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And Lead Us Not into Temptation: N/A
And Lead Us Not into Temptation: N/A
And Lead Us Not into Temptation: N/A
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And Lead Us Not into Temptation: N/A

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And Lead Us Not into Temptation is a book of truth designed to lead and guide our souls in the balance of right as it inspires a sense of sight fashioned to impress upon us to live as souls in the flesh. And as we walk through, we will hear the sounds of the stoned scales drop off of our eyes and reveal our soul's sight while seeing Jehovah through Jesus in the truest light.
Release dateDec 6, 2013
And Lead Us Not into Temptation: N/A

Denise Curtis

I was born in Wilmington, De and raised by my single mother in a community named Simonds Gardens in New Castle, De And during my younger years, I wandered around just like the meaning of my first name Wanda. I wandered through high school never paying any attention and graduated. And through all my wandering, I managed to be blessed with a beautiful son. I wandered around in colleges and became to be very knowledgeable in study; you see, I could pick up quick the study and wander into the position , but wandered away from the degrees wandering bored from job to job, just wandering with not a care in the world. Not loving anybody and never really caring for anything. I always stayed so cold and stiff. I could pick up and leave everything without any feelings. I was cold and stiff. Until one day I wandered into a drug addict. And I wandered and wandered under the influence of drugs for at least 20 years of my wandering life, just wandering. And as I wandered in my drug addiction, my first love appeared cold and stiff just like me; you see, I had never loved until love bumped into me one day, and we've been married 13 years and dated 5 years before married equally 18 years. And together, our love starting melting away the cold and stiffness we both had in our hearts. Then one day, I received a phone call from Jehovah on my way out to wander in my drug addiction. It was a voice so pronounced, a voice calling me from the center of me, and I sat down to listen, and I said, Jehovah is that you? And I sat on the couch, and I said, Jehovah is that you? And I took off my jacket, and I started flicking through the channels and a Christian broadcast named TBN appeared. True Story And I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior August 30, 2006 that evening from the broadcast; and to make a long story short, I was home schooled by God and TBN became my church home. And I was healed from my wandering addiction, and Jehovah said "write" and I wrote Jehovah's message that he whispered in my ear called: And Lead Us Not Into Temptation and now I'm yelling the message on the house tops. And I was delivered from my first name Wanda; wandering, and I was placed in my middle name Denise which means follower of God as a writer!

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    And Lead Us Not into Temptation - Denise Curtis

    © 2013 by Denise Curtis. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/03/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-2479-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-2478-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-2477-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013918201

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    About the Book:

    About Me:

    The Sleeping Soul

    The 2nd Day

    The Book of Thomas

    Act One

    Stained Soul

    The 1st Day

    The Book of Elizabeth

    Act Two

    Missed by One

    The Second Death

    The Book of Nancy

    Act Three

    Churches: The Seven (7) Souls

    Part 4: Pentecost: The Day of Choice

    The Song of Rachel

    Act Four

    The Awakened Soul

    The Book of Stephen

    Act Five

    About the Book:

    Temptation is a book about souls that sleep in judgment. For this book Temptation’s sole purpose is to awaken the sleeping souls to which a sleeping soul is a soul that sleeps without accepting Jesus. For it is Jesus that is sent to resuscitate the sleeping soul unto life breathing which is done by Salvation.

    For it is Salvation that cries out loud to the soul that sleeps and as we saw in the Salvation testimony aka the New Testament, we saw Jesus awaken the souls. We saw Jesus awaken the sleeping souls to a voice called Salvation that was sent from Jehovah.

    For Salvation cried out to the ears of the sleeping souls and as Salvation testified, there were many souls awaken by the voice of Salvation. And as the story goes, many souls started to walk, see, hear, and talk about the voice of Salvation. For it is Salvation that saved a multitude and fed a multitude, for it is Salvation that is sacrificed in order for Salvation to continue to reach the ears of the sleeping souls.

    As this book Temptation, a book of judgment points out that temptation is our flesh in which we walk, talk, speak, live and move in as it is our home away from home. This book Temptation shows us who Temptation really is and it also shows us why we are led into temptation aka the flesh which is by choice and how easily it is to be delivered from evil which is by balance.

    This book Temptation shows us that we are souls from the kingdom of Jehovah and whether asleep or awake, we are souls from the kingdom of God. And a lot of us know this, but can we live it?

    This book Temptation shows us how to live against the flesh aka temptation while showing us at the same time that temptation is merely judgment and the simple fact remains that we, the souls from the kingdom of Jehovah, are souls placed in judgment, wrapped in judgment and surrounded in 360 degrees of judgment aka test.

    For all is One in the kingdom of Jehovah and as soon as we start seeing judgment, we will see that all is One. We will see that One is a very simple mathematical sense which solves all mathematical problems in consideration of the kingdom of Jehovah and of the field (world).

    For this book Temptation points out that our souls are surrounded in One test, One law, One beast, One judgment, One skin, One flesh, One temptation and the soul is given One choice to the One way, One God, One Son, One Voice and One Salvation that is able to overcome temptation and everything else against the soul in the field (world).

    As this book Temptation continues to point out that there is One sin called adultery just One with various names and characters and actors and actresses and stories and it all equals to just One.

    For One is like a tornado sucking up everything into One power all equaling up to just One way. For there is only One song that plays in judgment against the senses and One fire (punishment) that burns the senses in judgment, and there is One Salvation that plays over judgment against the souls. For the One song in judgment is to One sense.

    For this book Temptation shouts out and says there is One evil with various names and characters and actors and actresses and stories and it all equals to just One, but we must keep in mind there’s two sides to judgment: the positive and the negative. We must keep in mind there’s two sides to everything in One sense. We must keep in mind there are two choices in judgment, but just One way.

