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Double Boomerang Vol.1 A Tale of Revenge Gone Wrong
Double Boomerang Vol.1 A Tale of Revenge Gone Wrong
Double Boomerang Vol.1 A Tale of Revenge Gone Wrong
Ebook55 pages49 minutes

Double Boomerang Vol.1 A Tale of Revenge Gone Wrong

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About this ebook

A professional wrestler on the independent circuit, accidentally foils a bank robbery. One of the thieves is the son of a mafia don. As the hero's local celebrity status grows, so in turn does the rage of his counterpart. A Vegas Wedding, a $100,000 bounty, kidnapping, attempted murder, a Brazilian Dancer right out of Carnival, A busty Asian with blue hair, bdsm, with multiple sissies, shemales, and forced feminization.

Release dateSep 14, 2018
Double Boomerang Vol.1 A Tale of Revenge Gone Wrong

Headmistress Mercedes Quinn

Hello my name is Mercedes Quinn, I'm a transgender woman from Chicago. I blog, write & draw stories, create and publish online magazines.Run dating sites, two online feminization academies where my title is Headmistress, and now I'm getting into fundraising. MQComiXXX, is for and about male to females. Cartoons created in their images, to tell the stories I've written. Illustrated versions are available at I had been sharing profits with the transwomen I wrote about, until I figured out my newest project, Trans Life Change. I'm raising funds to make it charity for male to females and upgrade tech to begin animating some of my stories.

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    Double Boomerang Vol.1 A Tale of Revenge Gone Wrong - Headmistress Mercedes Quinn

    Double Boomerang Vol.1

      A Tale of Revenge Gone Wrong

    By Headmistress Mercedes Quinn

    Edited by Jamie Madison Lambrecht

     John Nappi Jr. was a backyard wrestler. He's now retired, and is a coach and trainer for Underground Wrestling Extreme, in Portland, Maine. John accidentally runs into Christian 'Blade' Miller, during a bank robbery. He was robbing the bank in order to replace the collections that he had embezzled from his father, who is a mobster. In stopping the robbery, John becomes a local hero, and gets his big break, only to have the revenge of Blade rip everything apart. He's forced to make a decision that changes both of their fates.


                                                                   9:00 am.

    Wade: Hey Christian, your dad's going to ask me about last week's collections...

    Blade: It's Blade, and I know man. I'll get the money back. I'm meeting Dennis this morning.

    Wade: I won't lie to your dad about this. If you don't have it by the end of this week, or he asks, I'll have to tell him the truth, that you gambled it away.

    Blade grabs Wade by his collar, holding the smaller man in the air to dangle. With just the toes of his shoes occasionally skipping across the floor beneath himself.

    Blade: "You ungrateful little shit?! Not only did I stop beating your ass, but I got this sweet job

    workin’ for us. Keep that  damn mouth of yours shut, or I’ll shut it for you by ramming

    My fist into it."

     He lowered Wade back down, then shoved him so hard he fell backwards to the floor. Before

    turning and walking away.

    Blade: He-uh! Just like high school.


                                                                        9:00 am.

    Blade: Hey Dennis. What's up, dude? I need your help getting some money, then I'll get you a job with my dad. We're going to rob Face Bank. It's the last big hold out against my dad's takeover of that neighborhood anyway. When I get the cash, everything will be going my way again.

    Dennis: I'm down, let's get to it.


                                                                     10:55 am  

     As the pair leaves the bank, they split up. Dennis goes west and Christian east. As Blade turns the corner, he accidentally runs into a man jogging in a gray sweat suit and drops the bag of money. Without saying a word, he takes a wide swing at the man. The man ducks, applies a full nelson and modified leg-trip combination, driving Blade's knee into the sidewalk. The roar of approaching sirens drowns out the approaching of Dennis in a mask. He jumps out of a newly stolen red Porsche, and clubs the man in the back of the head, securing Blade's fugitive anonymity.

    Blade: Man you gotta to help me get in, my leg is broken!

     Blade is now in the car, ready to pull off. The jogger woke up and got up, grabbed at and got a better grip. Managing to rip the bag of stolen money, right from his hands as the pair peeled out.

    Blade: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                         A month later.

    I'm Chett. I'm Gina. Gina and Chett: Hello and Good! Mooorning Porrrtland!

    Gina: "We are here with John Nappi Junior, known to local wrestling fans as Doctor Crippler. You not only stopped a bank robbery, but saved a whole neighborhood. I understand that the bank was in a rare transition, so that

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