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The Surrogate: How God and One Man Brought Down a Dynasty
The Surrogate: How God and One Man Brought Down a Dynasty
The Surrogate: How God and One Man Brought Down a Dynasty
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The Surrogate: How God and One Man Brought Down a Dynasty

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Recounts of the election of PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA.
Release dateNov 25, 2013
The Surrogate: How God and One Man Brought Down a Dynasty



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    The Surrogate - CHARLES CASSEY





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    Article I   The beginning of the campaign in Iowa was the beginning of the journey to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for, Barack Obama.

    Article II   Introduction on the Al Sharpton radio talk show was the start of the surrogate.

    Article III   Before the Nevada caucuses were to take place, the African American community was ready for a change.

    Article IV   Nevada, are we moving forward?

    Article V   The results

    Article VI   South Carolina makes the decision for all the Nation of African Americans in the United States.

    Article VII   The results

    Article VII   I Bill Clinton has to defend himself on the Al Sharpton show.

    Article IX   Hillary is a "Plagiarizer.

    Article X   Texas re-counts its votes.

    Article XI   How the black surrogates of Hillary Clinton were brought to their knees.

    Article XII   Hillary’s taxes, what did they reveal?

    Article XIII   The Reverend Jeremiah Wright scandal, defused.

    Article XIV   Reverend Jeremiah Wright comes back.

    Article XV   Pennsylvania.

    Article XVI   North Carolina.

    Article XVII   Oregon and on to victory!

    Article XVIII   Montana



    Salebwa Debibwaye’

    The Sir name to, In the Image of My Father is the caption above, in Swahili.

    However, the English version is,

    Charles Thomas Collins Cassey.



    T his book is dedicated to all the saints that have a true desire to know and experience GOD the way that God has prescribed for his, praise and tender mercy.


    Hello my friends, brothers, and sisters, in Christ!

    I have compiled this book to inform us of how we can all be as important a force as someone who considers themselves in the inner circle of society’s main stream politics

    • What I have compiled is the route that it took to Surrogating for President Barack Obama during the 2008-2012 Presidential nomination & Presidential race & contest.

    • With the help of the Reverend Al Sharpton’s radio talk show we were able to reach the African American communities across America

    The most wonderful thing that I had experienced was when the results of these primaries came through and the African American people heard the messages and they delivered.


    T his is the simplified version of what God expects of us.

    1. This text is not sugar coated, it reveals the unadulterated truth about how we go about serving God and what he thinks about the results of what we are calling religious.

    2. The simplicity of what God wants is so simple that we have to just dissect, try and test God altogether.

    3. The first section of the text deals with the breakdown of religion. We discuss the many types of ministers and their apparent motives and agenda’s.

    4. The way to obedience to God, by way of simply reading through the book of Proverbs this is included.

    5. Wisdom of the ages; instruction on how to deal with everyday life and its conditions. (The ways of discipline)

    6. Concluding opinions.

    7. Final thoughts.

    There is no secret to Gods love, for us. Within the pages of this short to the point manual, is the recipe to Gods expectations for humanity. These simple rules are short, precise, and to the point, without confusion. After you have read all the pages of this book, I insist that you the reader, ask God about the content subjects of this text. Only talk with God, he can and will confirm him.


    T his book brings to the world wisdom of Wisdom, and understanding of Understa nding.

    Greetings beloved, in the beginning of this fascinating wonderful journey with God I was what would be considered a heathen to the religious minded folk. Nevertheless, I was always with God and God with me since birth. In the beginning, it all became apparent to me in the summer of 2004, the Lord has come to me and he appointed, anointed, and commanded me to dwell with the people, be a beacon of light for God’s name sake. Good commanded me to allow him to dwell within me so that he could see what I see and feel what I feel and acknowledge what I acknowledge through the eyes of a human, through my eyes, through my heart. Then he pro-compelled and propelled me to enter into his wilderness and he began to teach me and he taught me.

    For the most part, I remained in the wilderness for three years, with no more than the clothes on my back. I had surrendered everything to God, I was feeling like I had remained in the wilderness longer than Moses, and the Hebrew Children, but I was there with God instructing me and revealing things of life to pass along though those who choose life. I learned that fasting and praying at all times would deliver me all the way. Afterwards, the journey that God assigned me the task of is so vast that I decided that I would explain in writing of my experience with him and to deliver to the world his messages of salvation, as well as, an open door free of charge to the Holy Grace of GOD. There’s healing for the sick of mind and soul, for the misguided, disenfranchised, resented, repented, different, and the lowly.

    I compiled this information retrieved from God and I am presenting the memoirs as messages to the nations of this world. Furthermore, for the disbelievers it do not matter if you believe these writings or not, the fact that they have been written for everyone to acknowledge and consider is all that matter. I have come on behave of the father and my report is to other saints and witnesses of Gods glory. I have first—hand knowledge of everything that is written upon the pages of this manual and I will elaborate further in the discussion. I have first—hand for myself walked with God, and as I progressed through life, with God and Lord Jesus walking with me and instructing me as one, seeing through mine eyes, feeling what I was feeling, enduring what I endured, hearing what I was hearing, enduring what I was enduring, seeing man’s ways.

