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The African Bible: The Book of Mormon Is African Bible
The African Bible: The Book of Mormon Is African Bible
The African Bible: The Book of Mormon Is African Bible
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The African Bible: The Book of Mormon Is African Bible

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The African Bible is the record of the Abyssinian prophets who came to Africa from Jerusalem in around 600 BC. The Sabeans (Nephites) and the Agazians (Lamanites) will become the ancestors of the African people. The prophecies of the African Bible have been entirely fulfilled upon Africans, Jews and Gentiles. The Agazians or black Africans were prophesied to dwindle in unbelief as was apparent in the history of the continent. Also, black Africans were prophesied to be scourged, slaved and scattered by the Gentiles, and that was the experience of Africans.
The African Bible, the Book of Mormon, was prophesied to be hidden from the African people, until God’s own time, and will first be discovered by the Gentiles. Hence, the prophet Joseph Smith translated them into English from the Sabean script and the Mormon Church had them for almost two centuries without knowing the authentic owners of the records. The records were then to be revealed to the African people by one of their descendants, and that is what I am doing now. I have convincingly proven the Book of Mormon to be the record of the African ancestors and is therefore an African Bible. Hence, Africans are the remnants of the house of Israel and descendants of Manasseh.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateApr 30, 2011
The African Bible: The Book of Mormon Is African Bible

Embaye Melekin

I am an Eritrea and currently retain the citizenship of Canada. I have written five book, prior to this one, and claim to have inspiration from God in all my writings. Most of my books delve into unknown materials that are very empowering to the ordinary man.

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    The African Bible - Embaye Melekin

    The African Bible




    Embaye Melekin

    Copyright © 2011 by Embaye Melekin.

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    11] Yea, he will bring other nations unto them, and he will give unto them power, and he will take away from them the lands of their possessions, and he will cause them to be scattered and smitten.(1 Nephi 1:11)

    A promise of God was also given unto our forefather that if we Africans deviated from the path of God, other nations shall come to our land and we shall be scattered and smitten by them. Obviously, by the time the Gentiles, the white race, came to slave us, we had deviated so much and had gone into idol worshipping and witchcraft. And we reaped the consequences of our iniquities. We were visited by the Gentiles and slaved, ravaged, plundered and scattered and smitten by them severely. The term Gentiles means Separatists in Tigre spoken exclusively in Eritrea and which is Hebrew. And is a reference to the discarded ten tribes of Israel that were scattered in Europe and became the ancestors of the Europeans, white people.


    [8] And behold, it is wisdom that this land should be kept as yet from the knowledge of other nations; for behold, many nations would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance. (2 Nephi 1:8)

    As promised by the Lord, Africa shall be overrun by many invaders but shall not stay long and occupy it permanently. The history of Africa shows just that. The entire continent of Africa was colonized by the Gentiles but very few of them settled permanently, as prophesied. Until the white race invaded Africa it was hidden from the world and the black race expanded to all the continent of Africa and lived in absolute liberty and freedom and unmolested.


    [6] And then shall they rejoice; for they shall know that it is a blessing unto them from the hand of God; and their scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes; and many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a pure and delightsome people. (2Nephi 30:6)

    This is the greatest miracle that will happen to the black race in particular. When Africans authenticate their origin as Israelites, from the records of the African Bible, they shall become righteous people. Africans and the black race shall come to the fold of the Savior of mankind, they shall be delightsome people and their eyes shall be opened from the darkness they have been immersed in. They shall rejoice greatly and within a short period of time the black race in particular shall become great believers in Jesus Christ and become very delightsome and righteous people.


    3] And Aminadi was a descendant of Nephi, who was the son of Lehi, who came out of the land of Jerusalem, who was a descendant of Manasseh, who was the son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt by the hands of his brethren. (Alma 10:3)

    Amulek was confirming the fact that Africans are indeed, the descendants of Manasseh, son of Joseph and Son of Jacob (Israel.) This fact has been known among the African people, and especially Eritreans and Ethiopians, for centuries. Eritreans and Ethiopians have always believed for many centuries that they are the authentic children of Israel even though no one believed them. This is a confirmation that Africans are indeed Israelites.


    9] And because of the mercies of the Father unto the Gentiles, and also the judgments of the Father upon my people who are of the house of Israel, verily, verily, I say unto you, that after all this, and I have caused my people who are of the house of Israel to be smitten, and to be afflicted, and to be slain, and to be cast out from among them, and to become hated by them, and to become a hiss and a byword among them –(3 Nephi 16:9)

    Among the believing and righteous Gentiles shall trample upon the remnants of the house of Israel. This reference is to the plight of the black slaves in the Americas and elsewhere, including the continent of Africa where blacks were treated as subhumans and reduced below animals. The Gentiles, Europeans, were prophesied by the Lord to colonize and slave the African people. And this emanated from our unfaithfulness and because of our iniquities and because we rejected the righteous path of God and indulged in witchcraft and idol and satanic worshipping.


    [15] But if they (Gentiles) will not turn unto me, and listen unto my voice, I will suffer them, yea, I will suffer my people, O house of Israel, that they shall go through among them, and shall tread them down, and they shall be as salt that has lost its savor, which is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of my people, O house of Israel. (3 Nephi 16:15)

    But if the Gentiles, the white race, don’t change their evil ways, God will not have mercy upon them. They shall be trampled upon by blacks and the remnants of the house of Israel. Their punishments will be too great. The spirit of the Lord shall depart from them. They shall be like a salt that has lost it savor. In other words, they shall be trodden upon as if they were not once the most precious people of God. Blacks shall be a blessed people because of their faithfulness in the Lord and his blessed Son, Jesus Christ. It is apparent that less white people believe in the Lord in today’s world. The once righteous Europeans have totally abandoned the Lord today and they shall suffer the consequences. The spirit of the Lord shall depart from them and blacks shall be revered by the Lord instead of them.]


