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The One God Chose
The One God Chose
The One God Chose
Ebook190 pages2 hours

The One God Chose

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About this ebook

God chose my folly of divorce to teach me His waythis time. He is the author and creator of romance. His designed choice for marriage and family is the instruction we offer to our sons and daughters who need direct models. God edifies us through His grace and beauty of romance with huggable encounters along the way.

Grammy, why? Questions confronted the choices of my past. This stimulated healing, forgiveness, and new beginnings. The cloud of witnesses who watched me stumble now cheer me on for generations to come. We benefit from handling a baton that bears no curse.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 14, 2014
The One God Chose

Esther Stoker

Esther is a retired, life-long teacher. She participates in singing, writing and stage-play productions through Be Informed Ministries. The focus is salvation assurance and end-time awareness, as well as continual learning. Esther imparts God’s love to four adult children, two beautiful daughters-in-law, and six awesome grandchildren. She resides in Duncanville, Texas.

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    The One God Chose - Esther Stoker

    Copyright © 2014 Esther Stoker.

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    All Scripture quotations in this publications are from The Message. Copyright (c) by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/09/2014


    A Word from the Author





    Chapter 1: I’ve Been Waiting Here for You… a Long Time

    Chapter 2: We Are Loved

    Chapter 3: Could God Be Angry?

    Chapter 4: The Harem of Preparation and Healing

    Chapter 5: For Our Sons and Daughters

    Chapter 6: He Will Put You Through Something

    Chapter 7: My Way This Time

    Chapter 8: Time for a Change

    Chapter 9: You Are Not Lonely

    Chapter 10: Sincerely Waiting

    Chapter 11: Timing is Everything

    Chapter 12: Give Me One Moment in Time

    Chapter 13: One Last Testimony of Change

    Chapter 14: In Conclusion

    To my father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. David L. Jackson Sr. On earth you modeled your union of holy matrimony.

    Till death did you part.

    Thank You, Father, for the assignment of The One God Chose. Help me to always tell it in a way that will give lasting hope to others for generations to come.

    Since my youth, O God, You have taught me, and to this day I declare Your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare Your power to the next generation, Your might to all who are to come. —Ps. 71:17–18

    A Word from the Author

    The gift of writing has taken me by surprise. God has a way of capturing our attention while introducing us to intriguing capabilities.

    I can recall in vivid detail a burning bush experience I had as a child. Our extended family was enjoying a Sunday afternoon picnic at a lake when an older gentleman approached slowly on a bicycle. He needed a rest. His skin was sweaty, reddish, and wrinkled from the sun, and his arms and his chest were covered with curly, blondish hair. He shook my uncle’s hand and introduced himself. Revived from the heat of his journey, he entertained us by showing off his body-building techniques. He flexed his muscles and had us guess his age. All of us children joined in the excitement as he told amazing stories. Putting his shirt back on, the man fixed his blue eyes directly on me and asked if I liked to write. It got very quiet. I said, No, not in school, thinking that was what he meant. He then replied, You are a writer. During your times alone, begin to write. Then he jumped back on his bicycle. I can still see his hiking boots, shorts, and sweaty shirt as he rode off. I shied away from joining my cousins as they ran playfully back toward the lake.

    I began to see my gift for writing that day. That long-ago incident started me on the path to writing plays, poetry, and now this, my first book. God sends His messengers—angels we entertain unaware—as we chase our rainbows, and He gives us the faith to pursue fantasies.

    I have been an educator for thirty-eight years, so asking questions to advance the learning comes naturally for me. Mistakes and misconceptions convert to more questions that lead to a heightened ability to pay attention and listen in response. God chooses each person for a special work that He has had in mind all along. So I listen.

    Then the Lord said to me, ‘Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed’ Hab. 2:2–3.

    Through the years, I have felt an increased yearning to write with an eye toward eternal significance. We must always consider our whereabouts in a place called eternity; this thought should be the theme of our life’s call. The memory of my experience that day with the traveling gentleman imparted a message. It became a powerful force, redirecting me toward forevermore.

    Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Heb. 13:2 NLT.

    Yes. I am a writer.



    A great cultural declination in recent years involves the deterioration of the nuclear family. Within our natural proximities we observe the vast majority of children today raised in single-parent homes. New definitions of marriage are announced almost daily, while fatherlessness leaves the souls of many feeling orphaned and abandoned. With rampant divorce, it’s hard to argue for traditional values, but the structures upon which American society has depended for most of her history are eroding.

    Consequently, a motto of many seems to be Does God even care? or Where is God when it comes to my love life? Can this be for me?

