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The Mysterious Waves of Living Cells
The Mysterious Waves of Living Cells
The Mysterious Waves of Living Cells
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The Mysterious Waves of Living Cells

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In this book, Rudakemwa shares with us intriguing questions which lead to thinking about the existence of a new way of communication used by living cells. These ideas lead to a new theory that revolutionizes the way we previously conceived the internal organization of living beings. Not only this theory is new in its own way but it also brings in many other stunning consequences about the living world as we know it. In this book, He also goes deep to cover other issues such as a review of the theory of evolution and the origins of human conflicts.

Release dateJul 30, 2014
The Mysterious Waves of Living Cells

Hubert Rudakemwa

Hubert RUDAKEMWA is a Rwandese   who earned his Bachelor's degree of Bio-Organic Chemistry in 2008. This young scientist first worked as teacher of Chemistry for two years before moving to the University of Rwanda as a technician in a Chemistry Laboratory.  His passion for a wide range of areas related to sciences and technology not only extends his vision but also creates some particularities in the way he tackles scientific mysteries.

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    The Mysterious Waves of Living Cells - Hubert Rudakemwa

    2014 Hubert Rudakemwa. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/24/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-8614-6 (sc)

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    This book is essentially revolving about a new idea: the theory of fluctuines. Everything begins with our current knowledge and goes farther to show important aspects of the living which have remained unknown for such long period of time.

    The present book is a product of many years of investigations. It shows in a detailed way how this theory was developed and how it relates to the mysterious waves of living cells. This theory brings another perspective in the vision we have about the formation of multi-cellular organisms. The ideas exposed in this book were basically written to share with the scientific community what one thinks has remained a hidden aspect of the complex mechanisms involved into the formation of multi-cellular organisms.

    The subject treated in this book is not a light topic. Not only does this theory brings more novel ways to look at ourselves as human beings, but it also deals with the mechanisms related to the formation of other multicellular living beings as well. Near the end, we have also covered issues of human’s conflicts and the paradigm of evolution-creation. Although these last topics are not closely related to the theory of fluctuines and the mysterious bio-waves, they are however very sensible topics for us as human beings. In fact, we tackle these issues of our conflicts and origins in the particular point of view of a bio-chemist.

    I am very thankful to all those who have in one way or another contributed to the compilation of this book. Their help is very appreciated. I owe particular thanks to all those organic chemists who have helped in revising and improving the concepts related to the bio-organic molecules. I cannot end this part without recognizing the great contributions and advices from many other coworkers. Their considerable contribution in the practical redaction of many chapters of this book cannot be forgotten.

    RUDAKEMWA Hubert

    May 2014




    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better

    Albert Einstein

    It is 10:05 PM. we are getting out of the big "MA30’ to take a short break. Before that, there had been like two hours of intense studying. I am suddenly leaving Chantal and Yvette which at the time were also studying next to me. These days were not easy as we studied very hard preparing for the daily quantum mechanics tests and an examination that would have to be passed in the next few weeks.

    Now I am out and what a nice time! It was dark and a cold wind was blowing on my face. Although I still felt very tired, there was some how some little relief from this cold wind. I was once again close to the big trees that had constantly stunned my imagination some long time ago.

    There, they were there once again and I knew they would be for another very long period of time. What had interested me in those trees was neither their life expectancy nor their strange look. Instead that was their size. They were not the biggest trees I had ever seen. But it seems they had something special. They were the ones, I had observed at the right time. When this happened, we were in the academic level two.

    Before fully embarking ourselves into the realm of this theory, as the author, I found it better to share with the readers the context under which all ideas related to this theory took birth and how later they came to be developed. At a first glance, curiosity has always been the main drive from the conception of the ideas up the full development of this theory. This means that this internal thirsting we call curiosity has always been the main drive which kept pushing me straight in this long quest of knowledge seeking.

    From my early studies, I have always been interested at understanding how the world around me works. Over time, I have acquired the basic knowledge about the existence of living cells as the building blocks of many living organisms. By the time I went to University, I thought that many of my unanswered questions would keep finding solutions. Everything seemed perfect until the time I came to realize that one thing in the puzzle was missing. There was one question that kept tickling in my mind: How can such tiny living cells form very big organisms? This question never stopped to haunt me on many occasions. But to know more how in any way this inquiry did start, I think one needs to go back to my University to find the answer.

