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Daddy Long Legs
Daddy Long Legs
Daddy Long Legs
Ebook342 pages6 hours

Daddy Long Legs

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The story of a soldier on the run from the US army; down on his luck when he sees this beautiful lady coming out of the grocery store she drops an item and he rushes to her aid. he is about to rob a bank when someone else comes along and is tries to rob it first; he rushes over to the bank and tells the manager the bank is about to be hit; it is, but he saves the day; the bank manager is so great full he offers him a job; what kind of job; well one where he has to look after this beautiful young niece of his; to help her get back on her feet; on a ranch out in the wilderness of Utah , apparently she is more than a bit of a handful as she is a terrible one for the men. needless to say they come together but combination of the two is dynamite a lot of what they hold dear is blown apart as is everything and everyone else they touch.

PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateNov 21, 2011
Daddy Long Legs

Thomas Warner

I began writing after my late wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008... I wrote a memoir of the last three months of her life, of course I didn’t know she was going to die, but die she did, and I have been writing on and off ever since. I do it just for a hobby and I enjoy it tremendously.

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    Daddy Long Legs - Thomas Warner

    Daddy Long Legs

    Thomas Warner

    Copyright © 2011 by Thomas Warner.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011961161

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4653-5423-5

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4653-5422-8

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4653-5421-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Chapter One

    Love at first sight.

    Chapter Two

    Coming together

    Chapter Three

    Thou shall not kill

    Chapter Four

    Back to the future

    Chapter Five

    What the reaper sows

    Chapter Six

    Planting the seed

    Chapter Seven

    Old habits

    Chapter Eight

    Plans of mice and men

    Chapter Nine

    Into the future

    Chapter Ten

    The brotherhood of the mine

    Chapter Eleven

    Beneath the surface

    Chapter Twelve

    The prodigal daughter

    Chapter Thirteen

    The higher they are

    Chapter Fourteen

    Flames of passion

    Chapter Fifteen

    Flames of love

    Chapter Sixteen

    Barefaced cheek

    Chapter Seventeen

    The price of love

    Chapter Eighteen

    The sands of time

    Chapter Nineteen

    Friend or foe

    Chapter Twenty

    Sailing the sea of love

    Chapter Twenty One

    The spider’s web

    Chapter Twenty Two

    What webs we weave

    Chapter Twenty Three

    True love

    Chapter Twenty Four


    Chapter Twenty Five

    Coming home to roost

    Chapter Twenty Six

    On tender treads

    Chapter Twenty Seven

    Romanian spider

    Chapter Twenty Eight

    Curtain call

    Chapter Twenty Nine

    Dangling web

    Chapter Thirty

    What goes around

    Chapter Thirty One

    Roll call

    Chapter Thirty Two

    The last farewell



    Google Earth



    Graveyard in Cherry Creek Utah USA. An elderly man stands between two military policemen as the coffin of his beloved wife Jayleen is lowered into the grave. When this is done the old man takes a letter from his inside coat pocket and looks at the envelope for the last time then tearfully and hesitantly throws it into the grave. One of the MPs takes the elderly man’s arm and slowly but gently leads him back to the car and as the funeral car leaves the graveyard the old man takes a look back and remembers the first time he ever saw his wife.

    New York 1890 winter

    Chapter One

    Love at first sight.

    The first time I saw Jayleen she was leaving a general store in Oneonta, a medium size city in Albany on the east side of New York with a population of near 5-000. She had her arms full with bags of groceries and let something fall as she came down the steps and it rolled out onto the road. I rushed over to help as she struggled with the many bags she tried to hold in her arms. She was very grateful that I bothered to help and I carried some bags to her pickup that was parked just a yard or two down the street. ‘Why thank you kindly sir,’ she said then as she was putting the groceries into the back of the pickup she says. ‘It is so nice to see that chivalry still abounds in these parts, again thank you sir.’ As she climbed into her vehicle I could not help but see her long legs as her dress rose up as she was about to sit on the driver’s seat. I closed the door quickly to save her any embarrassment but not before she noticed me looking. She pulled her dress down then said to me. ‘You truly are a gentleman; again I thank you most kindly sir, good day.’ I nodded to her as she turned on the ignition and drove off in the direction of Cartersville on the far south side of the city. I could not help thinking that she was one mighty fine looking woman. Blond wavy hair down to her shoulders and with a beautiful figure to boot, I told myself that somewhere out there is one happy man to have such a lovely wife assuming of course that she was married. I had some business with a bank manager in the Albany National Bank and as I was a little on the early side for the appointment I went and had lunch in a restaurant just opposite the bank. I had steak and mashed potatoes followed my some blueberry pie for desert washed down by some sweet warm cinnamon tea.

