly… and keep walking, girl

    8.     Love, Love, Love

    9.     It’s not all just for you

    10.   Never Alone… It’s a promise!

    11.   There’s More… there is always more

    12.   Covered, Called… well, Come on then…


    I am just a girl, actually a 46 year old woman… and time is tickin’ . . . but still, I am a girl at heart, who loves Jesus with all that she is.

    I still get scared at the thought of all He asks of me… but that feeling of being inadequate in my own strength is an ever-present reminder that He is strongest in my place of weakness!

    I have big dreams, always have. Continuously, I want to see God change the earth… change my community… my friends.

    I want to see heaven erupt on earth in a way that is breathtaking to those around me, leaving them completely ruined for life any other way than with the love of Jesus.

    I have found that God is a rewarder to all who seek Him…

    He saw the honest cry of a six-year-old girl who said yes to the opportunity of having Jesus fill her heart.

    He is a reviver of a woman who, at twenty-six, was full of insecurity, hurt, and fear, yet He set her feet on a new pathway of life beyond her thoughts or plans.

    He is a restorer of a girl’s dream who has faithfully waited for His timing… He is ever faithful, covering her every step with His precious hand that has supplied her every need.

    My Prayer is that the words of this book will reward, revive, and restore your heart as you seek to do life differently . . . living in the abundance of a generous God who is already in the beyond of what you can ever imagine or think.

    He sees you, and His heart is for you.

    Chris xx


    This book that is in your hands is not just a collection of my thoughts but also the wisdom that the Father has instilled in my heart.

    Some of it gleaned in worship, some in the place of trial, struggle, and challenge . . . but mostly in the journey of walking with a Saviour whom I passionately love.

    Mum and Dad, you showed me exactly how a God-focused life is birthed from a heart activated by love, not duty… thank you for loving Jesus in a way that made me fall in love with Him!

    Mat, Emmy, Brea, Chloe, and Kate . . . Clearly God’s most incredible and priceless gifts to my life! Love my family, my man . . . you all are the dreams of my heart, I love seeing you soar. Thanks for believing in me. God takes my breath away constantly with all He has entrusted into our hands.

    God is so generous towards us, ever drawing and calling our hearts to reach further and deeper into His love, His Strength, and His power to equip our lives with His Favour.

    Heaven is waiting to pour out amazing blessing onto your life and the work of your hands.

    My God is able . . . to Him be all the glory.

    Small Group and Study Notes

    Def (verb): To apply one’s mind purposefully to the acquisition

    of knowledge or understanding of (a subject).


    Each chapter concludes with study notes.

    My heart has always been drawn to study groups.

    They form strong relationships and real insights

    into seeing how the word of God becomes a practical

    part of your everyday life…

    Enjoy Chris x

    Chapter One


    His Protection… You know you want it!

    Chris… I am doing a new workYou’re not

    gonna be able to wear the same things any more

    Chapter One

    His Protection . . . You know you want it!

    An umbrella in the rain, a coat in the cold, or sunscreen in the heat of the day… Wouldn’t it be wonderful if protecting our hearts was as simple as packing one of these items in your bag?!

    We spend our days interacting with people… people who are a gift to our lives, who bring sunshine and strength, and others who seem to leave you feeling exhausted and drained. They take the sunshine and strength from us, sometimes with what they say and sometimes with just who they are.

    We need protection over our hearts and lives as we navigate the challenges and difficulties that arise as we interact with each other in this journey we call life!

    When I was a little girl, I had a clear raincoat with snap buttons, and one of those umbrellas that came right down over the top of you with clear sides and yellow flowers on it. I can remember wishing it would rain just so I would be able to wear this outfit over my grey school uniform. There was something comforting about being in the rain all decked in my rain gear. I loved it. Despite the storm and the rain, I was excited to look out my window, knowing it was an opportunity for me to be able to use my brolly and coat!