    For this book Temptation, a book of Judgment speaks out to the sleeping and awakened souls that there is One Glory, One Mercy, One Faith, One Grace One Blessing, One Vision, One Life, One Baptism, One Acceptance, One Inheritance, One Covenant and One choice as the list goes on.

    For in this book temptation the souls will be able to hear Judgment speak and say there is One way to overcome Judgment and that is by One Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

    For it is obvious in the title of this book: And Lead Us Not into Temptation a portion of the Lord’s Prayer tells us that we will be led into temptation meaning we will be led into choice and for that matter, we have a free-will choice to choose the number One. As in the beginning of Judgment, Judgment speaks and says which side are you on?

    This book Temptation: a story of Judgment speaks of continuous judgment from the beginning before temptation was even made and before the soul was even blown into temptation there was judgment standing there already waiting to judge. For Judgment speaks out in this book and says the garden was already made judgment before the souls were placed in judgment and surrounded in judgment waiting to be tested by judgment. Judgment speaks out in this book and says I AM made first before my souls were placed in judgment!

    So in the beginning of judgment, will you be asleep or will you be awake. So in the beginning of judgment will you be in a choice of sleep or in a choice of awake? Because in the beginning of Judgment this book Temptation points out that temptation returns to the ground and that returning to the ground is in fact its own judgment and it is founded that the soul can never die because it is dreadful enough to know that either we are asleep in judgment and thrown dead awake into separation or we are awake in judgment accepted into togetherness. So as Judgment asks again, which side are you on? Are you awake in judgment or are you a sleeping soul, sleeping against Judgment? As it is pointed out in this book Temptation We are against ourselves!

    There are five stories in Temptation the first book is the Book of Thomas where Thomas unveils judgment. The second book is the Book of Elizabeth the story of a soul that sleeps with the law. The third book is the Book of Nancy the story of a soul half sleep and half-awake it is the story of an unbalanced soul. The fourth book is the Book of Rachel for she sings we are Churches as she is various and opinionated in all of her songs. The fifth book is the Book of Stephen is the story of an awakened soul and how he found the movement of overcoming judgment unto Eternal Life.

    About Me:

    This is my testimony that I saw when I looked back after entering into the kingdom.

    In the end, I at first found hell, and I started to participate in it. I didn’t realize I was in hell, but I was. I walked like hell taught me to walk. I talked like hell taught me to talk. I looked like hell taught me to look. I saw like hell taught me to see. I heard like hell taught me to hear. I was a hell abiding citizen.

    I walked like hell, I talked like hell, I looked like hell, I saw like hell and I heard like hell. I followed hell, and I did everything hell told me to do.

    I slept with everything hell told me to sleep with. I just didn’t realize I was in hell, but I was. If hell said jump, I jumped. Whatever hell told me to do, I did it. If hell told me to lie, I lied, and I was good at it. If hell told me to cheat, I cheated, and I was good at it.

    If hell said eat these words, for example: jealous, anger, addict, covet, guess what, I ate what hell told me to eat. If hell said get drunk, I would eat the word drunk and be drunk with hell.

    Yeah, hell blinded me, and seduced me, kept me in handcuffs and dangled them in my face. Yeah, hell ran my life or shall I say ran my death because that’s where I was headed and that’s where hell was leading me on the path to Eternal Death.

    I was a homeless soul, a soul without a kingdom, a soul wandering in the dark unable to see the Way. I was a homeless soul disinherited from the kingdom because I thought I was flesh. I didn’t realize I am a soul from the kingdom of God until one day my Father called me out of hell (pit) and out of the flesh (temptation).

    I was a homeless soul, a soul without Love, a soul without Mercy, a soul without Grace, a soul without Faith, I was a homeless soul. I walked in the field (world) a homeless soul under the influence of the flesh in a place called Hell, hear my song, I was a homeless soul wandering in the dark without a kingdom.

    And that one day my Father, the voice of all voices called my soul that I didn’t even know I had and said, Follow me and I’ll make you a fisher of souls, and I followed and here I am to this day fishing the souls out of the flesh. My Father showed me his kingdom is a place where love is home-grown and formed: a place where forgiveness is honor and mercy is rich, a place where souls are surrounded in truth, a place where faith is possessions, a place where the biggest law stands in the center and speaks, love me with all your heart, mind and soul.

    I was a homeless soul, a soul without a kingdom, a soul wandering in the dark, but now I see that I am a candle (soul) lit (awakened) in the dark (temptation), now I see that I am a light (life) in the dark (temptation), now I see that I am no longer naked (sleep) in the dark (temptation), but I am clothed with the Light (life) of Jehovah through his Son.

    Now I have a home where I can never be kicked out, a home where I am always welcome despite of what I do, a home that is safe and covered in protection, a home where my Father listens to me and cares about me and loves me so much that he sent his Son just for me. I have a home that feeds me, clothes me, washes me, I’m not hungry for I eat spiritual food and have great spiritual wealth which is wisdom. I have a kingdom home where the door is open daily, and I can go in, and I can come out.

    I have a kingdom home that when I come out I can see the dark starring at my light. I can see the dark glaring at my light. I can see the dark jealous of my light. I can see the dark looking for any reason to steal my light. I can see the dark from the windows of my kingdom home. I have a home that gives me great power, and if I open a door, no darkness can shut it and if I close the door, no darkness can open it. I have a home that teaches me how to fight, how to overcome unto Eternal Life. I have an eternal home called Paradise. Welcome, to the beginning of unveiled judgment!