    14] And the Father has commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance. 15] And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people — [16] Then shall you, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among them; and you shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and you shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. (3 Nephi 16: 14-16)

    And after the time of the Gentiles or white people is fulfilled, if the Gentiles persist in their evil ways, the African people and the black race shall go forth among them and trample upon them. Even though the Gentiles, white race, shall outnumber blacks in the Americas yet, they shall subjugate them and trample upon the white people if they continue to depart from the path of God. The Gentiles, Europeans, should know that their sanctuary and strength lay in their faith to the Lord and his blessed Son, Jesus Christ. As long as they remain faithful to the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ, the Gentiles shall remain blessed and shall continue to be the precious people of God.

    This is a stern warning to the Gentiles or the white race. Their adherence to the path of God is very essential if they are to remain as the precious people of God. If they don’t do so and if they choose to deviate from the path of God then the consequences of such departures are grave and very detrimental to them. They shall be reduced to nothingness and shall be victims of their own making and shall be trampled upon by the black race and this prophecy was predicted by the Lord Jesus Christ himself.


    12] And my people who are a remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. [13] Their hand shall be lifted up upon their adversaries, and all their enemies shall be cut off. (3 Nephi 21: 11-12)

    The remnants of the house of Israel, the black race, shall be among the Gentiles, white race, like lions and all their enemies shall be cut off. Soon, the black race shall be a force to reckon with and shall not allow themselves to no more be trampled upon again by the Gentiles, the white race, ever again. The black race shall rise in the name of Jesus Christ and blacks shall be elevated and promoted to become the superior race and the precious choicest people of God while the white race shall be demoted because of their abundance in their iniquities and faithlessness.


    23] Know you (Gentiles) not that you are in the hands of God? Know you not that he has all power, and at his great command the earth shall be rolled together as a scroll? [24] Therefore, repent you, and humble yourselves before him, lest he shall come out in justice against you — lest a remnant of the seed of Jacob shall go forth among you as a lion, and tear you in pieces, and there is none to deliver. (Mormon 5: 23-24)

    And then, a time shall come when the Gentiles or the white people don’t return unto the righteous path of God, then the black race that would be among them shall trample upon them and tear them into pieces where no one can save them. Hard as it may sound, it shall come to pass. After all, everything else has been fulfilled in the past. So will this one too. The key is that the Gentiles, white people, should not abandon their faith in God if they are to remain the precious people of God. If they deviate from the path of God the consequences are not pleasant for them. As prophesied the black race shall wholly endorse Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and shall rise to our utmost glory and we shall be elevated and promoted above the white race.


    [27] And my heart did sorrow because of this the great calamity of my people, because of their wickedness and their abominations. But behold, we did go forth against the Lamanites and the robbers of Gadianton, until we had again taken possession of the lands of our inheritance. [28] And the three hundred and forty and ninth year had passed away. And in the three hundred and fiftieth year we made a treaty with the Lamanites and the robbers of Gadianton, in which we did get the lands of our inheritance divided. [29] And the Lamanites did give unto us the land northward, yea, even. (Mormon 2:27-29)

    The semite Nephites had to contend with the black Lamanites and also the Gadianton robbers or Agame’ as well. The Lamanites were known as Amhara because our ancestor, Lehi, forgave them when he blessed Laman and Lemuel, his oldest sons, and that they would never perish even if they deviated from the path of God. Amhara means Forgiven or forgiveness in Tigre and Tigrigna, which are the contemporary Hebrew languages, and the name is derived from zitemahru. But that forgiveness was not accorded to the Nephites.

    This is relevant and a proof that the Book of Mormon is an African Bible. Today the descendants of the Gadianton robbers are still in existence in the region. They are predominantly found in northern Ethiopia in the province of Tigray. They are called Agame’ till date which means Splintered or broken off and is derived from the word Zitegemu. They occupy lands like Mekele which means Divided or Splintered also and their major town of Ad-I’grat which means Land-of robbers. The Agame’ are known in Eritrea as Deqi-Keterti or the descendants of-bandits.

    The Agame’ were a major problem to the semite Sa’beans, Nephites, in their battles with the Habeshas, Lamanites. Even after the Sa’beans, Nephites, were exterminated the Agame’ region would be beleaguered by shiftas or bandits for many centuries. Throughout their history the Agame’s were ruled by warlords who fought among themselves for centuries, and until recently, when Menelik II of Ethiopia united them under their ruler, Emperor Yohannis.

    The fact that the descendants of the Gadianton robbers, the Agame’, still exist and are located between the Sa’bean regions (Eritreans) and the Habesha regions (Amharas) or Nephites and Lamanites, respectively, is a clear testimony that the Book of Mormon is an African Bible.

    On the contrary, Bahri Negassi, Eritrea, saw peace and tranquility throughout our history and for many centuries. Eritreans were ruled by Higi Indaba (laws of our fathers) and there was justice and lawful administrations in the various regions of Bahri Negassi, Eritrea, for many centuries. All the various tribes and clans that made up Bahri Negassi, Eritrea, strictly adhered to their various Higi Indabas and were stringently and sternly administered by such rules and laws and there were no disparities or skirmishes or wars among them.