    It was a clear day if a little on the cold side as I left the restaurant and as I pulled up my coat collar I noticed a dirty old black sedan drive slowly by the bank. The occupant’s two men in the front and one in the back look suspicious to me and as I had business in the bank I quickly crossed the road and entered the building. I went straight to the manager’s office and without waiting to be invited opened the door and went inside. ‘Hey wait a minute; you just can’t come in without having bee . . .’ I stopped him in his tracks as I said to the lady sitting there. ‘Excuse me mam,’ then turning to the bank manager I said. ‘Any second now two men are going to come charging through that door, they will be armed to the teeth and will want all the money that’s here in the bank, I suggest you get your security man in here quick and get ready to lock that door,’ I waited for him to react but he took too long so I called the guard myself. Before I could fill him in a gun shot rang out outside in the lobby. The manager looked at the guard the guard looked at me then the manager asked me. ‘Are you with those robbers outside?’ he asked turning the key nervously in the lock. I told him I was not but I wasn’t sure if he believed me. ‘What can we do?’ he asked fearfully. ‘It’s too late to do anything,’ I said as a gunshot blew apart the lock on the door. A tall thin man entered the room armed with an Enfield repeating rifle. ‘Okay you against that wall there and no funny business, I will kill the first man or woman that makes a wrong move, which one of you men is, the bank manager? He looked at the four of us then pointed his gun at the fat man. He was right on the button as he said. ‘You lot out there, and you… fat man, open the safe,’ No one moved. ‘I won’t tell you again,’ He went to strike the bank manager so we did as he said and found the other man his accomplice standing over a man lying on the floor in a pool of blood, he also had a rifle and was pointing it at two men and an elderly lady standing at the counter.

    The manager fumbled and dropped his keys on the floor and I had the perfect opportunity of snatching the gunman’s rifle that was following close behind but the other guy was too far away so I decided against that.

    I backed away from the door and waited my chance. I didn’t have to wait long for as the man in at the safe came rushing out he caught the dead man’s foot with his own and tripped over the body on the floor.

    His friend went to help him up so I jumped in and landed him one on the chin then kicked the other scoundrel as he was rising from the floor. I grabbed the rifle and held it to the man I just hit and he stopped in his tracks as he knew I had them both covered.

    The bank manager called the cops and they arrived very quickly and handcuffed the two gunmen and led them away.

    I don’t believe they caught the third man or even looked for him they seemed to be quite unaware he was even outside waiting. He may have on the other hand drove away a safe distance when he heard the rifle going off.

    After giving all the particulars to one of the policemen the bank manger came over to me and shook my hand.

    ‘Why I never did see anyone move so quickly in my entire life, sir I am much obliged to you,’ He was still shaken my hand as he looked down at the body on the floor.

    Oh my, that’s poor old Ben Johnson from up Turners Cross way, is he… is he dead?’ the cop kneeling over the body said.

    Fraid so Mathew, dead as a dodo, that’s one powerful bang he had to his head burst his skull wide open.’ The bank manager almost threw up he reached for his pocket handkerchief blew his nose then said to me. ‘My name is Mathew Furlong I, I don’t believe I got yours?’ once more he shook my hands as I told him my name.

    Jacobs my name sir, Jacob O’ Sullivan, from up North, Lake George, I’m just passing through this fine town and find myself in need of some cash, I need to cash a cheque’ the bank manager took me aside and said to me. ‘Anything I can do for you sir will be my pleasure, just step inside my office and we’ll do the business,’ I followed him inside and he asked me to sit down and make myself at home.

    We did what we had to do meaning I talked while he listened then on concluding our business he took hold of my hand again and shaking it vigorously said to me. ‘Would you do me the honour of dining with me this evening sir? I would be mighty proud to have you sit at my table?

    I would like to return your kindness and can promise you the best home cooked food this side of Albany served by the prettiest lady in all of the county,’ I said I would be happy to join him for dinner and asked the time it was to be served.

    Seven-thirty my good man and not a minute before or after, such is the good lady of the house as regular as any modern timepiece. He gave me direction and told me to look out for the ‘humble mansion’ on the hill just right at the Southern edge of town.