    Genesis 2:7; And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and man became a living soul.

    All scripture in this book are scripted from KJV.

    I give all respect in quotes for the use of music, quotes, nursery rhymes, movies, T.V shows, from another source.

    Father, I just want to thank-you for calling me out of the world (field) into the hands of your Son, in Jesus name, Amen!

    The Sleeping Soul

    The ²nd Day

    Part 1: Revealed: The Beginning of the First Resurrection of Judgment.

    The Book of Thomas

    To the church of Thyatira: You Whore!

    Act One

    And I saw the foundation of judgment placed in an order in the sequence of first, last; last, first, and I saw the first (judgment) last (test); last (test) first (judgment) placed in its foundational position. And I saw judgment being made to test, and I saw the test judged.

    I always said Revelation should be placed before Genesis. Why? Because we were judged before we were sent here. Because we were judged before we were given life. Because we were judged before we were numbered as if to say measured in height and weighed. And all through the word the word reveals a reflection of our judgment before judgment surrounded in judgment.

    Some think because Revelation is placed in the end that it is the end, but in fact, it is the beginning. It is the first book that judges all souls before they are placed in judgment. It is the first book that reveals judgment to all souls and if I may say so, it is the first book that reveals judgment to the seven (7) souls.

    It is the first book that reveals what judgment will be judged to an individual soul accepting Jesus and what judgment will be judged to an individual soul without accepting Jesus. It is the first book of the beginning of the revealed Revelation of Soul Judgment before judgment surrounded in judgment.

    As Jesus yells out in this book of Thomas, I know you are without choice, in other words, Revelation 3:15 I know your works that you are neither cold (flesh) or hot (soul): I would that you were one or the other.

    Revelation is continuous judgment to the souls. I always say, the first death is when the flesh returns to the dust from whenst it came and the second death is when the soul is judged asleep as if to say blind, sort of like, blind judgment.

    I say asleep is when the soul is awaken into the second death placed in a line to be sentenced to death without counsel aka Jesus placed in a line with no appointed time for the souls who are asleep as if to say without Jesus.

    I say awake as if to say a soul has entered into our Father’s rest—and entering into our Father’s rest is accepting Jesus—and are awaiting judgment into Eternal Life. Asleep as if to say the soul is separated from our Father’s rest and does not accept the Son also known as sleeps without The Son.

    I say asleep as if to say a soul functions as the flesh awaiting judgment unknowingly into Eternal Death and awake as if to say a soul functions as a soul awaiting judgment with knowledge into Eternal Life

    The position of awake as if to say seeing is the finality of judgment of Eternal Life and the position of asleep as if to say blind is the finality of judgment of Eternal death. How has Judgment come after the soul when Judgment is always before the soul and everything made before the soul to judge (test) the soul?

    In the beginning, everything that was made by God: food, water, clothing, etc.: so-called material things aka tests were placed after Judgment, in other words, the material things called tests were made after the 2nd Day and then the souls were given the law, No gods before God.

    So while Adam was placed in the garden renaming the tests the so-called material things aka flesh things, I say rename because everything was already made named before Adam: isn’t it true that Jehovah had already put the names in Adam to rename the things of Judgment that were already standing there.

    Judgment was made in the image and likeness of a tree and before the tree are the tests that would continuously test the souls and the failed test would break the law that would be broken, but it wasn’t broken yet, but yet and still the tree is standing there waiting to judge the failed test which witnesses against the soul and the broken law testifies against the soul and Judgment judges them all.

    Judgment always precedes the test and the test always precedes the law. Why does the test precede the law? The test precedes the law because the souls are already going to do what Jehovah says throughout the truth not to do: how else would we be judged (tested)? Whether we know it or not, we are under judgment by the failed and passed tests.

    Judgment will always be standing in the image and likeness of a tree with the test in front of it dressed up like grass (flesh) and the spoken law in front of the grass dressed up as a gated fence. How is it that we have come to find out how to pass the test? Put it like this, we’ll always be leaning on the gated fence, standing on the grass and eating off the tree, but with Jesus, we can overcome the tree, the grass and the gated fence.

    This is why I sing that Revelation is laid and set in place before Genesis and this is why I sing Revelation is a picture of the First resurrected soul of Jesus and Genesis is a picture in picture of a soul born into the womb of temptation, tested and sentenced to the Second death called a death without breath.

    The First resurrection is Eternal Life breathing, but the Second death without the accepted First resurrection is Eternal death. Revelation is first because our souls were judged before the 1st Day and Genesis is last because our souls were made after Judgment. We have to accept the first test in order to overcome the last witness called judgment.

    For it is obvious that if we stand in the sense of judgment, the 2nd Day was made before the 1st Day which tells us that our souls were already breathing in the 2nd Day, but not placed in temptation until the 1st Day was made. In other words, our souls were made before the foundation of the 1st Day. And the 1st Day is the Day of Judgment being made all the tests of judgment before the soul is placed in temptation (flesh).

    This is why I sing the Alpha & Omega song and bow and step in the Alpha & Omega dance where the beat of the music plays First (Judgment) Last (Witness); Last (Witness) First (Judgment) this is why I sing Judgment is already standing there in the image and likeness of a tree and the tests are all things that were made of Judgment already here to test the souls before the souls came.

    Was not the ground laid judgment? Was not the food made judgment? Was not judgment first? Who is Judgment we ask? Was not Jehovah Judgment before man was made from the ground? Was not Jehovah Judgment before the soul was blown into the ground and started breathing?