    Nevertheless, according to GOD’S will, I continued to walk on the Lords path of righteousness, the question arose concerning what was right and what was deemed wrong in God’s sight. He taught that in the world, in which we dwell even with all the wickedness that prevailed, he would guide my steps, and he led me. One of the many things that I have noticed in my travels throughout the numerous church building’s, is how many of the preachers surround themselves upon their pulpits, with yes people. Persons who will do all the Amen’s and agree with everything what is being said no matter how unlikely the information being shared is perpetuated and unproven, rattled with confusing testimony and unbridled mistruths concerning God and The Lord Jesus Christ. I understand that you must first be considerate, if you wish to be considered, listen and learn, read and discern watch ever so humble at the gates of the Pharisees that come in the name of the Lord, but serve in their own wicked devises and their own self-interest.

    I went through ups and downs, many toils and much strife, inspected what was justified and what was unjustified, and with Jesus walking before me, and with me, and living in me, through it all, and he went before me, yes he did. Consequently, the Lord’s thoughts are not our thoughts. Concerning these conditions of the people of the earth and the religious minded institutional church assembly places called churches, these words are for you. What I have written are also my thoughts, views, and experiences. These messages are written to the nations of the world, and to all the people of earth, concerning the wickedness of this generation of human and inhuman inhabitants of this planet called earth and its people and their current kingdoms and religions throughout the entire world.

    Be aware of the forked tongue modern day Pharisee’s of this world, the many of you preachers and pastors coming in the name of the Father GOD, coming in the name of the Lord Jesus, coming in the name of the Holy Spirit, with no evidence or guarantee of their righteousness, nor holiness, nor saintliness, nor proof that they are sent of the father which art in heaven. In fact there is not even physical evidence or proof of their relation with God. Where is your proof thereof? From what I have witnessed and experienced, I find confusing speaking from pulpits, confused spirits amongst the congregations, with mixed words and emotions coming from children of God, with little or no direction or discretion to being obedient to God, and little or no regard, nor respect, nor fear, of God the Father. One of the ways that you can tell if the word of God is being presented or preached on God’s behalf is when you listen and count the number of times the speaker mentions the phrase I did this or I did that, I was presented this or I was honored with that, or perhaps, there is more of Apostle Paul being preached than of the gospels of Jesus Christ. Consequently, most churches establishments and places of worship practice a religion, which tethers on a phrase as one having an Apostle Paul religion. It is imperative that each and every one of us alive today take head, and every soul be steadfast and come into obedience with Gods will and come to truly know God for the sake of your own life, we must individually get to know God for themselves. Read and re-read Proverbs.

    There are so many self—made and man appointed and anointed professed preachers. Favored relationship and member appointed Pastors and Preachers of the gospel that appear to be holy, yet in what affiliation to God do they really come in? Where and what are the results of their ministries where people prosper and not agonize nor want? Could it be the minister’s personal wealth? Where is the evidence of Gods anointment and where are the special blessings that God affords his disciples and those that believe on him (The Lord GOD).

    There should be some sort of special gift that God will give you for his names sake, even by way of healing the sick of heart, mind, body, or the uplifting of everyone else’s soul and spirit? Consistently, they ask of people to do what they themselves choose not to do exceedingly for God’s sake, furthermore, many instead of asking God for the proper guidance and direction to which to receive the request or task to be administered par request of the recipient, or many choose to do things the way that they choose to do things, who are they serving, God or themselves? Which of you thou choose not to do as God has requested? Many take for themselves what is rightfully God’s and they come in the name of GOD. Many come with information that is irrelevant to what God say’s is relevant.

    God’s name sake is not to be taken lightly or out of context, things such as having faith abundance, or how to be a faithful servant to God (and that does not include self or man) other than themselves, yet they are the most tentative ones and the obvious choice to the spiritual eye of God, that are more void of faith than the professed sinner, or at the very least, void of God’s wisdom and understanding, not willing to go to where and what God say’ s about man’s own conditions. The ones that I am talking about are the false prophets and preachers of this generation, you know who you are, those that proclaim that they talk the word of God but have no works attached to our Father’s word. Know a thing for what it is yet judge not for the Lord will reveal the truth to when you have obeyed God the Father’s will and instruction. There is nothing new under the sun and Gods word remains the same since from the beginning.

    It is unfortunate for Satan that God finds it necessary that the truth be exposed to the saints and the holy that here his voice. It is about being obedient to God and possessing the spirit of courage and longstanding in the final days. Prepare your souls and if you feel it to be necessary, and to those of you who lack knowledge of God’s command of mankind, thereof prepare yourselves. Either you are going to stand on the words of God, or you don’t. There is no more (M.O.R) Middle of the Road.

    You can identify them by the way they consistently pull the wool over the listeners and watchers eyes as they lead them on a path to nowhere and predominately it could be a path to destruction if we carry on in the ways of man.

