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I’Ve Got the World on a Swing: Full Swing Ahead
I’Ve Got the World on a Swing: Full Swing Ahead
I’Ve Got the World on a Swing: Full Swing Ahead
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I’Ve Got the World on a Swing: Full Swing Ahead

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About this ebook

This is a uniquely inspirational true story of love, controversy, and adversity. It is a continuing saga of the journey on one courageous woman who, despite her many trials and tribulations, has triumphed and succeeded with her goals and dreams. Her positive attitude has brought her to see that anything is possible no matter what the world around her looks like.
Release dateNov 25, 2013
I’Ve Got the World on a Swing: Full Swing Ahead

Wendy Richards

This is a continuing story of one courageous woman, who has taken life’s challenges and turned a seemingly negative future into the time of her life. It is a uniquely inspirational saga of real life, overcoming controversy and adversity, as she finds her true happiness from deep within her soul. Inadvertently she becomes the belle of the ball. This story also shows the continuing love this woman has for a man that has taken another path and becomes confused about his decision and realizes he has made the biggest mistake of his life. Not only has she overcome the negative in her life but she has learned to make positive thinking and love her main focus, which has brought her to a place of great joy and achievement, not to mention peace of mind. She is on a path of fame, fortune and the American dream. She has met people that can help launch her career as a full time author while making lifelong friends in the meantime. Because of her tenaciousness she is finding great success and confidence in her choices. She is finding that even though her lifestyle is not for everyone her message of self love and happiness is.

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    I’Ve Got the World on a Swing - Wendy Richards

    Chapter 1

    Humming in Harmony

    As you probably know from reading my first book Swing N2 My World, that I am still in this moment of time, helplessly, hopelessly, madly, insanely, and head over heels in love with My Fling. Although I thought we were doing well for the moment, things don’t always turn out the way you plan.

    It has now been four months since My Fling moved to Florida. I just returned from an awesome 10-day visit with him. It was everything I’d hoped it would be. It was the best vacation I ever had and I didn’t even get to see Florida. I really didn’t go there to site see; I went there to be with him. The night before I left, I told him by phone, that when I arrived there, I was going to wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and I wasn’t letting go until I had to get back on the plane to come home. He said, he would at least have to take bathroom breaks. I said, Okay, but that’s it, the rest of the time you’re mine. Of course, he did have to go to work during the week, but that gave me a lot of time alone. He doesn’t have cable or satellite T.V. but he does have thousands of movies. So I watched a lot of movies by myself as well as with him. I saved the scary ones for when he was there with me. I also finished editing my first book. When I would get a little restless I would go for walks to either the grocery store, a restaurant or down to the pool in his apartment building. I actually started to get to know some of the workers in the stores and restaurants; I even met a man by the pool. He started going to the store and restaurants with me. I think he wanted to be more than friends but he didn’t interest me in that way. Besides I only had eyes for, you know who.

    When My Fling would get home from work, I would have him lie on the couch and I would sit at the opposite end, put his feet in my lap and give him a nice long foot massage. He would actually fall asleep. But that was good because I wanted him rested so I could totally have my way with him later. After his nap, we went out for something to eat. When we returned from dinner we would fool around for a while on the computer because he was helping me design the cover of my book. We tried several nights to put something together but we were not on the same page at all. He finally asked me if it would be okay if he worked on it alone because he had some other ideas. Besides, if I didn’t like his ideas he would go back to mine. I agreed. I really do like his artwork so I figured he must have some good ideas in that beautiful head of his. After all that hard work on the computer, we would start fooling around with his camera. He wanted to do some crazy poses. We saw a couple on the internet posing together to make a jack-o-lantern. So we tried to replicate it but I kept falling over. I was in a squatting position over him with my legs open pretty wide and the camera took forever to snap the shot. Plus we were on the bed and I was in high heels, so there’s no stability there. It was hopeless, but fun none-the-less. After that we would start having mad, passionate, wild sex.

    From the first minute I got there we were constantly playing with and touching each other and whispering nasty little secrets into each other’s ears.