    When Bahri Negassi, Eritrea, was threatened by the Agame’ bandits or warlords or indeed any other invading forces they collectively rose together and defeated their enemies mercilessly. That era is known in Eritrea as Zemen Kittet, reference to the collective war cries that prevailed in all the regions that is today called Eritrea. Such a trend was copied from our Sa’bean (Nephite) ancestors who collectively fought their enemies throughout their histories. Zemen Kittet means the Era of wars in Tigre or Tigrigna or Hebrew.

    The first Israelites that landed in Africa, in present-day Eritrea, around 600 BC were known as Abyssinians. And the original church in the continent was known as Abyssinian Church of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, the Sa’beans (Nephites) and Habesha (Lamanites) will form a union and the church will be known as Tewahdo Church. Tewahdo means Union in Tigre and Tigrigna or Hebrew. Similarly, the name Abyssinia or Ab-yissinia means Father-accompanied or God-its guide or even God-its ruler or God-its king.


    The records enshrined in the African Bible are those of the history of the ancestors of the African people. The African Bible was primarily written in Eritrea, in the Horn of Africa. I, Embaye Melekin, am prophesied in the African Bible, Book of Mormon, to finally reveal the records of our forefathers to the African people and our descendants worldwide. Until the African Bible is revealed to the African people it is prophesied in the records of our forefathers that we shall be a lost people without the knowledge of our history and origin as Israelites. However, when I shall unravel the truth about the African Bible and authenticate it as the history of the African people it is prophesied that Africans and our descendants all over the world shall rejoice and acknowledge their history as authentic Israelites.

    It is prophesied in our records that the African Bible, Book of Mormon, shall be hidden from the black race for many centuries and that it shall first be discovered by the Gentiles, the white race. The term Gentiles means Separatists in Tigre spoken exclusively in Eritrea and which is Hebrew. And it is a reference to the discarded ten tribes of Israel that were scattered in Europe and became the ancestors of the Europeans, white people. And that is precisely what happened. The Mormon Church had the records of our forefathers for two centuries without knowing the authentic heirs to the records of the Book of Mormon. They falsely attributed it to be the history of the Native Americans. However, and as prophesied, the records of our forefathers would be revealed to the African people in God’s appointed time which is now. And that is precisely what I am doing now.

    Today, the Mensas in Eritrea are probably the only tribe in Africa that directly trace their ancestry to the African Bible with credible authentication. However, nearly all black Africans are descendants of the Mensa tribe partly. In their hay days, the Mensa tribe settled their clans in the various locations where many of the African tribes in the continent of Africa are located today. The Mensa tribe are the direct descendants of Moroni, the last Nephite to survive the final onslaught that brought them to extinction. Subsequently other clans from Eritrea and Ethiopia migrated to the hinterlands of Africa and settled in the various regions of the continent. In essence all the African tribes trace their origins to Eritrea and Ethiopia and that is why all Africans designate Eritrea and Ethiopia as the motherland,

    Deqi Yared or Yaredites (Jaredites) are known as T’intawian (ancient people) in Eritrea. The original settlers of Africa were certainly the Yaredites (Jaredites) who settled in the continent after the fall of the Tower of Babel and when the Lord confounded the languages of the inhabitants. The Yaredites (Jaredites) were and are the ebony blacks in the continent of Africa.

    Today, all the tribes mentioned in the African Bible are still thriving in Eritrea. Deqi Yacob or Addi Yacob (Jacobites), Deqi Yoseph (Josephites) Deqi Nephi’ or Deqi Naphi’ (Nephites), Deqi Zorom (Zoramites) are well known tribes in Eritrea. The least known of the tribes mentioned in the African Bible are Deqi Yoseph (Josephites) and could be found in Falalebba region, in the Senhit region of Eritrea. They are much fewer in number but they still maintain their identity as Deqi Yoseph (Josephites.). My father’s mother, Medhanit Dar, is from the tribe of Deqi Yoseph (Josephites.) Also Deqi Sem (the children of Sam) are little known in Eritrea but still exist as the components of the Eritrean nation.

    The descendants of Alma, the Alma-da or Alma messages still exist in Eritrea also. They could be found settled all over the country and many are still involved with the church, as their forefather, Alma, did. Today, some of them have converted to Islam and are Moslems. Alma-da’ means Alma-message or Alma-news in Tigre, which is Hebrew, the original language of the ancient Israelites.

    The descendants of Laman (Lamanites) are exclusively present only in Ethiopia. Deqi Laman or Lamanites are known as Amhara (Forgiveness). It is stated in the African Bible that our forefather, Lehi, blessed Laman and Lemuel that their descendants shall not perish ever even if they deviated from the path of God and that their sins would be answerable upon their fathers instead. We are told in the African Bible that the Lord put a curse upon them, however, and that they were to be a scourge upon the descendants of Nephi whenever they deviated from the path of God. Ultimately they would wipe out Deqi Naphi’ (Nephites) from the face of the earth.

    We Eritreans still call Deqi Lama or Laman, the Lamanites, Amhara (Forgiven or Forgiveness) because our forefather Lehi blessed the descendants of Laman not to be destroyed and perish even if they dwindled in unbelief and that their sins was to be on the heads of their fathers instead as stated above. As a result, the children of Deqi Laman, Lamanites, have been the enemies of those tribes in Bahri Negassi, Eritrea, for many centuries. Even today, the enmity still persists and Eritrea is at war with Ethiopia and the threat from the Amharas is very real and imminent.

