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The Sovereign Psyche: Systems of Chattel Freedom Vs. Self-Authentic Freedom
The Sovereign Psyche: Systems of Chattel Freedom Vs. Self-Authentic Freedom
The Sovereign Psyche: Systems of Chattel Freedom Vs. Self-Authentic Freedom
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The Sovereign Psyche: Systems of Chattel Freedom Vs. Self-Authentic Freedom

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The Sovereign Psyche is not just the title of the book. More importantly The Sovereign Psyche is the motivating consciousness, intellect, and willpower that is necessary to materialize what the book defines as "Self-Authentic Freedom" as opposed to "Chattel Freedom." Chattel freedom is when the value of a people is predicated upon the extent to which they serve the interests and institutions of others.

As such, this work asserts that there is no such thing as intellectual or institutional equality, and that Black/African people have been unknowingly thrusted into an intellectual and institutional war, where second-place finishers either experience varying degrees of chattel freedom or they could end-up dead.

Regardless of the issue, genuine solutions entail what we as Black/African people intellectually and institutionally do for ourselves. If "Black Lives Matter" we must channel the end-uses of our intellect and the resources of our institutions to not only prove and enforce it, but also leverage powers to penalize and/or repudiate violators.

Although this work centers upon Black/African people, the sovereign functions and frameworks herein are universal in application, being that todays world rotates upon systems of sovereignty and power, not beliefs in democracy or equality. In this context, the sovereign concepts and criteria presented are far more rational than radical.

The central question is, to what extent will Black/African people harness the willpower and employ the intellect of The Sovereign Psyche to actualize our own systems and institutions of self-authentic freedom, government, and development, without apology or permission? This work offers the ideological apparatus to make this possible, just as others are doing all around the globe.

Release dateApr 30, 2016
The Sovereign Psyche: Systems of Chattel Freedom Vs. Self-Authentic Freedom

Ezrah Aharone

Ezrah Aharone is a scholar of Sovereign Studies and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Delaware State University. He is the author of the political books Sovereign Evolution and Pawned Sovereignty. Born in Newark and raised in Passaic, NJ, he is a graduate of Hampton University. He has lived and worked in West Africa where he is now a business and political consultant (see

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    The Sovereign Psyche - Ezrah Aharone


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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/28/2016

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    Empires of the Mind

    The Value of The Sovereign Psyche

    Sovereignty Exists in the Mind

    Applying Knowledge towards Freedom

    Freedom and Americanization were not always Synonymous

    Chattel Freedom vs. Self-Authentic Freedom

    Jeffersonian Democracy is the Core and Cause of Modern Racism

    Black History is World History

    Content and Context

    PART I - Recognizing and Redressing Chattel Freedom

    Concept 1

    Parallel Origins and Evolutions of Racism and Jeffersonian Democracy

    Democracy is No Safe Haven for Equality or Morality

    Intersections of Slavery, Racism, and Jeffersonian Democracy

    The ISM and Soul of Americanization

    The Pain and Prize of Americanization

    Concept 2

    Racism is the Unprincipled Relationship between Black America and the Government

    The Source and Symptoms of Racism

    Black Standards and Principles of Freedom

    Advanced Ideopolitical IQs

    Unprincipled Historical Documents and Legislation

    Freedom to Possess Slaves

    Unprincipledness of the Emancipation Proclamation

    Unprincipled Designs of the 13th Amendment

    Unprincipledness of Slavery as a Punishment for Crime

    Unprincipledness of Convict Leasing

    Unprincipledness of the Jefferson Memorial

    Unprincipledness of the US Flag

    Concept 3

    Tyranny Lies in the Eye of Beholders

    The Habit of Thinking Wrong is Right

    Tyranny by Opinion and Tyranny by Legislation

    Tyranny through Exceptionalism

    Was Slavery Beneficial to Africans in America?

    Tyranny by Opinion Outweighs a Black Agenda

    PART II - Universal Applications of The Sovereign Psyche

    Concept 4

    The Quest and Quality of Sovereignty

    Sovereignty is King of the Geopolitical Chess Board

    Absolute, Limited, and Aspirational Sovereignty

    All Sovereignties Are Not Created Equal

    Concept 5

    Workings and Interworkings of The Sovereign Psyche

    The 3 Dimensions of Sovereignty

    Functions of The Sovereign Psyche

    Products and Symbols of Sovereignty

    De Facto Acts of Sovereignty

    Freedom Should Be Self-Authentic

    The Singularity of Slavery and Colonialism

    Are Black Americans Self-Authentically Free?