    Within the main building of our University, which we liked to call with the French acronym Batiment Central*; there are two big trees in the central garden. After hours of deep study, I sometimes passed near them relaxing and liked to stay near for minutes staring at them. In so many occasions, I had previously observed many types of living cells and microbial culture in the microscope. So one day, when I came close to the same trees again, I observed one of them but in a different perspective: I tried to imagine like I was observing the individual living cells that composed the tree and a question immediately arose in me: How do very small entities like these ones join together to make accurately such a huge tree? It was not the first time I had observed very big trees, because in so many occasions at different other places, I had encountered many different other big trees. But observing these ones seemed to be a new experience because I was doing it in such new perspective that could allow me to raise the self-inquiry behind this theory. When watching the two big trees inside our University’s compound, I could not of course see their living cells with my own naked eyes. I did it in my imagination. In my imagination, I tried to associate what I was looking with the image of bark cells that I had previously seen in earlier microscopic observations to make one unique model. The result was always very astonishing! One comes up with a system whose size is almost unthinkable, and the question that remains in one’s mind is how such a system can build itself with so much accuracy. Had not been this self-representation of the trees, I think I would had easily accepted the existing models of cellular communication without any further questioning or doubt.

    It appears that what seemed to be my rest place after deep hours of study gave me some inspiration. Over time, the same inquiry always tickled in my mind and I never felt quiet with this non-answered question. On several occasions, I went in the library to read advanced books of biology to see if I could find a plausible answer to the question. As I came to realize that no convincing answer was available, I thought that there must be a special type of coordination that allows all that to happen; some kind of coordination that is still unknown. Then I came upon one idea: there must be a presently unknown way living cells use in order to communicate. I thought also that not only this type of communication must be present in plants, but that also in animals, the same rule would maybe apply.

    It has been unfortunate for me that from the time this theory have been developed up to now, it is been over eight years without having being able to carry out some experiments to investigate the phenomena. But one thing is relevant: over time, I have acquired many more evidences that support the theory and came to realize that these experiments would not have been easily carried out. I am presently convinced all these evidences can only make sense if we consider this new perspective or let us call it vision of bio-molecular world.

    One day a friend of mine knowing that I was going to publish this book asked me why I so forcibly confirmed the existence of something I have not yet directly observed. The first answer I gave him is that I rely on tangible facts. To help him understand more what I was saying, I gave him some comparative examples. As first example, I told him: when someone makes a criminal investigation, he does not necessarily have to see the thief to identify him, he can just start with evidences and come up to conclusions. Even a fingerprint can be enough. As he kept insisting, I came to give him a second example: assume you are in the countryside and you are going to cross a road when you suddenly find some particular goat footsteps on the ground. You can declare that a herd of goats passed by about an hour ago even though you were not there when they were crossing the road. There is no need to see the goats with your own eyes to deduce about their presence in the past. Only an analysis of their footsteps is enough to deduce what animals passed there, how many they were and at what time they passed there. So I told him that likewise, a whole true story or process can be constructed on a basis of the evidences.

    When in 1805, John Dalton introduced his concept of the atoms, there was at the time no way to observe them directly. He himself died without observing one. But he had evidences he relied on when he made his theory. It is only in 1981 that the first microscopic observation of the atoms could be made using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zürich) won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. So this means that the concept of the atom has existed in the scientific community for nearly 180 years without the ability to observe these so-called atoms. When mentioning the previous, I am not comparing myself to John Dalton; I am still younger and less experienced than he was at the time he did it. In fact, before Dalton had propounded the atomic theory, he had already attained a considerable scientific reputation. What I am willing to say when mentioning him is that within scientific methods, it is possible with evidences to come up to an idea or a concept without having instruments to materialize that concept.