    Moroni was the only man from Deqi Nephi’ (Nephites) to survive the onslaught of King Ezana of Axum (in present-day Ethiopia.) Mensa history tells us that Prince Moroni sought sanctuary with a Kentiba, traditional ruler, in present-day Mensaland in Eritrea when the war was raging in his region. Eventually, the history of Mensa tells us also that while Moroni was in hiding he married the Kentiba’s daughter, Haighet, and had twin sons. The names of his sons were Maryu and Manshu. They would ultimately become the ancestors of the Marya and Mensa tribes in Eritrea respectively. However, Prince Moroni left his wife and children and went in search of his original family, after the war between Deqi Nephi’ (Nephites) and Deqi Laman or Lama, (Lamanites) was over. He was never seen and was never ever heard of again. His twin sons grew up without the tutelage of their father, Moroni.

    The Mensa tribes know our forefather, Prince Moroni, to have been a fair complexioned person and a semitic individual. But our foremother, Haighet, we know to have been a black woman. Mensas know that our forefather, Prince Moroni, deserted us and went to his region where we believe his father ruled as a king. As a result, Mensas never ever call themselves as the children of Prince Moroni, even if we know that he was our ancestor. Mensas are known, till date, as Deqi Haighet, or the descendants of Haighet, the only tribe in Eritrea that is named by their foremother as our ancestor.

    To verify that the African Bible is an African Bible is very easily done and is very simple to ascertain. One only has to authenticate that all the tribes mentioned in the African Bible still exist in Eritrea and Ethiopia. It is also easy to verify that the descendants of Moroni, the Mensa tribe, trace their ancestry to Prince Moroni. Hence, it could be claimed, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the Book of Mormon is an African Bible.

    The Mensas became the dominant force in Eritrea and their Kentibas ruled their tribe for many centuries. It could also be authenticated that numerous Mensa clans were resettled in the present black regions of Africa for many centuries and they are the ancestors of some of the numerous tribes in the continent of Africa. Many of the various tribes in Africa trace their ancestry to the Mensa tribe and hence, are the descendants of Prince Moroni and therefore mixtures of the Nephites.

    The Mensas fought wars with Deqi Yared (Jared) that had control over Africa and confiscated their lands and settled their own Mensa people in their stead. The Yaredites (Jaredites) spoke numerous languages in Africa emanating from the time the Lord confounded their languages at the time of the fall of the Tower of Babel documented in the Holy Bible and the African Bible. The Mensas usually killed the Yaredite (Jaredites) men who warred against them or subjugated them and kept their women as concubines and wives and hence, their children spoke the languages of their mothers. That is why Africa has more than three thousand languages and dialects and tribes.

    Similarly, the ultimate war that exterminated the Sa’beans (Nephites) by the Habeshas (Lamanites) is well documented in the history of Eritrea and Ethiopia in particular. In around 400AD, as also confirmed by the African Bible, The Agew tribe in Ethiopia led by King Ezana wiped out his enemies the Sa’beans (Nephites) who were semites and established his capital city at Axum to start the Zagwe Dynasty. According to local documented Ethiopian history King Ezana did not only defeat his enemies but wiped them out in totality as also recorded in the African Bible or the Book of Mormon.

    The Lord Jesus appointed twelve apostles when he appeared to our ancestors after his resurrection. The nine disciples were blessed by Jesus to live a long life before they would eventually die. The paintings of the nine disciples are found in many churches and monasteries in Eritrea and Ethiopia until today. Similarly the graves of the nine disciples are still revered in Ethiopia and could be found intact in northern Ethiopia till date.

    The remaining three of the twelve disciples, however, requested Jesus to enable them not to taste any death and to enable them to live as spirits forever. Their requests were granted by Jesus. The three disciples have been appearing in spirit to Eritreans in particular ever since. Many Eritreans still see the three disciples, till date, in the rural areas exclusively in highland Eritrea. Eritreans call them Deqi Hidirtinna or the the descendants of our covenanted or descendants of our entrusters. Many also call them Ahwatnna or our brethren.

    The African Bible prophecies were also fully fulfilled upon the black race. Slavery was long prophesied by our forefathers and took place in the exact manner as predicted in the African Bible. Blacks were taken to the Promise Land, the Americas, as slaves, to inherit the land. Even though slavery was a heinous, atrocious and evil act, and the enormous tragic, disastrous and appalling sufferings of the black race should not be condoned or forgotten, but regardless it was prophesied to take place and was known to our forefathers many centuries earlier. Subsequently, it is prophesied that the descendants of the slaves in the Americas shall ultimately become righteous people and shall also become dominant and blessed people in the Americas. They shall in due course become dominant over the white race as prophesied in the African Bible.

    The above stated reasons and more facts make the Book of Mormon to be the authentic documentation and history of the African people and the black race worldwide and is therefore an African Bible. The African Bible was exclusively documented by the Sa’beans (Nephites) but most of the prophecies were to be fulfilled upon the black and mixture races of Africa, since the Nephites were all semites in complexion and all of them were finally exterminated in Eritrea. From the murals drawn by the Sa’beans (Nephites) in Eritrea and Ethiopia we could easily ascertain that the Book of Mormon is an African Bible. Virtually all the different milestones in the African Bible are painted and preserved in the murals of the various churches and monasteries in Eritrea and Ethiopia.


    Many Africans and our black descendants all over the world may not identify themselves with the African Bible. They may see the African Bible as that of the history of Eritrea and also Ethiopia only. They may discard it and probably would not see themselves or their ancestry represented in the African Bible.

    It is a fact that most black African tribes trace their origin to Eritrea and Ethiopia. Even though they could not substantiate it most black Africans have been adamant and always proclaimed that they originated from Eritrea and Ethiopia.

    Most of the African tribes trace their origin to a particular ancestor who settled on the land they presently occupy and possess today. For example, the numerous Yoruba tribe in Nigeria trace their origin to a single man and his family who settled in their present habitation in Africa. Oduduwa is the forefather and ancestor of the Yorubas and migrated from Ease Africa. Ye-ruba means Of- the rivers or river-dwellers.