    You cannot miss it; it stands alone with a very large rusty old weather cock protruding from the chimney.’ ‘I told him I would be there and was indeed looking forward to it. I gave the patrolman in the lobby my statement and particulars and I was soon on my way back to my hotel, a small but fine establishment. It was now near four in the afternoon, time for a little nap.

    I had told the servant girl to bring me my tea and biscuits around five-forty-five and she arrived at the door at precisely that time with my tray and evening paper. I read the account of the attempted bank robbery and was not too pleased to see my name and picture there although I had much sympathy for the widow and orphans of the dead man.

    After tea I relaxed in a hot bath and thought about what the day had brought and the night might bring.

    I dressed and went outside and smoked a cigarette as I looked south towards the bank managers home I see that same beautiful lady I helped only this morning. I do declare but she went and recognised me as she slowed down and drove passed.

    I nodded in reply and was mighty taken that she should wave to me a stranger in this here town. She had the most beautiful face I ever did see on any human being and her long slender body was so pleasing on the eye.

    It was by this time seven of the clock and as I despise being late I slowly walked the short distance taking in the many fine houses on the way. This is a prosperous place to live in I could see that as I strolled leisurely along.

    I arrived at Mr Furlongs residence at precisely seven-fifteen and was greeted by himself in the most welcoming of ways. ‘Mr O’ Sullivan, you sir are most welcome to my humble home, come sir and make it yours for the rest of this fine February evening, please kind sir do come into the parlour while the dinner table is being set,’ we then stepped into the parlour and I was surprised to see how spacious it was.

    Dotted along the south wall were a multitude of fine books that lined the complete wall, never have I seen so many books in one place in one’s home. There were books old and new some reaching back to the founding of the state and even further than that. Mr Furlong then took a red leathered book from the bookcase and handed it to me. It was covered with some kind of animal skin.

    ‘That book my brave friend goes all the way back to George Washington himself, yes sir that book sat on his bedside table and I believe he used to read it aloud while he waited for sleep to over take him, for as you know he had the whole world sitting on his shoulders in the dispute with the British, he was a fine man in some many ways and to think that he held that same book in his hands always fills me with joy, now sir my nose tells me that dinner is about to be served come kind sir, this way,’ he led me down along the hallway with its wall of dark Mahogany panel’s so impressive and warmly inviting.

    ‘Shipped all the way from Canada,’ he said proudly as he led me into the kitchen area. The table was set to feed a small army with choices of red meat or chicken and vegetables of every kind.

    Red and white wine filled jugs at both ends of the table, most impressive but what really impressed me was the lady that serve the food, it was no other than that beautiful lady I had helped this very morning. She looked surprised to see me sitting at her table and it showed on her beautiful face.

    ‘My dear this is Mr O’ Sullivan a fine young man and a hero to boot, why Jayleen this is the very same young man that foiled a bank robbery this morning, yes he did and it was my bank he saved,’ I stood up and took a bow as she came round and took my hand then turned to her husband and said.

    ‘This is the very same young man that helped me with the groceries this morning Mattie,’ turning to me she asked. ‘Why young man, do you rush to everyone in need? I blushed and said. ‘Only when I’m available to those that need helping Mam, thank you kindly Mr Furlong, good lady like yourself, needed some assistance at a critical moment, and I was available to help I’m glad to say,’ Mr Furlong stood and said to me.

    ‘Good sir please call me Mathew, and may I introduce my sister Jayleen visiting me from Allendale; on the east coast, a fine cook and I will sorely miss her when she returns home, yes sir I sure will,’ I just could not take my eyes of this beautiful lady and was most gratified to hear she was not married to Mathew.

    I sat back down as she served me at table. Every now and then throughout the meal I would glance over at her and find her doing the same at me. ‘So my good man, may I call you Jacob?

    Would I be wrong in thinking that you had some army service?

    ‘No sir you would not be wrong I did two years in Fort Dix; it was very strict training, very hard but the best a man can get’ I answered.

    ‘Fort Dix where is that exactly? He asked me genuinely interested in what I had to say.

    ‘Over west, New Jersey,’ I replied thankful for his interest. ‘Well if that don’t take the biscuit; that is precisely where Jayleen springs from, isn’t that so dear?’ She smiled and said to me. ‘It sure is; I live in Allendale in Perth Amboy just on the coast, a heavenly place to live but of course not in wintertime it gets so cold then, would you like some more blueberry pie? She asked me with the most gracious of smiles.

