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My Thoughts in Words: Learn, Love, and Live a Life Worth Living
My Thoughts in Words: Learn, Love, and Live a Life Worth Living
My Thoughts in Words: Learn, Love, and Live a Life Worth Living
Ebook77 pages1 hour

My Thoughts in Words: Learn, Love, and Live a Life Worth Living

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About this ebook

Every single day is worth you giving it a brand new effort that you need to give at heading towards a life you deserve and is worth living. "My thoughts In Words" is about simple realisations applied that made a huge impact in someone's life. I am quite determined to share these realisations as many people will relate to them.
This book will take our readers to an intrepid journey of the past, present and the future by engaging in these three Chapters the book is divided into.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateOct 31, 2011
My Thoughts in Words: Learn, Love, and Live a Life Worth Living

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    My Thoughts in Words - Bulie Bella Gwanya

    Copyright © 2011 by Bulie Bella Gwanya.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011918905

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4653-7340-3

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4653-7339-7

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4653-7341-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    ‘My Thoughts in Words’

    A Life Worth Living

    Chapter One

    Learning Curves

    Chapter Two

    Love Divine

    Chapter Three

    Living Life to the Core


     ‘My Thoughts in Words’

    Learn, Love, and Live a Life Worth Living.

    Every single day is worth you giving it a brand new effort that you need to give at heading towards a life you deserve and is worth living. ‘My Thoughts In Words’ is about simple realisations applied that made a huge impact in someone’s life. I am quite determined to share these realisations as many people will relate to them.

    This book will take our readers to an intrepid journey of the past, present, and the future by engaging in these three Chapters the book is divided into. Chapter one: Learning Curves; Life is a different kind of learning institution where we do not write exams or tests to see if you passed or not. In this school, we are given assignments where we learn to learn from our mistakes and move forward. Chapter two: Love Divine; what is love? In this Chapter, we take a look at the truth and misconceptions about love. Chapter three: Living Life to The Core; this is an instructional guide to living life to the fullest. This book is about living our dreams till we die, instead of leaving them to die.

    Who is My Market?

    ‘My Thoughts In Words’ is a book that will largely appeal to women from the ages eighteen to late 50s as they make up the book-buying market and have book clubs and meetings, and it also attends to their basic emotional needs: learning, loving, and living; those are the things we want to do best. This of course does not at all close the opportunity for other people out of this demographic listed. I have faith that whoever reads the book will most definitely have a different perspective in life and those who apply the knowledge will have a beautiful experience towards life no matter what circumstance they are in.

    Who Am I?

    Nombulelo (Bulie) Nonkqubela (Bella) Gwanya, born on the tenth day of March 1986 as the second and last born daughter of Thozamile and Nomhle Gwanya. I grew up in the outskirts of Umtata in a small community farming area. I attended primary school at a private school (Umthatha International School), moved to East London (in the Eastern Cape) about three hours from Umtata where I went to Hudson Park High School, and also moved to Pretoria where I studied clothing production at Tshwane North College. In 2009, I left for Canada to work in Whistler Blackcomb at Essentially Blackcomb Retail store. The highlight of my stay in Canada was working there during the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. I came back in time for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. I started working as a consultant for Uloyiso Training and Development company. A few words can hardly describe any human being which is why I love getting to know people, spending time to learn from them about them and the people around them. I am quite passionate about my close family and special friendships I have developed. With this book, I plan to work on touching more lives and more lives touching me.

    A Life Worth Living

    The greatest gift I could ever get or give for myself is to live a life worth living for the rest of my life, and I recently found out that there are only three habits I need to indulge in and do religiously so that I can live a life worth living, and I have to do them strictly in their order which is to: learn, love, and live. These have become my three most favourite things to do and live by. This book is a letter to me now, to me in the past and future on what I have learnt so far and what I am still learning; things that I sometimes tend to forget and may need a little bit of reminding so that I live the life I deserve to. Writing this long letter to myself has been a prompt to stop being so hard on myself, and it has allowed me to step back take a good look and see what I have accomplished so far, big or small. It helps me see what I need to improve on and what I could have done differently so that I can do it better next time around so that I can live a more fulfilling life—a life that I can be pleased and satisfied with, a life that is worth living for. It can be so tempting at times to compare what I have achieved to someone else’s achievements and that is not right. It is highly unfair to me, the visions and purpose of my life, because I am busy feeding my dreams the wrong kind of diet for them; therefore, they do not grow in the way that they were intended to, and I forfeit on what is really meant to be mine—a beautiful gift called my life, a life that is worth me living it. Start by making each and every single day worth all the efforts that I put into it, when I look back, I might feel that I could have or should have done a little bit more, but that won’t get me all discouraged and frazzled, so I’m doing the best that I can do at that given time and embrace the moments.


    Learning Curves

    Learning anything in life will involve a right attitude, a willing heart, and fertile mind, so as we proceed with this Chapter, I’m going to have to ask you to open your eyes and learn what you need to learn, enrich your mind as it is now time to learn.

    Learn that—We are all created to be the same and that is to be different.

    There are so many people around the

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