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The Other Side of Light
The Other Side of Light
The Other Side of Light
Ebook75 pages1 hour

The Other Side of Light

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NA NA reveal to the readers the fragility of the human mind, when given an abundance of negative input. We perceive and form our very being to be what has been digested into our mental realm. We eventually bring it all to focus and act the part.
You would have concluded that being fortunate enough to have been born into a stable, loving and caring family a child would have escaped the harsh and downward plunge taken by NA NA. Throughout the story we were brought into the mental conclusions carried on in her mind.
Just picture an artist as he/she uses a paint brush one stroke at a time to complete a picture on a canvas. So was the negative words stroked into her developing mind one at a time until the portrait was completed.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 18, 2013
The Other Side of Light


B.A. Pinkney is a retired federal employee and reside in Baltimore, Md. She has always had a passion for reading and writing. She won her first writing contest while an employee of the Veterans Administration, Baltimore, Md. The essay was entitled “What it means to be a Black Woman living in America.” In 2011 her short story was one of four chosen out of over a thousand entries to be published in a local magazine called “The Urbanite.” This is her first fiction novel and has written a children’s book called “NAYA AND THE MAGIC WHITE HAT.”

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    The Other Side of Light - B.A. PINKNEY





    Copyright © 2013 by B.A. PINKNEY.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 07/12/2013

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    Part 1- Early Childhood

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Part 2- Up North I Don’t Want To Go!I Don’t Want To Be Here!

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Part 3- Downward Spiral So I Think I Am A Woman

    Chapter 8

    Part 4- Rock Bottom I Have No Way To Go But Up

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Part 5- Salvation Saved By Grace For A Purpose

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12


    I ’m grateful to God for allowing me to finish what I had in my most inner being for the past ten years. I have been on the battlefield of life for over three scores. I am thankful to be an example for my family that God’s time and our time are not the same. I am embracing this season of my life and feel like I am stepping into a new beginning. Watch out world here I come.

    I would like to thank my publishing company XLIBRIS, especially Mr. Leon Del Reno, for his outstanding patience in answering my many phone calls. Also the submission team, production and post publication staff for your help and guidance all the way to the end.

    I thank God for my best friend in the whole world, Barbara Smith, who always has my back. I thank my beloved siblings, Isaiah Blake Jr., Diane Blake for her investment in me, Loretta Blake who don’t know, she is my official accountant, and Michael Blake for their agape love.

    Thanks to my aunt Sarah, my oldest living aunt, who thought my getting a short story published was fantastic! You are a family jewel.

    Thanks to my daughter Tasha, the family planner of events. Keep on supplying me with my hats and purses for church. I’m proud of you as a daughter, wife and mother.

    Thanks to my son-in-law Reggie for always making himself available to fix my cars and household appliances. You are a genius.

    Thanks to my church family for their support during my time of loss and of need, especially the Senior Usher Board.

    Special thanks to Arnetta Gibson, Dan and Valerie Thrasher, Michele Julius, Louise Gibson for their continued inspirational support.

    To my traveling companions, Darlene, Lisa, Debbie, Lois and her husband George, who make all my trips worth the sacrifice, thank you all.

    Finally to all my friends old and new, thank you! Thank you!

    This book is dedicated to my son Patrick and daughter Tasha here on earth, and the one who is in heaven, my baby son Derrick. My son-in-law Reggie who is like a son. Also to my grandchildren D.J., Naya and Roger. I’m so proud of all of you. To the children who call me Nana. My daughter-in-law forever Lavelle. But especially for my parents, Isaiah and Beatrice Blake who are now in heaven and did a fantastic job of raising us. In memory of my beloved brother Gerald who was the protector. Just remember that I love you all but God loves you more.

    Part 1

    Early Childhood

    Chapter 1

    I f you could ask a human embryo once it’s developed a brain, if in fact do it really want to make an unknown trip to a foreign place through the birth canal, to existence called life, how many no’s and yes’s?

    No one asked NA NA. So on a cold and snowy January post-card pictured night in 1938, Anna Mae Brown made her appearance into this world. The mid-wife, Lula Ann Simpson, was reddish complexioned with freckles, round in form, short of statue, robust with precise eye and hand coordination to do her job.

    She delivered most of all of the babies born in the rural areas of the county of West Chester. When the baby came she looked at her and said, God has a special plan for this one. Bea Brown the baby’s mother in her worn out post-delivery state of mind asked Missis Lula whata youz think it iz’? Chile that’s between her and the Lorde."

    Bea’s two younger sisters and three older brothers entered the room. As usual Mamie started talking non-stop. Bea youz was screamin awful loude, did havin a chile hurt that awful? I sho it did. Before Bea could answer, Mattie continued in her question and answer dialoque which did not include anyone else. She asked the questions and she answered her own questions. All of her siblings had early on became accustomed to tuning her out.

    T.C. the youngest of the lot looked at his sister and the baby bugged eyed with his mouth gaped opened. Bea whys did youz wants da have a baby? With tears in her eyes she answered him with "I’z made a mistake

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