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Within Godwaves
Within Godwaves
Within Godwaves
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Within Godwaves

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I have written this book to give hope for every human being who ache for God and spirituality but are lost. They think themselves unfortunate and not holy enough to reach God just because they do not live in a monastery. This book also is for those who are drawn into the pool of depression, confusion, suffering, loneliness, emptiness, addiction, crime, guilt and who think that life is of no use. I want to share my experience with all to assure that God and spirituality is not confined within religious walls. We can live a meaningful spiritual life anywhere and still can be close to God. This book also explains how we can create our own path for God realization and soul realization. I have also tried to simplify the technique of exercising popular but misunderstood terms like meditation, karma and thoughts. To sum up, this book is all about the beautiful phenomenon of our life.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJan 28, 2014
Within Godwaves

Sabita Mishra

I like to call myself a seeker. I have done Master’s Degree in English Literature. I started my professional career as a school teacher at the age of eighteen and later worked as a lecturer from certificate up to Master’s level in several colleges. Currently, I am living in Tasmania and am doing meditative research on metaphysics.

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    Within Godwaves - Sabita Mishra

    Copyright © 2014 by Sabita Mishra.

    ISBN:                     Softcover                        978-1-4931-3092-4

                                   Ebook                             978-1-4931-3109-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 01/08/2014

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    How Does God Look?

    What Is Divine Waves?

    How Can We Feel God?

    How Does God Work?

    What Is God’s Role?

    Where Does God Live?

    What Other Realms (Worlds) Are There Beside God’s Realm?

    Spiritual Evolution

    Purpose of Creation

    The Law of Nature

    The Law of Karma (Law of Used Waves)

    What Is Law of Karma?

    Source of Thoughts

    Law of Karma and Its Effect on Life and Death


    What Happens Before Death?

    What Happens After Death?

    How To Do Good Karma?

    Wisdom and Knowledge

    Connection with God


    Forgiveness and Let Go

    Perceiving and Treating Challenging Actions of People




    Spirituality in Children


    How To Be Rich?


    How To Be Beautiful

    Beautiful Face

    Food In Relation to Beauty

    Power of Thought Over Life

    Mind and Consciousness


    Symptoms of Depression

    Causes of Depression


    Feeling Great in Whatever We Are Doing


    We Are Born to Give

    Art of Living Is the Art of Thinking


    What Will Happen?


    I would like to acknowledge with pleasure a very special thanks to God who invited me into a new dimension. I am equally grateful to the two angels I am living with—my husband and my son without whose support this book could remain only within my mind. I also like to thank my parents, family, friends, former students and colleagues for their keen interest and inspiration. I can’t help thanking very supportive, understanding and trustworthy Xlibris team who turned my manuscript into a precious book.


    From the days I can remember of my childhood, till now, the most mysterious and the most interesting thing in this universe, for me, is God. As a child, I used to hear people talking about an unknown thing or person named God in different occasions, which I had never seen and nobody said they did. Same mysterious thing was discussed and worshipped in lots of rituals with different names. People prayed in front of men or women like objects or images. I used to be gravitated with the images and statues of Christ, Buddha, Confucius, Allah, Mohammed, Shiva, Dura, Ganesh, and so many others. I used to observe them for a long time in silence and used to think which one of them truly was God. I have also heard that God is one. This idea of one God and multiple images at the same time made me confused and skeptical. I used to talk about this with my friends and they usually said, ‘We don’t know what you talk about! Talking about God is grandma’s job. You are not old yet!’ Whenever I asked about the true meaning of God with my parents and teachers, they used to give me a strange look and used to say that I was too young to understand. Some said, ‘God lives in the sky, we can’t see him. Ram, Krishna, Ganesh, Christ, Allah, Mohammad, Buddha, all are God.’ Whatever they said, I used to notice ignorance and confusion in their face, though they pretended to know. As I grew up in Hindu society, almost everything was worshipped in my surrounding as God. Tree, river, herbs, sky, animals, sun, moon, stars, planets and fire, etc., all used to be worshipped in different occasions. This created turmoil of questions in my head. Finding God was my major issue of concern whilst all the kids of my age used to enjoy their childhood with plays and fun.