    I answered her directly. ‘Mam I could not eat another pea, I am so full and contented I could almost die here in this beautiful place with such a wonderful host and marvellous cook, thank you kindly Mam,’

    ‘You are most welcome sir and may I be so bold as to say that anytime you are in town please feel free to visit; you will be most welcome won’t he Mathew? Mathew nodded in agreement and said to her. ‘We will retire to the drawing room my dear if you will excuse us? She bowed her head in agreement and proceeded to clear the table. ‘Thank you for a wonderful meal Mam, it was most gratifying.’

    ‘You are very kind sir, perhaps we can talk later we can talk to each other a little more about New Jersey.’ I nodded in agreement as we left the kitchen and entered the parlour. ‘Now sir sit yourself down and relax I have a proposition to put to you, can I pour you a whiskey? I accepted the whiskey and waited to hear his proposal. He sat down on the dark leather chair and lit a cigar offering me one that I refused. ‘I don’t indulge in the habit of smoking tobacco thank you nevertheless,’ He waited awhile puffing on his cigar and taking in long breathes before speaking.

    He reached into a drawer in his desk and brought out a document. He placed it before me on the desk then said. ‘That sir is a deed to a sizable property, problem for me is it is too far for me to manage it wisely, so I’ve been waiting on a suitable opportunity to arrive and thanks to you sir I think it has,’ He pulled heavy on his cigar then said.

    ‘Would you be available to take on a heavy responsibility? It will take a strong willed man to accept such a task and I sir believe you are that man,’ He pushed the document closer to me with his letter opener.

    I picked it up and opened it to reveal a deed to a very large farm over to the west in Utah to be precise. ‘But sir that’s another world away almost another planet, and beside I could not partake in repossession of someone’s home, what about the family that lives there surly they,’ ‘There is no family there sir; hasn’t been for months, six months in fact, now I’m not asking you to do anything underhanded sir no, I am just wondering if you could perhaps make this farm work? He looked me squarely in the eye and said.

    ‘I will of course pay any expenses that occur and I know there are many seeing how it’s been idle so long, give it a year two at the most if then you feel unable to continue to make a profit then I will release you from the contract,’ I said to him. ‘Contract, I will be signing a contract?’

    He said plainly. ‘This sir would be a business contract, I am after all a business man, I do declare I hope to make a profit, it is a dry land I can’t deny that but if we can sink a well or two there should not be any problem about water, other farms do very well so there is no need for ours to fail,’ I intervened and said to him.

    ‘What would I receive for all this hard work? Farming is tough at the best of times,’ He said. ‘I realise that sir but you would be surly paid very well even if the venture fails, I will make sure of that, what say you?’ I told him I would have to think it over and would give my verdict in the morning.

    ‘That suits me fine young man, but there is something you should know while your thinking and it is this; I need a good man to work this farm, and every good man needs a good woman behind him; now don’t take this the wrong way but I’m sole guardian of Jayleen and I want to see her happy and settled and maybe have a family, in short I’m looking for a good husband for my sister and quite frankly sir I would be most proud if it were you,’ I could not believe what I was hearing I simply could not.

    He wanted me to marry his beautiful sister and I don’t mind saying I was sorely tempted.

    ‘What does your sister eh, Jayleen think of all this? I mean I only met her today surly she . . .’ He interrupted and told me that Jayleen does not know of his plan and asked me faithfully not to mention it to her. I told him that I was truly shocked at his proposition and was indeed very flattered for been thought of in that way and I would give him my answer in the morning.

    He was satisfied to hear that and we shook hands and I thanked him for his hospitality and said goodnight.

    As I came out of the house I could see Jayleen sitting on the veranda swinging on a two seater lounger on her porch. She looked stunning in the moonlight and I already made up my mind about moving to Utah. I would do anything to have this beautiful creature walk by my side as my wife.

    Chapter Two

    Coming together

    ‘Hello again,’ I said for I was lost for words. She smiled and continued to swing away to her hearts content like a child almost but this beautiful creature was no child. ‘That was the finest meal I’ve had in absolute ages, you are a lady of many talents your brother tells me?’

    She stopped swinging and took my arm and we walked in silence to the end of the driveway. Finally she said. ‘You are a handsome man indeed and would make a fine husband for some lucky lady,’ I was flattered and told her so.

    Are you looking, for a husband I mean, seems to me any man would treasure a girl like you and I’m no different than any other man,’

    Will you call again? She asked me. ‘Would you like me to? I asked her.