    Similarly, the vast Hausa tribes trace their ancestry to a single man also. The forefather and ancestor of the Hausa tribe is Bayajida. Historians and scholars of the Hausa tribe are adamant, resolute and steadfast in their claim that they migrated from East Africa. As predominantly Moslems, the Hausa tribes tend to believe that they migrated from the Sudan, however, the fact remains that they trace their origin from the regions of the Nephites and Lamanites.

    As a Mensa, I could speak of my tribe adequately. The Mensa tribe had overpopulation problem in their early days. Hence, they devised a method to address the landlessness of their citizens. Every year, two or three hundred of their male citizens were led and resettled them elsewhere in Africa surrounding their region. They did so by conquering the Yaredites who were the original inhabitants of Africa. They mostly eliminated the male Yaredites and kept their women and betrothed them as their wives and occupied their lands. The Yaredites spoke numerous languages when they were confounded by the Lord after the fall of the Tower of Babel as documented in the Bible. Even though all the Mensas spoke Tigre when they migrated to their new settlements their children, however, spoke the languages of their mothers, the Yaredite women, and that is why there are still more than three thousand languages and dialects in Africa.

    Mensa history claims that more than seventy-five clans were resettled elsewhere in the continent of Africa over a period of nearly four hundred years. The resettled Mensa tribes also expanded their territories in a similar manner. When they grew in numbers they also conquered the Yaredite regions and occupied their lands and married their women. In the process, the descendants of the Mensa tribe eventually encompassed the whole continent of Africa gradually. Hence, most of the tribes in the continent of black Africa could conveniently be said to be descendants of the Mensa tribe in Eritrea. And since the Mensa tribe are descendants of Moroni, the only Nephite man to survive the eventual slaughter they suffered, the other black African tribes could also conveniently claim to be his descendants.

    In this book I have included my explanations to the various verses that I felt to be pertinent to the full understanding of the African Bible to be the records of Eritreans, Ethiopians and the rest of the black race in the continent of Africa and elsewhere. I hope the reader finds them useful for the thorough understanding of the valuable messages conveyed in the Book of Mormon, African Bible. Other than that the original text is intact with no alteration whatsoever. The names of the tribes and clans mentioned in the African Bible still prevail even till date in Eritrea and Ethiopia.

    In this book I have inserted many explanations for clarification and enlightenment purposes of particular and relevant verses in the African Bible, the Book of Mormon. The full text of the African Bible is documented in bold and italicized letters and is not tampered with. However, my own explanations are inserted in regular fonts and alphabets. It is relevant that the reader distinguishes between the full texts of the original contents of the African Bible from the many explanations and insertions I included in this book written in parenthesis [xxxx].




    An account of Lehi and his wife Sariah, and his four sons, being called, (beginning at the eldest) Laman, Lemuel, Sem and Nephi. The Lord warns Lehi to depart out of the land of Jerusalem, because he prophesies unto the people concerning their iniquity and they seek to destroy his life. He takes three days’ into the wilderness with his family. Nephi takes his brethren and returns to the land of Jerusalem after the record of the Jews. The account of their sufferings. They take the daughters of Ishmael to wife. They take their families and depart into the wilderness. Their sufferings and afflictions in the wilderness. The course of their travels. They come to the large waters. Nephi’s brethren rebel against him. He confounds them and builds a ship. They call the name of the place Bountiful. They cross the large waters into the promised land, and so forth. This is according to the account of Nephi; or in other words, I, Nephi, wrote this record.

    1 Nephi 1

    The African Bible starts with the narration of Nephi 1. He writes his documentation in Sa’bean inscriptions. He begins his records with the story of the father of the African people, Lehi, and his divine call and the difficulties he experienced with the Jews in Jerusalem. Lehi also preached the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in 600BC, long before the birth of the Son of God. .

    [This is the beginning of the narration of the presence of the first Israelites in Africa. Local records agree with the documentations of the African Bible and could be verified easily. The year 600BC is also important. It is the exact date claimed by local and oral histories in Eritrea and Ethiopia, as the time that the first Israelites came to Africa.

    It could also be verified that the rest of Africa and the black race, all over the world, are descendants of these Israelites. In essence, it could be verified, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the African Bible is the record of the ancestors of the African people.

    We could also verify and trace the Yaredites (Jaredites), as the original inhabitants that occupied the African continent for many, many centuries before the arrival of the Israelites around the year 600BC.

    As documented in the African Bible, Nephites (Sa’beans) would go nearly extinct in Eritrea. As prophesied accurately, only their histories and archaeological artifices and inscriptions are found in the Eritrea today.

    And above all, the war that exterminated the Nephites (Sa’beans) is documented in the local history of Ethiopia and Eritrea.]

    [1] I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days.

    [2] Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.

    [This is a reference to the Sa’bean (Nephite) language and their inscriptions. This is an extinct script found mainly in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia and some coastal parts of Yemen.

    The extinction of the Sa’bean script could be traced to the late 300-400 AD, according to the last documented evidences uncovered.

    This is also the period in which the African Bible claims that the Sa’beans (fair colored Africans) were exterminated by their black African brethren. However, the Hebrew language the Sa’bean (Nephites) spoke would survive and is today known as the Tigre language exclusively spoken in Eritrea.]

    [3] And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge.

    [The African Bible is definitely the miracle of this millennium. Its authenticity is beyond any shadow of a doubt and could be proven very easily to be the record of the African people.

