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Discover Your Being in God
Discover Your Being in God
Discover Your Being in God
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Discover Your Being in God

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About this ebook

The mayority of the human beings go throught the stage decesive of purpose; freedom; call; work; and direction in each one of the lives; stage during which unfortunately many follow their own will; some are overtaken by the responsabilities and the trend; while some others deviate themselves from the perfect will of God the Lord; for their lives; a great number of individuals are conformed to the day to day waiting for what would come. However; exist people in whose internal being is burning the will and the call of God for their lives; people to which God mades a call Because God is the one that in yourselves produce the want or the will as the doing; for his good will. (Phil 2:13). Is necessary to respond to God compromising with God to obey to his voice and then God would respond with the accomplishment of his voice; meanwhile of his word which is the will of God with the life of each believer In what you would offer over my althar corrupted bread. And you said: In what we had dishonored you? In thinking that the table of Jehovah is despreciable. The time of assuming the service and the call from God is today; God is talking to you and is calling you the time is now. (Rom 13:11).
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 20, 2013
Discover Your Being in God

Vanessa Karina x Andrade

Vanessa Andrade from Venezuela residing in the United States for about fourteen years; born and growth in the evangel; called by God to Minister 14 years ago; with my husband; a Minister. Preaching; Ministering; Evangelizing; praying; and teaching we had seen the reality and power of God through the word of God; and the Holly Spirit of God annointing. The Holly Spirit of God; in many surprisingly ways; throughout the miracles and works of Jehova in many people the transformations and effect of the Message of the gospel of God supporting us. Despite of the stages and processes God took us through; we could said today; that our works in God are not in vain (1 Cor 15:58); and would also like to sow this seed in your lives and Ministries for God to use it as He wants into the specific; unique; and original calls Jehova has upon each individual; as much as to also encourage you not to give up but to keep; the convictions the vision; and the faith. God has given you through his holly spirit and God´s word; knowing that “For it is Jehova who is the “Yes” to all of Jehova’s promises. This is why through Jesus Christ our “Amen” is said to the glory of Jehova.” (2 Cor. 1:20).

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    Book preview

    Discover Your Being in God - Vanessa Karina x Andrade

    Copyright © 2013 by Vanessa Karina Andrade.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

    Rev. date: 03/19/2014





    Chapter 1    Jehovah the Lord the definition of the Human being created

    Chapter 2    Calls from God and purposes

    Chapter 3    Commandments orders and laws of God

    Chapter 4    God’s names and the adoration to Jehovah The Lord

    Chapter 5    The biblical parties

    Chapter 6    The Prayer

    Chapter 7    The Holly Spirit of God

    Chapter 8    The redemption in Christ

    Chapter 9    The Complete Knowledge of Jehovah the Lord. God

    Chapter 10    Jehovah God saves; Isaiah the prophet

    Chapter 11    Peter and the vision of the glory of Christ

    Chapter 12    The adoration to God


    By the decisive stage of purpose, freedom, call work and direction in the lives; stage by which all human beings pass through. Some follow their own wishes. Others the responsibilities and the trend catch them; however are very little those who search the will of God in their lives. The true of the word of The Lord; and the call from God in their personal and individual lives. God called you with a purpose; because is God the one that in yourselves produce like it the wish as the doing according with His good will (Phil. 2:13) through His Holly Spirit; and the preaching of the word of the Lord our God. And you said: In what we have dishonored you? In that you think the table of Jehovah God is depreciable. The time of receiving the service and the calls from God is now. (Rom.13:11).


    This book is dedicated to God and to all of those which has contributed with the progress of the evangel by the word of God and our ministries and calls and the preaching of the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ.


    Since the childhood; the Word of God was thought and instructed to us. When I was eight years God allowed me to have an experience; in which I saw a light; from the altar of a church where the pastor was teaching and preaching the word of God. From above; my life change from then on and God produced inside the hunger and the thirst by the word of true; I began and started to experience the calls of God in my life. When I was twelve years old God called me to write books; to the fifteen God brought me to the United States and called us full time. God bless you.

