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Turkey Trouble
Turkey Trouble
Turkey Trouble
Ebook53 pages21 minutes

Turkey Trouble

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About this ebook

There is trouble in Yummy-Yummy Land! The turkeys of the Royal Turkey Ranch are tough and terribletheyre unfit for the Kings Royal Feast. How on earth can these scraggly creatures become tender? The answer is found in Pokey, Tillie, and the Turkey Trainers who transform the turkeys using this recipe: love makes turkeys tender, and tender turkeys are best.

Through twists and turns in this whimsical story, children learn valuable lessons about life and friendship. The surprise ending proves that being kind and loving brings unexpected rewards.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 6, 2014
Turkey Trouble

Judy Walker

Judy Walker is a retired teacher and grandmother of four beautiful grandchildren. With a passion for writing and a desire for children to grow up with values of love and respect for others, she wrote this story to inspire them to become the best they can be.

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    Turkey Trouble - Judy Walker

    Copyright © 2014 Judy Walker.

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    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-4371-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-3234-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014905906

    Ashland, OH

    September 2014



    To my precious grandchildren

    Matthew, Grace, Faith, and Caleb

    Always do your best in life and love will do the rest!

    God loves you so much and so do I!


    A round golden sun rose in the sky over Yummy-Yummy Land on this very special day. Today was the day the King would inspect the turkeys at his Royal Turkey R anch.

    The King’s vision of the fat, juicy birds with rainbow-colored feathers made his mouth water and his eyes glisten with delight as he dressed in his royal

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