    I used to collect with deep respect any available images of so-called God, used to bow down and search God wherever red powder called abir and flowers were offered. I wondered how the incense sticks (dhoop) and oil candles (deep) could satisfy God. Different curious questions like, ‘how can a man or woman be God if they are humans like us? If they have hands, they must be for work; if they have tongues, they must like delicious food; if they have tummies, they must eat; if they have legs, they must walk; and if they do what we do, how come they be God? If Christ is God for some people (messenger for most), Buddha is for others and same with all the Greeks, Hindu or Greek god and goddess. In this crowd of gods, who is the almighty one? At the same time, all these people who used to be worshipped never said they were God. They, too, used to talk about someone special, the almighty, the omnipotence and omnipresent above them, and used to bow their heads in prayer. Who is the One that is superior to whom we are praying?’ These questions and curiosities used to haunt me whenever I was alone.

    When I reached 7, I read a story about Buddha in a children’s storybook. It was about how he went to a jungle, leaving his family and home in search of God, meditated and got nirvana. I asked with one of my teachers what nirvana meant and he told it was something like finding God. I got so excited and thought, ‘If Buddha can find God, why cannot I?’ I started to think about going to the jungle. First, it was a bit painful thought as I had to leave my family and friends behind, but the quest was so strong, I prepared myself ready for that. There was a dense forest in about thirty kilometres away from my home, where I had been twice for school picnic. I planned to go at early dawn on Saturday as the school would be closed. I thought about which of my clothes should be taken and in which bag. I was least worried about food because Buddha had not eaten much being busy in meditation. I had also known that there will be fruit trees in the jungle. Finally, the grand Saturday was close. I heard my parents whispering once why I was lost in my thoughts and was less active at play, and my mom seemed a bit worried for that may create problem mixing up with friends ahead. They asked me what the matter was about, and I replied everything was perfectly fine. I started perceiving all my friends as kids who were too young to understand my mission and my family as obstacle who could stop me from doing such an incredible job. I decided to keep it as a grand secret. I turned a bit sad and feared inside but was very much determined. I imagined when I would find God, I would tell him (I don’t know why I used to imagine him as a male) the whole story, make friend and bring home so that I can show all those people who ‘he’ really was.

    Finally came the Friday night, my last night at home. I was lying in my bed just after dinner, pretending I was sleepy and tired. I intentionally didn’t move my body at all to show that I was asleep but was wiggling my toes under the blanket and was planning about the grand day. I didn’t want to fall asleep the whole night because I wanted to get up early morning at dark so that no one would see me. Suddenly, I got distracted. I heard my parents talking something about clothes. I listened carefully and as the door was widely open in my room, I heard they were planning to buy me couple of beautiful cotton dress (perhaps to make me active again) the same Saturday. I got tempted. I thought, ‘Why not go on next Saturday with new frocks as I can’t buy them in a jungle?’ I imagined myself looking pretty in those new frocks and decided to wear one of them when I would find God. I imagined how God would look at me lovingly, saying I was so beautiful and might hold me in his hands! I cancelled my departure. But after that, though I got new dresses, I felt strangely afraid of my plan. I got one more week to think about it and found myself emotionally weaker day by day and it ended up in lack of courage to leave home. I couldn’t go to the jungle.

