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Earthquake Case
Earthquake Case
Earthquake Case
Ebook78 pages54 minutes

Earthquake Case

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At a deep well test site, a Company man turns the experimental earthquake equipment on while the designer was encouraged to take a vacation. But he cannot turn it off.
They first feared she will tell all she knows about their project. However, the entire west coast is now shaking, Mt. Saint Helen’s type quaking. Some people fear a volcano in Seattle and other places along the west coast They hope she can fix what they did. They try snatch her and return her back to the test site.

Their four kidnapers sent to return her are all killed. They try several more times and the total go to 15 dead.
Their kidnap car was stolen in NYC but traveled only 100 miles to Seattle. The FBI and Inspector Strong know who will ship a car for one job, but they deny everything.
The powers back in DC decide she must be removed permanently. They change their minds and try to call off the hit but can’t reach anyone.
The Inspector’s team and the kidnapping victim have a running gun battle ending up in the tunnels under Seattle.
Will the secret quake project ever become exposed and can they be controlled?

Release dateSep 16, 2018
Earthquake Case

D. E. Harrison

I am trained as a theoretical mathematician. I am an emeritus member of the American Mathematical Society for fifty odd years. I have lived in Seattle since 1967. I starting writing fiction after writing a family history.

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    Book preview

    Earthquake Case - D. E. Harrison

    Earthquake Case

    By D. E. Harrison

    Copyright 2010 by D. E. Harrison

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 The Snatch

    Chapter 2 Another Attempt

    Chapter 3 Why Would Anyone Stay in Town and More Killers Arrive

    Chapter 4 Swarms of Earthquakes

    Chapter 5 More Earthquakes Are Reported

    Chapter 6 They Are Searching for the Snatch Again

    Chapter 7 Sleeper Teams Activated

    Chapter 8 Three Months Before the Failed Kidnapping

    Chapter 9 Contact the Target and Make Safe

    Chapter 10 The Final Act is Played Out

    About D. E. Harrison

    Discover other titles by D. E. Harrison

    Chapter 1 The Snatch

    In a building on the 50th floor a meeting with four men and one woman is about to start. In the office she is the only one behind the desk, the others are standing. They are in a windowed office that looks over the city when there are no clouds in the sky.

    Gentlemen, we need to have this person in custody as quickly and quietly as possible. After the snatch, take them to the North safe house. I will be waiting there. Remember quiet and no fuss. There is a car awaiting you in the place noted. This folder shows their schedule and a pickup spot. I will be at the house at 2:15 today. That gives you eight hours.

    The folder is picked up; no words are spoken. The men go into the next office to decide when and how to pull the snatch.

    At 12:35 pm on a rain dampened street one of the men looks like a drunken street person lugging several garbage bags. They are full of newspapers, wadded up, but weighting almost nothing.

    The car is down the block on the one-way street going north with three men in it.

    He just passed us heading your way, he made the light. We will have to wait for it.

    The foot traffic is light in this area right now, too late for lunch, too early to return to work. Across the street, a young couple is walking in the opposite direction and paying attention to only each other. Two women got to the Café late and had to settle for a table next to the window.

    The car speeds up as it clears the green light. Careful timing and all five of them will be within 10 feet of each other. The street is slippery with the first sprinkling in several weeks. The car slides on the oily road for a few feet directly in front of the widow and both women look up. The tire’s noise also attracts the young couple’s attention.

    The bagman fronts the snatch as he turns to see what made the noise, the car sliding two feet past him. The passenger on the driver’s side is out before the car stops. He races around the back of the car as the other passenger is getting out.

    The bagman is right in front of the window as he drops the bags, and his over coat is pulled back, wide open.

    He says, You need to come with us, now.

    The target was expected to turn and run but they quickly take a step forward and bumps the bagman body to body. A shot is fired; the bagman starts to fall backwards. The target goes down with him but only partway. From a crouched position, the target fires twice with one revolver into the person coming around the back of the car, with the other hand fires twice into the 2nd passenger who is almost on the sidewalk. Both revolvers fire several times through the open front passenger window. The driver slumps over dead.

    The target fires three more rounds, one into each of the men on the sidewalk. They take two steps, open the car door next to the sidewalk and slides in. The driver’s door is opened, the body pushed out and the car starts down the street. The car turns right

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