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The Hidden Mysteries: How to Live Edition Ii
The Hidden Mysteries: How to Live Edition Ii
The Hidden Mysteries: How to Live Edition Ii
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The Hidden Mysteries: How to Live Edition Ii

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Many thanks for lending me your most interesting,
inspiring and splendid book, Breakthrough For Lasting
World Peace. An Enlightened Planet now titled (The
Hidden Mysteries How To Live).
It will, I am sure be appreciated by everyone who reads
it. How wonderful it would be if there was a breakthrough
for lasting World Peace.
Warmest Good Wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Dame Elisabeth Murdoch.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJun 20, 2012
The Hidden Mysteries: How to Live Edition Ii

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    The Hidden Mysteries - Glenys Rochford

    Copyright © 2012 by Glenys Rochford and James Hearn.

    Library of Congress Control Number:     2011962338

    ISBN:        Hardcover                              978-1-4653-9637-2

                     Softcover                                978-1-4653-9636-5

                     Ebook                                    978-1-4653-0606-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Xlibris Corporation



    Many thanks for lending me your most interesting, inspiring, and splendid book, Breakthrough For Lasting World Peace. An Enlightened Planet. (Now titled The Hidden MysteriesHow to Live)

    It will, I am sure, be appreciated by everyone who reads it. How wonderful it would be if there were a breakthrough for lasting world peace.

    Warmest good wishes,

    Yours sincerely,

    Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

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    This book is dedicated to the love of my life—my darling wife, Ann, who is now with me in spirit.

    I thank God for Ann, my best friend, my passionate lover, my financial advisor, and planner. We were together on planet Earth to within two months of our sixtieth wedding anniversary.


    Expressions Of My Gratitude

    Firstly, I wish to express my gratitude to my children, Wendy and Roderick, and also Angela, whose spirit I feel is still with me—for their patience and love.

    I am also blessed with grandchildren, Sari and Christian, Declan and Zali, from whom I always get great pleasure and pride and who are nature spirits of fun, laughter, and love.

    My sister Lois and my brother Bob (now departed).

    And also my three great-grandchildren, Ashby, Shelton and Tyler they are bundles of absolute pure joy.

    I say also ‘a big thank you’ to my extended family; Naomi, Jackie, Greg, Bill and Janeen also my sisters husband Ken, and respective families. I acknowledge the rest of humanity also with love as my extended family.

    From the bottom of my heart, I wish to thank Glenys for her dedication and her incredible professional contribution in the writing of this book.



    You are about to have incredible and credible insights.

    First: An insight into how you personally can begin to have a better life.

    Second: How just you can affect change.

    Third: Change is alchemy changing what was into creating world peace.

    Fourth: Conquering evil.

    This book contains mostly our individual ideals and our beliefs and understanding of life that we have shared in common.

    This has been written in a fictional setting and you will hopefully find the manner in which the storyline is written is entertaining for you, our reader. This manuscript has taken each of us on our personal journey, ones which were filled with what seemed like humungous challenges at times. In sharing, we have finally come through our differences, indifferences, likes, and dislikes to find satisfaction and a renewed way of serving humanity, our country, and planet Earth.

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    For myself, it all started sixty years ago when I set a goal during my teens to find out who we are, where we come from, and what we are doing here on planet Earth. In other words, I set a goal to find out about life.

    Near the end of World War II, I set myself another goal. I was twenty years old, still in the Royal Australian Air Force as aircrew, and based in England when I heard that my best friend from schooldays in Australia, who was also serving in the Royal Australian Air Force, had been killed during the war. I vowed that I would try to find a solution that would eliminate the tragedy of wars.

    I believe that I have found the practical answer!

    I consider myself to be a very average, ordinary, and sensitive bloke, using my mind to think about and ponder over the problems of the world in which we live. I am also an avid reader.

    It was through my reading and pondering on things that I began to get answers, incredible answers to stop wars and answers to the many problems we all face in our everyday life.

