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Sinceria: Laid to Verse
Sinceria: Laid to Verse
Sinceria: Laid to Verse
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Sinceria: Laid to Verse

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For someone who claims not to be a fan of poetry, he definitely seems to enjoy writing it. In this, his writing debut, Smith mainly focuses his writings on 3 things: the Past, the Future and his God with one or two short stories thrown in too. Here he has aimed to write a piece that encompasses both his pleasing hope for the future and also the vibrant colours of life on our planet. A book for all ages, races and backgrounds to enjoy!
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateMay 31, 2012
Sinceria: Laid to Verse

DJI Smith

Smith was born in Stockport, near Manchester, in North West England, in January 1988. He learned he had a liking for this genre while learning Shakespeare and other classic literature in Secondary School. His inspiration for writing comes mainly from his beliefs centered on the Bible and also from places he's visited. He is a keen traveler and often travels alone, or with friends, to some of the most beautiful places on earth gathering inspiration as he goes.

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    Sinceria - DJI Smith

    Copyright © 2012 by DJI SMITH.

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4771-1550-3

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4771-1551-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Mercurial Man

    Destiny’s Majestic Stallion

    Weary Trundler

    Take a Step Back

    Sepia Music Box



    Hi-de-hi Hobbledehoy

    Melanie’s Lullaby

    The Simmer Tree

    Glistening Easel

    Clarity of Perception

    Tea in Fauchon


    Silhouette of Sin

    Pearlescent Refinery

    Quondam Forever Story

    Violet Nights

    Trembling in Darkness

    Black Velvet Rose

    Snowmen Deserve Better

    Crossbone Skulduggery

    Heroes and Valjeans

    Jar On a Shelf



    Tales of the Troubadour

    The Sestina of a Lonely Warrior

    Gaston’s Escondig


    Pastorela of Emenee

    Sonny’s Viadeira

    Ticking Tenso

    Cobla Esparsa


    Minstrels of the Renaissance

    Snivelling Sycophant

    Melancholy Venturer

    Raining in LA

    Primal Affection

    Noma Beanie


    If Florence Had Wings

    Refuse to be Used

    Puppet Strings

    Foibles Aplenty

    Cloak of Ridicule

    Not the Fitting in Type


    Lamented Scarcity


    Cheer Up Chickadee

    Fastidious by Nature

    Me and Thee

    On Fire

    Et Cetera


    Fertile Atmosphere

    Billericay High Notes

    No Pain Baby

    Light Reveals the Truth

    What Lies Beneath

    Beeline for the Entwine

    When Looks Can Kill

    Sailing the River Expression

    The Power of the World

    Behind the Mask

    Shack With a Sock Draw

    Half a Man at Home (Me More than Most)


    Margeaux’s town

    Pleasure Planet

    Crimson Sky

    At the River

    Supper in Ambigu

    Catharsis of Escapism

    Who Am I

    Distilled to a Purity

    IQ Prerequisite

    Prophets Under the Stars

    Mirror of Broken Dreams

    Beauty in Transgression

    A Beautiful Compliment

    Harness the Furnace of

    Your Internal Inferno

    Eternal Torment of a Restless Sky

    What Amazing Thing are You Doing

    As a Thief…

    Products of the Life We’ve Led

    Stale Air of the Dragons Lair

    Warrior’s Call to Arms

    The Final Speech

    "Write about what you love.

    Write about who inspires you.

    Write in a way no-one else does . . ."

    Mercurial Man

    The brilliant, great and good,

    Above all the rest he stood

    I wonder will we ever know,

    Just how far this kid could go.

    Superhuman from another world,

    A genius unrivalled and unfurled.

    Did he come from outer space,

    A league above the human race.

    Oh wait. Look! He’s fallen down,

    Oh what a fraud, oh what a clown.

    How could we have been so wrong,

    Deceiving all this mighty throng.

    He was the first, but now is last,

    People’s estimations fell so fast.

    Now we know he is nothing great,

    We no longer care what’ll be his fate.

    Cast him away like week-old flowers,

    Just one of a species lower than ours.

    Beware the slippery slope of respect,

    Fall just once and they’ll reject.

    You who are hearing greatness’ call

    Yes a great fall will befall you all…

    Destiny’s Majestic Stallion

    A raging horse,

    Wild and untamed,

    Try to stop him,

    You’re sure to be maimed.

    Leave him alone,

    Wait ’til he’s calm,

    Don’t cause it panic,

    Don’t cause alarm.

    Become his friend,

    Build up his trust,

    Approach confidently,

    No kicking up dust.

    Don’t be afraid,

    Get control of him,

    Take that chance,

    Go out on a limb.

    This he’ll respect

    And become your friend,

    His anxiety will plummet,

    Very quickly descend.


    You’ve tamed this beast,

    And didn’t get bitten,

    But the future is imminent,

    It’s still unwritten.

    Take life by the horns,

    Never be scared,

    View the future confidently,

    Like you’ve never dared.

    Thru’ life’s struggles,

    Thru’ all its need,

    Be sure to look after it,

    And do it a good deed.

    Time isn’t a predator,

    It’s your best friend,

    Make it your companion,

    Right thru’ to the end.

    This friendship of yours,

    Can be never ending,

    If you stick by his side,

    Never bending.


    Time gives you wisdom,

    A crown of beauty,

    To teach foals knowledge,

    You have the duty.

    Your grey mane of experience,

    Your tired legs,

    To have your foals energy,

    Your heart begs.

    Horses, Donkeys, Zebras,

    Aren’t they all the same.

    All sorts of people,

    Can be made tame.

    Equine instinct teaches harmony,

    Tolerance and peace,

    If left alone on our planet,

    All wars would cease.

    We learn so much,

    From these elegant creatures,

    They serve

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