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Ashley’s Expanding
Ashley’s Expanding
Ashley’s Expanding
Ebook50 pages32 minutes

Ashley’s Expanding

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About this ebook

Ashley has always been small, but age and decadence are rounding her out. When she accepts her new curves and meets Alex, she discovers just how sexy her ballooning body can be, especially with a hot, rich dom to help her along. This weight-gain erotica contains elements of BDSM, consensual forced-feeding and vivid descriptions of Ashley's changing form as expands bigger and bigger and bigger. Ashley's Expanding is the first in a series that will follow this smart millennial beauty on her erotic gaining adventure, from a tiny tummy to infinite possibilities.

Release dateSep 4, 2018
Ashley’s Expanding

Faith Brightwing

If the girl two cubicles down is starting to strain against her sweaters, if the neighborhood yoga bunny is swelling out of her stretch pants, if your favorite style blogger is pudging out of her designer jeans, then you may be living in the Faith Brightwing universe.Faith Brightwing writes weight-gain erotica across multiple genres, focusing on girl-next-door types who find themselves in sticky situations with an undeniable fat-fantasy-feeder edge. Feederism, BDSM, FA and erotic gaining make fattening fun for these characters, who get stuffed in ways they consented to, and sometimes asked for, but certainly never expected.

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    Book preview

    Ashley’s Expanding - Faith Brightwing

    Ashley’s Expanding

    By Faith Brightwing

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2018 Faith Brightwing 

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1

    When I walk down the street, people stare at me. I’m used to it. The swish of my hips, the click of my heels, the way my shiny, auburn curls bounce just-so on my shoulders. When I stretch to reach my office mailbox at work, my back arches and my breasts push a little against the silky button down shirts that I like to wear. When I bend over to adjust my shoe after yoga, my ass strains against my leggings in a luscious way. I can feel eyes on me, and it makes me feel beautiful.

    At work one day,  I begin to feel different. The pencil skirt I usually wear must have shrunk at the dry cleaners, because it is riding a little higher than usual. Hm. I brush off the feeling and continue my afternoon snack of peanut butter crackers and apple juice.

    The next week, I notice it again. Those dry cleaners must have changed their formula, I say as I try to pull my skirt down over my hips and thighs. Today, my blouse fits differently too, pulling between the buttons and revealing the lace of my bra.

    I’m finishing my late-afternoon snack (I snack a lot!) of a banana with hazelnut spread, when I notice it’s almost 4 p.m.

    Oh! I exclaim, and grab my gym bag. I’m almost late for yoga!

    When I arrive at the yoga studio, I pull on my lulu leggings and with an exasperated sigh, pat my belly. Maybe it’s not the dry cleaners. I admit to myself. I don’t dry clean my yoga clothes, and yet my size smalls are stretched pretty tight these days. Harrumph. I do a few bends and stretches in the locker room to make sure that nothing embarrassing escapes during class.

    Downward dog! shouts Marisa, our drill sergeant of an instructor. Isn’t yoga supposed to be relaxing? Marisa didn’t get that memo.

    Cow pose!

    I’m on my knees, filling my belly with air and slowly exhaling it as instructed, arching my back, elbows to the floor. Oh no, I can feel it happening. The waistband on my leggings is about to roll down and expose my pale, white tum as it inflates and deflates. How embarrassing. I try to improvise by taking breaths that are more shallow.

    Ashley! Inhale! Deep belly breaths! says Marisa, walking over to my spot. She stands there and eyes me for a moment while I try my best to inhale without a wardrobe malfunction.

    She moves on without a word, but approaches

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