    The One God Chose uniquely and beautifully speaks to the great needs of the human heart. Esther, raised in a wonderful two-parent home, found herself a divorced single mom. The sharing of her life choices brings hope and direction for others wanting a happy ending. I love that Esther brings instruction and teaching along with her stories.

    All of us live with choices. We can follow, trust, and wait on God, or we desperately run to ask Him to help to clean up the messes we make. I love the chapter My Way This Time, which unfolds how God’s love always provides another chance with new mercies and amazing grace.

    In our everyday lives, we often forget how much God really loves us. More than He loves us, He longs to be to us, all that we need. God waits for us. God woos us. And this is the beautiful story of one woman’s life romanced by God; the heart-gripping saga of turning back to the loving heavenly Father, where she finds fascination and satisfaction with Him.

    The results are good and wonderful. There is a baton to pass to the next generation and the next… one family at a time. God loves you. No—God is passionately in love with you! Take this journey with Esther, and let your path of romance begin.

    Becky Hennesy, Co-Pastor

    Trinity Church


    Just a Dream?

    Immediately awakened by a vivid dream, I am drawn to recall the gist of what just happened. Wide awake now, I urgently begin to search for and write down the fresh images. The interpretation of the dream was revealed simultaneously as scenes became more apparent.

    A book I started writing long ago came to mind. There was a time when I felt exceptionally clear about sharing its message, but even stronger was the perception that I had a call to do so. However, as time passed and I reasoned with myself, I became fully convinced there was no message. Believing that caused me to shy away from sharing what some would consider whimsical ideas or irrational and abnormal fantasies.

    Unbelief without the trust required for belief will convince the dreamer to sleep. That’s what I heard in my spirit.

    The dream obviously served as a gentle nudge, urging me to see the need for the required assignment. Yet the book had lain dormant for quite some time. How would I start again?

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Again, I heard this in my spirit.

    Immediately, my eyes were drawn to words recorded earlier in my journal: Do you not feel yourself drawn by the expectation and desire of some great thing?

    God speaks clearly and effectively. In this book, you will often observe me sharing what I hear in my spirit. God gets the attention of those who listen in the manner He chooses.

    At this point, I am sitting up straight in my bed, and praying. I will take one step at a time to cooperate in God’s plan and allow Him to do what only He can accomplish. Father, please allow this book to be meaningful to the readers. Bring supernatural change to benefit Your kingdom’s work. Amen.

    The Dream

    After a board planning session for Be Informed Ministries, we celebrated a successful book launching. We honored the book’s author with a luxurious gift, recognizing her for awaiting the fulfillment of a promise. At the completion of the book a guaranteed surprise was in store. After all the excitement and accolades died down, the gift was returned to a secure location as though nothing had happened. It seemed as though no one had intended for the person to actually receive the gift. Everyone returned to business as usual. The response to that incident was equally as puzzling.

    Board members responded with growing anger. What was that all about? they asked. Why didn’t she take the gift? Could she have taken it? Was this just a diversion to overlook the accomplishment? Some strongly implied that there was never a surprise intended. Someone wants to keep it for themselves. But why? What is this all about?

    I was in charge of the meeting and did not understand the tension felt by all, except the author who had no reactions. What was meant to be a marvelous occasion had devolved into an empty silence.

    In my tearful inability to respond, I suddenly heard the whisper of the Lord. The winner will receive the gift when it is time, He said. She will endure the wait with expectancy. She will receive full possession of the prize when it is time. She is quite satisfied with the anointing to wait. However, she is no longer in a place called wait. She is in a place called change.

    Could It Mean?

    The dream still has quite a percentage of wondering for me. Full revelation is in God’s timing. My impression thus far is this. A gift is purchased with the recipient in mind. It should never be placed on a shelf unused. The giver is thoughtful to consider the nature of the receiver. The honoree should never hesitate to open the prize in the view of others. All attending participants look on with wonder and joy. In this way, they also receive.

    When timing is a factor that subtle element of surprise makes the gift more intriguing. A gift that is just the right fit at the right time is worth the wait. The gift is prepared and wrapped with the utmost care. The part of the process where the gift is chosen should not be taken lightly.

    How does God choose? What does He see? What drives His selection? Venture with me through seemingly isolated events of change. There is something God wants us all to see.

    In His unfailing love, God will lead the people He has chosen. In His strength, He will guide them to His holy dwelling. I have asked God to guide me in writing this work.


    Throughout this book, I often say I have heard God in my spirit. I am referring to the prophetic word, a gift we should all desire. 1 Cor. 14:1.

    All I can say is that God has a way.


    To the Be Informed Ministries team. You have accepted a call

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