    Concept 6

    Ethnonationalism and The Sovereign Nature of Europeans

    Merging 21st-Century Capitalism, Technology, and Democracy

    Motives of Power

    From Caveman Sticks to High-Tech Weapons

    Self-Preservation: No Permanent Friends or Enemies

    The Drive of Ethnonationalism

    Ethnonationalism and the Natural Map of the World

    Ethnonationalism and America’s Sovereignty

    Africa’s Artificial Map

    Perspectives on the Sovereign Nature of Europeans

    Perspective One:

    Perspective Two:

    Perspective Three:

    Perspective Four:

    Perspective Five:

    PART III - The 21st-Century Quest for Self-Authentic Freedom

    Concept 7

    Africa’s Sovereign and Intellectual Heritage

    Sovereign Kingdoms and Cultures before the 1500s

    Reconstituting Africa’s History in a Sovereign Context

    The Sovereign and Intellectual Significance of Timbuktu

    The Self-Authentic Freedom and Sovereignty of Funta Djallon

    Perspective One

    Perspective Two

    Perspective Three

    Concept 8

    Freedom To and Freedom From

    How Did Enslaved Africans Define Freedom?

    Force or Choice

    Freedom and Americanization Were Not Synonymous

    Military Combat and Military Defeats

    Political, Moral, and Military Equivalences

    Beheadings: Nat Turner, Stono, and German Coast Uprisings

    Sovereign Settlements

    Francisco Menendez and Fort Mose

    Negro Fort

    Thomas Peters

    President Tunis Campbell

    Amistad and Creole Court Cases

    Diplomatic Petitions for Sovereignty to Return to Africa

    National Emigration Convention of Colored People

    Is Liberia a Sovereign Haven?

    21st-Century Rapprochement

    Concept 9

    The 21st-Century Concept and Doctrine of Both/And

    What Does it Mean to be African American?

    Are African Americans Really A People?

    Crisis of Black Consciousness

    The Concept and Doctrine of Both/And not Either/Or

    Prince Abdul Rahman

    Paul Cuffee

    Martin R. Delany


    Burglarizing Black Youth of Sovereign Consciousness

    Voids of Original Black Ideals and Leadership

    Distinctions of Freedom

    Advancing Black Intellect, Interests, and Institutions

    Intellectual and Institutional Warfare


    Dedicated to all students and upcoming generations of youths whose minds are fertile enough for seeds of sovereign imagination to sprout intellectual revolutions of ideals and institutions to advance the self-authentic interests of Black/African people and improve the world by extension


    Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.

    Thomas Jefferson

    This institution [University of Virginia] will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.

    Thomas Jefferson

    Empires of the Mind

    If perhaps you are unaware, let me formally announce here that, beyond racism and beyond police shootings of unarmed Black youths, Black/African people are in a 21st-century struggle of intellectual and institutional warfare. This war is unlike a war over territory or terrorism that’s fought with bombs and bullets. Nor is it like a war over religion or resources. This war is uniquely being waged on mental and ideological battlegrounds of what I define as The Sovereign Psyche, which I deem to be the most prized commodity of this century.

    What exactly is The Sovereign Psyche and why is it so highly valued? Understand first, that on September 6, 1943 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered a coded but telling wartime speech at Harvard University as Germany was expanding its territorial conquests during World War II. Although Britain, France, and Belgium were imperialist nations themselves who had colonized countries worldwide in grotesque forms, they and their allies determined that a finite line had to be drawn since Germany was similarly doing to fellow Europeans what Europeans had been doing all along throughout Africa.

    This marked the beginnings of pivotal turning points in world history which validate the relevance of this work, as well as the necessity for Black/African people (of whom I am among) to understand the fundamental workings of The Sovereign Psyche and the magnitude of its powers to impact the development of nations and societies.

