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Still Standing
Still Standing
Still Standing
Ebook62 pages47 minutes

Still Standing

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About this ebook

Cashmier Bradly was an only child, raised by an single mother. Her mother kept her involved in beauty pageants all across the city of Las Vegas. With her drug addicted father dropping in & out of her life, things were about to change once her mother, Janette met her new boyfriend Ice. Ice's hustle & street life became a stressful burden on Janette causing her to take her anger & furstration out on the only person she loved the most, her own daughter. As cashmier grew older, her abusive relationship with her mother caused the teen to become rebellious, looking for love in all the wrong places. By the age of 14 she was pregnant, & beaten badly by her own mother, then forced to abort her unborn child. By the time she graduated high school, she had been keeping a secret from her mother that would cause an re-occurring abusive event. She was pregnant again, only this time she would flee the city of Las Vegas & attend college in the state of AZ, keeping her now 8yr old son Jemar Demone Matthews Jr.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 13, 2014
Still Standing

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    Book preview

    Still Standing - Xlibris US




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Message from the Author


    This book is dedicated to the ones who know my story personally from watching from the front row seats: Diamond Avery, my stepsister; Terry Dodd Jr., my eldest brother; Terry Dodd III; and Terry Dodd IV. No one could really speak on the events that took place in our home, but you all were the first ones to see me cry and feel my pain. I love my siblings, each and every one you!


    F irst and foremost, I would like to thank the big man above for blessing me with such an amazing opportunity to turn my life experiences into a story for many teenage girls who have or are going through similar situations such as I did.

    My dad, Ollie Jones, thanks for never judging my creativity. You’ve always told me to follow my dreams, no matter how bizarre they are. I love you.

    My mother, Renette Jefferson, life gets heavy sometimes, especially being a single parent, but I’ve always looked up to you and admired your independence. Thank you for all the lessons taught, even when I didn’t want to learn.

    My stepdad, Terry Dodd, words can’t describe how much I love you. You’ve stepped up and mended the broken heart of a fatherless little girl. You’ve tried to fix all my bad situations before Momma would even find out. You’ve raised me into the independent woman I am today, and you will always and forever be my father.

    My beautiful, precious rug rats, Jemar, Honesty, Innocent, and Perfect; Mommy loves you guys more than life itself. Everything I do is for you all. Mommy will leave this world someday with a legacy for you all to carry on. Never let anyone kill your dreams. The sky is never the limit; it’s just an amazing view from the top.

    My Nook-Nook, Norbert Blackwell. I have always loved you and forever will continue to love you; you have always placed me on such a high pedestal even when I didn’t believe in myself. You’ve helped transform me from a girl to a responsible, strong woman. I love you, Nook-Nook, forever and a day.

    My auntie Josette Smith, the only woman in my life I can relate to, drink with, and live life to the fullest with. My second mother, my ride-or-die chick, I love you like no other.

    My grandmother (RIP) Evelyn Council—Grandmomma, I miss you so much; most importantly, I miss coming to the Jets and smelling your cooking from down the block. You’re the reason why this family has such strong, positive women. I wish you were here for all my accomplishments, but I know you’re smiling down with your Millers in hand, rejoicing to my victory with Mr. Al Green.

    My best friend and sister, Edwina Drummer, you were the first to hear my story and you cried. Girl, you are my sister for life, and I love you.

    Last but certainly not the least, Darrel Brumfield—you’ve stayed awake for many nights listening to all my stories I have written, giving me constructive and positive criticism. Thanks for your patience. I love you lots.

    Chapter 1

    T rying to please the next motherfucker has always been my downfall. And being the only girl on both sides, high expectations were often made of me. Sit up straight, Cashmier, Shoulders back, And don’t forget to make eye contact with the judges, And please, please don’t forget, when you make your turns, make sure that you have pretty foot. All that shit sounded like whomp whomp !

    You see, my mother, Janette, was a true pageant mom. I’ve been competing in pageants since the ’80s. My mother would spend her last money

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