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There's an Elephant in My Backyard:: ....And Everything Else Is Sky High!!
There's an Elephant in My Backyard:: ....And Everything Else Is Sky High!!
There's an Elephant in My Backyard:: ....And Everything Else Is Sky High!!
Ebook33 pages6 minutes

There's an Elephant in My Backyard:: ....And Everything Else Is Sky High!!

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About this ebook

There's an elephant in my sounds like something out of a Tarzan movie. Quite the contrary. I want you all to see how important it is to use the best thinking skills one can in today's world. Utmost, the English language has a lot to offer a person who can speak the language and use the language to explain their feelings and emotions. I hope everyone who reads and colors with me through the pages of my book will be aware of the fun we can have with words and language.
Release dateDec 4, 2013
There's an Elephant in My Backyard:: ....And Everything Else Is Sky High!!

Lisa B. Rubin

Throughout my career as an educator I noticed a change in the way children learn and the talents and sense of creativity many of them display at such a young age. Especially those with the great desire to learn. Some prefer a full set of directives and others just manage on their own. They build models or breath-taking sculptures with Legos and connective toys and label these works of art using realistic names of buildings and projects. More in depth, many have a great desire to learn new information and utilize creative expression to show how they think and reason. Over the years, I try to perfect my methods of communication while identifying the interest level of every child, especially when they are not receptive to a traditional way of learning new information. Over the years, I developed a love for media through which I could reach out and hopefully touch the lives of children. Most successful, has been the use of creativity combined with a little humor which always makes learning more enjoyable and holds any child's attention for an extended length of time. On a more personal level, photography became a direct connection to my young audience. The use of photographs of the outdoors helped begin the process. Photographs of clouds became an art form. I began pairing photographs with self-generated poems to assist in the delivery of my project. South Florida has been my home for over a quarter century and has provided a great sample of weather conditions and outdoor scenes good enough to photograph. It added a new dimension to daily routines.

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