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Why Is This Just Happening to Us?.... It’S Not!!!: The Non-Medical Guide to Coping with Problem Teens
Why Is This Just Happening to Us?.... It’S Not!!!: The Non-Medical Guide to Coping with Problem Teens
Why Is This Just Happening to Us?.... It’S Not!!!: The Non-Medical Guide to Coping with Problem Teens
Ebook75 pages1 hour

Why Is This Just Happening to Us?.... It’S Not!!!: The Non-Medical Guide to Coping with Problem Teens

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Please join Calvin as he brings you along the journey he and his family took. Calvin greatly values his familys privacy and feelings and states so in his book. You will find, the book is not about him or his family, its about YOU! Calvin and his familys experience was bad enough that he decided it was time to do something good with it. He has written this book in the hopes that he can help even just one family get through their troubles.

You will find a tremendous amount of facts and solutions from his experience. Calvin has even put an e mail address in the book for those who are extremely desperate to talk to someone who has been where they are. And, now, we invite you to join Calvin and his family on their incredible journey that will help you and your family get through these trying times. Good luck to you and use the experience that Calvin is sharing with you.
Release dateMar 28, 2014
Why Is This Just Happening to Us?.... It’S Not!!!: The Non-Medical Guide to Coping with Problem Teens

Calvin Olson

Calvin is just a regular hard-working middle class man with a wife, two children and two grandchildren. He and his family have years of going through what you are and maybe more. He is not a doctor. He is not a psychiatrist or counselor. And he is not a recognized drug expert, but he has learned an awful lot through his family’s experiences. This book is not three hundred pages long because Calvin gets right to the point, helping you find ways to cope with what you are experiencing.

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    Why Is This Just Happening to Us?.... It’S Not!!! - Calvin Olson


    HAPPENING TO US? . . . .

    IT’S NO T!!!



    The guide you have been waiting for.

         As seen through the eyes of a father

                          who has been where you are!



    AuthorHouse™ LLC

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    © 2014 Calvin Olson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/24/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-7294-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-7292-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-7293-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014904797

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    You Are Not Alone

    Chapter One:   Our Story

    Chapter Two:   Facts About Drugs

    Chapter Three:   What Should We Look For?

    Chapter Four:   What Can We Do?

    Chapter Five:   What Actions Can You Take?

    Chapter Six:   How Will We Survive This?

    Chapter Seven:   Summary




    This book is dedicated to my wife, son, and my daughter. Also, it is most warmly dedicated to the memory of a young teen named Joey F. My daughter and Joey were the inspiration in writing this book. My family has witnessed the heartache and destruction of teenage alcohol and drug abuse both from within our family and from our dear friend, Joey. He was a good and decent fifteen year old young man who like many in his situation, didn’t deserve to die.

    This book is about their stories and the lessons we learned as parents. My mission is not to dwell on our problems, but to state the issues we’ve lived through and to pass on what we have learned to you. I have the hope that our experiences may save even one life, hopefully many.

    Sleep well in God’s hands, Joey. We miss you.

    The information in this book is accurate to the best of my knowledge.



    Those of you who have purchased this book are most likely in the midst of an incredible journey. I assume you are experiencing difficult times with your teen or you would have no need to buy this book. I should explain further that I am not writing under my real name. Please forgive me for that. My family and I have been through way too much pain and sorrow over the last several years to put them or myself through more. I can only ask that you trust the fact that I have been where you are. I’m nobody famous. I’m not wealthy. I’m not a doctor or medical professional of any kind. Nor do I pretend to be. I’m just a man, a father who has lived through the same hell as you might be. For that reason, I will also not use my family members’ real names either. My wife Kathy, is just a regular mom who has also gone through the same hell you are. I feel we have the best expertise of all—personal experience.

    Writing this book may very well be the most horrific task I have completed. You see, in order to write this, I have to relive years of gut wrenching memories over and over again. But I’m willing in order to help you. I promised myself that if God would just help us through this, I would do anything I could to help others through it. Even if I can help just one family, I will be happy.

    In this book you will read things that might hit very close to home. Some of them will put knots in your belly or make you cry. Others will make you feel guilty or angry. Then of course, you have some that will just flat out scare the hell out of you. Believe it or not, you may even get a laugh or two out of this. That’s important. We need to find reasons to laugh. Keeping a sense of humor is very difficult in horrible situations, but necessary.

    Do not let denial overpower you. You cannot even begin to cope with the troubles you face without facing the truth, no matter how terrible it may be. Face it and keep facing it or these things will be your undoing. Telling our story will not be easy for me so I’ll ask you in advance to bear with me on that. On the other hand, I also want to try to give you some hope. There is always hope! You just have to look hard to see it.

    You’re probably wondering what you can expect to gain from reading this. I can just imagine the questions you must have.

    Why is this only happening to us?

    Rest assured, it’s not. The first thing you will learn is that in fact, you are NOT alone. This does happen to other people and you may be surprised to learn just how many people you will discover are having the very same problems and some much worse. That feeling of being alone is probably the worst emotion you will experience throughout your ordeal. You can cope and I’m

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