    In the same way, we could say that in the scientific method, good evidences are enough to prove the existence of an entity or a phenomenon. Even though you do not see that entity with your own eyes or maybe some instruments, evidences helps you to build it in your imagination. I really do not know when scientific experiments will really spot this type of communication I am about to share with you. But there are very strong evidences I have relied on to emit this theory as well as all its corresponding consequences. I hope through this book, we are going to share all these evidences as well all the logic behind the development of this theory.

    At the end of 2010, nearly two years after the completion of my Bacchelor’s degree, I attempted to publish this theory. But later, I thought I had to get more evidences and arguments related to this theory in order to be more persuasive. So I went back more deeply into the field I had been trained that means the Bio-Organic Chemistry field to check if molecules of the living world are really capable of carrying out such kind of transmissions as was stipulated. I also noticed that to do so, I had also to shift a little bit into the fields Acoustics, Electromagnetics, Biochemistry as well as other fields to find out the scientific principles that would be involved into the emission and transmission of these mysterious messages. Then, I had to seek if at the molecular level, there are features that explain the possibility of such kind of transmission.

    In addition, I had to find why this communication has remained unknown for such a very long period and highlight how these mysterious messages are intensively involved not only in many other physiological activities within living cells but also in the coordination of organogenesis, histogenesis and the aging process of animals and even human beings. But unlike many other scientific books which use a descriptive style, I had to use a narrative style which changed the book in a kind of novel. This was mainly due to the fact that I wanted the content of the book to be less boring as it would have been if it followed strict classical rules of scientific paper writing. I hoped also that by adopting this narrative style, this would make readers feel at ease when going through the book. What a challenge it is to turn cold scientific facts into some kind of hot and delicious story! But like an old friend of mine told me, everything can be possible provided that thing cannot only exist in your mind.

    To come back to our previous context, there is something which is very common in young people within the scientific community in our local areas and maybe elsewhere in the world. Many of them think that what we presently know in Science completely defines perfect unchangeable models. Because of such thoughts, they make no further critical inquiries on these existing models of Science. It may be due to a lack of curiosity or interest for these models. I also think that it is due to the fact that they think Science is so advanced that there is no need to add any little piece to a puzzle that is already completed. Or maybe, they just fear to question existing models because they feel less experienced. They fear the possible destructive comments that may come from their elder academicians. These are bad habits I have always tried to avoid. I knew that all these models have been proposed by men who could see only one part of the reality while possibly missing other important parts of the big reality. Most of the time, these hidden sides of reality emerge latter through new observations that raises questions one cannot answer relying on the existing models. And one has to refine the existing model to find plausible answers to the newly raised problem.

    In the same above context, I also knew that while in reality living beings on Earth already existed from several millions of years ago, our understanding about the inner workings of these complex organisms has always been a progressive process. To illustrate the above statement, we show in the figure below the gradual improvement of our understanding about living cells over the last 200 years. As you can notice, the scientific models we rely on have always been improved over time. So do not be mistaken about the present scientific models: surely they can be advanced but this does not mean they are an absolute truth. So, it is not surprising if there may be some particular features that have remained unknown for nearly two centuries after our entrance in the modern period.

    When deeply thinking about this evolution of our knowledge, it made me think that we always have to accept our current scientific models with discretion. In fact, while over the years, the natural phenomena or process we describe or study do not change and remain quite the same, our understanding about them is a process in constant evolution. Through the evolution of our scientific theories, we approach the truth but we cannot be sure that we have reached the truth. There always may be some hidden truth behind the one we have already discovered. Our knowledge is like a mathematical function that meets the truth at the infinite.

    In fact, living cells are extremely complex. If our understanding of their structure and function is very much incomplete, we are not to blame. Our progress in understanding them seems to be related to our technological advancement. For thousands of years, one civilization passing after another, human beings knew very little about the inner workings of their own living bodies. Even in the time of the great Julius Caesar, living cells were there although they didn’t exist in people’s mind. In fact despite the long quest of knowledge which began with early philosophers of the hellenestic period (around 300 BC), it is only nearly 200 years ago that we have started to postulate about the existence of living cells. Since then, there are numerous progresses that have been made in this area. But even now, I am not sure we can declare ourselves to have reached the highest peak of understanding the inner workings of the life in living cells.