    Funny how now that I am older, the storms of life are not as eagerly anticipated as the storms viewed through my six-year-old eyes from the safety of my bedroom window. The storms that I now face are often met with deep breaths, a few tears, and lots of time spent on my knees. The storms we encounter and how we react to them and their presence in our everyday life is what shapes our heart and points our compass towards our future. We find ourselves either embracing the challenge, the lesson, with faith, or running from it in fear!

    Well, I sure have done my share of running! Storms that have had me gritting my teeth in fear as they barked for my attention and time. I have had my times of crying, and moments when I felt myself shrinking back behind the safety of what I knew and what I could see, smell, and touch, rather than embracing the unknown and unseen journey of faith… trusting that God has it.

    I have often thought about that little outfit I wore as a kid and how great I felt, eager to jump puddles and have the rain run down the sides of my beautiful umbrella. It’s funny how, when we get older, we forget the joy that can be had in the rain. Somehow we lose perspective and focus on the rain, and the joy is lost in the seemingly imperfect conditions. I guess right there is the secret for navigating the storm—our focus. What holds and fills your eyes also fills your heart!

    I read this beautiful anonymous quote that said,

    ‘The storm closed in, and so she learnt to dance in the rain’ . . . If we are waiting for all the conditions of our life to be perfect to be able to enjoy our lives, then it may be a long wait! It’s time we learn how to dance in the rain. The protection we need to navigate this ‘roll with the surprises’ lifestyle is one that only heaven can offer!

    The enemy to a great life is not tragedy or heartbreak, but the choice to let that heartbreak and heartache arrest your life, to live life in such a way that it leaves you scared of participating. It pushes your heart and dreams to the sideline, for the sake of a safer, more predictable pathway. We often look at people around us who seem to be going through incredible hardship and trial and wonder how they manage to cope. It is equally amazing to me how, when you talk to those people, they say things like I wouldn’t change anything . . . how bizarre. Clearly, they have unlocked a secret that sustains their every day in a way that allows them to embrace the joy despite the rain. They have learnt the joy of wearing gumboots and puddle-jumping!

    As Christians, God’s dearly loved children, we live in a very blessed position. The key is learning how to unlock those blessings for our everyday life. The Bible is full of so many blessings, but we need to skilfully learn how to apply them into our lives if we want to live in heaven’s abundance. It is whilst we are on earth that we need heaven’s connection over our whole lives… heaven was meant to resource our lives down here in such a way that the world would look and see that Jesus is alive! Our position is one of being blessed, and that is a certain truth securely grounded on the unfailing love of God. It’s the knowing in our heart that we are never alone and that God is working on our behalf. It is the foundational belief and hope (not feeling) that the amazing truth that Paul describes in Hebrews, Chapter 13:5 is true.

    ‘Relax, my Hold is on you’ says the Lord, ‘I will not in any way fail you. I will not, I will not leave you without support’.

    These are promises for every one of God’s children… not just the high achievers or the ones whose record is perfect—but for those who dare to call Him Lord! We walk in the promise of His divine favour, and it is that testimony that holds us in good times and bad. He has us… He so has us.

    He is our shield, our rock. He is our rest and comfort. God Himself is our protection from the storms that life brings. I think the biggest enemy to us claiming and walking out a great life is just to simply lead a life where you seek ‘comfort’ and ‘ease’ over growth—a life where you find that you no longer need Jesus every day; rather, you settle into the world’s way of trying to make it all work out perfectly on your own.

    ‘Comfort and ease’ are sometimes the enemy of the pathway that holds our future strong and secure. It is in the places that have us reeling, trying to catch our breath that we find a God who is stable and true.

    Undoubtedly, the moments when I have felt God be biggest are those times when I have truly felt overwhelmed and surrounded by the storm. His protection, if we allow it, will be like that clear umbrella where, despite the storm and the rain that comes, He allows our vision to stretch to see what He sees, to still be able to navigate a clear pathway to step out His plan and

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