    The fulfillment of all the prophecies documented in the records of our forefathers is beyond belief. The prophecies are so accurate, particularly of events in the last three or four centuries.

    And the Lord, in His ultimate wisdom, ensured that the book did not get to the black people directly. The Gentiles were to find it first, but would not understand the true meaning of it.

    The term Gentiles means Separatists in Tigre spoken exclusively in Eritrea and which is Hebrew. And it is a reference to the discarded ten tribes of Israel that were scattered in Europe and became the ancestors of the Europeans, white people.

    And only in God’s own time, which is now, would it reach Africans and the black race. Until then Africans are prophesied to be a lost people, with no knowledge of our history and our Israeli heritage as the descendants of Manasseh, son of Joseph, Israel, Isaac and Abraham.]

    [4] For it came to pass in the commencement of the first year of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah, (my father, Lehi, having dwelt at Jerusalem in all his days); and in that same year there came many prophets, prophesying unto the people that they must repent, or the great city Jerusalem must be destroyed.

    [5] Wherefore it came to pass that my father, Lehi, as he went forth prayed unto the Lord, yea, even with all his heart, in behalf of his people.

    [6] And it came to pass as he prayed unto the Lord, there came a pillar of fire and dwelt upon a rock before him; and he saw and heard much; and because of the things which he saw and heard he did quake and tremble exceedingly.

    [7] And it came to pass that he returned to his own house at Jerusalem; and he cast himself upon his bed, being overcome with the Spirit and the things which he had seen.

    [8] And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in a vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God.

    [9] And it came to pass that he saw One descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his luster was above that of the sun at noon-day.

    [10] And he also saw twelve others following him, and their brightness did exceed that of the stars in the firmament.

    [11] And they came down and went forth upon the face of the earth; and the first came and stood before my father, and gave unto him a book, and bade him that he should read.

    [12] And it came to pass that as he read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord.

    [13] And he read, saying: Wo, wo, unto Jerusalem, for I have seen your abominations! Yea, and many things did my father read concerning Jerusalem -- that it should be destroyed, and the inhabitants thereof; many should perish by the sword, and many should be carried away captive into Babylon.

    [14] And it came to pass that when my father had read and seen many great and marvelous things, he did exclaim many things unto the Lord; such as: Great and marvelous are your works, O Lord God Almighty! Your throne is high in the heavens, and your power, and goodness, and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth, and, because you art merciful, you will not suffer those who come unto you that they shall perish!

    [15] And after this manner was the language of my father in the praising of his God; for his soul did rejoice, and his whole heart was filled, because of the things which he had seen, yea, which the Lord had shown unto him.

    [16] And now I, Nephi, do not make a full account of the things which my father has written, for he has written many things which he saw in visions and in dreams; and he also has written many things which he prophesied and spoke unto his children, of which I shall not make a full account.

    [17] But I shall make an account of my proceedings in my days. Behold, I make an abridgment of the record of my father, upon plates which I have made with mine own hands; wherefore, after I have abridged the record of my father then will I make an account of mine own life.

    [The African Bible is a documentation from the perspectives of the Nephites or Sa’beans only. Hence, when we read the African Bible we should understand that it is a one-sided history, and basically only the documentation of the Sa’beans which were all semites. However, most of the prophecies in the African Bible were predictions foretold about the black race in particular and our travails over the centuries.]

    [18] Therefore, I would that you should know, that after the Lord had shown so many marvelous things unto my father, Lehi, yea, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, behold he went forth among the people, and began to prophesy and to declare unto them concerning the things which he had both seen and heard.

    [19] And it came to pass that the Jews did mock him because of the things which he testified of them; for he truly testified of their wickedness and their abominations; and he testified that the things which he saw and heard, and also the things which he read in the book, manifested plainly of the coming of the Messiah, and also the redemption of the world.

    [20] And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had cast out, and stoned, and slain; and they also sought his life, that they might take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he has chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.

    1 Nephi 2

    God instructs Lehi to leave Jerusalem and settle in the wilderness because the Jews were threatening his life. He pitches his tent on the shores of the Red Sea, northern Arabia. Lehi had the power of God in him and used it to admonish his two rebellious sons, Laman and Lemuel. Nephi, a younger son, was blessed by the Lord because of his uprightness and righteousness.

    [1] For behold, it came to pass that the Lord spoke unto my father, yea, even in a dream, and said unto him: Blessed art you Lehi, because of the things which you have done; and because you have been faithful and declared unto this people the things which I commanded you, behold, they seek to take away your father, life.

    [2] And it came to pass that the Lord commanded my father, even in a dream, that he should take his family and depart into the wilderness.

    [Because of the hostilities of the Jews towards those who prophesied the word of God, the Lord asked our forefather, Lehi, to depart from Jerusalem for his safety.

    The Jews had ripened in iniquity and would have killed him if he continued to stay in Jerusalem. Thus, he starts his journey to Eritrea and the continent of Africa.

    The name Eritrea is a relatively new name, but in Tigre, Eri-trea or Erit-rea means Revelation of-prophecies. And also Joseph Smith made an error in his interpretation by referring to those who inhabited the Kingdom of Judah as Jews. The name Jews were given to those exiles of Judah who returned from their captivity in Babylon. They were not called Jews in 600 BC before they were taken captive to Babylon.]

    [3] And it came to pass that he was obedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him.

    [4] And it came to pass that he departed into the wilderness. And he left his house, and the land of his inheritance, and his gold, and his silver, and his precious things, and took nothing with him, save it were his family, and provisions, and tents, and departed into the wilderness.

