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C, You Can Do It!: Because Life Is Change; Growth Is Optional
C, You Can Do It!: Because Life Is Change; Growth Is Optional
C, You Can Do It!: Because Life Is Change; Growth Is Optional
Ebook66 pages49 minutes

C, You Can Do It!: Because Life Is Change; Growth Is Optional

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Do you know why a golf ball is totally covered with dents? I didn't, but my friend Suzanne did; she explained all those dents make the golf ball aerodynamic. Those many dents make it go straighter, higher, and further. Upon hearing her explanation, I knew that my many life changes were really dents that made me more aerodynamic in my personal growth! Divorce turned my world upside down, but by continually embracing eighteen words that, coincidentally, all begin with the letter c, I am healthier emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. My analogy is as follows: the word golf has four letters in it, and the game consists of navigating eighteen holes through treacherous territory. The word life has four letters in it, and in my book, I present eighteen words to help readers navigate life, which, like golf, involves treacherous territory. I believe that we are in this together, and we should share our hard-won wisdom with each other to lighten our loads in life. Choose Growth. Gain Peace.

Release dateMay 13, 2014
C, You Can Do It!: Because Life Is Change; Growth Is Optional

Lynn Frances

Lynn Frances, a first-time author, shares lessons gleaned from trials and tribulations as well as joys by acknowledging Christ’s love and God’s one-liners, the Proverbs, throughout each day. Lynn chooses to embrace life with passion and humor as opposed to sleepwalking through it. Lynn currently works and lives in Chicago.

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    C, You Can Do It! - Lynn Frances

    Copyright © 2014 Lynn Frances.

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    Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

    All epigraphic definitions are taken from Webster’s II New College Dictionary.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0964-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0965-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014908357

    Inspiring Voices rev. date: 5/12/2014
























    To my dear daughters, Elizabeth and Patricia, you are my treasures from my heavenly Father to nurture and love. Because of you, I persevered and learned of my strength and courage. Thank you.


    MY HEARTFELT THANKS TO MY MANY FRIENDS WHO encouraged me to write this book! You have been my gentle critics who have continually supported me over the years with sincere pride, honest critiques, and genuine enthusiasm along the way.

    My sincere gratitude to my friend Claudia Plumley, who enthusiastically agreed to be my editor—although it remained to be seen if I could write a book. Claudia spent hours reading many drafts and she provided thoughtful guidance and solid advice which, indeed, helped me to complete my manuscript. Claudia and I reconnected recently and what a thrill to finish the book together—which is life coming full circle!

    Nicolette Novarro, a friend with a journalism degree, provided insightful and honest reviews of my final rewrites. Nicolette never tired of reading and re-reading my edits to ensure that my voice remained authentic and consistent throughout the book, an important nuance for a memoir. I am very thankful for Nicolette’s enthusiasm and patience.

    Thank you, my Lord and my God, for carrying me often.

    I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

    John 14:27


    LIFE IS CHANGE. GROWTH IS OPTIONAL. THIS MESSAGE was posted on a coworker’s office bulletin board. Reading that quote enlightened me. I had discovered that truth on my own within the last several years.

    In life, peaks and valleys represent our personal highs of great joy and success as well as our personal lows of great sorrow and loss. The way we cope with our individual peaks and valleys enables us to live the best life possible despite our trials and tribulations. My deepest valley was the pain of losing my marriage, a demise that created a mountain of changes in my life. I endured the changes resulting from my dissolution because I chose to be a survivor—not a victim—during this very dark period in my life.

    As I recovered from the emotional turmoil of my dissolution, special words aided me in my daily tasks and counteracted the negative feelings. And those words continue to help me. They were not unlike saying a prayer or mantra for support each day. I realized the vocabulary of my special words all began with the letter c, and all the words were positive and empowered me to be able to attain whatever goals I had set in my new

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