    The false prophets I speak of are known to us as the wolves wearing sheep’s clothing, coming wrapped in the name and the cloth of God Jehovah Almighty. In most cases there are similarities, moreover, as in the religious rituals performed at their appointed times and protocols, perpetrating fraud on God and at human expense. Many have come in the name of the Lord Jesus and have proven to be and are greedy of monetary and material gains and they lurk privately and they pray on what a common man may have by way of his wealth and they are taken, to offer. The pray of the fouler is directed toward the confessed and repented sinner, and people of wicked demeanor, and the down trodden in spirit, and on the lost, and the lonely. They systematically devour and attempt to silence the saints and messengers of Almighty GOD.

    They eat the fruits of violence and discord, and their souls are full of vile and their feet take hold of the gates of hell. Meanwhile, the modern day preacher takes fast hold on fashion. Their primary goal is to first earn a living; they tend to and are taking advantage of them that are weak in spirit and they that are wandering in darkness and of the wilderness of life, in search of God’s meaning and understanding that he has set forth for our lives. However, what they are not telling you, I tell you now, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you, for his names sake. I find it erroneous that in today’s church experiences the ministers seem to extend the expenses of people whom are generally already too poor to give of what little that they have.

    Yet, by what is the current trend with church functionalities, Pastors Anniversaries every four months or so, then there is church anniversaries every four months or so, then there is the founders day anniversary every four months or so, then there is missionary day every four months or so, and auxiliary, deacon, deaconess, and a variety of other fund raising events in a span of a year. So, consequently people searching in darkness looking for the light, and those wondering in the wilderness with no hope in sight, we’re waiting and looking for the truth, and the real true path to life, and The Great I Am, Jehovah Almighty God, The one and only true God, and the merciful and loving Lord Jesus Lord Christ. Even those ones proclaiming to be speaking the words of God and claiming to speaking the words from or for Almighty God are the very ones any wisdom, understanding and are void of knowledge of the father and his commandments in obedience yet they that are set before all men and women, freely and of their own free will preaching the words of God in vanity and equally they shall be dealt with. There are too many situations happening with Gods people that God is concerned with and he has commanded me to ask questions that concern key knowledge of God’s word and its protocol. Therefore, the will of GOD is for all people that seek his grace and mercy, and the promise of GOD.

    Why are some of the things that we should be made aware of? Why it is for the most part people are continuing their suffering in this modern day and throughout major society’s earth, and why are people disobedient toward God’s direction and of Gods faith, wisdom, and understanding that he has given for all men/woman/children to prescribe to? People of all religions for the most part, must ask themselves; am I serving GOD, or am I serving religion? Characteristically as well as, systematically man has waged wars in the name of religion, it is especially true when certain ideologies are irresolute and uncertain about their belief systems and how they are suppose too work while continuing to stay on line with God? Has the world turned on God, and we’ve become untrusting of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this would astound you to think that we have been hood winked, flam-foozled, and led astray, run amuck, and we are primarily disobedient to Gods word, guidance and direction and will, according to seeking his kingdom which is his knowledge, once again this points to Proverbs my brothers and sisters.

    When men and women are sent by God and they are coming in God’s name with not even the common knowledge of the Father, and they come unto you speaking words of the bible yet there are no gains to the lament by way of spiritual means or social means, except for the gains are reserved for the clergy administering signs and slogans and the monetary gains that are acquired are predominately used for their personal profits and agenda’s. We are in an n era of commercialized pastors; I refer to as conveyor belt preachers. Those who believe that they must attend religious schools to acquire knowledge of GOD and proclaimed parishioners that appear to be holy yet are void of wisdom and understand. They are not teaching obedience to God instead they teach to be obedient to religion. Furthermore, they neglect to teach why to fear God or the truth about the importance of why to be obedient to the Father.

    Furthermore, the consequences are what we now have in the current conditions of the world today. I feel that many more consequences will occur due to our disobedience to Gods continuous warnings; and there are the consequences of even further discord of man and further separation from God. We have failed to fear God, and this is his command along with other commands that God has spoken personally to all of us. As a further consequence, the earth’s destruction is predominately imminent and what appears to be the alternative to what has manifested in man comes about as the result of man’s disobedience to God and failure to fear him.

    To you wolves flaunting around in those sheep’s clothing, also to the past and present whore monger preachers, as well to the thieves of organized religions that have been and that are continuing the stealing practices and stealing from God and in his name, and calling for personal gain in the Holy name of Jesus and for Gods names sake. Inasmuch, and to the cowards of ministry who set committees and attend meetings that never have Almighty God or his saints and the godly people in their hearts, or of mind; they refuse to take fast hold of a task of God to the people it was intended for personally, but they much rather than go themselves, typically the church will delegate a group to represent the church and the Pastor, rather why wouldn’t the Pastor give purpose and meaning to God through his actions and existence and become more effective in the lives of others. However, by representing God you represent the highest authority and that is not to taken lightly or with anymore complacency and just because of the reasons mentioned, who can you trust to represent your God better than you dear Pastor, and in yours God will dwell therein; as for those deceivers and false Prophets of God’s precious children, there are many of those of you who are false prophets, and choose not to succumb to Fathers will and testament nor have you sought instruction and you by administering teachings of doctrine other than Gods, because of this, beware!

