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Historic Photos of Minnesota
Historic Photos of Minnesota
Historic Photos of Minnesota
Ebook222 pages50 minutes

Historic Photos of Minnesota

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Minnesota’s past is defined by its remarkable natural resources, and shaped by its native peoples and early settlers. From the fur trade and the establishment of Fort Snelling, to harnessing the power of the Mississippi River as a means to fuel emergent logging and milling industries, Minnesota’s history is that of a land like no other.

Pioneering Minnesotans embraced everything that the sprawling prairies, rich farmlands, and more than 10,000 lakes offered. Boomtowns and small towns sprang up and were connected to the thriving metropolises of Minneapolis and St. Paul through a great labyrinth of railways.

From the time photographers first started pointing their cameras in the direction of Minnesota’s land and people, crystallized moments from the state’s history were captured, and stories preserved.

The archival images collected in Historic Photos of Minnesota offer unique insights into the state’s not-so-distant past. Spanning more than 100 years, this book documents everyday lives and significant events in Minnesota’s extraordinary history.

Release dateJun 1, 2009
Historic Photos of Minnesota

Susan Marks

Susan Marks's interest in Betty Crocker began during her stint as a tour guide for the Minnesota Historical Society, then evolved into a master's thesis, doc-u-mentary film project, and, ultimately, this book. Currently, she writes and produces videos for corporations as well as for nonprofits and the arts.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Short of It:A well researched photographic journey of the Chinese in California beginning with the Gold Rush through the creation of the Chinatown that we've come to know today.My Thoughts:When I was younger, I was not much of a history buff. Textbooks back then left a lot to be desired and what was included never seemed to stick with me. I paid more attention to the pictures and the captions underneath them and if the photograph was particular telling, then that is what stuck with me.So when I was asked to review this book, I jumped at the chance. It's filled with black white photos, some of which have been very well preserved and the captions for each, along with the chapter introductions really give the reader a feel for what the Chinese went through when they came to California.One piece of information that I found especially interesting, is that after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the fire that resulted afterward, most of the vital statistics at City Hall were destroyed. That meant that the Chinese could claim U.S Citizenship and no one could prove any different. Many returned to China to bring back other members of their family.Some of the photos that I found most appealing had to do with the quest for gold. My son mentioned that his history book from last year covered the Chinese in California. I was happy to hear that, because they weren't included in any of the books from my childhood. The other photos that really caught my eye were the ones from the 1906 earthquake. The people seemed so calm yet it was a devastating event and one of the worst natural disasters ever. I also enjoyed the the western influence upon the subjects within the photos. The Levis, the very formal suits and ties. Going through the book was like sneaking a peek at the shoebox of photographs that your parents always kept hidden for safekeeping.The book itself is pretty nice to look at. It's the perfect size for your coffee table and contains nothing but black and white photos (which I love). I placed it on my coffee table after I read it, but it didn't take long for the kids and Hub to start flipping through it. I figure that it's a nice way for them to learn about history. I think it would also make a pretty nice gift for anyone that is into California history, the history of the Chinese or even photography for that matter.Thanks to Laura Morris over at Turner Publishing for sending this book to me.

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Historic Photos of Minnesota - Susan Marks




A panoramic view of the 1870 pioneer town of Duluth, facing Lake Superior. Duluth first gained nationwide attention in the 1850s when rumors of copper-rich land began to circulate. Many sought their fortune in Duluth, sparking a land rush in the area. There was little actual copper, however, and pioneer interest soon turned toward iron ore mining, railroads, and shipping.



Turner Publishing Company

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Historic Photos of Minnesota

Copyright © 2009 Turner Publishing Company

All rights reserved.

This book or any part thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008910975

ISBN-13: 978-1-59652-523-8

Printed in China

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Visitors to Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis, a popular tourist destination after the publication of the epic poem The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in 1855. Longfellow never visited the falls, but he was inspired by the stories of Mary Eastman and Henry Rowe Schoolcraft about American Indian culture and the imagery of the falls.


This volume, Historic Photos of Minnesota, is the result of the cooperation and efforts of many individuals, organizations, and corporations. It is with great thanks that we acknowledge the valuable contribution of the following for their generous support:

Library of Congress

Minnesota Historical Society

We would also like to thank the following individuals for valuable contributions and assistance in making this work possible:

Doug Bekke, Minnesota Military Museum

Jeff Forester

Carolyn Kneisl, Kandiyohi County Historical Society

Sarah LaVine, Stearns History Museum

Patricia Maus, Northeast Minnesota Historical Center

Bob Sandeen, Nicollet County Historical Society

David Stevens, the Mill City Museum, Minnesota Historical Society

Minnesota Historical Society’s Library Staff


Minnesota has thousands of historic photographs that reside in archives, both locally and nationally. This book began with the observation that, while those photographs are of great interest to many, they are not easily accessible. During a time when Minnesota is looking ahead and evaluating its future course, many people are asking, How do we treat the past? These decisions affect every aspect of the state—architecture, public spaces, commerce, infrastructure—and these, in turn, affect the way that people live their lives. This book seeks to provide easy access to a valuable, objective look into the history of Minnesota.

The power of photographs is that they are less subjective than words in their treatment of history. Although the photographer can make decisions regarding subject matter and how to capture and present it, photographs do not provide the breadth of interpretation that text does. For this reason, they offer an original, untainted perspective that allows the viewer to interpret and observe.

This project represents countless hours of review and research. The researchers and writer have reviewed thousands of photographs in numerous archives. We greatly appreciate the generous assistance of the individuals and organizations listed in the acknowledgments of this work, without whom this project could not have been completed.

The goal in publishing this work is to provide broader access to this set of extraordinary photographs that seek to inspire, provide perspective, and evoke insight that might assist people who are responsible for determining Minnesota’s future. In addition, the book seeks to preserve the past with adequate respect and reverence.

With the exception of touching up imperfections that have accrued with the passage of time and cropping where necessary, no changes have been made. The focus and clarity of many images is limited by the technology and the ability of the photographer at the time they were taken.

The work is divided into eras. Beginning with some of the earliest known photographs of Minnesota, the first section records photographs through the end of the nineteenth century. The second section spans the first decade of the twentieth century. Section Three moves from 1910 through the 1920s. Section Four covers the Great Depression and World War II years, while the last section proceeds from the end of the war to recent times.

In each of these sections we have made an effort to capture various aspects of life through our selection of photographs. People, commerce, transportation, infrastructure, religious institutions, and educational institutions have been included to provide a

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