    You know, 4 months is a long time to be away from someone you care about. So as I was boarding the plane, I started thinking about how I had never spent more than one night alone with this man and now we were going to be together for eight solid days. I felt as though I needed this time with him to test my own true feelings about him. It would also give him a chance to see how he felt about me. I am truly not the mushy, gushy type woman that falls in love at the drop of a hat. I guard my heart very carefully. I have been hurt before and I don’t like it, not to say it won’t happen again and maybe even again, and again. Generally, I try not to get over zealous about a guy, but when I’m with My Fling, all the little hairs on my neck stand up and my whole body and soul feel like they’re humming in harmony. There has never been one moment that I felt like I wanted to get away from this Man, even when I feel like he’s being a jerk to other women, I love him, I’m just not liking him at the moment, and that’s okay.

    If you read my first book, you’ll remember that I had slipped a note into his pocket just before he left for Florida. In essence, it said that this was his time to do his own soul searching and that he had a clean slate in front of him. He could date all new women and live alone for once in his life. He could do whatever he wanted to do. But, I also told him that if he didn’t want these new women getting too attached, he should follow certain rules. For instance, he should try being more honest by letting them know that he dates other women, or at least let them know that they aren’t exclusive. Also don’t spend the night at any woman’s home. This is the part where women start getting attached. They start wanting a little more like everyday phone conversations and telling them where you are and what you’re doing every minute of the day. If that’s not what a man is looking for then he needs to find women that are just looking for a friend with benefits. I told him that he also needed to choose his words more carefully. He says what happens with him is, if he tells a woman that he wants a friend with benefits, they don’t hang around. Most people, not just women, that are alone, especially in there 50’s, are looking for a spouse or at least a companion. If you ask me he’s trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. He’s looking for a swinger minded person in a vanilla (non-swinger) world. So what ends up happening is he speaks vaguely about things; he keeps the carrot dangling in front of their faces. He spends the night at their houses and brings them home to his apartment. Of course they start wanting more, but he has this times 3 or 4 women at the same time. He told me about a lot of his sexcapades. See, he could be mostly honest with me because we were friends with benefits, from the start.

    Another thing that happens is that a woman will start asking him to move in with her, and this is after just weeks of knowing each other. He will say things like Let’s not talk about that now. To me, when someone says let’s not talk now, I think that we will talk about it later, right?

    Not to mention the fact that his now Ex-Roommate is still very upset that he moved away. She calls him every day and sometimes she cries because she wants him to move back in with her. He told me many times that he hoped that their relationship would fall apart, but I don’t think that’s completely true. I think he cares very deeply for her, but as a very good friend. It seems to me that he doesn’t know how to make the transformation from lover to friend. I’m not sure she could do that anyway.

    I asked him what it was that kept him in contact with her if he really wanted the relationship to fall apart. He said that she was such a fragile mess, and he thought that if he treated her nice and showed her that she was a good person, that she would gain self-esteem and be happier. I explained my theory on that subject. I told him that he could never MAKE her happy or feel love, not until she felt that way about herself first. That was something she had to work on with a counselor of some sort. Or maybe if she woke up every day and said, I am going to be happy today, she would eventually really be happy. But seriously I think it could be a chemical imbalance. In that case meds might help and that would be great. The only thing we can do for each other is enhance the happiness that the other person already has in them. That’s just my opinion, take it or leave it. I told him that he needed to tell her that he did care for her very deeply as a very good friend but that they would never be a couple. He hesitated after me saying that. So I said, Unless, you do want to be with her. He said, he didn’t know what to do because he didn’t want to hurt her.

    After that conversation I felt like I had to back way off. I needed him to figure things out on his own. I have given him a lot of insight on how women think and every time I say what I think will happen in a certain situation, it comes to fruition. Yes, it was up to him to figure things out for himself.

    All these things were discussed during my visit but that didn’t mean that we weren’t having a great time.

    You know, people ask me all the time if I get jealous of him dating other women and really I don’t. I have faith that things will happen the way they are supposed to. That is why I wanted to see how we got along for eight days. I do want to be with My Fling but not until he can be the man I know he can be. I want him to be happy with his life, and then when we do get together we can enhance each other’s happiness.

