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The Revelation of Numbers: The Codes 4 666 4, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the Power of 27
The Revelation of Numbers: The Codes 4 666 4, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the Power of 27
The Revelation of Numbers: The Codes 4 666 4, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the Power of 27
Ebook128 pages1 hour

The Revelation of Numbers: The Codes 4 666 4, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the Power of 27

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About this ebook

In this examination and exploration of the forces of nature represented
by numbers, the author analyzes the lives of many infl uential and
powerful individuals, focusing primarily on Nelson Mandela.
By reading into the powers that dictate dominance, creation, harmony,
and cooperation, readers are able to see how to look for these codes in
their own lives, understanding what guides their choices.
Using world leaders like Mandela and Barack Obama, along with
celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Bob Marley, and Michael Jackson, data
such as dates of birth and important milestones in their careers and
world history give a clearer insight into the end results of their decisions.
Knowledge of this power will enrich readers understanding of the
universe and how to more closely emulate those that make positive
change in the world like Mandela.
But this new philosophy could help decipher what inspires true
greatness in so few.
Release dateOct 28, 2013
The Revelation of Numbers: The Codes 4 666 4, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and the Power of 27


J. K. Mwamba—a researcher, author, speaker, and founder of the simple reading of codes and numbers—has taught many around him and continues to teach people the domination of the supernatural power within the human. He has written a number of books about numbers and codes. J. K. Mwamba and his girlfriend, Andiswa cignoria Magidigidi, live in Cape Town, South Africa, and have two daughters, Ongezwa Magidigidi and Somila Magidigidi.

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    i love this book. thank you so much you are bleesd!

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The Revelation of Numbers - JAMES KZD MWAMBA

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The 2 Versus8 Code

»   The Meaning of Numbers2 and 8

»   The Partners of Numbers 2 and 8

»   The Enemies of Numbers 2 and 8

The Codes

»   The Classifications in Life

»   The Meaning of Numbers

»   The Mark of Man and the Beast (Evolutions)

»   The Classifications and the Constitution of the Months in a Year

»   365

»   The Birth of Mankind in the Universe (Generations)

»   The Codes in Human Life

»   Barack Obama

»   Nelson Mandela and the 4 666 4

»   Osama bin Laden

»   The Dominations and the Law of Life

The Power Of 27

»   27 = the beast and its mark

»   The Definition of the Power of 27

»   The Birth of Mankind on Earth

»   The Preparation for God

»   The Formula of Success

»   Barack Obama

»   Nelson Mandela

»   Bob Marley

»   Mobutu Sese Seko

»   Oprah Winfrey

»   Donald Trump

»   Robert Mugabe

»   Bill Gates

»   Osama bin Laden

»   Michael Jackson

The 4 666 4 Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

»   The Creation and the Meaning of the Code (666)

»   How to Calculate the Code (666)

»   666 = 423 = 987

»   Nelson

»   Rolihlahla

»   Mandela

»   Madiba

»   The Life of Nelson Mandela in the Code (4 666 4)

This book is dedicated to Nelson Mandela for his lifelong struggle to save the nations of Africa; the African National Congress (ANC) for their courage and their strong spirit of believing in a better world and a free South Africa; to the South African nation for believing in your leaders that freedom is coming tomorrow; and to all the freedom fighters and the victims of apartheid in South Africa.

This book will serve to better understand the code of life of Nelson Mandela (4 666 4) in the future generations to come.


The world, or universe, was created with codes and numbers; this is the language of the earlier universe. The only language that unites the universe is the numbers and codes, and this is the language of creation.

As we all belong to the same creation, that means we need to follow the language of numbers and codes because it is the only language holding the truth about life and the reason why we are living; this language is the only one holding the secret of the beginning and the end of the world, which we call the calendar, and this stands for the countdown of time in everything and everybody in the universe.

We all know this man who has gone through serious difficulties in life by sacrificing his life to save the nations, and not only his nation, but the whole African continent. This man is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. I, James Kazadi Mwamba, as the author, have decided to honor this man, Nelson Mandela, by writing a sentence of his biography in numbers and codes to show the world who the real Nelson Mandela is becausewithout this man, I don’t see myself realizing my dreams of becomingwho I am today. I am saying thank you for all you have done for us—South Africa, the African continent, and me.

» 4 666 4

We all know this code, but we all have different understanding about it. By discovering the meaning of this code, I have decided to write this book for the owner of the code, Nelson Mandela, and for the whole world to see the real meaning of it.

I am showing the power of 27 in the universe and how powerful the 27 code is in our life. And this code is the success of many and the failure of many too; let us be very awake and watch and see when the code is on power in our life so that we can grab the opportunity and succeed.

Codes and numbers are the only language of precision left in this world; the knowledge of codes and numbers makes us the leaders and the controllers of our own life. The knowing of numbers and codes is the beginning of knowing the reason why we are living and the secret behind life and success in the universe.


In the spiritual world, we have friends, partners, financial partners, and enemies—and even financial enemies—but for us to be able to know and understand how this works, we need to know and understand the language of numbers and codes. I am going to show you the reason why the codes or numbers8 and 2 are always together and why the code or number 8 is always separated into two pieces, which is

4 + 4.

The Meaning of Numbers2 and 8

This is according to the creation of the universe as the Bible tells us:

The second day, or day 2, in the creation of the universe, God created heaven by separating the water into two and calling the upper water as heaven; another separation of two (2) pieces happened when God created light and divided light and darkness to be called day as light and night as darkness. Since the day, the number and code 2 stands and represents the separations in the universe.

This is the reason why the universe is always separated When we take a good look at the universe, we see boundaries all around the world; we call them borders or frontiers. Have we ever asked ourselves why these are boundaries or borders? These are the separations in the universe. When we enter one place or country, we find again the boundaries that are based on colors. Have we ever asked ourselves, why colors? These are the separations. When we look around where we live, we still see the boundaries that are languages. Have we ever asked ourselves, why languages? These are the separations. Remember, God created a man in his image to rule, to control, and to develop all creatures in the universe. Now the question is this: how will man rule and develop other creatures when he is separated? This is the reason why the entire world is in separation because the ruler and the controller are separated, and that went down to the other creatures of

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