    Did not Judgment send his only begotten Son Salvation dressed in Judgment to overcome judgment? Isn’t this the price that was paid? Did not Judgment send his only begotten Son Salvation dressed in the spoken law to overcome the law? Did not Judgment send his only begotten Son Salvation dressed in Temptation’s curse to overcome the curses of Temptation? Did not Judgment send his only begotten Son Salvation dressed in a test to overcome the tests?

    Did not Judgment send his only begotten Son Salvation dressed in temptation to overcome temptation aka the beast numbered 666 aka the flesh? Did not Judgment do this for the souls? Was not this One test with various names and characters and actors and actresses and stories all these tests against the souls sacrificed at Calvary? Can now the souls overcome judgment overcome the law, overcome the curse, overcome temptation and overcome the tests, can we not? Can we not overcome all tests with Salvation, can we not?

    All is a test to the souls not to Temptation aka the flesh. Is not temptation called man breathing from a soul’s Breath of Life? Does not the Breath of Life make man move: being able to hear, see, walk and talk? Are these not the steps of temptation (flesh) from a newborn to a child? Does not the acceptance of Jesus awaken the sleeping soul’s hearing, seeing, walking and talking back to its Father Jehovah?

    This is why I sing the Alpha & Omega song and bow and step in the Alpha & Omega dance where the beat of the music plays First (Judgment) Last (Witness), Last (Witness) First (Judgment). This is why I sing Judgment is already standing there in the image and likeness of a tree and the tests are all things that were made of judgment including temptation (flesh) which is already here to test the souls before the souls came.

    And the curtain opens and the City of Judgment is revealed!

    Act One: House of the Most High

    In the fourth hour first minute (4:1): Revelation 4:1; and I see the door of the 2nd Day opened. And the first voice I hear is Discernment saying, Come into the 2nd Day, and I will show you things of the future.

    4:2 And immediately I was in my soul: and I see the Wisdom (throne) is set in the 2nd Day and Jehovah is sitting on the Wisdom (throne).

    4:3 And Jehovah who sits on the Wisdom (throne) looks like clarity and there is a promise around the Wisdom (throne) and the law (truth) is in color like an emerald.

    4:4 And I see around the wisdom 24 judges which are the twelve (12) measures and twelve (12) standards:

    seated in 24 authorities (seats) dressed in judgment (white) clothing and the Judges had on their senses (heads) riches (gold) of righteousness (crowns).

    4:5 And I see out of the Wisdom (throne) proceeded a sense of seeing (lightning) and hearing (thundering) and voices and there are seven (7) commandments (lamps) of word (fire) burning in front of the wisdom (throne) which are the seven (7) spirits of Jehovah:

    1. Power,

    2. Riches,

    3. Wisdom,

    4. Strength,

    5. Honor,

    6. Glory, and

    7. Blessing.

    4:6 And I see before the Wisdom there is a reflection of the word (sea of glass) in agreement (midst) of the Wisdom and around the Wisdom are four (4) tablets (beasts) full of words (eyes) written on the back and on the front.

    4:7 And I see the four (4) tablets (beasts) of the four senses:

    1. The tablet Law is as a lion hunting with its (mouth)

    2. The tablet Vision is as a calf sensing with its fruitful (nose)

    3. The tablet Faith has the face of a man hearing with its behavior (ear) and

    4. The tablet Life is like a flying eagle seeing with its choice (eyes).

    4:8 And I see the four (4) tablets (beasts) and each of them has six (6) voices that speak:

    1. Riches

    2. Wisdom

    3. Strength

    4. Honor

    5. Glory &

    6. Blessing

    About them and they are full of words (eyes) written inside and they say every second, True, True, True, Jehovah which was, and is, and is to come.

    4:9 And when the tablets (beasts): Law, Vision, Faith, and Life give glory and honor and thanks to Jehovah who sits on the wisdom and lives forever and ever,

    4:10 The 24 judges (12 measures and 12 standards) bow before Jehovah who sits on the Wisdom (throne) and respects (worships) our eternal Jehovah who lives forever and ever, and casts their righteousness (crowns) before the Wisdom (throne) saying,

    4:11 Thou are worthy, Oh Jehovah, to receive glory and honor and power: for you have created all things, and for your pleasure they are and were created.

    5:1 And I see in the Right hand of Jehovah that sits on the Wisdom (throne) a book of tests written inside and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

    5:2 And I see a messenger named Power among the kingdom make a speech? Who is worthy to open the names and loosen the tests to the souls?

    5:3 And I see no soul in the 2nd Day neither in the 1st Day able to open the book of tests nor to look at it.

    5:4 And I see John start crying bitterly because no soul was found worthy to open, read or look at the book of tests.

    5:5 And I hear one of the 24 judges say, "Don’t cry, look, the mouth (lion) of the seed (tribe) of the generation of faith (Jacob) of the family of faith (David) has overcome (prevailed) to open the book of tests and to loosen the seven (7) seals thereof.

    5:6 And I see in the agreement (midst) of the Wisdom and of the four tablets (beasts), and in the agreement (midst) of the 24 judges stood Jesus (Test of Judgment) from Calvary having seven (7) written messages (horns) which are the seven (7) spirits of Jehovah sent forth into all of the 1st Day:

    1. Power

    2. Riches

    3. Wisdom

    4. Strength

    5. Honor

    6. Glory

    7. Blessing

    5:7 And I see the Test of Judgment (Jesus) take the book of tests out of Jehovah’s (Judgment’s) Right hand who sits on the Wisdom (throne).

    5:8 And I see when the Test of Judgment (Jesus) had taken the book of tests, the four (4) tablets (beasts) of the four senses: Law, Vision, Faith, Life and the 24 judges bowed before the Test of Judgment (Jesus) in celebration of music with honorable vials full of incense which are the sacrifices (prayers) of the congregations. I see Jesus (Test of Judgment) fulfill (overcome) and send us Law (Truth), Faith (Father), Life (Son) and Voice (Holy Ghost).