    My advice to everybody is that you keep God’s word simple, just keep it simple and lead people to the primary destination which is to the seeking of God, how and where to find him; independence of misunderstanding, peace of mind, body, and soul, and to deliver thy self from judgment by first walking in righteousness and teaching the children of God of wisdom and understanding according to Gods command and instruction. There are simple rules to the Kingdom of the HOLIESS OF HOLY, THE KING OF GLORY, THE KINGDOM OF JEHOVAH GOD, ALLAH, THE GREAT I AM, unto the glory of the highest God that are being served by man.

    Jesus is the way, the truth and the light, and no man/woman shall enter into the kingdom of God except by these means. There is so much to discuss, so let us begin by giving you the first keys to the kingdom of God. Equally we have access to God’s knowledge through the book of The Proverbs, the beginning of all knowledge and the way to seek God out. To know God is to have wisdom and great understanding of the father, and ourselves. I recommend that we all take the book of Proverbs and read and re-read it several times until knowledge become sweet to the soul.

    Do not go further into the bible until you fully understand and have the wisdom and understanding of the book of Proverbs and knowledge of Gods intent for our personal lives write them on the tablets of your heart. There are certain things concerning the gospel that you should retain with you at all times even if access to a bible is not available, that’s why the abundance of life and all the issues of life are located in the heart. As well as, by studying the book of Proverbs you are seeking to find yourself approved of God, would you agree? Furthermore, by doing the protocol of God, wouldn’t this constitute obedience to God? Inasmuch, you are obedient to God. Praise God, Hosanna, Selah, Shalom!

    The book of Proverbs is the only place whereas you may obtain wisdom and understanding attached to one another, which brings forth knowledge. There is nowhere else on the planet where you may obtain these things attached and that you may find understanding of God. The first message is to fear God; no one seems to be afraid of God in modern times. You have these TV evangelists that are truly greedy of gain, that have not the respect for God or fear of teaching half-truths or partial fragments of Gods messages. In fact, they do not subscribe to the teachings of the proverbs so that all people have an opportunity to exalt for themselves the fullness of God and come truly to know him.

    To know thy selves in the way that God wants us to know him is of most importance. Heed and understand his words. How can anyone come to know God? If they are void of understanding, when they scoff at wisdom, turn their backs on God’s knowledge only to make attempts at interpretations that have been created at some school or seminary that turns out false prophets by the hundreds and thousands with the many, I call assembly line preachers. Father says; woe be unto them that are called by my voice yet do not hear, who are given instruction yet do not obey, whom are void of understanding yet rebuke wisdom. Only a fool despises instruction or information, they who find love of me also loves God whom sent me, in spite of myself and my views, I come in the love of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and of God.

    How can you teach people of God more than God already has explained in the book of proverbs? Here is the answer, By obedient counsel and by ministers that live the word and not just talk the word, and by omitting what can be confusing or outside of the will of God. God said seek ye first, his kingdom and do not add to or take anything away from Gods protocol? What can be taken away from it or added to it that engender more knowledge than is already written? Why is there such fear to present the book of proverbs openly so that all may acquire the knowledge of God and themselves so that the bible can make more sense and play more of a roll in each and everyone’s life and relationship with the Father?

    Did you know, that one of the main reasons religions are so far from being in contact with, God the Father, is predominately more likely than not, might be due to the lack of proper teachings of Gods commandments and the things God says that we should do to becoming obedient to heaven. To the TV evangelist and all the Pastors and Bishops of this mainstream religion, you are a product of your own lust for self—success, power and glorification, and as a result and consequence, we find ourselves in these terrible times. Self—glorifying preachers who become a slave to their own greed and gain, at the expense of the poor, be vigilant. God’s chosen people, whom walk in the way of darkness, and they are not taught in the ways of God, in Gods own protocol, be of good cheer, now you are delivered. This is an attempt to give you the simplified version of God’s instruction, the diluted, milk down version, the delectable, digestible spiritual food and milk of God, broken down, to its lowest common denominator for easy consumption. Inasmuch, this message is approved by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    The first thing to obtain is wisdom and with all your efforts, obtains understanding, this is Fathers will for us in order to come to know him and fear him, which is first and foremost to God. Father says a son honors his father and a servant his master. If then I am a father, where is my honor? And if I am a master, where is my fear? Then he goes on to say out of the book of Malachi 1:6, O priest, who despise my name.

    You say. How could anyone not want to admonish the name of JESUS and stand boldly on his name? Is it not written that they that are ashamed to present me amongst all men so shall the same be when I go to the Father in representation of you in the last and final days? So this tells us that we must first rely on the relationship that we have with the Father, however we must first come to know the Father and all his riddles of understanding which can only be obtained through the book of proverbs which is given to all equally. There is no one whom may have more favor with God than the other because he is a just and faithful God. We all have the same opportunity equally to rest in father’s arms and are comforted, but how do you rest in the arms or the bosom of a stranger?