    My quest for God remained the same even though I stayed home. I started fasting, reading religious books, though I couldn’t understand them fully most of the times. I was always attracted with the saints and sadhus in orange or white robes and was eager to know about what they did and what they learnt by being a sadhu. At the corner of my heart, there was (there still is) a burning desire—I wish I could also be a sadhu! And I never knew the reason behind that. When I grew up, I started thinking about God more logically than before. I also wondered, who I was, why I and others were in this world, who plants and animals were, what would happen after death, and so many others. I read the Bible, translated a version of Koran, books written on Hinduism, Buddhism, and so on. Later I got a few books, which names I don’t remember, that attracted me a lot, and they were about spirituality. I found those books to be secular and more logical than the religious books. I started engulfing such books, being a bookworm. While doing my master’s degree, I got an opportunity to read lots of philosophers, from Plato and Aristotle to Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and many others. I found these philosophers’ ideas to be beautiful and rational, but unfortunately highly complicated, hypothetical and irrelevant to apply in my day-to-day life to find God because most of the articles were not about God. I wanted something easy to understand, logical, and satisfying. Some books left me with more questions, and most of the religious and philosophical or spiritual books were so complex to understand, my mind hardly understood what they were about even to sum up. I sometimes used to get frustrated being inefficient to cope up with the complex explanation of God and the meditation process. To understand God, I had to understand all the scientific, cosmic modern theories. To understand meditation, I had to know about all the biological chakras, auras, and heavy Sanskrit words. I used to feel like a fly in a cobweb.

    When I started working as a lecturer, I used to share my passion about God with students. Almost all used to listen in pin-drop silence, some thought I was crazy. I used to feel uncomfortable as I still could not find true meaning of God to satisfy and appease all the questions haunting inside me. I was in a way aching inside for God. Meanwhile, I came to live in Tasmania with my husband and son, and that was where the miracle happened in my life. My little rented home became Buddha’s Pipalbot (the tree under which Buddha had got enlightenment) for me. I refrained from my busy schedule of full-time job. I didn’t work to earn and instead became a mum, a wife, and a homemaker. I got hours to meditate and think about God in peace. My job then became to do a meditative research on God. I stopped reading, extending meditation for hours to think about God. I did this meditative research for almost three years. Finally, I felt that I’m on the right track! I felt a sort of connection with something unknown, strange, mysterious, but very satisfying and lovely to be with. I got so much thrilled, chilled, and excited the first time I felt this connection that it shook my whole body, I was about to jump and got distracted. After repeating the same process or method I had discovered to ease my research several times, I started feeling the strange connection, frequently and finally in every try. Yes! I got the true feeling of God which could satisfy me and the awakening about His details gave me absolute contentment. Yes! I found him! Not only that, I developed an easy technique to connect and communicate with him. I started asking questions with God and got to see this world with new perspective. I used to wonder why all the religions, spiritual leaders, explain almost the same thing and got the answer that two plus two equals four in all languages. When I started sharing about all these with my husband, he liked my noble explanation of God so much, he encouraged me to write about them and to share with the world. I started meditating and writing. My 9-year-old son added extra enthusiasm on it, which inspired me a lot to share my ideas with fellow souls. And this is how I began writing my experience and understanding about God and spirituality. I also have attempted to share this in as simplest words as I can because now, I know that God and meditation is as simple and natural for us to understand as our breathing.


    God is Good. He is a tiny and invisible point of love. God doesn’t have any size, shape, or material body like we have. He has made a subtle abstract body or, better to say, mind with the waves created by him that surrounds himself. There is nothing beyond the reach of these godly waves. God is a soul, a super-conscious living entity that neither is born nor dies. This tinniest point of love is the most powerful concentrated entity of all. From this point emerges the millions ocean of love, peace, happiness, bliss, kindness, purity, divinity, cleanliness, power, and so many more that can’t be described in words. To simplify this, millions of oceans of life are created by this powerful point that fills all souls. He is the almighty, supreme intelligence, and the ultimate truth, beauty, and wisdom. No words can describe exactly how good and beautiful he is. He is the one who runs not only this physical universe but also all the spiritual, natural, and cosmic realms. Everything we can see, feel, imagine, and beyond belongs to God for they all are God’s creation. God is genderless, but we address him as male because he is a powerful creator, protector, and provider. Not only that, he also carries the seeds of love sown in all souls.

