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Christians Cannot Lose Their Salvation: A Proof
Christians Cannot Lose Their Salvation: A Proof
Christians Cannot Lose Their Salvation: A Proof
Ebook70 pages1 hour

Christians Cannot Lose Their Salvation: A Proof

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Finally a solution! For hundreds of years, the question of whether Christians can lose their salvation has been debated, discussed, and fought over, causing division and animosity in the body of Christ. Churches have split and close Christian friends have parted ways over this one issue. Denominations have taken both sides. Countless professors, theologians, and pastors have weighed in on this topic, with still no solution.
This book provides proof that you cannot lose your salvation. Unlike other written material on this subject, this book takes a novel approach by presenting the doctrine you must believe in in order to lose your salvation. This book will stun you as it takes you through a maze of one false doctrine after another of what you must believe in in order to lose your salvation. It should convince even the most hardline and skeptical students of this subject. This is a must read for pastors, church leaders, professors of theology, ardent students of the scriptures, and believers.
Release dateNov 14, 2013
Christians Cannot Lose Their Salvation: A Proof

Don Faix

Where is this church of power that we see in the Book of Acts? Where are the local bodies of believers that manifest the supernatural power of God today? Has the desire to preach the gospel and win souls all but disappeared from the local church? This intense and challenging book seeks to answer the simple question. “How did Jesus intend every local church to be built.” It will present the ten most basic principles in the building of every local church. After some 30 years of doing seminars on the ‘concept of build’ every church that received this teaching has admitted to applying less than two of these principles. As a result, many sitting in the church pews are just not saved. Further, there is a lack of discipleship to equip the saints to go forth and advance the kingdom of God. The hope of this book is to see a restoration of local churches. Churches that will turn from their traditions and man-made ways of growing a church to building a church that the Lord will take pleasure in and be glorified.

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    Christians Cannot Lose Their Salvation - Don Faix

    © 2013, 2014 Don Faix. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/06/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-3504-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-3503-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013920678

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.


    Chapter 1:   The Proof is in the Doctrine

    Chapter 2:   The Questionnaire

    Chapter 3:   What You Must Believe

    Chapter 4:   The First False Doctrine

    Chapter 5:   Arriving at Point B

    Chapter 6:   False Doctrines Two, Three, and Four

    Chapter 7:   False Doctrine Five

    Chapter 8:   Conditional Security

    Chapter 9:   False Doctrine Six

    Chapter 10:   False Doctrine Seven

    Chapter 11:   The Working of the Holy Spirit

    Chapter 12:   False Doctrine Eight

    Chapter 13:   What’s the Big Deal?

    Chapter 14:   We Cannot Lose Our Salvation



    The Proof is in the Doctrine

    Can you lose your salvation?

    This book provides proof of why you cannot.

    Someone may ask, Who cares? Well, every Christian should care. As we shall see, this may be one of the most important doctrines taught in the Bible.

    Let me digress briefly into how I became involved in this arena and what led me to write this book.

    Around thirty years ago, shortly after I was saved, the Lord brought a Christian brother into my life who attended a nearby Bible college. Several days a week for a couple of years, Ed drilled the word of God into me. One day, the topic of whether you could lose your salvation came up. His standing on this subject was that if many of the Bible professors (who knew the scriptures far better than he did) at the college he attended were divided on this topic, then who was he to weigh in on this subject? Good advice. We never brought this subject up again.

    Over the years, I have had some interest in this topic, did some studying, and always took the stance that you could not lose your salvation. I’ve had some interesting debates and discussions on this topic, but it seems that after you throw a scripture out as evidence, someone else will counter with a verse of his or her own, and back and forth you will go with no one gaining an inch. I’ll admit that after debating this subject with strong Christians, there are many scriptures in the Bible that seemed to indicate that one could indeed lose his or her salvation.

    What has saddened me, though, is the hostility that exists among the brethren over this issue. Brother against brother, church against church, denomination against denomination. I know of churches that have split over this single issue. There is no question that the church of Jesus Christ needs a solution and closure on this subject.

    Several years ago, the Lord renewed my interest in this debate. I began reading books that discussed losing your salvation. After intently studying these books, a green light came on. It became obvious to me that one needed to believe in several false doctrines, which most well-rounded Christians would not believe in, to lose your salvation. Therefore, most of this book is written to enlighten readers on the doctrines they must believe in to lose their salvation. Hopefully, you will conclude, as I did, that you cannot lose your salvation.

    Since so much has been written on this volatile subject within the body of Christ, let me get right to the point. For the sake of argument, let’s just presume the body of Christ is split fifty-fifty on this issue. My contention is that most Christians who believe they can lose their salvation believe this largely for the wrong reasons. Here are but a few:

    • They see professed Christians who have been in the faith for many years living a sinful life.

    • They were shown several verses of scripture by a brother or sister in the Lord that are clear warnings you will not inherit the Kingdom of God if you commit certain sins.

    • A trustworthy pastor preaches as much.

    • Since we have free will, it seems obvious that a true believer can change his or her mind, reject Christ, and walk away.

    In reply to all of these statements, I ask you to consider where the doctrine is, for the proof is in the doctrine!

    So many Christians believe they can lose their salvation, but from a biblical and doctrinal standpoint, they can’t tell you why. I have discussed this with countless Christians who believe they can lose their salvation, and not one has given me the correct answers. The questionnaire in the following chapter will prove this point. Very simply, then, unlike other

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