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Eltrans 25
Eltrans 25
Eltrans 25
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Eltrans 25

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Set in Canberra, Australias Federal Capital in 2001, the protagonists are Jack Smith, who set out to invent a machine which could be used for good, in all sorts of emergencies (such as Drought prevention, by electronically transferring water from one part of the world to the drought area, Flood mitigation by getting rid of flooding water, food transport from bunkers where excess food is stored to famine areas, extracting people from mud slides, earthquakes, etc. transferring armies and equipment anywhere in the world instantaneously, and in medicine in placing little nano cameras into human bodies without surgical intervention, looking at cancer cells, and then directing Radio waves directly onto the affected areas, etc.)
When he had it perfected, he realised that it could also be used by unscrupulous people, crime syndicates, for the transfer of all gold from Fort Knox and from the Reserve Bank in Wall Street to anywhere, the transfer of all Diamonds in Hatton Garden etc and the transfer of all currency in the various Mints of the world to somewhere else. It could also be used by those same criminals, or by corrupt Governments, to maybe produce droughts in all the worlds food belts, except their own, so that they could charge extortionate prices for food supplies to the rest of the world.
The shock of this realisation was too much to bear for Jacks wife, Belinda, and she suffered a fatal heart attack as a result of that realisation.
Jack sets up a meeting between John Howard, Australias Prime Minister, John Anderson, Deputy Prime Minister, Bruce Richardson Director General of ASIO, and Grigorian Borowski, Canberras top scientist. After giving a small demo of his machines capability in blacking out TV at a time and for a duration specified by Grigorian, and in this meeting Jack transfers Bill Clinton from the Oval Office in the White House, to an underground bunker under Canberras new Parliament House, and likewise transfers John Howard from this same bunker to the Oval Office in the White House..
After that, Sirius becomes aware of the machine and blackmails Grigorian to reveal the whereabouts of the machine. Jack is aware of the fact that Grigorian is demanding that he bring his machine in before the bunkers that Jack specified to protectively house his machine are finished, and Jack wrongly believes that Grigorian I somehow wanting to get his hands on the machine for his own purposes.
Sirius cannot attack Jack directly the same way that he attacked Grigorian, because Jack has no known living relatives. Both Sirius and Grigorian independently want to provide someone for Jack to fall in love with, so that they can then blackmail him. Enter Therese.
Jack has been advised that he has Cancer, and has only a few months to live. So he has to decide who to give the machine to, or whether to destroy it. He takes it to Canberras Archbishop, and in the seal of the Confessional, he leaves it with him, with instructions on what to do with it the event of his death from any cause whatsoever, or if he should go missing for more than 7 days.
ASIO and the CIA call on the Archbishop on the one day and question him about Jack Smith, but he cannot reveal anything about him. They tell him that Jack has invented a weapon of Mass Destruction.
The Archbishop is in a quandary. Must he continue to house this package, which now has him worried that it might be a bomb, since Jacks wife died earlier on, and the thought crosses the Archbishops mind, that maybe Jack somehow blames God for this, and his mind may have been twisted enough to try and blow up the Cathedral. He envisions a mushroom cloud above Canberra.
Eventually Sirius captures Therese, who was not a plant that he had arranged, and threatens her with death if she wont reveal Jacks hiding place. She genuinely does not know anything about it, and so he kills her. Then he captures Jack, and questions him. He shows him a video of how he has killed Therese, and this makes Jac
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateNov 19, 2011
Eltrans 25

Ellis J. Ryan

The Author is a 76 yr young retired Taxation Consultant, happily married for 54 years, with two children, six Grandchildren and one Great-Grand son. He has lived at the one address for 55 years, and came from Dubbo NSW where he was raised until 19 years of age. Always too busy to take up sports, at 75 yrs of age he took up Lawn Bowling. He says, I always thought Bowls was only for elderly people. His wife plays Golf every Wednesday and some Sundays, and Cards every Monday and Thursday with a group of her lady friends. He is the National President of Our Ladys Rosary Makers of Australia Inc, and also its patron. He started this organisation in 1971.

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    Eltrans 25 - Ellis J. Ryan

    Copyright © 2011 by Ellis J. Ryan.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       Pending

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4653-9848-2

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4653-9847-5

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4653-0586-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    I dedicate this work to my lovely wife Beverley,

    without whose constant love and affection

    (And a bit of nagging) this book would not

    have seen the light of day.



    THEY MET AS arranged, at a quiet almost deserted Italian restaurant in the centre of Canberra—Jack the accidental designer of a Domesday Machine, and the older scientist Grigorian. The latter was Canberra’s leading scientist, employed by CSIRO on special projects, while Jack owned a one-man TV and Video Repair business.