    We also are souls, tiny points of love and consciousness like God, the miniature of God. Let’s be clear with the fact that God has filled all souls with his love but has not created us, the souls. Supreme soul and souls are same pure consciousness that neither were born nor will die. No one created them nor will they be destroyed. Supreme soul and we, the souls, make a set which creates wholeness. We all were, are, and will be, there in existence forever but we are nothing without God. God makes us fill with his tremendous divinity and virtues, prepares essential environment for us to function. Otherwise, we will just be passive conscious living entity with no love and virtue, with no function and dead-like.

    How Does God Look?

    God can’t be looked at; he only can be felt because he doesn’t have any colour, size, shape, or material form. He is colourless, incorporeal, metaphysical, super-vibrational entity who is not seen and cannot be explained in terms of material perception. We feel him as the smallest point of consciousness which creates massive divine waves or aura made up of love which embodies peace, happiness, bliss, purity, power, intelligence, and so on. All the souls receive, use, and exercise these waves to fill themselves and to give meaning to their life. The sun looks as a plate, creating and spreading light and heat equally. Somehow, likewise, God feels a point, creating and spreading divinity equally and powerfully. Within that huge oceanic divine waves, this tiny universe functions. Nothing is there beyond the cocoon of theses divine waves.

    What Is Divine Waves?

    God’s waves vibrate and reach everywhere that appears as empty space that surrounds us. Yes! The source of this space is God. As God’s waves are vibrating, so are ours. Therefore we cannot feel that vibration. We, the souls, are stimulated by God’s waves to help make our own waves and they get spread vibrating within God’s waves again. This creates synchronization of vibrations so that this space feels still. If we didn’t have our own waves, we would be still, without any vibrations. In that case we could be thrilled with the high frequency vibration of this space. As we, souls, and God’s waves keep vibrating at the same time, though with different frequency, we feel this space to be still. We work in the physical world with our physical hands, feet, and body whereas God works with this space—the waves. This space looks empty to us but it’s not, in fact it is God’s subtle metaphysical body or could be his mind, full of waves, filled with energies. All the energies in different forms are prevailed in this space. There are divine, natural, and artificial energies there. The energies of different souls and even of material objects are also present there. Artificial energies are temporary and transformed forms of cosmic-natural energy, used in a different way. They must go back to the original self some day. Natural energies are also transformed form of God energy for specific purpose which differ in this universe according to its place and purpose. This also gets back to dissolve in God energy at the end of creation. The only permanent energy that sustains in this universe is of God. Souls can’t create those powerful waves on themselves, they have the potentiality to charge themselves with these godly waves and function through them as the batteries. Without God, souls become like the flat batteries—unable to function. It’s the one and only godly divine energy that lasts forever. This space is exactly the same before, during and after creation. Creation happens within this cocoon of godly waves. During the creation, it gets prepared according to the need to create required environment for the souls. Therefore, this godly vibration surrounds and penetrates us and everything easily. As every material thing including body is made up of nothing, the empty molecules of atomic particles, there is no difference for these waves, whether it’s solid, liquid, or gas form. Every tiniest particle of this space is the smallest fraction of the waves of God. Each of these particles has got immense power and brilliance to function, they are sent with the signal from God. Every single particle carries and represents the reason why it is sent. So, it’s in a way like God as his miniature. That’s why God is omnipresent.

    How Can We Feel God?

    If we touch our mother’s hand, hair, or body we can feel her. Likewise we can feel God with this ocean of vibrating waves. This space that surrounds us in and out is the godly waves in which we are functioning. We always searched God on people, place, or something that is far away. We took this space for granted and didn’t bother to know what it is, or we simply thought it to be empty and meaningless. The greatest illusion on earth is created by light. Light turns the space into transparent emptiness and the material object into the seen reality. This gives us an illusion so that the seen appears to be real and the unseen to be unreal. In fact, this space is full, as we can see its density at night when it covers the seen objects. That is the reality. Isn’t it amazing to look

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