    [5] And he came down by the borders near the shore of the Red Sea; and he traveled in the wilderness in the borders which are nearer the Red Sea; and he did travel in the wilderness with his family, which consisted of my mother, Sariah, and my elder brothers, who were Laman, Lemuel, and Sem.

    [The route taken by our forefathers is accurately documented in the African Bible. From Jerusalem, they migrated southwards, on the shores of the Red Sea, on the Arabian coast side, on their journey towards Africa.

    L-aman means the-faithful and also Lama’n could mean Prosperous while Lemu’-el means his prosperity in-Most High or God and also Nephi’ means Courage or Courageous in Tigre and Tigrigna which are Hebrew, the ancient language of the Israelites and are exclusively spoken in Eritrea and some parts of Ethiopia.]

    [6] And it came to pass that when he had traveled three days in the wilderness, he pitched his tent in a valley by the side of a river of water.

    [7] And it came to pass that he built an altar of stones, and made an offering unto the Lord, and gave thanks unto the Lord our God.

    [8] And it came to pass that he called the name of the river, Laman, and it emptied into the Red Sea; and the valley was in the borders near the mouth thereof.

    [9] And when my father saw that the waters of the river emptied into the fountain of the Red Sea, he spoke unto Laman, saying: O that you might be like unto this river, continually running into the fountain of all righteousness!

    [10] And he also spoke unto Lemuel: O that you might be like unto this valley, firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandments of the Lord!

    [Our forefather, Lehi, blesses both Laman and Lemuel with grand blessings. Even though their descendants shall go into total deviation from God for many centuries and be condemned for that. But ultimately they shall return to the path of God and be the most righteous people of God in Africa and elsewhere and wherever the black race could be found.]

    [11] Now this he spoke because of the stiffneckedness of Laman and Lemuel; for behold they did murmur in many things against their father, because he was a visionary man, and had led them out of the land of Jerusalem, to leave the land of their inheritance, and their gold, and their silver, and their precious things, to perish in the wilderness. And this they said he had done because of the foolish imaginations of his heart.

    [12] And thus Laman and Lemuel, being the eldest, did murmur against their father. And they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.

    [13] Neither did they believe that Jerusalem, that great city, could be destroyed according to the words of the prophets. And they were like unto the Jews who were at Jerusalem, who sought to take away the life of my father.

    [14] And it came to pass that my father did speak unto them in the valley of Lemuel, with power, being filled with the Spirit, until their frames did shake before him. And he did confound them, that they do not utter against him; wherefore, they did as he commanded them.

    [15] And my father dwelt in a tent.

    [16] And it came to pass that I, Nephi, being exceedingly young, nevertheless being large in stature, and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; wherefore, I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers.

    [17] And I spoke unto Sem, making known unto him the things which the Lord had manifested unto me by his Holy Spirit. And it came to pass that he believed in my words.

    [18] But, behold, Laman and Lemuel would not listen unto my words; and being grieved because of the hardness of their hearts I cried unto the Lord for them.

    [19] And it came to pass that the Lord spoke unto me, saying: Blessed art you, Nephi, because of your faith, for you have sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart.

    [20] And inasmuch as you shall keep my commandments, you shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands.

    [21] And inasmuch as your brethren shall rebel against you, they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.

    [22] And inasmuch as you shall keep my commandments, you shall be made a ruler and a teacher over your brethren.

    [23] For behold, in that day that they shall rebel against me, I will curse them even with a sore curse, and they shall have no power over your seed except they shall rebel against me also.

    [24] And if it so be that they rebel against me, they shall be a scourge unto your seed, to stir them up in the ways of remembrance.

    [These verses are very important and they are the basis for the entire African Bible, from henceforward. The entire book is based on the above verses and the messages they convey.

    The descendants of Deqi Nephi, the Sa’beans, or the fair complexioned Africans, shall prosper and grow as long as they walked in the path of God. Consequently, they shall be exterminated by the descendants of their brethren, or the black Africans, if they deviated from the righteousness path of God. The fact is that the Lamanites mixed with the Yaredites (Jaredites) and became blacks. And hence, their color of skin shall be taken as a curse by the Nephites (Sa’beans.) And from henceforward the children of Laman shall be distinguished by their black color of skin.]

    1 Nephi 3

    Lehi’s sons return to Jerusalem to obtain the plates of brass- Laban refuses to give them up- Nephi exhorts and encourages his brethren - Laban steals their property and attempts to slay them - Laman and Lemuel smite Nephi and are reproved by an angel.

    [1] And it came to pass that I, Nephi, returned from speaking with the Lord, to the tent of my father.

    [2] And it came to pass that he spoke unto me, saying: Behold I have dreamed a dream, in the which the Lord has commanded me that you and your brethren shall return to Jerusalem.

    [3] For behold, Laban has the record of the Jews and also a genealogy of my forefathers, and they are engraven upon plates of brass.

    [4] Wherefore, the Lord has commanded me that you and your brothers should go unto the house of Laban, and seek the records, and bring them down here into the wilderness.

    [5] And now, behold your brothers murmur, saying it is a hard thing which I have required of them; but behold I have not required it of them, but it is a commandment of the Lord.

    [6] Therefore go, my son, and you shall be favored of the Lord, because you have not murmured.

    [7] And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded, for I know that the Lord gives no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commands them.

    [8] And it came to pass that when my father had heard these words he was exceedingly glad, for he knew that I had been blessed of the Lord.

    [9] And I, Nephi, and my brethren took our journey in the wilderness, with our tents, to go up to the land of Jerusalem.

    [10] And it came to pass that when we had gone up to the land of Jerusalem, I and my brethren did consult one with another.