    Jack placed his briefcase casually on a chair next to him, and glanced at the small led light near the lock. It glowed steadily green, unobserved by Grigorian. Jack waited a minute or so before speaking, but the wait was too long for Grigorian, and he burst in with ‘How did you do it?’

    ‘You don’t really expect me to tell you, do you?’ Jack replied.

    The delay had been necessary as inside Jack’s briefcase was a tiny bugsweeper which was revolving in circles sweeping an area of approx. 10 metres diameter. It would pick up any electronic device within that area which was capable of picking up, recording and or relaying their spoken words. Had there been anything of that nature present, either on Grigorian, or planted in the Restaurant, the led light would have changed to a flashing red colour, and Jack would have aborted the meeting.

    ‘No, what I meant is—you’re not a Scientist, you don’t work in a laboratory, I don’t imagine you have access to a multi-million dollar budget?’

    ‘That’s partly true—I don’t have a formal degree in Science, but Thomas Edison only had three months schooling in his lifetime. I got this idea close on 25 years ago, and since then I’ve studied everything I thought could possibly help—all sorts of studies, some you wouldn’t even dream of. Having an IQ of 180+ at age 12 was a big help in designing these two projects.’


    ‘Yes, the second one is connected to the first—I’ll tell you how later’

    ‘Well, so far you’ve only made a fantastic claim that you can transfer physical matter electronically—when do I get to see a test?’

    ‘You don’t get to see a test, it’s way beyond that—I’ll give you an actual demo.’

    ‘Why me—what do you want of me?’

    ‘Like I told you in my phone call earlier, the first requirement is absolute secrecy. I’ve already checked you out pretty well, and I think you can be trusted. But if you let me down, I can promise you you will regret it.’

    Jack continued, ‘What I want you to do is to set up a meeting between you, me, the PM, Deputy PM and DG of ASIO. Because of your position, I think you can arrange this. But they must not know beforehand why we are meeting. Tell them that this secret invention of mine can fix Australia’s Balance of Trade problem overnight.’

    ‘I could arrange that meeting, but I need to know you can do what you say—I’m not putting my name on the line for a complete stranger making outlandish claims.’

    ‘I’ll give you a small demo of my machine’s capabilities—where will you be say between 8.00pm tonight and 1.00 am tomorrow?’


    ‘OK, pick a time, right down to the second, anywhere between 8.00 and 1.00’

    ‘OK, 12:37:15’

    ‘OK, 12:37:15 tonight, or more correctly tomorrow morning. Make sure you are watching your TV at that time. Now pick a number of seconds between one and 30.’

    ‘Twelve. What channel do I watch?’

    ‘Doesn’t matter—any channel will do.’

    Jack stood up to depart, and offered his hand to the older scientist, Grigorian. As they shook hands, Jack said, ‘Just in case you decide to arrange a raid of my home, you’ll find nothing. I have destroyed all my test equipment, my computer has been dismantled, the hard disk and the backup copies have all been firstly subjected to heavy electromagnetism to destroy the data, and then melted together with Oxy Acetylene. All my notes and books have been destroyed, I don’t need them any more—I have a Photographic memory.

    My two pieces of equipment have been dismantled and hidden in places where you will never find them. I am the only person in the world who can reassemble and program them. See my little demo tonight and trust me.’

    ‘I don’t understand what all the fuss and secrecy is about—and why would I want to raid your place?’

    ‘I’m glad, that means you haven’t yet begun to understand the monster I have created. Whoever controls this machine can control the whole world. USA, the old Russia, China, not one of their leaders ever came close to doing in years what this machine can do overnight in the wrong hands!’

    ‘How do I contact you again?’ asked Grigorian.

    ‘You don’t—I’ll contact you.’



    ARRIVING HOME FROM his meeting with Jack, Grigorian was met at the door of his quite palatial home in Lyneham, one of Canberra’s northern suburbs, by his wife Yasuko.

    There’s something I want to watch on TV late tonight, and I want you to watch it with me, in case I miss anything.

    Grigorian thought of the possibility that he may have been subjected to some sort of post-hypnotic suggestion, and might see something which really wasn’t there.

    "I was planning on going to bed early tonight; I’m playing golf tomorrow in the Ladies Comp.

    How late is this that you want me to watch?

    It’s after midnight, but it’s important that you watch it with me.

    Yasuko detected a steely edge in his voice, and realised that whatever it was, it was really important.

    OK, she said resignedly.

    Then, Why not tape it on your VCR if it’s that important?

    I’ll do that, said Grigorian, but I want you to watch it with me anyway.

    As Grigorian watched his wife packing up the dining table after the evening meal, he couldn’t help but smile, and think how lucky he was. ‘Yasmin’ was his pet name for her, his little flower, petite but always energetic and thoughtful.

    She was Japanese Hawaiian, but now a naturalised Australian and he was born and bred in Sydney of German migrant parents. They

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