    On my last day visiting, we went to Disney World. But the day before that was Friday. He came home from work early. I had gone over to the restaurant next door with the guy I met by the pool. While we were walking back to the apartment I was engaged in a conversation with Pool Guy when I noticed My Fling standing outside watching us. He had the biggest grin on his face. I was so excited to see him. I ran over to give him a hug and a kiss. When I turned to introduce him to my friend, I noticed that Pool Guy seemed a little nervous because he thought My Fling was going to be mad at him for talking to me. They shook hands and said hello to each other and then Pool Guy ran off. We started laughing because we thought it was funny. My Fling told me to come upstairs with him because he had a surprise for me. He got on the computer and started looking up airline tickets. We had planned to spend my last day there at the nude beach, but he asked me, If I had the choice between going to the beach or to Disney World with his daughter and her family what I would choose? Of course, I chose Disney. The plane tickets were going to be way too expensive so we decided to drive even though it was a three-hour trip. But while he was looking up tickets, he also looked to see how much it would cost to bring me back to Florida in January for my birthday. He found a week near my birthday that would only cost $210.00 round trip. That made me happy because he was already planning my next visit.

    That night we went to bed early but we didn’t have sex. The next morning I woke up about 4 A.M., I curled up behind him in the spooning position and reached around him very softly as not to wake him just yet. I was feeling around for his penis, but it wasn’t there. I patted the area very gently but there was nothing. All of a sudden he lifts his leg ever so slightly, pulls his penis out from between his legs then quickly resumes the sleep mode. I’m giggling very quietly at this point and I finally find it, it’s semi-hard by now. I very carefully start stroking it, still giggling. As he begins to get aroused, he quickly turns over and starts to ravish me. We played for a good while. After we were satisfied, he wanted to get a little more sleep so I got up to shower and pack, because we would be going to the airport straight from Disney World.

    After he woke up and got himself ready to go to Orlando, we stopped off for coffee and headed down the road. On the way we talked about all kinds of stuff. One thing stood out to me though. He started telling me about his father and how he had been a womanizer. He was wondering how his dad finally settled down with the woman he’s with now. He wasn’t sure how all that works because he has been in the Lifestyle for so long that he’s used to having a selection of hot women to choose from. He was saying that he feels that he’s getting old and that he’s been thinking that maybe he should settle down. I really didn’t elaborate on that subject because I didn’t want to sound pushy. But I did suggest that he ask his father that question. I suppose I was hoping that his dad could help push him in my direction. We changed the subject and listened to CD’s. We sang to each other and discussed music and bands that we liked. It was most enjoyable.

    When we finally got to Orlando, we were a little early so we went to a retail store in the neighborhood. I always have fun with him even when we’re doing mundane tasks. He found what he needed and we were off to Disney World. His daughter and her family flew in from Pennsylvania and were staying at a hotel near the park. We met there and took the shuttle over. It was so great to see his family again. It’s been about a year and a half since we had all gone to Disneyland together in California. Everyone got along wonderfully. My kids were there on that day too. I really took a liking to his daughter and grand-daughter. When we saw each other this time, it was like we were old friends, even though I had only met them once before. We talked and laughed the whole day. His daughter had asked where we both get our energy. My Fling answered that he didn’t know how he was not tired because we had only been averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night since I arrived. Later she told me privately that she had never seen her dad act like he did when he was with me; meaning he was very happy. His granddaughter also told me something similar to that while we were alone. That made me feel nice inside but I still don’t want to read anything into it because he was still having confusion over what to do about his Roommate. I know that there is always the chance that he will pick the wrong woman again, because that is what he has lived with his whole life. When someone like me comes along, it’s confusing. I don’t think he’s ever met anybody quite like me before in his whole life. But that’s okay. I know I mentioned this in my last book, That is if you read it, and if you haven’t, don’t you think you should by now? I truly believe that we are all being led by some higher source and that everything happens the way it is supposed to. Divine timing is what I call it. You can’t rush something as important as love. But what you can do is keep on your toes so that when the opportunity presents itself you can make your move.

    Anyway after a very long and cold day, to say the least, we said our good-byes to his daughter and her family and headed out on our 4-hour drive to the airport in Fort Lauderdale. I was very tired so I napped for a bit. When I woke up I could see that he was very tired as well. He told me that he was going to pull over for a while to rest. We pulled into a gas station parking lot and we both fell asleep for about an hour. We woke up, used the restroom, got some coffee, and then got back on the road. Now that I was more awake I told him how I felt about everything we had discussed earlier that week. I said that I do love him, I gave him a few reasons why, and that I needed him to feel the same way I did, before this could be a real relationship. I also told him, if he did choose someone other than me, to please not choose his Roommate. She is definitely not the woman for him. He listened very intently to me until I finished, then said, Okay.

