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Solving The Argument On Masturbation
Solving The Argument On Masturbation
Solving The Argument On Masturbation
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Solving The Argument On Masturbation

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The book 'Solving The Argument On Masturbation' is multi-informed to address important masturbation-related issues and lingering questions like: is masturbation worth the risk? How grave are the effects of masturbation? What does the GoodBook say about it? Are you struggling with masturbation? Do you wish to quit masturbation? Tips to control your sexual feelings, etc. This will inturn help those who have not masturbated before, to appreciate the reason not to attempt indulging in this act. It is also designed to provide clear cut guidelines to help rescue masturbators, who sincerely wish to break out of its addiction and put permanent stop to it. Reading this book would give you a broad spectrum of understanding about the commonly known side of masturbation and its after-effects; and as well as the priceless opportunity of being privy to the uncommon side thereof.

Release dateMay 25, 2024
Solving The Argument On Masturbation

Dr Emmanuel Marboah

Dr. Emmanuel Marboah is a gifted revivalist; teacher and writer, whose life-transforming writing and pulpit works have been a blessing to many in the religious and educational institutions and the public in general. His ministry is characterized, anchored and balanced by an unflinching emphasis on preaching and demonstrating divine healing/deliverance; the prophetic, discipleship and godliness in the Body of Christ. He holds honours in theology from the then Word Miracle Ministerial College (currently, Perez University College, Ghana); and AMES International School of Ministry, Fort Myers-Florida, USA. As the CEO of Pure Grace Publications; and the president of Moral Legacy Campus Ministry, Reverend Marboah makes his home in Accra, Ghana, where he operates from and reaches out to the world as a minister, writer and professional book editor.

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    Book preview

    Solving The Argument On Masturbation - Dr Emmanuel Marboah


    The Argument On


    Providing a healthy, informed debate on masturbation; and a roadmap for those battling with its addiction to overcome it and quit.

    Revised Edition

    Grace Legacy Publications



    Dr. Emmanuel Marboah


    Copy right 2024 by Emmanuel Marboah

    First Published, 2021

    Revised Edition, 2024

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from the author who is the copyright owner.

    ISBN  978-9988-1-6754-7

    Unless indicated otherwise, all scriptural references were taken from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

    Available online@



    Mobile: +233244591817 (Call or WhatsApp the Author).

    Social Media @ Dr. Emmanuel Marboah on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Youtube.


    Accra, Ghana

    Opening Author Note

    There are a few core concepts that you may find repeated in my books that deal with sex-related titles. Such as: How To Control Your Sexual Feelings; Mystery Behind Soul-Ties; Effects of Pornography; Deliverance And How To Maintain It Etc. These are central, so important that they need to be repeated in the following books of mine, which include ‘Before You Break Your Virginity; Solving The Argument On Masturbation; Spiritual Marriage: An Agency of Darkness; Pornography: A Dangerous Moving Train; Lesbianism Unmasked And Gayism Unmasked.’ Someone reading this particular book may never get the chance to read the other related books, hence, the decision to repeat the above-mentioned topics here. Notwithstanding, these core concepts have been addressed freshly in each of the books, and they are foundational to your understanding thereof. Thank you!


    This book is dedicated to my good friend (Rev. Benjamin Anor), the founder and leader of Rescue Sports Foundation Worldwide (A sport-based, Gospel outreach ministry that has seen many souls worn into God’s kingdom through sporting games). Reverend, this is my own little way of celebrating an unsung hero like you in the Body of Christ. May your evangelistic ministry which is headquartered in Kumasi, Ghana, continue to have a positive impact on souls in and outside Christendom. 


    You have been inspiring, encouraging, and above all good friends to the course of my ministry. To acknowledge you in this book is my own little way of saying, I truly appreciate your care and support for me through thick and thin. These persons include Rev. Paul Kwarteng Antwi, Life of Victory Ministry, Malam C.P, Accra; Pastor Richmond Sarfo (a.k.a Paa Rich), Prayer Evangelistic Ministry, Konongo, Asante Akim; Rev. Richard Anokye, Accord International Ministry, Weija Junction, Accra; Rev. Mike Boahen, Everlasting Life Chapel, Shikpontele, Accra; Prophet Joseph Agyeman Duah, Holiest of Holy Church, Sapeiman, Accra; and Pastor Timothy Ahianyo, Pure Charismatic and Salvation Ministry, Ashaiman, Accra, Ghana). 

    Table Of Contents


    Definitions And Facts/Statistics.

    Causes of Adolescent Masturbation.

    Causes of Adult Masturbation.

    Types And Levels of Masturbation.

    Signs Associated With Masturbators.

    Effects of Male Masturbation.

    Effects of Female Masturbation.

    Means To Control Your Feelings.

    Dealing With The Ungodly Pictures.  

    How To Quit Masturbation: Step One.

    How To Quit Masturbation: Step Two.

    Breaking The Soul-Tie Connection.

    Biblical Stance On Masturbation.

    Selected Bibliography.


    Masturbation, like other secret practices especially among the youth could become chronic with those who indulge in it if not dealt with early. The causes behind this practice vary from one participant to the other. But in general terms, I could confidently state that first of all, it is because of the unsatisfactory manner this sensitive subject has been treated by some social commentators, moral crusaders, clinical psychologists, the clergy, youth counsellors, etc. 