    5:9 And I see them sing a new Gospel song, "Jesus (Test of Judgment), you are worthy; Jesus (Test of Judgment) you are worthy to be our king. You are worthy Jesus (Test of Judgment), you are worthy Jesus (Test of Judgment), and you are worthy to rein from being slain. You were slain and redeemed our souls back to our Jehovah (Judgment). You were slain and redeemed our souls back to our Father (Judge). You were slain and redeemed our souls back to Jehovah (Judgment). Jesus (Test of Judgment) you are worthy to rein. You have redeemed us all. Jesus (Test of Judgment) you have redeemed us back to our Father (Judge) in Jesus name. We are so thankful that you walked the walk for us for you have redeemed us back to our Jehovah (Judge). Jesus, you are worthy to rein from being slain. You are worthy Jesus (Test of Judgment) we love your name,

    5:10 And unto Jehovah, Jesus, you have made us truth (above) and leader souls (kings) and preachers (priests) and we shall rein over the 1st Day."

    5:11 And I can hear the celebrating of many messengers (angels) around the wisdom (throne) and the tablets (beasts) of the senses: Law (speak), Vision (detect), Faith (hear) and Life (see), and the 24 judges partying with billions of redeemed souls.

    5:12 Preaching loud, "Worthy is Jesus (Test of Judgment) that was slain to receive Power and deliver

    1. Power to all souls

    2. To receive Riches and deliver Riches to all souls

    3. To receive Wisdom and deliver Wisdom to all souls

    4. To receive Strength and deliver Strength to all souls

    5. To receive Honor and deliver Honor to all souls

    6. To receive Glory and deliver Glory to all souls

    7. To receive Blessings and deliver Blessings to all souls."

    Which are the seven (7) spirits (words) of Jehovah.

    5:13 And I hear every word (creature) which is in the 2nd Day and on the 1st Day and under the 1st Day and such as are in the unbelieving souls (sea) and all that are in them saying, Blessing, and Honor, and Glory, and Power be unto Jehovah who sits upon the Wisdom and to Jesus (Test of Judgment) forever and ever.

    5:14 And I hear the four (4) tablets (beasts) of the senses: Law, Vision, Faith, and Life say, Amen. And the 24 judges fell down and worshipped Jehovah our Eternal Father that lives forever and ever.

    6:1 And I see Jesus opening one of the seals of the stable with four horses and it sounded off crack! boom! And one of the four beasts: Law, Vision, Faith or Life says, and I hear the first tablet (beast) Law say, Come and see.

    6:2 And I see the White Horse Judgment burst out of the stall and Blindness (darkness) that sat on judgment had emptiness (bow) in his hand and a crown (righteousness) was given to Blindness and Blindness went forth counting and to count; taking census.

    6:3 And I see Jesus (Test of Judgment) open the second seal of Judgment, and I hear the second tablet (beast) Vision say, Come and see!

    6:4 And I see the Red Horse Separation burst out of the stall and power (life) was given to Hate that sat on Separation to take respect (peace) from the 1st Day that they should persecute (kill) one another, and there was given unto him a great testifier (sword) aka law.

    6:5 And I see Jesus (Test of Judgment) open the third seal of judgment, and I hear the third tablet (beast) Faith say, Come and see! And I look and see the Black Horse Height burst out of the stall and Measurement sat on top of Height with an unbalanced weight in his hand.

    6:6 And then I hear the voice of Weight (a voice) in the agreement (midst) of the senses: Law, Faith, Vision, and Life saying, One measure (without the Father; Faith) of lack (wheat) for a sum (penny), and three measures (without the Father, Son, Holy Voice) of lack (barley) for a sum (penny) and see thou hurt not the accepted (oil) and the choice (wine).

    6:7 And when Jesus (Test of Judgment) opened the fourth seal of judgment, I hear the fourth tablet Life say, Come and see!

    6:8 And I look, and I see the Pale Horse Temptation burst out of the stall and Sleep (death) sat on top of Temptation and Hades (Hell) followed after Sleep (death). And power (life) was given to Sleep (death) over a 1/3 part of the 1st Day (earth) to persecute (kill) with the testifier (sword) and with lack (hunger) and with sleep (death): and with the wild beasts of the 1st Day (earth).

    6:9 And I see Jesus (Test of Judgment) opening the fifth seal and out of the sealed revealed, and I see under the center (altar) the souls of them that are persecuted (killed) for the Word of God and their belief in Jesus (Test of Judgment) which they held.

    6:10 And the persecuted souls cried with a loud voice, saying, Father, holy and true, how long must we wait for judgment for our persecutors (murderers), do you not judge and avenge our choice (blood) on the persecutors that dwell on the 1st Day?

    6:11 And judgment (white) robes were given to every persecuted soul and Jehovah said, Be quiet for a little season, you must wait for all the persecuted souls and their congregations and families that should be persecuted as you were and persecution should be fulfilled (overcome).

    6:12 And I see Jesus (Test of Judgment) open the sixth seal and out of the sealed there was a great Change (earthquake) and seeing (sun) became fear (black) like as sorrow (sackcloth) of glory (hair) and the lighted course (moon) became as choice (blood).

    6:13 And the paths (stars) of the 2nd Day fell unto the 1st Day just as a mother who gives birth prematurely; (even as a fig tree cast her untimely figs).

    6:14 And the 2nd Day closed (departed as a scroll when it is rolled together) and every position (mountain) and separated soul (island) were moved out of their places.