    Western Europeans at that juncture were coming face-to-face with the stark realization that their ole glory days of gobbling up colonial territories of weaker nations was nearing a bygone era. Hitler’s fanaticism to build an Aryan Empire which threatened to absorb or wipeout all of Europe, caused them to foresee that their colonial adventurisms as a bloodsport for power and territory had to be politically tweaked and restructured. Thus, in epoch-making fashion, Churchill proclaimed to a roaring audience on that day that The empires of the future are the Empires of the Mind.¹

    Instead of strong-arming and butchering African people and others through colonial subjugation like in the first half of the 20th century, Churchill was alluding that European empires of the second half would necessitate enhanced forms of warfare, whereby those with superior sovereign intellect backed by superior sovereign systems and institutions would dominate the world.

    Let me rephrase this for clarity since today’s political world and its systems of sovereignty are based on this very practice and premise of power. So again, Churchill was insinuating that intellectual warfare had to replace territorial empires, and thus, the second half of the 20th century required Europeans to intellectually and geopolitically operate sovereign systems and sovereign institutions that would outperform those of all other people.

    To enforce this shift, Europeans understood that they had to become unchallenged intellects and financiers who would design and determine how the world would structurally function (politically, socially, economically, et al.), so that others would rotate in prearranged orbits around their systems and institutions. Weaker nations and people with sovereign deficiencies would be controlled by virtue of default or absence of comparable agencies. In the process, Europeans would still exercise hegemony no less, but in different forms, particularly through intellectual and institutional apparatuses such as the World Bank (1944), the IMF (1945), the RAND Corporation (1948), and the Bilderberg Group (1954) which were all formed in the wake of Churchill’s declaration.

    Herein lays the working model for the intellectual sovereignty and intellectual warfare that is presently being waged worldwide—not through physical rampaging of imperialism—but through artilleries and infiltrations of Empires of the Mind. And as this work demonstrates, the outcomes of this warfare have produced great degrees of self-authentic freedom for Europeans and varying degrees of chattel freedom for Black/African people.

    Evidence of this is found in the unofficial but well-defined pecking order of world power that now exists among nations and people. Within this international hierarchy, there are direct correlations between a nation’s ranking and the caliber of its institutions. As well, Europeans have global sources with deep pockets to fund, research, and implement the ideals of their institutions. Just as a quick example, this is how charming but cunning people like Bill and Hillary Clinton could make $153 million in 15 years in speaking fees alone.² Ordinarily, you would think "How is that possible? Who the heck would pay so much to hear anybody speak? What could they possibly talk about that’s worth so much money?"

    Well, included in this warfare for Empires of the Mind, there is a thriving economy attached to Western intellect and institutions that is near-limitless when it comes to providing resources to preserve and expand their influence. So while the smiling, good natured Clintons are so popular and delightful to Black people, you can be sure that their multimillions were not made talking about the genuine advancement of movements like Black Lives Matter, since such economies and institutions do not comparably exist for Black people in America. You can be equally sure that the interests of European institutions do not include the best interests of Black people.

    Are you now beginning to understand why I wrote in the first sentence that beyond racism and beyond police shootings of unarmed Black youths, Black/African people are in a 21st-century struggle of intellectual and institutional warfare?

    This may be a big pill, but get ready to swallow because, the sovereign realities that are identified in this work are prescription medications that we as Black/African people need to prepare to politically take if we ever expect to reach higher tiers in this existing pecking order of Empires of the Mind. The first dosage starts with the realization that, although equality may exist on paper, there is no such thing as intellectual or institutional equality between Black and White America … period.

    As such, a central premise of this work is that a main cause and contributor to all of Black America’s injustices is the fact that we have always lacked the equivalent strength of institutions and the appropriate end-use of our intellect in comparison to Euro-Americans. Our mistake is that we consider it sufficient to simply insert Black people into existing White institutions in hopes of facilitating change. We feel a sense of honor and progress to be welcomed into their institutions where the end-use of our intellect is routinely bent-away from our self-interests. This is precisely what Dr. Carter G. Woodson is loudly exclaiming from his grave through his 1933 work, The Mis-Education of the Negro.

    Until this imbalance of intellect and institutions is altered, campaigners for Black Lives Matter can plan for a full century of unending rallies. The point here is that, as opposed to protesting against what others do to us, the real proof that Black Lives Matter resides in what we intellectually and institutionally do for ourselves … period. This includes full financial backing to support it, along with power to repudiate and penalize violators as we enforce it.

