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Paleo Diet Recipes: Paleo Diet Recipes For Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days, Lower Blood Pressure, Boost Metabolism & Improve Your Health
Paleo Diet Recipes: Paleo Diet Recipes For Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days, Lower Blood Pressure, Boost Metabolism & Improve Your Health
Paleo Diet Recipes: Paleo Diet Recipes For Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days, Lower Blood Pressure, Boost Metabolism & Improve Your Health
Ebook127 pages47 minutes

Paleo Diet Recipes: Paleo Diet Recipes For Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days, Lower Blood Pressure, Boost Metabolism & Improve Your Health

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Paleo Diet Recipes: Paleo Diet Recipes For Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days, Lower Blood Pressure, Boost Metabolism & Improve Your Health

If you want to Lose 5 Pounds In 5 Days, Remove Cellulite, Transform Your Body & Feel Great, then this is your book!

This book contains amazing tips and strategies on how to benefit from the revolutionary healthy diet.

What You'll Learn in Paleo Diet Recipes: Paleo Diet Recipes For Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days, Lower Blood Pressure, Boost Metabolism & Improve Your Health...
An overview on Paleo Diet
What are the benefits of Paleo Diet
What to eat and what not to eat on Paleo Diet
How to cook hearty Paleo Diet recipes
How to follow easy 21-day Paleo Diet plan for great results

The results can be seen not just in the way you look but also in the way you feel.

What You'll Find Inside...
Breakfasts & Snacks
Salads & Soups
Main dishes
Other recipes!

This book will help you make and cook recipes that are delicious and healthy.

What are the benefits of Paleo Diet...
Paleo Diet helps you lose your excess weight
Paleo Diet helps boost our energy
Paleo Diet promotes healthy lifestyle changes
Paleo Diet helps keep away diseases
Paleo Diet gives you better mood
Paleo Diet keeps you from overeating
Paleo Diet improves sleep quality
Paleo Diet burns fat
Paleo Diet eliminates toxins from the body
Paleo Diet keeps things simple
Paleo Diet avoids empty carbohydrates and calories
Paleo Diet improves our sense of well-being
Paleo Diet helps you reach good health

Changing yourself takes time and effort. You have to be willing to make the changes and be committed to taking action rather than just reading about them.   

The next step is to try out these recipes for yourself in order to achieve a healthier body and a healthier you.

Release dateSep 23, 2018
Paleo Diet Recipes: Paleo Diet Recipes For Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days, Lower Blood Pressure, Boost Metabolism & Improve Your Health

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    Book preview

    Paleo Diet Recipes - Dr. Michael Ericsson

    Paleo Diet Recipes

    Paleo Diet Recipes For Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days, Lower Blood Pressure, Boost Metabolism & Improve Your Health

    By: Dr. Michael Ericsson


    No part of this may be reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or in information storage and retrieval systems - without the prior written permission of the author.

    DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this book is to provide information only. The information is NOT a substitution for medical, psychological or professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. The author recommends that you seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider to present them with questions you may have regarding any medical condition. Advice from your trusted, professional medical advisor should always supersede information presented in this book.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Table Of Contents


    Chapter 1 - What is the Paleo Diet

    Chapter 2 - What are the benefits of this Diet?

    Chapter 3 - What to eat and what not to eat

    Chapter 4 - Amazing Paleo Diet Recipes

    Chapter 5 - Sample 21-day Paleo Meal Plan


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    Also By Dr. Michael Ericsson

    Table Of Contents


    Chapter 1 - What is the Paleo Diet

    Chapter 2 - What are the benefits of this Diet?

    Chapter 3 - What to eat and what not to eat

    Chapter 4 - Amazing Paleo Diet Recipes

    Chapter 5 - Sample 21-day Paleo Meal Plan


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    I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading this book!

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to lose weight faster and to remove harmful toxins from your body.

    With the help of this book, you will learn more about the mentioned diet and get to learn how to cook delicious and nutritious recipes that are certainly good for you. Read this book now and start cooking!

    Thank you again for downloading this book!

    Chapter 1 - What is the Paleo Diet

    With all the diet systems around, it can be quite confusing which one to undergo. Most, especially the recent ones, preach calorie restriction. Others seem to contradict good nutrition by preaching eating of meats and even fat. But all are unanimous to a single goal – weight loss.

    If you downloaded this book, chances are you are looking for a diet program that will support you achieve your goals. You want to lose excess weight, curb fat and have a healthier body. This is where the Paleo diet system can help.

    The Paleo Diet – a 15,000-year history

    While most diet patterns have just been created during the last century, the Paleo Diet traces back its history to ten and a half centuries ago. Back when men where hunters and gatherers – when we were living inside caves.

    Also known as the Paleolithic Diet, Caveman Diet, or hunter-gatherer diet, the Paleo Diet is based on the presumption of what our ancestors ate fifteen thousand years ago. The Paleo Diet also theorizes that our genetics haven’t changed much since the Paleolithic era ended, meaning we are not adapted to the produce of modern agriculture. It’s like a hundred-yard football field and we have been running the first 99.5 yards living on the Paleo Diet, and the last 0.5 yards is the invention of agriculture.

    That would mean eating what cavemen could find or hunt – fish, meats, nuts, leafy greens, and seeds. If you notice that grains are not part of the Paleo Diet, it is because people during that age haven’t learned farming yet. They move from place to place hunting for wild animals, and gathering what the ground can give them. They had no bread back then. No pasta. Not even potatoes.

    And how did they live 15,000 years ago? An average Homo Sapien during the Paleolithic era was muscular, tall, athletic, and agile. These physical attributes were the requirements for effective hunting and food gathering.

    An average Homo Sapien today is out of shape, overweight, unhappy, deprived of sleep, and dying from a various of diseases caused by unhealthy diets.

    Statistics show that 66 percent of Americans are overweight and 33 percent are fat. Problem is, the numbers are getting even worse. These are problems that are clearly not apparent during the Paleolithic period. So, something must have gone wrong during the last few thousand years.

    Is this a new fad?

    This is not something that was created overnight and will cease to exist within the next few years. The Paleo Diet (Caveman Diet for some) was born some 150000 to 200000 years ago and has survived since then. Admittedly, using the term cave man or Paleolithic makes one think that this is just another weird fad that will eventually pass, but this is not going to be the case. Man has adapted to eating whole foods: plants, meat, and seafood and not processed ones. This is the main concept of the Paleolithic Diet. The Paleo Diet is based on the notion that in order to reach optimal health, modern man should go back to eating unprocessed foods, the real food since they are more healthful for our bodies. This is not a temporary weight loss system, but a way of eating and living.

    Back in the day, grains were not a component

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