    Over the years, I have bombarded prime ministers, politicians, royalty, and the press regarding global education. And the day has arrived for taking action. Now!


    My dedication is to my family. I have more because of you, Therron, and Martine, also Michelle. I am so proud of who you are and in awe of who you are choosing to become.

    I have great fun and lots of laughter from loving and being a very proud Mémè to Ashlee, Kiarah who are all loving, insightful, and delightful and a new blessing is a cherub named Leeah who makes the world smile around her.

    My brother Mark, I ‘love’ you, always have, and always will.

    Acknowledgements from Glenys

    I sincerely thank those of you for supporting me to keep going and for those of you that supported me to stop, ‘Enough is enough’. I know and love who you are and you know who you are too.

    ‘You too know who you are.’ Family and friends, let’s make a choice! We are in celebration of how we are living!

    Roger Stanley, thank you so much for your expertise, kindness, and patience, also for all the encouragement. Playing the piano was so much great fun. A quote from Roger’s poems I thought was perfect.

    To dream of the past is sentimental; To dream of the future is fanciful; To dream of today is impossible, For that that is, is.

    Roger Stanley

    From me to You

    When I first started out, I thought I was doing an edit only on a manuscript written by James. Because the manuscript was so small, I believed it would take no time at all.

    Reading the manuscript and listening to his, I say preaching, as that is what it felt like and still does today, I could hear passion, a thirst, and certainly a quest to find the ‘Holy Grail’—the answer to world peace.

    This book has quite a few incarnations. First, in the manuscript, there was made mention only of seventeen lessons. James was sent away to develop them. He came back with a camber pitched from two of his favourite authors. Second, I sat down with him and we worked on the seventeen lessons—that went nowhere. Third, James came up with the best idea to use the ‘9 Value Lessons’ the government had put to schools right across Australia.

    I put the framework down and James approved. He was happy to call them Tenets and covenants, and we were away to Breakthrough for Lasting World PeaceAn Enlightened Planet.

    I was in Sydney with my friend Claire. We went into a shop called Plum Interiors and met two very interesting women. The owner said she had once had a book shop. Naturally, my ears picked up. What was mentioned was a section she called how to live. Say no more! I started to rewrite immediately when I returned home, which I have now completed and edited.

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    We have had our challenges, ups and downs, and finally agreed to disagree on differing points of view as we go to print.

    Hugs, Glenys

    How To Live—Author’s note from Glenys


    Creating, writing and self-editing along the way have been trying and difficult. With deliberate intention from the outset, I wanted to make the words and the elements of their meaning be left to you for your translation. The Tenets were originally written with no punctuation the intention being you can draw your own conclusions; personal to you. Each time a different editor looked at the final draft they had difficulty with so little punctuation and found it too personally challenging so would ask what do you mean here. What a perfect question! It is not what I mean it is what you draw for your-self: ask your-self what does this mean for me?" The Tenets have been written to you, about you and for you, there is no ‘we’ or ‘us’ used: so you the reader it is left to your interpretation.

    Capital letters, upper/lower case, is used correctly and sometimes incorrectly. This is so no one word becomes a fixed identification, i.e. God/god. Energy/energy.

    ‘Poor bugger’ is Aussie slang, a term used as compassion, sympathy, or what’s called bad luck in given situations. ‘Poor bugger me’ is used here in the context of disposition, attitude, or demeanour.


    LL: Double LL has been used extensively in one section of ‘The Hidden MysteriesHow to Live’ to give a full bodied impression to a word, for example, harmfull, gratefull, peacefull. Reading this will give your reading and hearing of each word the full complement of meaning.

    Responsibility became Respons ability.

    There are repeats throughout and they are intentional.

    Colloquialism and slang has been used intentionally.

    The word God has no blasphemous intention.

    The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think.