    Would you allow some strange person one whom you have never met nor seen before, just come onto you and lay their head upon your chest? My children it is so important that we read and re-read our instruction and let it be sweet to thy soul and satisfying to thy flesh to know wisdom whom the Lord give to all people freely and openly in the book of proverbs. These are the Basic Instructions before Leaving Earth along with the morality called the Ten Commandments, which are your common sense values. It will not profit anyone to come to the Father without first checking in with the Son of Man JESUS and obtaining wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of our roles in society and how first to live with ourselves and then how we are expected to treat other saints or non-saints. We seem to have missed that part for some ungodly reason.

    Whereas, this should have been the first thing covered in the bible and given to the congregations so that they may understand the bible and parables of the teachings of CHRIST. God is not a difficult God and he has not made things so difficult or unclear that whereas it is not obtainable by all that claim and care to know him. Those who hunger for righteousness sake? Those who walk into a building of worship, hungry for the word of God, and they leave starving for spiritual food and truth and knowledge of God and his inherent intent for all mankind; those that have left the covenant of the Father to walk in the ways of evil men/woman whom come in the name of the Lord. Yet they teach not the basic values of the Father. Woe is unto you O workers of iniquity.

    The God of host has now declared and says that enough is enough and that this all must end, now! Tell the children that are called by my name to make ready for a new day is upon us, oh ye of so little faith. If you hunger or thirst for righteousness sake repent of your selves and take fast hold on the teachings that God has laid out for you to follow. Chose no man to follow, know the Lord for you; have a direct link to the Father; chose to worship JEHOVAH GOD according to his will not the will of others. Those with a Christ like mind think those who are void of wisdom and understanding read the book of Proverbs, in the holy bible, those who are confused your answers are also in the book of Proverbs, and are there for all people to see.

    Who are they that hear not the voice calling from the wilderness, telling us to come to thee all whom have thirst and all who hunger for righteousness sake, come! The book of Proverbs is the only place whereas wisdom and understanding can be gained and may be acquired together, at the same time, in the same place, attached by the hip. Inasmuch, because you were obedient to God and you have sought him out, and knowledge is sweet to your soul. Then you have obtained the knowledge of you and of GOD. Seek and ye shall find, I encourage you to search for wisdom and understanding in your local library, colleges, seminaries, television programming, Dictionaries, self—help writings, words of mouth from those who come in the name of the Lord which seek wealth and financial gain at the expense of your ignorance, or pain and suffering, guilt, and insecurities and I assure you that it is not to be found nor expressed nor invested. There is nowhere else on the planet earth where they can be obtained at the same time in the same place. It is the only thing that is free to all man/woman/children to obtain at no cost.

    There are no other books, anywhere else on the planet other than the book of proverbs where wisdom and understanding may be acquired attached by the hip to one another, in the same exact place. To everything on this planet, because this is the place where God has placed his secret for all of us to discover and search out, you have made the effort that satisfies God. You see to God that is his proof that you are wise enough to obey him first of all, and of course he will stand on his word, trust God’s word. So if we are to learn of Gods purpose for us we must begin by keeping things simple as God has made them simple for us to acquire.

    No one is anymore favored with God than the next person, because we are all special. We should rejoice to know that God is a just God, a balanced God, a loving and kind God, a merciful and compassionate God, and Jesus sits on the throne at the right hand of God recording our every work and reporting to the father our every good and bad deed. We as ambassadors of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, we are obligated to tell you what we know so you may see to it that all of Gods children are informed and equipped to meet the criteria and preparation (Obedience) that has been set forth by God. Secondly, we must have the ability to identify the enemy (Satan/Lucifer). Some will find it hard and difficult to break away from the status quo of being just religious, and most will reject the theory; however, you cannot fight an enemy that you cannot identify.

    It is said that in the beginning before time was and time is there was a Great War in heaven and at that time Satan who was supposedly the most beautiful angle in heaven rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. Let us first pull back the cover-up on the beast, and gain insight to the controversy surrounding this fallacy of character that surrounds the evil one that has ruled our existence and has been ever present in our lives.

    Thirdly, when we exercise and examine the word beautiful, in my opinion and what I came to understand, beautiful meant feminine, precious, it refers to the female gender. Nonetheless, it was my conclusion that God never equated beauty with a male. When he called Moses, he said, come here Moses, when he called Aaron or any of the characters he had contact with throughout the scriptures he for the most part called them by name.

    Generally, beauty is a word reserved for the female species as a sort of tender way of saying special. Which lead me to believe that the one I call Satan whom the world has adapted as being a male because everyone says he when addressing Satan? But verily is say unto you that being that Satan is the announcer of lies and deception which people choose to say the father of lies. My understanding is that man has not the ability to create anything only the father has the ability to create so it is my assumption; however, lies and deception had to have come from some source or another so let’s take a hypothetical view. There are some reports that support the Serpent Seed theory, however, I say to you that it is highly unlikely that it happens the way that it is portrayed and believed even though this theory and belief plays heavily within our world. (Go to House of Adam and Serpent Seed)

    I beseech you to pray on what is about to be revealed and find understanding in your interpretation and consider the facts according to The HOLY BIBLE. The way that I see it, what was and has been revealed to me is that, anything that was created was created by God, and then evil and lies could not have come into existence except through the process of either creation or birth. Being that man has not the ability to create anything that is spiritual through nature then the spirit tells me that this thing had to have been, birthed on earth. Concisely, if it was birthed and a man has not the ability to give birth; then my assumption concludes that this thing called Satan who is the master of or they say father of lies, and deception has deceived man and the world since the beginning and that includes, even the most elite of the saints. Since the beginning of human life and the inception of the bible, perhaps we have been looking in the wrong direction for the wrong enemy. Perhaps the enemy exists inside each of us and we must overcome our own demons.

