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Sunrays, Moonbeams, and Sandstorms: A Collection of Poetry & Short Stories
Sunrays, Moonbeams, and Sandstorms: A Collection of Poetry & Short Stories
Sunrays, Moonbeams, and Sandstorms: A Collection of Poetry & Short Stories
Ebook33 pages8 minutes

Sunrays, Moonbeams, and Sandstorms: A Collection of Poetry & Short Stories

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About this ebook

Sunrays, Moonbeams, and Sandstorms is a collection of poetry and short stories to engage the imagination with unique perspectives and original creativity.

Award-winning poems such as The Wind, The Landing, and His Masterpiece contain qualities found most in exceptional poetry.

Release dateJun 17, 2014
Sunrays, Moonbeams, and Sandstorms: A Collection of Poetry & Short Stories

Mary Elizabeth Whitfield

Mary Elizabeth Whitfield was born in Demopolis, Alabama to Reverend Charlie and missionary Mary Lee Paige. Mrs. Whitfield moved to Jacksonville, Florida in 2002 where she now resides with her husband and sons.

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    Sunrays, Moonbeams, and Sandstorms - Mary Elizabeth Whitfield

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