    6:15 And the leader souls (kings) of the 1st Day and the great souls and the rich souls and the chief captain souls and the mighty souls and every slave soul and every free soul hid themselves in the sleeping places (dens) and in the foundations (rocks) of the positions (mountains).

    6:16 And said to the foundations and positions, Cover us (fall on us) and hide us from the presence of Judgment (face of Jehovah) that sits on the Wisdom (throne) and from the anger (wrath) of the Lamb (Jesus).

    6:17 For the great day of his anger (wrath) is come and who shall be able to stand?

    7:1 And after these things I see four (4) messengers (angels) named North, South, East and West standing on the four corners of the 1st Day holding the four (4) influences (winds) of Separation (north) Judgment (south), Height (east), and Temptation (west) of the 1st Day, that the influence (wind) should neither blow on the 1st Day nor on the unbelieving souls (sea) nor on any flesh (tree).

    7:2 And I see another messenger rise from the East named Sunrise having the seal of the living Jehovah and Sunrise hollered out to the four (4) messengers East, West, North, and South to whom the unsealed was given to damage (hurt) the 1st Day (flesh) and the unbelieving souls (sea).

    7:3 Saying, Damage (hurt) not the 1st Day neither the unbelieving souls (sea), nor the fleshsouls (trees) until we have counted (sealed) the servants of our Jehovah in their belief (foreheads).

    7:4 And I heard the number of the height of them which were measured 144,000 of all the families of the children of sacrifice (Israel). And I hear the number of the height come out of the sacrifice (Israel) and:

    7:5-7:8 Of the family of Idolatry (Judah) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Fornication (Ruben) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Lust (Gad) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Disrespect (Asher) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Lying Teacher (Naphtali) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of False prophet (Manassas) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Kill (Simeon) is measured at 12,000.

    Also, of the family of War (Levi) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Hate (Issachar) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Blaspheme (Zebulum) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Without Love (Joseph) is measured at 12,000.

    Of the family of Covet (Benjamine) is measured at 12,000.

    7:9 After this, I look and see a Great Multitude called Redemption which no flesh can number or count of all different souls (nations) and related souls (kindred) and sent souls (people) and communicating souls (tongues) stood in front of the wisdom and in front of Jesus (Lamb) dressed in judging (white) robes and victory (palms) in their hands.

    7:10 And I hear them rejoicing saying, Salvation to our Jehovah which sits upon the wisdom and unto Jesus.

    7:11 And I see all of the messengers standing around the Wisdom and around the 24 judges (12 measures and 12 standards) and Law, Vision, Faith, and Life the four tablets (beasts) bowed (fell on their faces) before the Wisdom (throne) and worshiped Jehovah.

    7:12 Saying, Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be unto our Jehovah forever and ever, Amen. Father, thank-you for redemption in Jesus name!

    7:13 And I hear one of the judges and the Judge named Choice (Judge Choice) asked John, Who are these which are dressed in judgment (white) and where did they come from?

    7:14 And I hear John say to the Judge named Choice, You know who they are? And Judge Choice said, "Is this The Multitude of Redemption that overcame Temptation and have victory (palms) over judgment; washed their robes and made them white (judgment) in the choice (blood) of Jesus?

    7:15 And now they stand before the Wisdom (throne) of Jehovah and serve him day and night in his understanding (temple) and Jehovah who sits on the Wisdom (throne) shall dwell among them.

    7:16 And the Great Multitude shall need of nothing: they shall neither hunger nor thirst anymore neither shall the sun light on them nor any heat.

    7:17 For Jesus (Test of Judgment) which is in the agreement (midst) of the Wisdom shall feed them and shall lead them to the Living Eternal Voices and Jehovah shall wipe the tears from their eyes (comfort them from the former things)." Rev 21:4, Isaiah 25:8 and 35:10.

    8:1 And when Jesus (Test of Judgment) had opened the 7th seal there was a silence in the 2nd Day for 30 minutes, and I saw the erasure of names. I see names being erased from the Lamb’s Book of Life continuously every thirty minutes. I saw names being blotted out.

    8:2 And I see the seven (7) messengers: Power, Riches, Wisdom, Strength, Honor, Glory and Blessing which stand before Jehovah and Jehovah gave them seven (7) trumpets (songs).

    8:3 And I see another messenger named Measure come out and stand at the center (altar) with an unstained grace (golden censer), and I see much sacrifice (fragrance; incense) given to the messenger named Measure for the messenger named Measure to present (offer) it with the prayers of all congregations (saints) upon the unstained center (golden altar) which is before the Wisdom.

    8:4 And I see the suffering (smoke) of the sacrifice (fragrance; incense) which came with the prayers (sacrifices) of the congregations rise (ascend) before Jehovah out of the messenger Measure’s hand.

    8:5 And I see the messenger named Measure take the unstained grace (golden censer of prayers) and fill it with punishment (fire) of the center (altar) and throw it into the 1st Day and there is talking (voices) and hearings (thundering) and seeing (lightening) and a Change (earthquake).

    8:6 And I see the seven (7) messengers: Power, Riches, Wisdom, Strength, Honor, Glory and Blessing which has the seven (7) trumpets (songs) is preparing themselves to blow (sing) . . . .

    8:7 And the first messenger Power blew the song and there followed a great expression (hail), It is done and punishment (fire) is mixed with choice (blood) and they are sung (cast) upon the 1st Day and the song covered the eyes and caused blindness. And a 1/3 part of the fleshsouls (trees) are blinded with blindness (burnt up) and all new born fleshsouls’ (green grass) eyes are shut with blindness (burnt up).