    [11] And we cast lots -- who of us should go in unto the house of Laban. And it came to pass that the lot fell upon Laman; and Laman went in unto the house of Laban, and he talked with him as he sat in his house.

    [12] And he desired of Laban the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass, which contained the genealogy of my father.

    [13] And behold, it came to pass that Laban was angry, and thrust him out from his presence; and he would not that he should have the records. Wherefore, he said unto him: Behold you are a robber, and I will slay you.

    [14] But Laman fled out of his presence, and told the things which Laban had done, unto us. And we began to be exceedingly sorrowful, and my brethren were about to return unto my father in the wilderness.

    [15] But behold I said unto them that: As the Lord liveth, and as we live, we will not go down unto our father in the wilderness until we have accomplished the thing which the Lord has commanded us.

    [16] Wherefore, let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; therefore let us go down to the land of our father’s inheritance, for behold he left gold and silver, and all manner of riches. And all this he has done because of the commandments of the Lord.

    [17] For he knew that Jerusalem must be destroyed, because of the wickedness of the people.

    [18] For behold, they have rejected the words of the prophets. Wherefore, if my father should dwell in the land after he has been commanded to flee out of the land, behold, he would also perish. Wherefore, it must needs be that he flees out of the land.

    [19] And behold, it is wisdom in God that we should obtain these records, that we may preserve unto our children the language of our fathers;

    [This is relevant because the Hebrew they spoke is still spoken in Eritrea in particular and Ethiopia also. The Tigre language is the closest language to the original Hebrew the ancient Israelites spoke and is spoken only in Eritrea. It is followed by Tigrigna and then Amharic.

    Hence, the desires of our ancestors have been fulfilled and Hebrew in its original form has been preserved in Eritrea. And it survived for many centuries because it is a written language and used the Geez alphabets to conserve and sustain it.

    Eritreans also never mixed with outside invaders till date and are virtually still in their Israeli blood. Eritreans are the closest relatives to the original Israelites and our blood has not been contaminated with any foreign blood.]

    [20] And also that we may preserve unto them the words which have been spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets, which have been delivered unto them by the Spirit and power of God, since the world began, even down unto this present time.

    [21] And it came to pass that after this manner of language did I persuade my brethren, that they might be faithful in keeping the commandments of God.

    [22] And it came to pass that we went down to the land of our inheritance, and we did gather together our gold, and our silver, and our precious things.

    [23] And after we had gathered these things together, we went up again unto the house of Laban.

    [24] And it came to pass that we went in unto Laban, and desired him that he would give unto us the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass, for which we would give unto him our gold, and our silver, and all our precious things.

    [25] And it came to pass that when Laban saw our property, and that it was exceedingly great, he did lust after it, insomuch that he thrust us out, and sent his servants to slay us, that he might obtain our property.

    [26] And it came to pass that we did flee before the servants of Laban, and we were obliged to leave behind our property, and it fell into the hands of Laban.

    [27] And it came to pass that we fled into the wilderness, and the servants of Laban did not overtake us, and we hid ourselves in the cavity of a rock.

    [28] And it came to pass that Laman was angry with me, and also with my father; and also was Lemuel, for he listened unto the words of Laman. Wherefore Laman and Lemuel did speak many hard words unto us, their younger brothers, and they did smite us even with a rod.

    [29] And it came to pass as they smote us with a rod, behold, an angel of the Lord came and stood before them, and he spoke unto them, saying: Why do you smite your younger brother with a rod? Know you not that the Lord has chosen him to be a ruler over you, and this because of your iniquities? Behold you shall go up to Jerusalem again, and the Lord will deliver Laban into your hands.

    [This is another major cause for the rift and the eventual bloodshed that will result between the descendants of Laman and Lemuel and those of their younger brother Nephi.

    The fact that the Lord chose the righteous younger brother, Nephi instead of the eldest sons, who were deviants, would breed hatred between their descendants and result in very tragic circumstances that we in Eritrea and Ethiopians are still affected from. There have always been wars between Bahri Negassis, Eritreans, and the Amharas, Deqi Laman or Lamanites in the Horn of Africa region and until date.]

    [30] And after the angel had spoken unto us, he departed.

    [31] And after the angel had departed, Laman and Lemuel again began to murmur, saying: How is it possible that the Lord will deliver Laban into our hands? Behold, he is a mighty man, and he can command fifty, yea, even he can slay fifty; then why not us?

    1 Nephi 4

    Nephi slays Laban at the Lord’s command and then secures the plates of brass by stratagem. Zorom, (who would be the ancestor of the clan of the children of Zorom, in Eritrea) was chosen to join Lehi’s family in the wilderness.

    [1] And it came to pass that I spoke unto my brethren, saying: Let us go up again unto Jerusalem, and let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands?

    [2] Therefore let us go up; let us be strong like unto Moses; for he truly spoke unto the waters of the Red Sea and they divided here and there, and our fathers came through, out of captivity, on dry ground, and the armies of Pharaoh did follow and were drowned in the waters of the Red Sea.

    [3] Now behold you know that this is true; and you also know that an angel has spoken unto you; wherefore can you doubt? Let us go up; the Lord is able to deliver us, even as our fathers, and to destroy Laban, even as the Egyptians.

    [4] Now when I had spoken these words, they were yet wroth, and did still continue to murmur; nevertheless they did follow me up until we came without the walls of Jerusalem.

    [5] And it was by night; and I caused that they should hide themselves without the walls. And after they had hid themselves, I, Nephi, crept into the city and went forth towards the house of Laban.

    [6] And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.

    [7] Nevertheless I went forth, and as I came near unto the house of Laban I beheld a man,

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