    Alexander Pope

    BOOK 1











    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    BOOK 2


    TENET NO. 1:

    TENET NO. 2:

    TENET NO. 3:

    TENET NO. 4:

    TENET NO. 5:

    TENET NO. 6:

    TENET NO. 7:

    TENET NO. 8:

    TENET NO. 9:

    P S…

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17



    Taking a Friend’s Dog for a Walk in Nature Is Where You Find the Unexpected—Hidden and Mysterious

    Gravel crunched underfoot as I walked slowly up the old logging track. Overhead, dawn was breaking, the night sky lightening into what looked to be another perfect day. Ten paces ahead, Rodger—a large black and tan German shepherd I had brought with me—began sniffing and snorting into a large tussock when suddenly, up sprang a rabbit scurrying up the middle of the track, its white tail bobbing up and down as it ran. Dead leaves, bits of bark, and small twigs scattered hither and thither. The dog got the sniff of a rabbit’s scent and was immediately on the chase. It was on the tip of my tongue to call out after the dog to stop chasing. Instead, I stopped to watch what would happen.

    At the top of the first rise, Rodger made his move and lurched at the rabbit. The rabbit quickly darted to the right and disappeared into tall timber and undergrowth with the dog still in hot pursuit.

    As I got closer to the spot, squinting to focus my eyes where the dog and rabbit had disappeared, I found a small animal track leading through the undergrowth. I began crawling, pushing small branches away and aside from my face. To my great surprise, I came across an old, rusty, plain wire fence. On the other side of the fence was a clear, flat open field. Rubbing my eyes to check if what I thought I was looking at was indeed real and to say I was astonished was an understatement.

    From the track, this whole side of the mountain appeared to be very steep, covered with tall trees and thick undergrowth. I thought, ‘If it wasn’t for Rodger chasing that rabbit, I would never have known the field was there.’ Perhaps the field had been a campsite for logger’s years ago, and the fence was the boundary. Horses would drag—with heavy chains—hewn logs to a central clearing where they were then to be transported by horse and dray and lorries to the nearest timber mill. Who knows what the field was used for?

    I began looking for the dog and the rabbit, but something else interrupted and captured my gaze.

    Right in the middle of the field was this kind of shimmering haze. In attempting to describe whatever was there, it looked like a pocket of air about two feet above ground level, just hovering and shimmering and didn’t seem to be moving. Climbing through the old rusty wire fence for a closer look, I approached very cautiously and discovered extremely large circles in the grass and they had uniformity. I estimated these circles were about thirty paces or so across and each appeared the same size and, a very interesting point here, all the grass was flattened and facing one way.

    I walked slowly towards the shimmering haze and could now see it was coming from one of the circles.

    Curiosity was pushing my bravery. I would have to find out. So holding my breath, I found myself tentatively putting my hand into the shimmering circle. I withdrew very quickly. Whew! Whatever it was, it was red hot. Due to the intensity of the heat, I guessed whatever had created it had just been there not all that long ago and maybe it was still around there and yet I had seen nothing nor heard anything. Whatever had made the circles? What was the purpose? Something was spending time there? Was it what I was thinking? Maybe, just maybe, as my curiosity was racing a million miles an hour.

    Scanning around the outskirts of the field and to the south, I noticed all the treetops were brown, scorched. They were dead. Now looking back, the shimmering haze was definitely fading.

    The only noises I heard were magpies warbling in the distance and really close by, kookaburras laughing. Were they reading my mind and making a jackass out of me? The sun started to flicker through the treetops and brought me back to checking my watch. The time read 7.07 a.m.

    Was there some sort of craft, maybe, just maybe, a spaceship spending time at night in this hidden field? I was feeling anxious and excited.

    A flock of brightly coloured lorikeets swooped low, screeching overhead, which drew me back to the present, so I whistled to Rodger. As he did not come at first, I whistled again. He came bounding from the top of the field straight up to me. I patted him on the head, acknowledging, ‘Good boy, Rodger, good boy.’

