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Sanctuaries United
Sanctuaries United
Sanctuaries United
Ebook51 pages50 minutes

Sanctuaries United

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The story begins with a young lady why owns and runs an Exotic Animal Sanctuary. She is desperately in need of more land to expand and give her beloved animals the room they require for their best health. She runs a program to attempt to breed endangered species and either return them to the wild or exchange with other like minded sanctuaries. A chance encounter leads to her dreams being fulfilled.

PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJun 26, 2013
Sanctuaries United

Coral Boucher

Coral grew up outside a small country town in Victoria, Australia. She has always enjoyed writing stories, essays and poems for her own enjoyment. This is her debut published novel. Thank you to all those encouraging me and gave me the courage to submit this story as a book. Thanks in particular to Cora Pal who put me on the right track. I now live in a nursing home and take pleasure in my three wonderful children and nine grandchildren.

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    Sanctuaries United - Coral Boucher

    Copyright © 2013 by Coral Boucher.

    Library of Congress Control Number:      2013910904

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-4836-5577-2

                    Softcover         978-1-4836-5576-5

                    Ebook            978-1-4836-5578-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 06/13/2013

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    ‘That’s it. I’ve just had enough’ thought Ruth stretching her arms above her head and rubbing her temples. "I don’t want to be the strong one anymore. I want to be reliant and a bit clingy and feminine, girlish even.’ She sighed and giving a little titter and thought—That could never happen. I have to be strong for the rest of the family.

    Her mum, after always being their rock and strength, was growing weaker every day. After having a life of running the family farm, she was succumbing to the Rheumatoid arthritis which had been gradually creeping up on her for quite a few years as was the Osteo and Fibre Myalgia. Ruth had been taking over her tasks as she had become unable to continue.

    Susan had tried very hard to keep going, as her husband, a charming larrikin, was incapable of being relied on in any respect. Well—he knew a good horse when he saw one and good rams, but as for anything else, he was unable to even boil water. He had not a bad bone in his body but was unable to see when an extra hand was needed. When Ruth or Susan was at the end of their tether, he could not see it and just went on his merry way. Attending horse or ram sales or horse races were his forte.

    Ruth, a gentle loving girl, adored the animals and birds as much as she did humans. Really more like her dad in many respects, had no choice as far as the Zoo and farm were concerned with her younger sisters and brother away at boarding school, it all fell to her.

    Wanting to build a huge complex, she needed a good manager to take over some of the work of the then large sanctuary. Good managers were as rare as white tigers and although she kept looking, must continue with the greater and greater workload which came her way.

    Rising to her feet and stretching again, she went to see what her mother was up to.

    Susan was always trying to keep busy, but her condition slowed her down.

    She tried not to let it show, or complain to her family and friends.

    Some days were better than others and there was no real explanation as to why her muscles and joints were so very painful on any given day.

    It was not as if she did anything like lifting, stretching or any unusual exercise to make them hurt so much. She was always very tired and felt like a dilatant;

    ‘How are you Mum and how’s the story going?’

    ‘Actually, it’s going quite well today. It’s strange how some days you can’t get started and others it just seem to flow’

    ‘I’m pleased Ruth replied, but don’t stay at it too long at it. You know how you stiffen up when you sit too long. How about a little snooze this arvo you don’t want to overdo it.’

    ‘Yes I think I’ll take you up on that. You won’t be in for lunch then? What is it? The giraffes or the zebras giving you trouble?’

    ‘It’s the giraffes. I really need another big paddock to put them in, but we just don’t have one’.

    ‘I know. Maybe Daddy will have some new idea when he gets home.’

    ‘Maybe said Ruth doubtfully, Perhaps he will have had lunch

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