    8:8 And the second messenger Riches blew the song as it were a great position (mountain) blinding (burning) with punishment (fire) was sung (cast) into the unbelieving souls (sea) and a 1/3 part of the unbelieving souls’ (sea) feet are covered in burden.

    8:9 And I see the 1/3 part of the words (creatures) which are in the unbelieving souls (sea) that had life slept (died) and the 1/3 part of the principalities (ships) are destroyed.

    8:10 And the third messenger Wisdom blew the song and there fell a great path (star) from the 2nd Day burning as a commandment (lamp) and it fell upon the 1/3 part of the joining voices (rivers) and upon the ever-running (fountain) voices and shut their hearing and covered their ears with deafness.

    8:11 And the name of the-path (star) is called Shame (wormwood). And a 1/3 part of the salvation (waters) became afflicted (bitter) and many souls slept (died) of the salvation because their deafness is covered in the affliction of bitterness.

    8:12 And the fourth messenger Strength blew the song and a 1/3 part of sight (sun) is struck (smitten) and blew and struck a 1/3 part of the eyes that Power blew and a 1/3 part of the lighted course (moon) is struck and blew and struck the feet that Riches blew and a 1/3 part of the paths (stars) are struck and blew and struck the hearing so as a 1/3 part of them are blind, cripple & deaf and they are lost in the day (the day shone not for a 1/3 part of it) and they are lost in the night (the night likewise).

    8:13 And I see and hear the messenger Sorrow flying through the agreement (midst) of the 2nd Day saying with a loud voice trouble, trouble, trouble (woe, woe, woe,) to the fleshsouls (inhabitants) of the 1st Day by reason of the other voices of the songs (trumpet) of the three messengers which are yet to sound!

    9:1 And the fifth messenger Honor blew the song, and I see a path (star) fall from the 2nd Day (Eternal Life) unto the 1st Day (Temptation) and to the 1st Day (Temptation ) was given the key of Eternal Death (the bottomless pit).

    9:2 And the 1st Day (Temptation) opened Eternal Death (sleep); (the bottomless pit) and there arose a suffering (smoke) out of Eternal Death as a suffering (smoke) of a large punishment (fire) blinding (burning) and the seeing (sun) and the breathing (air) are blinded (darkened) by reason of the suffering (smoke) of Eternal Death (sleep).

    9:3 And there came out of the suffering (smoke) Persecution (locusts) upon the 1st Day (Temptation) and unto Persecution (locusts) was given power (breath) as the sting (scorpions) of the 1st Day have power (breath).

    9:4 And it was commanded to Persecution that they should neither hurt the sight or the breath of the fleshsoul (grass) of the 1st Day, neither any young fleshsouls (green thing) nor any old fleshsouls (tree), but only those fleshsouls which have not Jesus (the seal of God) in their belief (foreheads).

    9:5 And to Persecution (locusts) it was told that they should not persecute (kill) them, but that the fleshsouls should be tormented five (5) months and their torment was the torment of a sting of choice (scorpion) as when a sting of choice (scorpion) is about to strike a soul.

    9:6 And in those days shall souls seek sleep (death) and shall not find it and shall desire to sleep (die) and sleep (death) shall flee from them.

    9:7-9 And Persecution is dressed like:

    1. War (fighting) horses (burdens) with

    2. Heads (senses) of fake-gold (greed),

    3. Faces (reflections) of flesh (temptation),

    4. Human (flesh) hair (glory),

    5. Mauling (bruising) teeth (perception),

    6. Iron (unrelenting) breastplates (robes),

    7. Battle (combative) wings (voices),

    8. Lies (tails) of a sting of choice (scorpion),

    9. The sting of choice (scorpion) is in their lies (tails),

    9:10 And Persecution’s power was to hurt the souls five months.

    9:11 And their leader’s (king) name is Abaddon, Apollyon meaning sleep (death).

    9:12 One trouble (woe) is past and look here is two more troubles (woes) coming.

    9:13 And the sixth Messenger Glory blew the song, and I hear a voice from the four (4) messages (horns):

    1. Length—Sense

    2. Breadth—Understanding

    3. Foursquare—Direction

    4. Height—Position

    Of the unstained center (golden altar) which is before Jehovah,

    9:14 And Foursquare said to the sixth messenger Glory which has the trumpet, "Loose the four (4) messengers which are bound in the great voice (river) Stumbling Block (Euphrates).

    9:15 And the four (4) messengers:

    1. Position

    2. Direction

    3. Understanding and

    Sense are loosed which is prepared for an hour, a day, a month and a year for to slay a 1/3 of the souls.

    9:16 And the number of the Army of Horsemen called Persecution were 300,000, and I heard the number of them.

    9:17 And I saw the burdens (horses) called Guilt in the reflection and Persecution sat on them dressed in:

    1. Kill

    2. Steal &

    3. Destroy

    And the senses (heads) of the burdens (horsemen) were as the sense (head) of a hunter (lion) and out of their positions (mouths) issued:

    1. Irritate

    2. Suffer &

    3. Destroy

    9:18 And by these three is a 1/3 of souls persecuted (killed) by the irritation, sufferings and destruction which issues out of their mouths (positions).

    9:19 For Guilt’s power is in their position (mouth) and in their lies (tails): for their lies (tails) are like choices (stingers) with senses (heads) and with them they do hurt.

    9:20 And the rest of the souls which were not persecuted (killed) by these plagues of irritation, sufferings, and destruction yet regretted (repented) not of the works of their direction (hands) that they should not glorify (respect) accusing words (devils), words (idols) of gold, words (idols) of silver, words (idols) of brass, words (idols) of stone (judging) and words (idols) of wood which can neither see, hear nor walk.