    Secondly, it is because we live in an era where the emphasis placed on the value of sexual morality has been at its lowest ebb in recent times. This generation has witnessed probably one of the alarming rates in the practice of sexual immorality of all kinds and levels in the history of mankind. This should not surprise you, because we are in the end time where the bible says sin shall increase.

    ...And because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold. Matthew24:12(KJV).

    Many are of the view that masturbation is healthy, especially for the youth. Others are against this view, and to them, the act is unhealthy and it should not be encouraged. Another group believes that the act is immoral in the light of the bible. On the same biblical grounds, some argue that the act has nothing to do with immorality. This is because, to begin with, the word ‘Masturbation’ is not mentioned anywhere in the bible.

    As your reading progresses and gets deeper, whether the bible condemns the act or not, you shall pretty soon find out. However, it should be noted without any shred of ambiguity that the main aim of masturbation is to achieve sexual gratification outside the marriage bed. It is just like other illicit sexual practices; it produces the same result. 

    I should state assuredly that there is no need for anyone reading this book to worry as to which is right or wrong. This is because all the controversies surrounding and besetting this sensitive subject have been intellectually solved in a comprehensive manner. This is against the bedrock that this book is richly and adequately informed to purposely throw the needed insightful light on the causes and consequences of masturbation and many more as enumerated in the table of contents above. 

    This intellectual and divine project is worth spending time on, because of the high endorsement given to it by many parents, moral activists, school heads, youth counsellors, and as well as the clergy. To them, this is a ‘must read’ for all, in the sense that the book was not designed only for males, but also for females. This is due to the great concern that the author has shown for girls/women who are battling with the insatiable urge to masturbate. In the end, the book is expected to help: 

    1. Those who have not masturbated before, to be able to appreciate the reason not to attempt to indulge in this regrettable act. 

    2. To help rescue males and females who are on the verge of becoming active masturbators due to ignorance. 

    3. To help educate adolescents, adults, and unmarried old folks on how to effectively control their sexual feelings without indulging in masturbation.

    4. To provide clear-cut guidelines and solutions to help rescue masturbators who sincerely desire to break out of their addiction and put a permanent stop to it.

    Chapter One

    Definitions And Facts/Statistics

    In an attempt to progressively help you sustain the passion for reading this book through to the end, I would whet your appetite by first focusing my intellectual lenses on dealing with some important facts, statistics, and definitions regarding masturbation in this particular chapter (one). Join me in analysing the following standard definitions, credible facts, and statistics, which I know would help you have an insightful grasp of the subject matter, from here through to the end. And thus:

    1. Definitions.

    The term ‘Masturbation’ actually arrived in the English dictionary during the 18th century. Its origin could be traced to the old Latin word, ‘Masturbari’ which means to manipulate, disturb, defile, or pollute. In my quest to search for more definitions, I came across these online English dictionaries which provided me with the following meanings and descriptions for the term ‘Masturbation.’ Join me in navigating through them one after the other for a better understanding: 

    A. Excitation of one’s own or another’s genital organs, usually to orgasm by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse. 


    B. Masturbation means to touch one’s self in a sexual manner or to touch their sexual parts for pleasure.


    C. To masturbate means to have sex by yourself, with yourself, in yourself, for yourself, usually using your hands. 


    D. Erotic stimulation or manipulation, especially of one’s own genital organs, commonly results in orgasm and is achieved by manual or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse, instrumental manipulation, occasionally by sexual fantasies, or by various combinations of these agencies. 


    E. It is the act of exciting the sexual organs by rubbing, stroking or fondling, pressing, or other forms of handling till orgasm is achieved. 


    F. The stimulation of the sex organs, by manual or other means exclusive of coitus, of another’s genitals, especially to orgasm. 


    G. The act of masturbation is also known as The hand practice or self-abuse. And its street name is ‘whack.’ 

    H. Masturbation is the process of smuggling semen/sperm out of one’s body for ungodly sexual gratification. 

    By Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Marboah

    2. Facts/Statistics.

    Many experts in this field are of the view that masturbation is a serious matter. According to Author (Dr. Cynthia Robbins), from the pediatrics department at Indiana University in Indianapolis (IU), "Masturbation remains highly stigmatized and receives little serious attention." Her research shows that it can also influence teens in other aspects of sexuality. Teens who masturbate, for example, also seem to be more likely to have sex with their partners.

    It is important to let adolescents know about masturbation, because they may receive either no information or mixed messages on masturbation, yet it is a major way adolescents express sexuality. Dr. Robbins looked at 2009 data from 800 teens who participated in the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviour (NSSHB). The adolescents ranged in age from fourteen (14), by which time masturbation prevalence is pretty high to seventeen (17). 

    Teens and their parents were asked how frequently they had masturbated during the previous three months, the previous years, and in general. Boys took more pleasure in self-pleasure. Half said they masturbated at least twice a week, but only 23% of girls reported the same frequency. While fewer than half of girls reported ever masturbating, the survey found that close to three-quarters of boys said they did. 

    As children grow older, they appear more likely to masturbate.

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