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Married for Now
Married for Now
Married for Now
Ebook223 pages3 hours

Married for Now

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Overwhelmed with guilt for cheating on her partner, Jacky finds solace in her husband’s arms... until she can no longer take it. In a problematic marriage, her husband must come to terms what has happened. When another man enters Jacky’s life, she must make the decision to escape her failing marriage or to stick with the man she loves.

I normally don't carry over reviews, but this novel is one you will certainly want to pick up!

~ABS, CBS, NRC, 5 Star Reviews~

"The perfect romance novel!" ~ Sasha D.

"Captured my heart from the very first page and never let it go." ~ Ann J.

"I loved the interactions between Jacky and her partners..." - Tom D.

"‘Absolutely fantastic, I loved this book and will definitely be remembering and revisiting it in future." - Anonymous

"Brilliant character development. Wow. Just, wow." - AdultBooks

"A breath of fresh air!" - FairlyFriendlyBooks

PublisherJezebel Rose
Release dateSep 12, 2018
Married for Now

Jezebel Rose

♥︎ Latest News! ♥︎My Erotica By Newest Release: to me on the left to receive an email every time I write a new story!Buy Stories and XXX Story-related content on my Website!www.Jezebel-Rose.comWritten Erotica Newsletter: Out My XXX Side: Me Personally: My Erotica: (Includes Story-Related XXX Content!)~~~ About Me ~~~I've been writing since 2003. At this point, I have over 2700 erotica titles to choose from! I have two associate degrees, one in Writing and the other in American Literature. Master's in Creative Writing. PhD Expressive Writing. You can call me Dr. Jezebel Rose if you wish! If you want a quality piece of work, email me, and we can work together so that I can give you something you can keep forever as your own. I've fulfilled about 700~ custom erotica stories.~~~ Don't forget to sort by newest for my highest quality work ~~~ALL 2200+ ALL STORIES WRITTEN: 500+ PRIVATE COLLECTION: 500+ EROTICA BUNDLES: 200+ Incest: Daddy: Direct Sibling Sex: Mother Daughter: Mother Son Erotica: 500+ Sex Slavery: 500+ Rape: 500+ Bestiality: 400+ Paranormal Erotica Stories: 500+ Barely Legal Erotica: Time Stop Erotica: 200+ Incest: Daddy: Direct Sibling Sex: Mother Daughter: Mother Son Erotica: Reader Sets Price (changes weekly): Cuckold: Lesbian: Birthing Erotica: BDSM: Sadism: Humiliation: Historical: Masochism: Romance Novels: is more, but you might have to join Discord. I'm out of room here.

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    Book preview

    Married for Now - Jezebel Rose

    Married for Now

    Jezebel Rose


    This is a new erotica book with explicit themes involving sex. Intended for mature audiences.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enJackyyment only. All characters in this story are 18+. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright © 2013 Jezebel Rose

    Cover image used under license from


    Overwhelmed with guilt for cheating on her partner, Jacky finds solace in her husband’s arms… until she can no longer take it. In a problematic marriage, her husband must come to terms what has happened. When another man enters Jacky’s life, she must make the decision to escape her failing marriage or to stick with the man she loves.


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    Married for Now

    She could not let him go. She wanted to feel him close to her. She tried to touch his muscular chest pressing against the summits of her granite pointed breasts. She knew that this was going to be her last opportunity to let him know how she felt.

    Wait, she called. Wait for me.

    He turned and stood silhouetted against the hot, southern sun. Lifting the hem of her long skirt, Jacky ran towards him. Flinging herself against him, she held him tightly against her perspiring body. She could barely get her arms around his strong manliness. Laying her head against his heaving chest, Jacky felt his sweat coat her cheek.

    Please don't go. Please don't go, she begged. I love you.

    Justin's voice rolled up from deep in his chest. I love you too my darling. I was afraid that you wouldn't want me after doing what I had to do.

    Lifting her face to look at him, Jacky stood on her tiptoes and offered her sweet mouth to him.

    I will always love you, she murmured into his mouth before he crushed her to his body.

    Jacky’s breasts heaved in passion as they shared a deep kiss. She felt his colossal maleness rise up and touch her belly. Feeling wanton, she pressed herself against him to let him know that she was not afraid of his power.

    Alina carefully inserted her bookmark and closed the book. Rolling over she placed it on the bedside table and glanced at the clock.

    Midnight, she thought. I wish I could get to sleep earlier. I have to be up and at the school by eight.

    After turning off her reading lamp, Alina rolled back over and pressed herself against her husband's side.

    I wonder if he wants to wake up. She asked herself.