    The groups and congregations those to whom God called and designated the lord with purpose in specific; renew them by the knowledge of the word of God. Use them with power according to the will and the purposes of God. Jehovah The Lord obligations; gifts; talents. And responsibilities; calls and positions by which we would give explanations to The Lord our God. God established tools and middles as the word of God The Lord is. The believers man or women of God. (1 Cor.1:21) It is the disposition of those who believe. Study and search the Word of God and obey it; is the plan and the purpose of Jehovah the lord.


    Jehovah the Lord the definition of the Human being created

    Definition is the explanation of the why or the what about someone or something. It refers to the establishments fundamentals; is essential to inquire profoundly in the origin knowledge; and theology. The theology is the science which studies God. The study related to God is transmitted in great part; through the word of God with the names of God; The names of God define Jehovah the Lord. The person of God the presence and the redemptory grace of Christ; the grace of God revealed; the Salvation. The first name with which God is reveal through the word of God; (Gen. 1:1). The name or the term; comes from the hebrew word Él; which means; The Almighty which translates as Elohim. The plurality of God; it is referred to the most powerful being. The Almighty God. Jehovah The Lord continues calling servants because the son of man; did not come to be served; but to serve. In conclusion; it is assumed to be the people the servants and ministers God called us to be. It is necessary to search it in the definition and theology of God. Jehovah The Lord created the human being. Man and women were made; which means or refers to God as our origin; roots; and definition. The term or word definition means the explanation of the nature and characteristics of something or someone. Of a person; individual; or thing with the purpose of comprehending a concept. Origin; and purpose with which humanity was created. In other words; the being; purpose or existence. The essence; the purpose and time; the nature and call with a person. Which are interrelated directly with God. As all humanity; was created in three parts or levels. (1Tes.5:23-24) And the same God of peace make you Holly in every way and keep your whole being spirit; soul, and body free from every fault at the coming of Jesus. A unique and original being. The most complex process. In special during; or throughout the stage of adolescence or puberty. Between the adolescence or puberty and the age of adulthood; in every human being. (2 Cor.5:17) says. Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone. The new came. A point of determination. of prevailing and going after Christ; or if going after your own. The discipleship as a true believer. Meanwhile the ability of the believer self; of going after the establishments; suggestions; and counsel of Jehovah The Lord; through The word of God. With the purpose of becoming similar to Christ. Mainly by the ways of thinking. Which determines and directs the characteristic and spontaneous behavior of every person and individual. With three main purposes. This purposes are to adore God. Through the middles of sanctification; use and assimilation of the word of God; the experience and growth which comes by living; God’s words and commandments. One of God’s purposes with the human being; is mainly the power or cycle of sin. In the life of the true believers becomes defeated. Those believers to develop; and cultivate; a true relationship in spirit and in true with God. Deliverance from the punishment of sin. It is the eternal salvation of the soul. Christ sacrifice through which everyone received redemption; justification; and expiation. Because we all sinned and where destitute of God’s glory (Rom. 3:23). It is essential to develop and cultivate a strong relationship with God. With the whole purpose of discovering your being and call; or vocation. Designations from God. (Eph.4:11-14) to save others including the multiplication and expansion of the gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s work. The work of God cannot be delay. because it is God’s will and purpose. God; participates into the human beings life continuously. The place which belong to God inside every being. The word of God really works. To form and transform lives; eliminate and take away the flesh work. And produce the fruits of the Holly Spirit of God in abundance. When Jehovah The Lord ways of thinking are attained through God’s word. By becoming; authentic Christians and believers. genuine; and awful. Which are truthful; efficient; and trustworthy before Jehovah The Lord and others. (Rom 12:1-3) So then, my friends, because of God’s great mercy to us I appeal to you offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God; dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship you should offer. Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world; but instead let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God what is good and what is pleasing to him and what is perfect." Through the word of God believers should have as a well-defined purpose to learn to know and follow the direction of the Holy Spirit of God in someone’s life; The works and wills of the flesh would not have and will not take place; would not continue

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