    To be clear, this proof is no different than the support and enforcement that Jewish people use—along with their state—to protect themselves via well-funded, strategically operated institutions like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Jewish Defense League (JDL). In fact, the JDL motto is Never Again and their logo is a clinched White fist inside a Star of David.

    While reading this work, always keep in mind that from strict sovereignist standpoints, history shows that Europeans regard Black/African people to be only as relevant as the extent to which we support their interests and institutions. This explains how the 13th Amendment could abolish chattel slavery in 1865, yet—in fork-tongued fashion— it still simultaneously allows for slavery to exist as punishment for crime. This also explains how colonialism in Africa could largely end in the 1960s, yet African nations are umbilically tied to the West today in ways that are nevertheless neocolonial.

    The Value of The Sovereign Psyche

    Now, with all that being said, let me define The Sovereign Psyche by first offering more background importance to Empires of the Mind. Although it is most often attributed to Churchill, Alexis de Tocqueville of France actually used the term over a hundred years earlier in his 1835 book Democracy in America. He wrote I consider the people of the United States as that portion of the English people which is commissioned to explore the wilds of the New World; whilst the rest of the nation may devote its energies to thought, and enlarge in all directions the empire of the mind.³

    More recently, physicist Micho Kaku referenced it in his 2011 book Physics of the Future. Author and professor Steve Wheeler penned an article in 2013 titled Empires of the Mind which elaborates on Kaku’s views of the concept and what he calls intellectual capital, which I accredit as being part of The Sovereign Psyche:

    Michio Kaku echoes Churchill’s sentiments, arguing that intellectual capital is rapidly replacing commodity capital as the most desirable and lucrative means of commerce. Leading nations will found their success on their ability to develop their intellectual capabilities.

    Kaku warns that it is no longer what lays beneath our feet that is our most valuable commodity. Natural resources run out over time, but the intellectual resources of any nation are constantly being replenished … In a world where empires of the mind dictate which nations lead economically, socially, politically and culturally, failure to educate a population effectively is courting disaster. Nations who do not understand [that] they must nurture their education systems will fall into poverty, warns Kaku.

    It is the ambitions and applications of this mindset which helps drive The Sovereign Psyche. For clarity, the psyche is that part of the brain which houses computer-like software that programs and organizes the thoughts, cognitions, and rationales in the mind as a motive force which causes people to act accordingly. In essence, the software of The Sovereign Psyche comprises varying degrees of sovereign intellect and sovereign willpower that materialize equivalent levels of what I define as the 3 Dimensions of Sovereignty, which are: Self-Authentic Freedom, Government, and Development.

    Simply put, in order for sovereignty to function with the highest efficiency, these 3 Dimensions must always operate in singular and synchronized fashion, since failures or disruptions in one will always render shortfalls in the others. Thus, a central premise of this work is that ideally, The Sovereign Psyche in its fullness of power and practice, must materialize institutions and systems that yield concrete advancements to a nation and meaningful opportunities to citizens, continually. Along with having the sovereign intellect to devise such systems and institutions, people must amply possess the sovereign willpower to defend their interests against onslaughts, be they intellectual or military or any other threat.

    In brief, this is what The Sovereign Psyche is all about and what constitutes the measure of its efficiencies and/or deficiencies. In the final analysis, the effectiveness of a Sovereign Psyche hinges heavily on intellect and willpower. Accordingly, the degree of a nation’s development is largely proportioned to the level of sovereign intellect and sovereign willpower that impels a people. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it philosophically by saying, The height of a pinnacle is determined by the breadth of its base.⁵ In relation to sovereignty, the quality (height) of a nation’s freedom, government, and development is predicated upon the potency of intellect and willpower (base) of the people to implement and defend ideals that benefit and improve the nation.

    When for example you see a thriving, fully industrialized nation, you are in essence seeing implications of high-level sovereign intellect and sovereign willpower of a prevailing Sovereign Psyche. Alternatively, when you see centuries of unending travail as is the case with Black America or centuries of chronic impoverishment and underdevelopment as with continental Africa, you are seeing deficits or perhaps the absence of a Sovereign Psyche.