    She knew she was wet down there. Reading romance novels always did that to her. Inching up her nightgown, she bared her thighs and straddled Harry's leg. She could feel her moisture coating his flesh, and she squeezed his leg between her thighs.

    Umm, what's wrong? Harry mumbled. Can't you sleep? I have to get up early.

    Disentangling himself from her arms, Harry rolled away from her and started to softly snore.

    Damn it, Alina said under her breath.

    She lifted her hips and pulled her nightgown back down over her thighs. Brushing her fingers against herself, she felt the moisture that had dampened her bush. She tentatively rubbed her fingers between her lips and felt a surge of sensation. She wanted to continue, but the feeling of guilt that overwhelmed her made her stop. As if to mock the gods of guilt, she rubbed herself several more times before pulling her hand away and turning over on her stomach.

    Her last thought before drifting off to sleep was an image of her fantasy Justin standing with his arms open to her.

    Chapter 2

    I hate these early morning conferences, she said to no one in particular. The sun was already hot, and she was sweating against the leather seat of the car. The twins sat silently behind her, their ears plugged up by their CD player headphones.

    Hey, there's a parking place in front, she practically shouted even though she knew the twins could not hear her.

    Pleased with her luck, Alina patiently waited for the woman driving the van to maneuver herself out of the space. Pulling in, she turned off the ignition and waited for the twins to close the door before pushing the lock button.

    You go on to your class, she told them. I'll see you when you get home. Do not miss the bus. Today's my bowling day, and I can't pick up.

    Bye mom, they said in unison and walked towards a group of their friends waiting for the bell to ring.

    Alina spotted several cigarettes being held in cupped hands by some of the boys. She tried, but she could not remember if she smoked when she was a freshman.

    Steven's teacher was a young woman in her late twenties. She was dressed in a sleeveless blouse and a pair of gray slacks. She greeted Alina and asked her to take a seat while she looked for Steven's folder.

    It was not a problematic conference as these things go, Alina thought while walking back towards her car. Steven has to complete his homework and to stop fooling around in class. While she was there, she asked about Steven's sister Sherry.

    I wish Steven could be more like her, the teacher said. She is polite and wants to learn while Steven clowns around too much and disrupts the rest of the class,

    She could have told me that over the phone, thought Alina. I didn't have to drive all of the ways over here for her to tell me that. It's not as if he brought a gun to school or anything.

    Damn it's hot. Why did we have to move to Alabama? There are other places that they could have moved us.

    The store was not crowded at this time of the morning, and Alina picked up a few items. Placing her cup of hot coffee that she had bought in the deli section on the roof of the car, Alina put her bags on the back seat and slid behind the wheel.

    A shadow fell over her, and she looked up to see a vaguely familiar face peering in through the tinted window. The window squeaked as it whirred down and Alina got a better look at him. It was their new neighbor.

    Hi. Remember me? He said. We moved into the house just behind you two weeks ago. I'm Allan Dwyer.

    Oh, yes, responded Alina. I remember you. How are you?

    Reaching up, her neighbor brought her coffee cup down and handed it to her.

    I'm fine, but I don't think that this would have made it all the way to your house, he said with a laugh. I thought you might want to drink it instead of washing your car with it.

    Alina gave an embarrassed laugh in return.

    Thanks. I forgot it was there, she said and took it from his hand.

    I'll see you around, he said and stood up to walk away.

    Alina found herself staring at the crotch of his shorts.

    I can see his package, she giggled to herself. Package! I am talking like someone on TV. I wonder if it is as big as Justin’s.

    Still giggling, Alina put the car into gear and drove home.

    Chapter 3

    Sitting on her bed, Alina pulled her socks and tennis shoes off before crossing her arms and pulling her shirt up over her head on her way to the bathroom. Dropping her socks and shirt into the hamper, she sniffed under her arms and decided to take a shower. Her bra, slacks, and panties followed the socks and shirt into the dirty clothes piled up over the top of the hamper.

    Time for another wash day, she sighed.

    The bowling league started at one o'clock, but Alina liked to get there a little early to have time for some warm-up. This was the only time that she got to practice anymore. She and Harry used to bowl in a mixed league, but they had dropped out when she was pregnant with the twins. Picking up her book from the bedside table, Alina went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Opening the book to the page she had marked the night before, Alina continued to read.

    Jacky woke up with a start. Her back and her legs hurt from the strenuous activities of the afternoon. The sun was down, and she had no idea what time it was. Justin lay beside her with his long hair covering the side of his face. She detected the scent of her spending on his face as she leaned closer to kiss him.

