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Ms Justice: Meting Justice
Ms Justice: Meting Justice
Ms Justice: Meting Justice
Ebook99 pages52 minutes

Ms Justice: Meting Justice

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About this ebook

Synne City Super Heroine in Peril fiction at its finest!

Ms Justice comes to Synne City. She is a legendary masked crime fighter, but from another city. Having tamed one lawless city, she's confident that she'll succeed just as gloriously as before. But first, Synne City's resident villainy have a surprise for her.

The famed masked vigilante learns a hard fact: New city, new problems. Her new hometown proves a lot more vicious and dangerous, and she quickly finds herself knocked back on her heels. Now she must fight to survive another day against organized villains who've never known defeat either, and play a whole lot dirtier.

This is a book of approximately 21,600 words of actual story, and a great book if you want a fun, adult super heroine in peril romp.

Read the entire Synne City Super Heroine in Peril Series:
Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice
Ms Amazing: Super Heroine Sex Bet
Ms Amazing: Public Service
Ms Patriot: Lair of the Dragon
Ms Amazing: Antidote
Catgirl: Heat of the Night
Amazing Girl: Learning the Ropes
Ms Amazing: Captive of the Mob
Catgirl: Moonstruck
Ms Amazing: Super Heroine Gambit
Catgirl: On the Prowl
Ms Amazing: Reign of the Minotaur
Ms Amazing: Battering Ram of Justice
Catgirl: Catcall
Midnight Avenger: Midnight Special
Kunoichi: Fury of the Ninja
Ms Amazing: Evil Roundup
Catgirl: Dark Harvest
Ms Amazing: Femme Fatale
Ms Amazing: Lair of the Lycans
Catgirl: Catspaw
Guardienne: Called to Serve
Ms Amazing: Battle Cry
Ms Amazing: Knock Down Drag Out Collection
Fury: Fast and Furious
Ms Justice: Meting Justice
...and more to come!

About the Author:
JK Waylon loves to read and write Fantasy and Erotica, and it they are combined, even better. He has a lifelong love of comic books and sexy super heroines, too.

Release dateSep 4, 2018
Ms Justice: Meting Justice

JK Waylon

JK Waylon loves to read and write Fantasy and Erotica, and it they are combined, even better.

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    Book preview

    Ms Justice - JK Waylon


    Synne City Super Heroines in Peril #26


    JK Waylon

    * * * * *


    Smokin' Hot Press

    Copyright 2018 by JK Waylon

    Cover art by Nathan Boutwell

    This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Unless stated otherwise, all characters in this work are 18 years old or older.

    Table of Contents:

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    About the author

    Ms Justice: Meting Justice

    Synne City Super Heroines in Peril #26

    Evil's a booming business in this town, Ms Justice said, bright blue eyes narrowed as she gazed down from the six-story apartment building. She'd been watching a suspicious character for about ten minutes when he'd suddenly pulled a gun and yanked an elderly man into a nearby alley. Good thing Justice is always on the clock.

    She sucked in a deep, refreshing breath, striking a classic super heroine pose. The bright early-morning sun made her red, white, and blue costume all but shine. Her bustier featured a single red stripe up the front and another up her spine, with blue stripes down the sides. White stripes stood in-between, while her bustier's breast cups were star-spangled blue, just like her skimpy shorts. Ms Justice accessorized with blue mask, red opera gloves, and red patent thigh boots. A wide golden belt encircled her tiny waist.

    It feels so good to do the right thing, she whispered, pulling her smartphone out of a secret pocket inside her right thigh boot. The shapely heroine tapped an app to call the police to her GPS location, typing in MUGGING under comments. Shame more people aren't doing it.

    After putting the phone away, Ms Justice glanced left and right to confirm nothing bigger was going down, and then did a swan dive off the building. Her power of flight kicked in. The beautiful masked vigilante swooped down and slammed bodily into the mugger, smashing him into the brick wall next to his victim.

    Ouch, Ms Justice said rather playfully. The pistol – a cheap revolver that probably would've blown up with the first shot – dropped from limp fingers, and she saw his eyes rolled up. Stepping back and releasing him, the shapely heroine watched him crumple to the ground with a bemused look. Yep, bet that hurt.

    She kicked the pistol across the alley before turning to the victim. Approaching sirens already filled the early morning air. The victim was an elderly Latino, now gawking at her. Okay, mostly at her boobs.

    Eyes up here, mister, Ms Justice said, pointing helpfully. His eyes shifted up. To her glossy red lips. Are you okay, sir? Did the mugger injure you in any way.

    No. No, I'm good, he said, licking his lips. "Who are you, chica? Are you new?"

    I'm glad you're not hurt, she said, bright blue eyes cutting to the nearby street as two squad cars come to screeching stops. She had to avert her eyes from the flashing lights; ironically, the red, white, and blue spinning had always made her nauseous. I'm Ms Justice. I transferred here from Philly after the recent losses of Glory Gal and Midnight Avenger.

    Cops came into the alley, pistols drawn. She shook her head. Why? It was obvious she'd taken care of the threat already. Men! Always needed guns to feel powerful and important.

    Hello, officers. I'm Ms Justice, she said, and indicated the elderly man. This is the victim. Then she pointed at the unconscious man. And that piece of filth is the mugger. His weapon in over there in the shadows.

    The cops all had to introduce themselves, shake her hand, and stare at her tits for way longer than necessary. Hell, eight squad cars ultimately answered the call. Since the app did tell the police dispatcher exactly who was calling, Ms Justice could only assume so many had answered just to meet the new girl on the block. And one and all, including the victim, spent an awful lot of time staring at her.

    I'll swing by the station later and file my statement, officers, the busty heroine said as she started to lift off. Thanks for, um, responding so quickly.

    Ms Justice took off like a bullet. If she lingered, the cops would keep calling her back down all damn night. About five stories up, she turned to the street proper, looking for crime and injustice. Anything at all. The first few weeks on the job had to be all about PR, making a good first impression on the police and general public, while scaring the bejesus out of the bad guys.

    She didn't have to go far.

    What the hell?

    There was a couple arguing on the balcony of one of the apartment buildings. Top floor of an eight-story structure. But that wasn't what made her eyes narrow. No, what really got her was the little brown dog the man was dangling over the rail.

    Jesus, what's he doing to that poor puppy?!

    That's when she realized they weren't arguing. He was angry, while she was begging him to give her the puppy, promising to do anything. But Ms Justice could tell he was bent on hurting her through that helpless little creature, and it made her blood boil.

    Putting on an extra burst of speed, she whipped up to hover right next to the balcony. The man's eyes all but popped out in surprise, while the woman cried out. Without hesitation, Ms Justice pulled the puppy out of the man's hand.

    You, sir, did a very bad thing, Ms Justice snarled, eyes now a pair of furious slits. She handed the puppy to the woman, and then grabbed the man's shirt with both hands. Come with me.

    Ms Justice shot straight up like a bullet, dragging the screaming man with her. She felt the strain on his shirt's fabric, and briefly worried if it would rip. It would look bad for her if he wound up a stain on the concrete, especially since she was more than capable of catching him before he hit. But would she even try to catch him?

    The stupid bastard screamed all

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