    9:21 Neither did they regret (repent) of their murders (persecuting) with principalities (words), nor of their calling (sorceries) of principalities (words), nor of their having relationship (fornication) with principalities (words), nor of their stealing (thefts) with principalities (words).

    10:1 And I see another mighty messenger called Promise come down from the 2nd Day dressed with a presence (cloud): and a bittersweetness (covenant) was upon Promise’s sense (head) and Promises’ reflection (face) is as it is seeing (sun) and his walk (feet) as grave stones (pillars of persecution).

    10:2 And Promise had in his hand a little opened book called Covenant and Promise put his right (salvation) foot on the unbelieving souls (sea) and his left (judgment) foot on the 1st Day (temptation).

    10:3 And Promise cried with a loud voice as a hunter (lion) roars and when he had cried the seven (7) hearings (thunders) started speaking:

    1. Establish started speaking Stability

    2. Token started speaking Characteristic

    3. Remember started speaking Think

    4. Everlasting started speaking Eternal

    5. Give started speaking Administer

    6. Multiply started speaking Increase

    7. Fulfill started speaking Satisfaction

    10:4 And when the seven (7) hearings (thunders) started to speak I was about to write, and I hear a voice from the 2nd Day say to me, Seal up those things which the seven (7) hearings have spoken and write them not, but I, Thomas had already written them.

    10:5 And Promise which I see standing on the unbelieving souls (sea) and on the 1st Day lifting his hand to the 2nd Day

    10:6 And swore by Jehovah that lives forever and ever who created the 2nd Day and the things that are in the 2nd Day and the 1st Day and the things that are in the 1st Day and the unbelieving souls (seas) and the things that are in the unbelieving souls (seas) that there should be time no longer.

    10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh (7th) messenger Blessing when he shall begin to speak (sound) the mystery of Jehovah should be finished as he has declared to his servants the preachers (prophets).

    10:8 And the voice which I heard from the 2nd Day spoke to me again and said, Go and take the little book called Bittersweet (covenant) which is open in the hand of the messenger Promise which stands on the unbelieving souls (sea) and on the 1st Day.

    10:9 And I went to the messenger Promise and said, Give me the little book called Bittersweet (covenant). And he said, Take it and learn it (eat it up) and it shall make thy soul (belly) sorry (bitter), but it shall be in thy position (mouth) sweet as inspiration (honey).

    10:10 And I took the little book called Bittersweet Promise (covenant) out of the messenger Promise’s hand and learned (ate) it, and it was in my position (mouth) sweet as inspiration and as soon as I had learned (ate) it, my soul was sorry for my mistakes.

    10:11 And Promise said to me, You must preach again before many sent souls (people), different souls (nations), communicating souls (tongues) and leader souls (kings).

    11:1 And there was given me a measuring stick (reed like unto a rod) and Promise stood up and said, "Rise and measure the understanding (temple) of Jehovah and the center (altar) and the souls that worship therein,

    11:2 But the section (court) which is without the understanding leave it out and measure it not, for it is given to the unbelievers (Gentiles)." And the true (holy) standard (city) shall they bruise (trample; tread under foot) three (3) days and 6 hours (3,006 days = forty-two (42) months).

    11:3 And I will give power to my two (2) witnesses. The law and the curse my two eyes watching, and they shall preach a day and a 1/4 dressed in sorrow (sackcloth).

    11:4 These are the two (2) eyes (olive trees) and the two (2) watching (candlesticks) called Testifying (law) Witness (curse) standing before Jehovah of the 1st day.

    11:5 And if any soul sin against (offend) the two eyes watching (testifying witness) punishment (fire) proceeds out of their positions (mouths) and eats (devours) their injuries (enemies): and if any soul will sin (offend) against the two eyes watching, the sinning (offended) soul must in the same manner be persecuted (killed).

    11:6 The two eyes watching has the power to shut the 2nd Day (soul) that judgment judges (rains) not in the days of their preaching: and have power over salvation (waters) to turn them to choice (blood) and to strike the 1st Day (flesh) with all plagues as often as the two eyes watching will.

    11:7 And when the two eyes watching shall have finished their preaching, persecution that ascended out of the bottomless pit (Eternal Death) shall measure (make war) against the two eyes watching and shall overcome the two eyes watching and persecute (kill) the two eyes watching.

    11:8 And the two eyes watching’s dead understanding (dead bodies) shall lie in the development (street) of the great standard (city) which is soulfully (spiritually) called Dead Slave (Sodom Egypt) where also Jesus was crucified.

    11:9 And they of the sent souls (people) and related souls (kindred) and communicating souls (tongues) and different souls (nations) shall see the two eyes watching misunderstanding (dead bodies) 3 ½ days (3,000 and a ½ years) and shall keep the two eyes watching alive (accepted) against themselves and shall not suffer the two eyes watching misunderstanding (dead bodies) to be put in graves.

    11:10 And they that dwell upon the 1st Day (temptation) shall rejoice over the two eyes watching and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two preachers, the two eyes watching troubled (tormented) them that dwell on the 1st Day (temptation).

    11:11 And after 3 ½ days (3,000 and ½ days) Jesus sent from Jehovah entered into the two eyes watching and the two eyes watching stood upon their feet and great fear (wisdom) fell upon them which saw them.

    11:12 And they heard a great voice from the 2nd Day (soul) saying unto the Testifying Witness (two eyes watching) Come up here! And the Testifying Witness ascended up to the 2nd Day in a reflected image and their enemies (acceptors) saw them.

    11:13 And the same hour there was a great Change; first day shift (earthquake) and a 1/10 part of the standard (city) of the Dead

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