    While we address this thing as a particular gender, we call it a man, and refer to it as him, this thing stands aloof and afar off and laughs at our calamity and confusion, and we are unable to fight because first the enemy has deceived us by the snares of our heart, our minds, and our mouths and what we are taught by way of understanding. Think about this carefully. By calling this thing it, leaves us with a much broader target for which to aim our efforts toward fighting this crafty evil spirit beast. By giving it a label such as he did this or he did that, speaking of Satan we give this thing to much room for objectivity, because of surety we allow the beast to roam free to do the nasty things that we have become to know as sin. Try using this phrase when addressing or speaking of the evil one, the beast, our primary and God’s primary enemy.

    Moreover, in this way, because of our human UN-sure nature of the real gender of this thing we call Satan, we hit a much broader target then you are able to draw from Gods strength, wisdom, and understanding that God gives us in the book of Proverbs. We need to know how to attack, identify, become stronger in our efforts toward freedom from sin; and passing this knowledge on to other saints that deserve to know just what we may have discovered on fighting this corrupt enemy. Where in the bible did God call a man beautiful even though there were men with beautiful hearts and beautiful souls? God never equated beauty with a man, this word is reserved for the female gender and when God wanted the attention of one of the characters of the bible he referred to them as themselves. God would say Jacob come to me. He asked Adam why do you hide yourself? I need you to consider these facts and be mindful, and search out the matter.

    However, we all know that Adam was the first of God’s creations and he called him man. He could have easily considered him to be beautiful being that he was the first and God was well pleased in his creation. If he were to call anyone or anything beautiful this would have been the occasion, but did he? Furthermore, God called all of the men of the Bible by name, which lead me to believe that since God do not equate homosexuality with his creations why then would he have written that Satan was the most beautiful of the angles, if it were a man in the beginning? Remember that Satan is the master of deception and perpetrator of lies and destruction.

    If you do not have on the full armor of God daily you can and will be susceptible to its shenanigans. Which makes to me a lot of sense, because since the beginning of time, since from the time of our beginning we have been made to think the myth that it is a man, and mankind have been caught up in this big lie, think about it? These lies were perpetrated by Satan, the mother of lies, and remember that this thing has been around since time began. As for man and women, we were created by Almighty Jehovah God to be this earth’s inhabitants. And as for Satan, the secret is out, and as God has spoken and commanded; so shall it be; and The Father , say’s to me, that, Lucifer your time is just about up and over! I come with chains and you shall be bound for eternity!

    To the women readers, please be not offended at these writings, because we know how difficult it would be for a man to talk a woman into going to another man and bringing him harm or grief or disclosure, including techniques applied to the female gender even by the Pimps of our society. However two women can get together and scheme upon a man in a heartbeat, and agrees to promote their agenda and carry out the plot to the satisfaction of their motives. Think about it for a second! There are many things to become aware of and to reconsider in your belief system’s O children of God. Much is to be re-considered with all due respect to the readers and peoples of earth and to our, belief systems.

    Nonetheless, however difficult this information is to digest, for you to digest this information you must be inquisitive enough to search out a thing for God, because only those who truly love God and obey his will, shall I find that are loving me. I write this Message to the Nations to the world for your preparedness as in fact that these writings are truly from God and for your benefit. Beloved, so that you also can prepare yourselves to enter Gods kingdom, into the kingdom of heaven, you must be advised and become aware of other possibilities that should be considered, by the saints of God. It becomes more and more important that we be in compliance with the father each one of us because you must know him for yourself and there’s only one God so there must be only one way. I advise you to take up it up with God, I wrote it, but I did not say these things because of my own notions, this is not my stuff, it all belongs to God.

    I have neither the intelligence nor power to assert my will and words unto another in this fashion if not be for God.

    Talk to the father, pray for wisdom and knowledge, understanding of the truth. Ask God to reveal to you the truth as he wants you to admonish it, consider all the ways of God and reconsider the fruit of the devil, because the fruit do not fall to far from the tree. Examine the traits of this earth and its inhabitants and genders and the role each has in common one to another. I invite you to debate this issue with your clergy, talk about it in bible studies, search the scripture, talk to God, ask Jesus for his thoughts, guidance and direction. O yes children of God, the devil is a lie and it is going to be very upset at the reverence of this message.

    However, the time has come to unmask the evil one as we prepare to chain this beast up for the final battle, as we prepare to ascend unto the rapture of God. Be not afraid, I am not writing to unravel your faith but to make known the teachings of my father and to pass along information that has been given to me to share with the world. The devil is a lie, but instead of being the father of lies it is in all actualities the one whom has given birth to lies and wickedness, which leads us to re-evaluate our beliefs in identifying the enemy. These things I write to the saints of GOD and to the churches of this earth. Be aware of your teachings and come into the full knowledge of God, conform to Gods teachings of how we must live on this earth, and share the true knowledge of GOD, which is found in the book of proverbs.