    I was feeling really determined, as my curiosity was really tweaked to find out what was happening out here and how or who was making those circles. So planning to come again in the morning at an earlier time and without my four-legged companion, I started investigating Rodger’s mouth with my fingers. I felt sudden relief. There was no fur, which meant the rabbit had been too elusive. I am now against killing anything, even though I had killed birds and animals as a teenager with a small rifle given to me by my parents for my sixteenth birthday. I have regretted those killings ever since.

    It was time for Rodger to get more exercise, so climbing back through the rusty wire fence back along the animal path to the old logging track, we continued climbing, eventually ending up on a high ridge on the mountaintop with magnificent views and an intriguing small green valley, which seemed to command my eye, way down below. Feeling tired after the long climb and still reeling from my experience of heat from the shimmering haze, I lay down on the grass and closed my eyes. As I was drifting off, I remember thinking, ‘I need to do some shopping and I will go to the library to return some books.’ The last thing I knew before dozing right off was a weight being nestled up against my right arm—Rodger.

    The next thing I knew was waking up as my face was getting a fair licking by Rodger with the added touch of slobbering. I opened my eyes, and he was standing over me ready to give me more licking and wagging his tail, as though it was time to go. Looking at my watch again, it was 10.58 a.m. I had been asleep for hours.

    Brushing myself down as I got to my feet, I spoke to the dog, ‘Come on, Rodger. Let’s go, or we will be late getting you home on time and what will Alan have to say about that?’

    Rodger belonged to a friend, Alan Williams, who had asked me to look after Rodger for a while as he often did while he took his wife Sally shopping in Brisbane. Alan and Sally had left early and arranged to be home again by 1 p.m., at which time I was to return Rodger.

    I had brought the dog into the hinterland very early to run completely free for a while, as he absolutely loved it.

    We headed back down the logging track once again, passing the small animal track which led to the hidden field. Driving back to Surfer’s Paradise, my mind kept spinning in circles about the circles in the field. Were they what are known as ‘crop circles’? I have, for a very long time, had a great interest in space and UFOs. I had read about crop circles and their links to sources of power, for example, Stonehenge, Silbury Hill in England, and Mt Montsegur in France. I remember once reading an article about crop circles and the trilling noise as ‘sound waves’ transmitted at high frequency. I heard no sounds out in the field other than birds. Quite often, when I walk in the bush, I take my mouth organ and play to the birds. They come very close and sit. Can you imagine how I felt when I read there was a correlation between bird-song and the music of the kingdom of birdsong? I said to Rodger on our way back to Alan, ‘I will bring my keyboard next time, old boy. Oh good. We will be back by 1 p.m.’

    I drove home, letting my imagination and possibility spark off each other. Birds chirping! I play piano, and I am thinking arpeggio, ‘Arpeggio is close to a trill.’ That was an ‘aha’ moment. If my memory serves me correct, a young man from England, who, oh, what is his name? Think, James, think! A musician had worked out and perfected the relationship between bird sounds and a particular way of playing notes.

    ‘Oh my god! I just realised I am talking to myself out loud!’

    What would be found by going back to the field earlier this time? Parking my car in the underground car park of the high-rise, and then taking the lift to the twenty-fifth floor, I let myself into my unit with my head still buzzing with questions. Was this just my imagination, which I have always had plenty of? Is it, could it, really have been a UFO? ‘Oh, what’s his name? What’s his name? Come on, James!’ I was trying to remember his name, the guy who put together birds’ trill in a sequence of notes. From memory, I think he worked with a skylark’s song, which was forty-eight seconds long and created thirteen minutes of sheet music. How amazing is it really? There is so much human potential unexplained and never explored. Ann is probably watching and listening to me. I could not help laughing as Ann often said, ‘Stop muttering to your-self.’

    I had once read that if you look at the billions of stars at night, each star being a sun like our own, then it was a mathematical certainty there were other living planets in the universe, some much more advanced than

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