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Can Boys & Girls Also Go To Hell?
Can Boys & Girls Also Go To Hell?
Can Boys & Girls Also Go To Hell?
Ebook66 pages47 minutes

Can Boys & Girls Also Go To Hell?

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Can boys and girls become possible candidates of Hell fire, if they continue to wallow in sin?
Can boys and girls be exempted from going to Hell simply because they are children?
Can boys and girls be brought into the “saving ark“ of God?
In this easy-to-read and thought provoking book, Joe Jesimiel Ogbe, a youth pastor of over 32 years, tries to answer questions that bother boys and girls about the subject of
Heaven and Hell This book is designed to empower you and others to say “NO” to the devil and his cohorts who have vowed to pull many people to his destined abode - lake of fire!

Release dateApr 6, 2018
Can Boys & Girls Also Go To Hell?

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    Book preview

    Can Boys & Girls Also Go To Hell? - Joe Jesimiel Ogbe



    To millions of boys and girls all over the world who will be delivered from the grips of sin and Hell fire. This book is my seed for your salvation.


    Now I want you to mentally picture yourself near a fire place. Imagine the discomfort if you remain there for hours with a rubber jacket on. Excruciating, isn’t it? What about a few hours in a small house with a very big baking oven. Will you be comfortable? No!

    Hell is a place worse than these pictures painted above. Hell is a place of torment, burning with sulphur. By the description of the Bible, hell is a very terrible place! Hell is worse than the worst physical persecution that a person could ever face. The lake of fire is reserved for some categories of individuals. The Bible says, But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    Revelation 21:8

    If only you will stop a while to think about this terrible place. It is a place to turn your back on by all means. However, many people, including some Christians tend to close their eyes to the reality of Hell. Those who ever consider it, believe that it is meant for adults who commit sin. This is a lie peddled by the devil and his agents to deceive people, especially boys and girls. Don’t be deceived, boys and girls are possible candidates of Hell fire, if they continue to wallow in sin. The Bible says, Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

    Ezekiel 18:4

    God is no respecter of persons. He treats the souls of adults the same way He treats the souls of children. The truth is that no boy or girl will be exempted from going to Hell simply because they are children. From the account of the flood that engulfed Noah’s generation, no child was saved for being a child. Also the fire that destroyed the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, children were not salvaged for being children.

    As a teenager, I had a misconception about hell. I even used to argue with my friends over the reality of hell fire, because I could not fathom why a loving God would throw His lovely creatures into hell fire. But now I know better, as God has delivered me from the yoke of misconception. This book in your hand is my seed to help you correct every misconception that you have held all this while about hell fire. I am very confident that before you get to the last chapter, you would have been set free from the thought that Hell is meant for adults only.

    My beloved boys and girls, this book is not designed to put fears into you. No! Rather, it is designed to put into your hands the facts about hell, so that you may be empowered to say NO! to the devil and his cohorts that have vowed to pull many young folks to his domain, lake of fire! The Bible says, And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.

    Rev 20:10

    As a parent, teacher or an adult believer reading this book, I urge you to arise with a sense of urgency to reach out to boys and girls with a view to steering them off the path of Hell, and turning them to the glorious path of righteousness which leads to Heaven. I urge you to deliberately and concertedly embrace children evangelism! Right now, make up your mind to evangelise boys and girls. Go out and bring them into the

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