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52 Ways Back Home: the Home series, #1
52 Ways Back Home: the Home series, #1
52 Ways Back Home: the Home series, #1
Ebook171 pages1 hour

52 Ways Back Home: the Home series, #1

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About this ebook

Searching for peace and serenity? Too busy to meditate? Always rushing with no time for yourself?

Try opening this book.

Inside you'll find a heart-led series of insights from one woman's journey back home to herself. At times brutally honest yet always deeply loving. Each stand alone bite-sized piece takes only a few moments to read. But can help you to quickly and deeply connect with whatever you truly need on your own journey.

Stress in your past? Lost touch with yourself?

Treat yourself, treat your heart to this adventure with 52 ways back home to you.

Release dateSep 14, 2018
52 Ways Back Home: the Home series, #1

Beccy Howe

Beccy Howe has worked in the health and therapy field for well over a decade. She loves how both her personal and professional work continues to grow and develop and is honored to the share the journeys of those she meets. She lives in Sydney, Australia with her family and lots of sunshine.

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    Book preview

    52 Ways Back Home - Beccy Howe

    How to use this book

    This book is not meant to be read from start to finish in one sitting. Feel free to do that if you would like to but you will probably miss its maximum benefit.

    The introduction is a great place to start the first time.

    I then recommend pausing for a moment or two, perhaps take a slow breath in and out, and try one of the following:

    1. Open a page at random, or

    2. Scan through the contents pages and see which title stands out or draws you, or

    3. Pick a number from 1 to 52 and read that piece.

    (Each chapter has 13 pieces so Chapter 1 has 1-13, Chapter 2 has 14-26, Chapter 3 has 27-39 and Chapter 4 has 40-52.)

    Find your own way. You know it all already.

    Enjoy the journey. x

    Table of Contents

    How to use this book



    Chapter 1

    Finding your birds

    Being, accepting & loving what is already

    Do you see your life has already started?

    Be like the tree trunk

    An opening flower

    I can choose. So can you

    When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses?

    From the dark to the light. Are you coming too?

    Are you blocking yourself?

    Trying to heal another

    How good will you let yourself feel?

    You have 2 choices in life

    Shine or shadow?

    Chapter 2

    Stop to look around you

    Tips for a healthy life (don't let the weeds grow too long)

    Do we need to wait in the unknown?

    Are you letting someone else's shadow dim you & your brilliance?

    Sometimes there is nothing to fix

    Do you ever feel lonely, like you ‘don't fit in'?

    Time to let go?

    How do I know?

    Who are you being now?

    Going with the flow

    Finding joy in unexpected places

    Which path shall I take today?

    Laying down on the side of the road

    Chapter 3

    Standing out or blending in?

    I need to be different

    Is your climb too big?

    I am alone

    Too hard to look at

    Who shall I be today?

    Peace is in your heart, if you let it

    There is a fight going on inside of me

    Do I have to leave my body?

    Time for a change?

    Is there a way (to be with you)?

    I am enough already

    Holding on to feelings

    Chapter 4

    Can I remember where my heart is?

    Inwards first

    Is this my home or someone else's?

    I don't want to …

    You are here

    Is there a path?

    Why is it the hardest thing?

    Does success have to be conditional?

    Is there a time for joy?

    My son put a sticker on my shoulder this morning

    Do I acknowledge you?

    When you are growing

    What is it you want from your life today, sweetheart?



    I suppose I have known Beccy for most of the decade that she says she has been consciously in the healing business; what she calls the health and therapy field. I am sure that the roots, trunk, branches, leaves and flowers, that have taken form in this very attractive book come from the seed of a life that is now only beginning to blossom into maturity. There is a forest to come from Beccy herself and from those, whether clients or students, that she will inspire.

    In the decade of our relationship, roles have been teacher, supervisor, student and friend. At 86 I rather forget who was which and am happy to leave it that way.

    52 Ways Back Home is a profoundly simple book; or simply profound; according to your taste.

    Beccy gives us a series of reflections to look at in the mirror that she holds up to us. One for each week of the year. She gently invites us to honesty and from honesty, to awareness and from awareness, to the possibility of empowerment. We do not get fixed. We expand into our natural true selves that are unimaginable to the limitations of our habituations.

    Sensation, feeling, thinking and intuition are all there and presented with a vulnerability which invites us to find our own. This is not a didactic book; it comes from Beccy’s experience – her journey. Signposts are there to help us find and keep on our own path. I join her in asking you to take it.

    Presence, listening, feeling, relationship, love, trust, intelligence (yes, and the intellect!) are all in evidence; as are their opposites.

    The illustrations generously and appropriately ease us into sensation and feeling. It is a cohesive and rounded story. The outer reflects the inner, and the reverse. It is meditation and compassion and action.

    Yes! You are good enough. Be that! Read the book and find out how to get back home to who you really are.

    Mike Boxhall RCST FCSTA

    Director of The Empty Chair Teaching Foundation


    When I was 12 my father died, suddenly, in a helicopter crash.

    I ‘knew' this was bad, was big, was upsetting but over the years as I grew I think I got ‘busy'.

    I had things to get done. Things that were far more pressing, urgent important.

    People told me, advised me to Just feel it. To Sit still. Why don't you …? So obvious, so simple, so easy, to them. So easy.

    Over time I grew. Physically, professionally, emotionally and mentally. My career took off ironically, maybe obviously, in caring for others. My aim became to help others feel good. Feel well. Like themselves.

    I didn't know, really wasn't conscious at all, of what was going on inside of me.

    I really was too busy. This thing really was too ‘important' / ‘urgent' / ‘valuable'.

    To care for them. To fix that. To improve ….

    I honestly, consciously anyway, didn't know that I was holding so much, carrying so much pain, fear, intense emotion.

    I got stuff done sure. I progressed. I grew. I ‘succeeded'. Sometimes did amazing things. But, but, but. My tendency was still to be busy. To move, to rush perhaps. To not sit still for long, or certainly not to feel deeply and be in my body as so many fellow adults, carers, supervisors advised.

    Yes I ‘achieved'. Yes I felt good. But how was I on the inside?

    In 2015 I found myself with time on my hands. No obvious big goal to achieve. No obvious big place to go or be. I loved my family dearly and I loved where and how we were living. I felt, and was, and am, so blessed, so lucky in so many ways.

    This time though, this time something was different. Something was different.

    I found myself going on early morning walks. Initially as a way of ticking some boxes (exercise, meditation etc). Meeting

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