    The instant her lips touched his cheek he awoke with a start causing Jacky to pull back in alarm.

    What's wrong? Are you all right? She asked.

    I was dreaming about you, he said and pulled her down against him.

    Jacky wanted to get up and clean herself, but she allowed him to hold her against his body. She could feel her matted pubic hair stiff against his thigh, and she did not like the feeling. It made her feel dirty.

    I have to get up and wash, she said and pushed against his chest.

    You're not going anywhere, Justin replied and pulled her over the top of his body. He held her against him for a minute and then he continued rolling until he was above her and between her legs.

    Please don't, she begged. My thighs hurt from being stretched.

    I'll stretch you some more, he said and without warning plunged his throbbing member into her almost dry cavern.

    Jacky screamed with the sudden intrusion into her opening, but she knew it was useless. Justin was a rough lover. She had not been prepared for his coarseness when she threw herself at him only a few hours before.

    Submitting to his power, Jacky tried to relax as much as possible to protect her body. The good feelings came back as she felt herself getting wetter while Justin pounded into her. Suddenly, with a shout, he forced his loins tightly against hers and emptied himself into her womb. Once again, she was not satisfied, but that was all right. He would learn. She would teach him.

    Alina felt a twinge between her legs as she marked her page and placed the book on the stand in front of the toilet. Carefully wiping away the moisture that clung to her lips, she allowed her fingers to linger for a moment.

    I haven't done that in years, she thought. I'm going to have to stop reading these books.

    The hot water felt good as Alina washed her hair. She stood under the spray and allowed it cascade down over her body. Her fingers found their way between her legs once again, and this time she let, they remain for a time.

    I'm not masturbating, she rationalized. I'm just relieving some of the tension caused by that damn book.

    Continuing to gently rub herself with her fingers, she decided to go all out. An image of her fantasy lover, Justin, appeared in her mind as she caressed herself. Holding the hood of her clitoris pinched between her thumb and forefinger she exposed her little pink bud and rubbed it with the flat of the fingers of her other hand. It was a practiced motion that came quickly even though she had not done it in a long time.

    Arching her back, she allowed the hot water to sting against her until she felt the wave of her orgasm rolling up her body. Her soft moans reverberated against the walls of the room and she collapsed against the shower wall.

    Squatting down in the shower, Alina squeegeed the soap and water off the glass shower door. She could feel her lips, still engorged from her climax, being forced out and hanging down between her thighs. Her fingers again found their way down between her legs, and she softly rubbed herself.

    A male image flashed through her mind, and this time it was not Justin, it was Allan's face that stimulated her.

    No! I can't keep doing this, she said and stepped out of the shower.

    Chapter 4

    The noise of the bowling center was a blessed relief from her fantasies. Alina concentrated on her bowling style and bowled well at her practice game.

    The cold beer tasted good, and she leaned back in the chair and relaxed. The other bowlers had begun to filter into the center, and she greeted them as they passed by her table.

    As captain of her team, Alina had to fill out the league sheet and list any substitutes that may be bowling with them that day. There were no subs, and she was completing the sheet when a pair of tan shorts came into view at the edge of her vision.

    She recognized them as belonging to Allan Dwyer, and her eyes seemed to be trying to look through the material as they lingered for a moment on the fly of his shorts. His voice shook her out of her reverie, and she looked up at his face smiling down on her.

    How was your coffee? He asked with a smile.

    It was fine, thanks to you, she replied and smiled back at him.

    Mind if I sit down? He asked.

    No, go right ahead, she replied.

    He was a good-looking person. A little balding but he seemed to be in reasonable shape. Alina could feel her nipples hardening under her bra cups.

    I hope he can't see them, she thought, and she glanced down at her chest to make sure.

    The loose material of her shirt hid them from his view.

    Are you bowling in this league? She asked.

    I'm a sub on the Pacemakers team, he replied. I hope that name doesn't mean that they are all old people.

    None of us are 'old,' but a lot of us are older, she corrected him with another smile.

    Stop smiling so much, she admonished herself. He's just another guy. He is not coming on to you. You just imagine things.

    Don't you work? She asked and immediately regretted the way that she phrased the question.

    Yes, but I work from home, he replied without giving any indication that the question bothered him. I can make my own hours. Within reason, that is.

    Oh, what do you do? She was interested.

    I'm a consulting engineer for chemical manufacturers. I do most of my work over the telephone or on the computer, and with FedEx, I don't even have to go to the Post Office.

    Nice work if you can get it, she said lightly.

    My wife is also an engineer, but she has a regular type of job. She travels some too, so I'm alone quite a bit.

    "Why did he tell me that? I didn't ask if

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