    I invite you to revisit the Ten Commandments to obtain and regain morality and spread this wealth within our communities and congregations, for those are the essences of common sense. Help one another in our daily living, love one another and find favor of the Lord of lord’s JESUS CHRIST in very special ways and obvious ways. In conclusion to this first chapter, this is the first of the doctrine that has been reveal to me by the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and there is so much more that has revealed to me to share with the children of GOD. May the love of JEHOVAH GOD be with you, and might CHRIST JESUS come unto your hearts and minds so that we all gain favor of the Lord. Please do not take lightly The Proverbs, because this is the essence of what obedience to God is all about. I cannot say it enough times; get wisdom get understanding the way God himself has prescribe it to us. Inasmuch, this passage is for Christians and Moslem’s in particular. I believe in Islam because of its rich heritage and because there is a reason for everything. What God has revealed to me is this, as far back as time can go. As far back as Cain and Able there has been this separatism and perhaps the blacks were Moslem’s because of the House of Adam theory. This would mean that at one time in our history we were all Moslem’s, an argument can be made. If you feel that your prayers are acknowledgement of Gods (ALLAH’S) existence, then what makes you think, that if you can pray to him you can’t just go to him, or just come to him, with your request and hearts—desire? Bless you always. Amen (Shalom)

    Furthermore, there are so many so-called Christians that sit back and throw rocks then hide behind the church. Whereas, the only thing that can be hit in retaliation is the church and that is one of the reasons that the church of Jesus has gotten a bad rap in today’s society. The ones that are supposed to be in charge of the kingdom of GOD are the same ones that are only in the gospel now to self—glorify. They are after glory by man and set themselves up as all sorts of assorted titles. When in fact, the glory should be reserved for the LORD and for ALMIGHTY GOD, these TV evangelist are merely performers that otherwise would not have an audience accept for the preying on innocent people looking and seeking for answers that are not forth coming from these types.

    In the gospel it states that the ones who pray openly to be admonished by man, this is their reward they are popular with the world and their reward is notoriety. Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD is the message from my father and all else shall be added to thee. The significant message to this statement is that the ones held accountable for the direction of the saints of GOD are the preacher types and the self—appointed title barons who proclaim to come in the name of JESUS. Moreover, yet who feels that their importance is more important than JESUS is? They are more interested in the numbers of their followers than giving full credit to JESUS whom is Lord of Lords and teachings ‘God’s people the right way of the Lord as opposed to serving them up self—help directions.

    We as Christians know fully well that the only one who saves is JESUS yet these ministers of ill will embark on these innocent creatures that want to know God with actual disdain and mixed information. You cannot solve a problem with a problem and you are the one who has the problem. In other words you cannot self—medicate spiritually, only JESUS can save us and he has when he passed on Calvary and he ascended to heaven to report to the father of how sick this world was then and now. Only now the church has taken up arms with Satan and just as the courts have taken God out of the schools and public offices, these pastors and title barons have taken wisdom and understanding away from The Christians. Why would anyone not want another person to have the same relationship with GOD as they claim that they have?

    Why do they not refer the entire congregation to the book of Proverbs whereas all wisdom and understanding are contained? How can you expect to know the Father if you do not have the understanding that he has lain out in this book for us to have equally and on one accord? Where else on the entire planet earth can wisdom and understanding attached be acquired? There is not a college or university, television program, Internet site, seminary, dictionary, encyclopedia, or any other books written that has the ability to give anyone wisdom and understanding attached to one another except for the knowledge contained in the Book of Proverbs. I challenge anyone to prove this to be untrue.

    Of course there are scholars, theologians, professors, and Pope types that maybe smart in most instances, however, you can find one characteristic trait amongst all these types, they are typically void of wisdom and understanding according to GODS interpretation. Why do preachers seem like they are afraid to expose the true essence of ‘God’ by directing old and new saints to read and re-read the text of Proverbs before moving forward. This would at the least provide a foundation on which to build faith first and foremost, in the Christian communities. With that said, the second order from the Lord is to lift up the name of the only route we have been given to take to get to the ‘Father’, and that way is through JESUS. What part are we not getting, acquiring the knowledge of GOD and ourselves or the part where you must go through JESUS to reach the FATHER?

    It saddens me when I witness the ministering of this era self-gratified and self-glorified and preying on people who are already confused and unsure of what God’s intents for us are and how he expects us to carry out his command. The preaching of today is centered on financial wealth for the speaker more than the saving grace of the Lord. I hear people saying the words of the gospel but I hear not much of the real way to salvation that is written with the pages of Proverbs. Seeking and having the knowledge of God is the first law to all that the bible speaks of and the fear of God. However, now you have the new day Pharisee’s that have not the fear of God, or are they acting in such a way as to even have the appearance of actually believing in ‘God’.