    Understand that I am not suggesting that Europeans are less corrupt or more intellectually capable. Compared to contemporary African leaders, European leaders have arguably been far more corrupt, ruthless, and immoral over the ages. But a major distinction is that, after their Dark Ages, Europeans calculatedly channeled their intellect and willpower into transforming their corruption into development. And they go about achieving this transformation with shrewdness and aggression. So, what I am suggesting is that, there is a need for Black/African people to strengthen the potency and target the end-uses of our intellect and willpower more deliberately towards solutions and development, using time-tested sovereign methods that can work. Otherwise, we will remain geopolitical pawns of those who build Empires of the Mind.

    But to be critically blunt in a metaphorical way, 21st-century sovereignty is an ever-expanding geopolitical game of intellectual and institutional warfare, where winners take all and second-place finishers could end up dead.

    Although I delve heavily into political and historical areas that foment intellectual and institutional warfare, this book is not about a commando call for a 1960s-like movement of armed Black militants with Black berets, combat boots, and classic afros that give us a signature and esoteric distinction that simultaneously makes the establishment cringe. The purpose rather is to alert Black/African people to the uncut and hardcore realities of The Sovereign Psyche, along with our need to operate in the world with no less shrewd intensity of intellect and willpower as all others who exercise self-authentic freedom, government, and development … without apology or permission.

    Sovereignty Exists in the Mind

    Sovereignty has multiple meanings and applications. However, another premise of this work is that sovereignty itself is an intangible substance that becomes visible through products and symbols which people must self-create … be it something as simple as creating a flag, or something as complex as creating a full-fledged military with high-tech weaponry and fleets of aircraft carriers that patrol the Seven Seas.

    So, aside from possessing actual physical powers to exercise self-government, it is important to understand that sovereignty foremost is an energizing MINDSET, CONSCIOUSNESS, and THOUGHT PROCESS that provides a people with a special syntax (an interconnectedness of ideals, ethos, rationales, interpretations, actions) through which they define and express the cultural, political, ideological and historical particularities of who they are … versus who they are not. Note that I used the word energizing because, as you read, it is important to understand that sovereignty is just as much an energy as it is a mentality.

    To validate this thought process the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy states in part that, sovereignty is "[A] modern notion of political authority … The history of sovereignty can be understood through two broad movements, manifested in both practical institutions and political thought"⁶ (italics my own). Among other characteristics, this thought process includes sovereign intellect.

    By intellect I am not referring to formal education per se, but more-so to having an ideopolitical and historical understanding of self and the world, while applying this understanding to advance self-interests. Malcolm X for instance never attended high school, nor did he have a Ph.D. like Dr. Martin Luther King. Yet his intellectual acuity was just as high as any educated person of his times. So, sometimes, learnedness that is acquired from outside of conventional sources can reap exceptional value.

    Formal education and institutions can sometimes handcuff sovereign and original ideals from flourishing, especially education and ideals that are controlled by a dominant culture that subsequently benefits (Carter G. Woodson, once again). This accounts for the 4-sided brickwall of manmade obstacles that Black America has smacked into for centuries. As this work illustrates, it is not just racism that Africans in America must confront during the 21st century; racism is compounded by the fact that we are being altogether outthought by Europeans. I contend that a primary law of sovereign survival is that: People who desire self-authentic freedom cannot adopt as standard for themselves, the very ideals or definitions of those who oppose them. Otherwise, they can expect to be surrounded by brickwalls.

    Applying Knowledge towards Freedom

    What is freedom? Ask different people, you get different responses. Freedom, as I argue in this work, is like a Moving Target that evolves with the geopolitical speed of each historical era. Freedom for Black people in 1865 was different in desire, design, and definition than in 1965. In this same sense, the days and structures of freedom of the 1960s are in many ways just as bygone as the days of the 1860s. What I mean is that, with every tick of the clock, the world is becoming more and more geopolitically and ideologically complex.

    As the continuum of freedom swings deeper into the future, so must our understandings of the world deepen accordingly, beyond the surface information on webpages and cable TV. But the endless flow of internet material tends to fuel the false notion that information is power, which sways people into thinking that power is being attained with every click of their mouse. But information itself is not necessarily power. Real power involves the ability to accurately interpret information and draw rational conclusions in ways that progress and protect your self-interests.

    Power resides not so much in what you know. Power resides in "what

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