    We finally arrived at the airport. I was about 5 hours early for my flight but it didn’t make any sense to go back to his apartment. We probably would have overslept and I would have missed the plane. We pulled up in front of the airline I was taking and he helped me with my luggage. We kissed good-bye, he got in his car and as he drove away, I turned to enter the airport.

    Chapter 2

    Free and Clear

    As I was walking into the airport I saw two young men sitting there. I passed by them to go to the kiosk to get my boarding pass. Since we were the only people in the whole entire airport I went over to where they were sitting and sat down. At first it was quiet but eventually we started talking. They said they had been there since the day before because they did not plan correctly for their return trip home from their Caribbean cruise. They were kind of pissed at each other. They each blamed the other one for the mishap. I thought they were funny. They started telling me about their trip, and how they thought they would have had sex with women on the cruise, but they were both attached to girls back home and they felt a little guilty. That’s when I started telling them about my book and the Swinger Lifestyle. They were very intrigued and wanted to know more. Since we had about a 5-hour wait for our flights we had plenty of time to talk. I told them that as soon as I returned home I was going to look for a publisher and get my book out there.

    As time went by, people started filling up the airport. It kind of reminded me of The Steven King movie The Langoliers when they came back into the future and the airport was empty. Then all of a sudden people started appearing out of nowhere. Anyway, it was just about time for us to go our separate ways, so we said our good-byes. I started to put my hand out for a shake when they both said, Oh no! We want a hug. They said that they would keep an eye out for my book too. That made me very happy.

    The plane trip was very long so I got to read the other half of my book that I had bought just before my trip. It was, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It was an amazing book and it reminded me of my story only without the sex. He talks about living in the moment. That is something I really try to do. I really loved it. As the plane was landing I turned on my phone to find a message from My Fling. He was just checking to see if I had made it home safely. I returned the call but only to get his voice mail. I let him know that all was well and thanked him for a wonderful time.

    Now it was time to get back to the real world. I had my work cut out for me. I needed to figure out where to go from here with my book. Over the next few weeks I found a publisher, I decided to self-publish because I didn’t want to wait around for someone to think my book was good and then have them tell me I needed to change this or that. I knew I had something here and I didn’t want outside influences confusing me. I also still needed a cover and didn’t have a clue what My Fling was thinking of doing for that. I studied everything I could for self-publishing and found the publisher that I thought would best suit my needs. Everything seemed to be moving in a forward motion.

    About three weeks after my trip, it was Thanksgiving again. Damn, it really does seem to fly by. I was planning a big get together at my house. Some of my relatives from up north were coming for a few days and I had invited some of my friends from my area as well. I knew I was going to be very busy for a while so I decided to call My Fling to wish him Happy Thanksgiving and let him know that I probably wouldn’t be talking to him for a few days. Although our conversation was pleasant I could tell that he had something on his mind. He replied that he was still having trouble with his Roommate and didn’t know what to do about it. I suggested that he tell her what I have been saying all along, that they could be friends but that a committed relationship was not going to work. He still didn’t sound like that is what he wanted and I couldn’t understand why. She had actually been to see him in Florida a couple of weeks before I did. But the whole time she was there she was mad at him. She wouldn’t have sex with him and she cried a lot about how she wanted him to quit his job and come back to her. After she left to go home she called him crying. She said she was sorry that she acted the way she did and asked him to forgive her. I guess he did. I just couldn’t understand why he kept putting up with all her manipulation and drama. I told him that I never wanted our friendship to be like that and that I thought of us as equal friends. But I felt that since I got back from Florida I have been doing most of the calling and I wasn’t going to chase him like all these other women do. I told him that if we were going to stay friends that he had to make the first move once in a while. He said that he understood and we hung up.

    During the next few days I didn’t have time to think about anything but my company and Thanksgiving. Everything went well. We had a really good time and by the time everyone had gone I was ready to get back to partying at the clubs. On the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend I went to the usual club which he had been to with his Roommate a number of times in the past, and I was just doing my regular thing. All of a sudden as I was walking towards the bar area to

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