    My heart was pounding in my breast waiting for the right answer. There was none just a sly smile. ‘As it happens I have some business with your brother in the AM and I might just ask him for permission to come court you, would you be agreeable to that request?’ She smile once again and gave me a very tender hug then said goodnight. I could not believe how my luck had changed this past two days.

    Why only last week I was been hunted by the US Army Police for deserting their precious Army. However I manage to trick them into thinking I was on the way to Canada. I figure I had two weeks tops before they are back on my trail.

    I also figured she was about my age or maybe a year or two behind me; that would make her twenty one or two. She kept me awake such was I taken with her beauty. I sat on the bed thinking over what Mathew had said earlier in the evening. It would suit me down to the ground to go to Utah. For they would be looking for a single man not a married one though that notion would not fool them for long; after all these are America’s finest young men.

    Trained to track down and return runaways better known as deserters.

    On no account could they let one go as that would go against everything they had been taught. Yes Utah would suit me fine and I would be paid handsomely for looking after the most gorgeous woman I ever did see; very similar to the one I have been dreaming about off late such was my desire to be close to the opposite sex.

    I eventually fell asleep and over slept the morning. I had a wash then dressed hurriedly and made my way over to the bank manager’s house. She was waiting by the gate and greeted me with a soft kiss on the cheek.

    My brother is waiting in the dining room for you, I must tell you he keeps glancing at his pocket watch so go do your business then come to the kitchen and I will make you breakfast, I guess you overslept and had none, Am I right?’ She looked so enchanting I was in danger of grabbing hold of her and kissing her fully on her lips. ‘Why girl is that another of your talents mind reading? If it is then you do it very well, for I am famished truly I am.’ I rushed up to the dining room to find him sitting there smoking one of his cigars.

    Good morning sir, please forgive me for being late as I over slept, I will come straight to the point so not a moment more of yours will be wasted,’ He stood up anticipating my very words. I said quite freely. ‘I will accept your terms, I will take Jayleen only if she is agreeable to come and help me get started on the farm, we will see what happens in two or three months then agreed?’

    He grabbed hold of my hand and shook it furiously for what seem like an age. ‘My dear man, I am delighted to hear that, please come to dinner this evening and we can talk it out, you sir have made my day, I have to go now and open the bank but please stay and acquaint yourself with my sister, in truth sir I think you have already made an impression on her, good day.

    He left the room humming happily to himself and I quickly found my way to the kitchen. No sooner had I entered did she run over to me and threw her arms around me and kissed me sweetly on the mouth. I kissed her back with some passion that came out of nowhere. In no time breakfast was forgotten as we made our way hurriedly upstairs to her bedroom.

    It was the most wonderful hour I ever spent in a bed. She held nothing back whatsoever and she could and did teach me a thing or two. We finally came together and our bodies exploded in ecstasy at the crucial moment and I remember saying to myself that there was a God.

    While we rested she turned to me and said. ‘What does my brother want me to do, and do not tell me he hasn’t spoken to you about me?’ I was surprise at her gentleness and told her what Mathew had asked of me. ‘Will you do as he asks?’ she said sitting up on the side of the bed.

    I would be honoured to have you escort me to Utah, and I could sure use the help,’ I said as he slipped out of bed and got dressed.

    I don’t even know where it is, or what it is only that it’s a farm of some kind but I am no farmer so I will need all the help I can get,’ then turning to face her I said. ‘Please help me . . . I feel that together we can take on the world,

    She replied. ‘Well I have been there once, when uncle Albert was near deaths door, and it is a very large wheat farm with some huge mountain behind it and it has a lake with plenty of fish, you don’t look the farming type so you are going to need a lot of help, and it just happens that I am free at the moment so yes I will accompany you.’

    She laughed her lovely head off and went downstairs to make breakfast. I could not believe how easy that was and made a mental note that perhaps it was a little too easy.

    ‘Is it all wheat?’ I asked her after breakfast. She replied. ‘There are some acres of grass for the cattle and some for vegetables and there is a huge lake to the north of the place where wild animals of all kinds come to drink, it is a beautiful warm if a little on the wild side kind of place, you will have to work hard if you take it on,’ she took my hand and smiling said to me. ‘Please do take it on Jacob, say you will kind sir; together we will make it work I know we will,’ I told her that hard work never was the death of anyone and that I had made my mind up the moment she agreed to go and would tell her brother this very evening. We tenderly embraced once more and I kissed her good day and walked back into town to savour the monumental change that has come over me

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