    Think about it for a second, they are acting counter to what is written for a representative of the Lord to act and respond. The Clergy of today are unapproachable, uncaring about individual seeking guidance and true direction, they treat their parishioners like customers at a book store and direct them to pay for what should be given freely if you are a true worshiper of CHRIST JESUS. The first question that I think ‘god would ask of these types to show their devotion to him alone is to ask them; would they give up their riches to follow him and will they trust him in the same manner that they ask of the congregations that they oversee? A simpler question that could be asked is; would they give up just the salary that they are paid to preach the gospel of our Lord and Savior and still not complain or will they have faith that ‘god will care for them? Then where are your faith, where are your truth, where is your heart, and what fruit does your actions that you bear witness, to who’s bosom do you cling to, yet you come in the name of JESUS?

    However, it concerns me to know that people go into the chapels and churches hungry for righteousness yet they often in to many cases walk out of these places starving for what they went for. Instead, we are to praise the Lord in his glory and lift up the name of JESUS and worship the Father yet all that permeates is protocol, politics, tradition, backbiting, phoniness, false holiness, show time, and assorted clique clubs. The fact is that the old familiar phrase, dunk runs downhill so the responsibility rests with the Pastor of such a spiritual quagmire. I advise bringing everyone under one umbrella by beginning at The Book of Proverbs again with everybody even if it is to the ones whom are familiar, it does not hurt to review and only a fool will despise knowledge. One of the reasons that I am so animate about the book of Proverbs is because GOD wishes for us to have one understanding, and we should all become aware of the same things at the same time in one spirit and one heart of the lords.

    It is prevalent for us to lift up the name of JESUS and to have a wise and understanding knowledge of GOD at the coming of the gates of the LORD. It is very important to us saints that we all are on one accord when it comes to interpreting the mysteries of God and the meanings that are set forth by JESUS THE CHRIST. Let’s go through the thirty-one steps to the knowledge of GOD together, and let’s analyze the wisdom and understandings. Keep in mind that there are only thirty-one days in the longest month so there is something to live by each and every day written in this book, let us search out the meanings together. Before we begin in the book of Proverbs, let’s go back to in the beginning when GOD made the earth and all that exist upon earth accept for lies and deceit and we can argue that he had a hand in that as well, because he allowed it to exist.

    However, remember in the beginning; the questions that we will inquire are, in the beginning there were two entities with God during this time, which were the two entities?

    We will examine each Proverb to see what is expected of us and what it is that we should learn or be aware of from the text of its passage. Be aware of and look for key descriptions of what God clearly describes as negative attributes and keep aware of the positive teachings of what is pleasing to ‘God’. Then we must think about how this pertains to our lives as we appear to God. As we read the text ask yourself this question do I do that, or am I like that, or have I acted in ways that are described in any of these scriptures? We often will find ourselves written within the pages of the Proverbs, however, be of good cheer once we are aware of self then we can begin to equate ourselves with the Father whom we are here to please. Nevertheless, seeing ourselves in a mirror can sometimes be a horrific sight; however, that is why we can repent of our sins once we can identify them distinctly.

    That is another reason that Proverbs is so rewarding we get a chance to not be what we do not want to be once we become aware of the knowledge of God and apply it to our lives and that’s where the dividends pay off. I noticed that the only thing that is written about understanding ‘God’ is made simple for us to understand. God is very distinct yet mysterious as you well know, but he kept it simple for us, all say’s is to fear him for he is GOD and so he tells us for starters that is what it is going to take. On the other hand have you not noticed that many preachers of today do not respect Gods authority? You see how they trample on his commandments.

    They despise correction. They have turned into pitch men and women that speak the words of the gospel yet live in a world with Satan with one agenda, to sell their propagation to that will listen as well as those that are searching for the truth and the wisdom of ‘God’. This book is written to open our hearts to the truth; all the same, you must be the judge of whatever you want to believe and to whom you believe in. I recommend that you keep your trust, faith, and hope in LORD JESUS CHRIST because he is what it is all about.

    No self-help can be effective unless you help yourself by trusting in the Lord; for he said he will supply all our needs if we follow him. That would be like self-medicating. What other inspiration do we need other than the promise of GOD, especially when he sent JESUS as the redeemer of our sins? Now isn’t that simple, the only book that you have to know is the Holy Bible however, other writings can be prevalent if they follow the teachings of our lord and savior and you have allowed yourself the opportunity of recognizing the truth by having what? Wisdom and understanding, which we are about to obtain in our discussion together in unanimity; we will open our souls and our hearts to Gods wisdom and knowledge.

    Inasmuch, I need not mention that the Moslem religion. Mohammad is deemed to be the comforter that Jesus spoke of in his assent toward heaven in his death and resurrection. Consequently, with this being noted, let’s say that it is so. Then my question to the Moslem people is where the peace is? There is no peace in any Moslem Nation with the exception of Saudi Arabia, perhaps, if truly there. You refuse to admonish Jesus for whom he is, yet you claim that Mohammad took one word from the many words that Jesus spoke and wrote the song of the Noble QUR’ÂN.

    Someone explain to me how that could be? Jesus said that he would send back a comforter when he departed and Mohammad is believed by the Moslem people to be that person Jesus spoke of. What that tells me is that Jesus has to be the most important part of all of our lives, of all religions. God understands the many confusing things that

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