    Through the remaining chapters of this book, the reader will be introduced about every aspect of this mysterious communication of living cells along with its consequences in our way of considering the inner workings of living beings. This unexplained communication of living cells is what I claim to be the hidden truth behind the present state of scientific knowledge in the areas of science related to living cells communication and living organism growth (organgenesis and histogenesis). I hope this new understanding of the cellular phenomena will unravel so many other things that have remained unknown to the scientific community and that this may also bring about significant contributions that will prove helpful to humankind in the years to come. But before bringing in this mysterious stuff, we will make a short glimpse behind and see what we presently know about the communication of living cells.




    No man should escae our universtities without knowing how little he knows (J. Robert Oppenheimer). [In fact], we still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us (Albert Einstein).

    Before deeply stepping in our complex cellular world, let us first start our story giving you the idea of how small living cells are. Sure for many, this is an old story but let us somehow rehearse it. By the time you read this text, assume you step aside your left hand, leave the book held by your right hand and turn your left hand in such a way that you can observe its palm. There in front of you, you will surely observe that there is a multitude of palm lines stepping in almost all directions. Some of these lines may look different and many of them are crossing each other while others seem to be quite parallel. For the time being, we will not take care at their possible meaning as we do not wish to become future tellers. Rather, we will ask you to focus your attention at one at anyone of the three major lines crossing your palm and observe it.

    Now imagine yourself having the ability to magnify your vision almost indefinitely. Sure we know that no human being has this possibility as the smallest objects that the unaided human eye can see are about 0.1 mm long. Beyond these scales, we would need lenses, light microscopes or other magnifying instruments. Unfortunately, they were not part of the package when you bought this book. Anyway we will attempt to help you do it in your imagination because there at least it is possible without additional fee charges. In your imagination, magnify that palm line of yours one hundred times (100 ×). That palm line will probably have become as huge as a child’s game transcontinental road of 1 decimeter width. If by any accident, there were a louse working along your palm line, it would now have become a monster probably bigger than a toy school bus. You would never wish to face that animal as it would look like nothing you have ever seen in our common world. For the most fearful of us, we would wish to stop this journey and come back to our original unmagnified world. That would be regrettable because even at this scale, we would still be far from reaching the real size of epidermic living cells.

    Assume you keep your temper and still wish to magnify that palm-transcontinental-road. To really be able to clearly observe one your epidermic living cells you would need to magnify your road ten more times. At this scale your epidermic cells will have aspects of distorted foot soccer balls of 1cm diameter stuck together to form the road-like structure you were in before. For you to be able to see these 1cm balls, you will have magnified one thousand times your original real world vision. But the real size of a typical epidermic cell is 30 micrometers. This is almost equal to one thirty third of a millimeter. To give a sound idea of how small that scale is, consider the fact to cover one real life square-millimeter of your palm line like we do when we lay tiles on pavements, you would need around two thousand and five hundred (2,500) epidermic living cells. To give you an idea of how small that surface is, a square-millimeter is approximately the same surface covered by the dot that ends this sentence• So many living cells for such a small surface! Imagine the number of living cells that would be needed to cover the whole palm. That number would be so huge that it were dollard ($) or pound (£) money under your possession, you would already find yourself on the top of the Forbes Magazine contestants. However, not all cells are exactly the size of your epidermic living cells. While some bacteria can be thirty times smaller [¹], a human egg’s diameter is about four times greater than that of your epidermic cells [²]. Living cells vary in size and shape but they are all nearly in the same range of size we have described. If you have been amazed by this intriguing small size of living cells, it is one part of their surprises as there is more to come.

    Now that we have an idea about what the size of a living cell might be, we will continue this chapter by introducing you about what we know so far about the communication of living cells. The reason we introduce this, is because it is imperative to have some tangible background about today’s knowledge before entering the next chapters to see what cluntches in our current theories. Just before we go through this chapter, there is one thing worth mentioning. It is the fact there are a multitude of books and scientific articles that are concerned with cellular phenomena. All this data can end up giving us the illusion that what we presently know is enough, but in fact it is not. There is so much more unknown knowledge in this area of cytology. So do not be absorbed by what is going to follow as what we expose if just a part of the present model of understanding these phenomena.

    Unlike many of the other chapters, this one can seem a little bit too technical and therefore can seem quite unpleasant for some non-scientific readers. In fact, it involves much topics of molecular biology. If you have no basic background both in Chemistry and Biology, and the chapter feels too giddy for you, you can just read it superficially. We have reserved a short summary for you at the end about the key ideas of this chapter. Even with this summary, one can partially find his way in the next part of the book. It does not so much matter because we have tried to compose this chapter in such a way that one could find his way up in the next chapters. However, if you have some basic knowledge in the field, deeply revising these theories is not a bad idea. In fact the thirty pages of this chapter are a very short recompilation of texts which could have occupied hundreds of pages and taken weeks (if not months) of your precious time. We have made our best to shorten all this huge bibliography for you. But however technical the text may seem to be, I am sure about one thing: we have tried to make the context move more toward its novel-like aspect. Trust me; this part will be less boring than it may have been if you had read its topics from classical books of molecular biology!

    In this chapter no destructive discussion of any of the existing theories will be done. We will just present every aspect of these theories as they are currently accepted. In fact, it is necessary for the reader to understand first how scientists presently conceive these unseen inner workings of our living cells. After this first journey, we will then briefly introduce you to the small ambiguity found in these accepted concepts. This is to say that the real challenge of these accepted concepts will be carried out in the next chapters.

    As previously highlighted, we are about to enter the complicated realm of the living cells inner world. So, unlike any other part of this book, the next one looks more descriptive than narrative. To recall once more, if you ever feel partly stuck in the middle or are already an expert of this field, you can immediately keep your way in the two last page of this chapter and find a brief summary of the key ideas. This jump will not seriously impede on your logical reading continuation in the next chapters. However, with some little initiation and habit to our scientific descriptive style, a deep review of these concepts will prove itself more helpful. These descriptive scientific facts will provide a nice update about living cells issues.

    Known Types Of Intercellular Communication

    So far as it is known to day, in animals, cell communication over various distances can be achieved by soluble extracellular molecules in three principal ways (types). Signals from one cell can act on nearby cells (paracrine), on distant cells (endocrine), or on the signaling cell itself (autocrine) [³, ⁴, ⁵]. This classification is based on the distance over which these signal acts. Briefly, we can state that most cell signals are chemical in nature [⁶, ⁷, ⁸, ⁹]. In addition to these previously stated moving signals, certain membrane-bound proteins act also as signals. In plants, the communicating mechanism of living cells is achieved quite through the same methods with the exception that occurs on few facts. This is to mean that generally, plants also make an extensive use of cell-surface receptors. However, while most cell-surface receptors in animals are G-protein-linked, most found so far in plants are enzyme-linked. This difference will be better understood later when we cover mechanisms of signal transductions. Although the general idea started with the observation of plant, almost all the next discussions will be performed on the communication within animal living cells [³].

    We can expect few differences in the cell communication of plants and animals. In fact, the molecules and mechanisms used for cell communication will have evolved separately and would therefore present some differences. However, some degree of resemblance is expected because both plant and animal genes diverged from the set of genes contained by the unicellular eucaryote which was the last common ancestor of both plants and animals. Therefore, it is not surprising to notice that the mechanisms of signaling between cells in animals and plants have both similarities and differences. Now, let us see in deeper details how those communicating mechanisms that are common to plants and animals.

    First of all, just as we previously pointed out, living cells can use an endocrine signaling. In this first case, the signaling molecules, called hormones, act on target cells distant from their site of synthesis by cells of the various endocrine organs. In animals, an endocrine hormone usually is eventually carried by the blood or by other extracellular fluids from its site of release to its targeted living cells [³].

    Apart from the previous possibility, living cells can also rely on the paracrine signaling in order to communicate. The signaling molecules released by a cell affect target cells only in close proximity. This is to mean that this type of communication act at short range. One other reality about this type of cellular signaling is the fact that it abides by the laws of molecular diffusion. Paracrine signaling is also relied upon in the conduction by a neurotransmitter of a signal from one nerve cell to another or from

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