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Rushing the Passer
Rushing the Passer
Rushing the Passer
Ebook197 pages2 hours

Rushing the Passer

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Before you make your play, know what you want.

When Danni Callahan inherits the Arden Lumberjacks she knows it won't be fun. Not only is the team terrible, she'd rather focus on her Haitian orphanage. But she promised her grandfather that she wouldn't sell the team. Then Joe Hoagland shows up. As a teen, she'd nursed a tremendous crush on the star player that he never seemed to notice. Twenty years later, he was back and he'd noticed.

Hoagy had built a sports social media empire after he retired from pro ball. Owning a team would be the icing on a fantastic career. No way did Danni want to be stuck with them. All he needed to do was keep close to her and bide his time until she realized she wanted to sell. Staying close was no hardship. In fact, it might be better than owning a professional football team.

Release dateSep 28, 2018
Rushing the Passer

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    Book preview

    Rushing the Passer - Christa Maurice

    Table of Contents


    Copyright 2018 Christa Maurice

    Contemporary Timeline


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    About the Author

    Also By Christa Maurice

    Rushing the Passer


    Christa Maurice

    Copyright 2018 Christa Maurice

    eBooks are not transferable. All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content.

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    Contemporary Timeline

    Because my series are interlocking, characters cross over into other books and they share a timeline. This list will allow you to figure out where the book in your hands falls in the timeline and if you spot a character you want to know more about, track them down in another book. The dates provided are not the years the books were published, or even the years the books were written, but when the action in that book took place. Shorts show up in my newsletter.


    Satellite Of Love, Maureen & Bear, Drawn To the Rhythm


    Heaven Beside You, Jason & Cassie, Drawn To the Rhythm

    Decisions, Decisions (short), Maureen & Bear, Drawn To the Rhythm


    Love the One You’re With (short), Suzi


    Waiting For a Girl Like You, Alex & Marc, Drawn To the Rhythm


    Victim Of Love, Rick & Tara, Rock And Roll State Of Mind


    Let Me Be the One, Brian & Suzi (& Logan though not all at once), Drawn To the Rhythm

    Send Me an Angel, Alan & Angie, Rock And Roll State Of Mind

    Kickstart My Heart (short), pretty much everybody


    Not Second Best, Tessa & Brett, Drawn To the Rhythm

    Gift To Be Simple, Gian & Rachel, Rock And Roll State Of Mind

    Baby Come Back, Trent & Jenny, Rock And Roll State Of Mind

    Remembering Beth, Beth & James, Weaver’s Circle

    Redeeming Johnny, Johnny & Elaine, Weaver’s Circle

    Saving Sue, Sue & Greg, Weaver’s Circle


    Try a Little Tenderness, Ryan & Taylor, Hollywood Nights

    Protecting Lucy, Lucy & Dan, Weaver’s Circle

    Rescuing Jack, Marie & Will (& Jack), Weaver’s Circle

    Celebrating Flora, Flora & Wally, Weaver’s Circle


    Love Me Tender, Mick & Sarina, Hollywood Nights

    Keep Coming Back To Love, Candy & Ty, Drawn To the Rhythm

    Tender Is the Night, Gale & Lisa, Hollywood Nights


    to my mom, who was so devoted to football that we did indeed plan Sunday meals around half time.

    Chapter One

    If they didn’t already hate her, they were going to in three, two, one…

    Now Daniella, sit on these studs’ shoulders so they can pick you up. The photographer gestured to the linebackers he’d chosen specifically because they were about the same height. One was a starter and the other was third string and they were both pissy about the fact that the photographer wasn’t interested in the distinction. Worse yet, nothing about this was turning her on. She’d been without sex in so long her body didn’t even care when she was surrounded by professional football players.

    They’d be even angrier if they knew Danni hadn’t learned their names yet. It was on her to do list. Sorry, she muttered, trying to settle herself as lightly as possible on their shoulders.

    The guy on the left stood up faster than the one on the right. Danni latched onto the right guy’s helmet so she wouldn’t be dumped on her ass. This tight green dress would split all the way to Timbuktu leaving her half naked in the middle of the end zone. Right guy cursed, reaching around her waist. Left guy jerked away.

    Half naked in the middle of the end zone was in her future.

    Right guy, who was now only guy, pivoted, and she landed in his arms.

    Perfect! the photographer crowed. Change!

    Thank you, Danni said as the player set her on her feet. She might not know his name, but she did remember that he was third string. For that excellent catch, he deserved to be moved up the pecking order.

    Not a problem, ma’am. He grinned and looked about twelve. Geez, when did the pro players all get so young?

    The photographer’s assistant assigned to get her in and out of costumes, er, dresses herded her to the storage room that had been taken over for the shoot. The emerald green sheath dress was pulled off her and a Kelly green strapless satin number with a full skirt buoyed by several layers of green tulle replaced it. They had taken the whole team colors thing to an extreme. Quick fix on hair. Touched up make up. Back out to the field. This was the stupidest thing ever.

    I want to have the team lined up on the field like you’re about to start playing, but Daniella will be where the ball would go. The photographer clapped his hands.

    What? Draper asked.

    I think he wants you to look like you’re snapping the ball. At least she remembered some of the terminology.

    Sorry about this guys. Danni tiptoed into place so her high heels wouldn’t sink into the turf and let the PA position her arms and legs. From the guys came a steady stream of cursing over the practice day wasted.

    A man in jeans and a black polo shirt walked onto the field. Her libido perked up. His name she knew, and he didn’t even play anymore. Joe Hoagland. Still as fine and dandy as he had been when he played for the team fifteen years ago.

    Perfect! Change! The photographer shouted.

    Great. Her expression had to have been priceless with every dirty thing she’d ever fantasized about Hoagy traipsing through her mind. Hopefully they would fix the color of her cheeks before they printed the pictures. The players streamed across the field toward Hoagy as the PA dragged her back for another quick change.

    When she came out, this time in a black and forest green ball gown with a drape of green silk at the shoulder and a skirt that thankfully covered her feet so she could wear flats, the entire team still clustered around Hoagy and she had no good excuse to join them. And yet, even surrounded by gigantic football players in full pads and home uniforms, she could pick out her old crush. Those solid shoulders, that short black hair, that easy smile, those blue eyes. Okay, she couldn’t see the eyes from here, but she knew they were there. She saw them in dreams from time to time. This dress was suffocating her. It should have been accessorized with a fan. Or an oxygen mask.

    Hey! Time is money! the photographer shouted down the field.

    It’s all right. Danni rubbed her bare arms. She hadn’t set eyes on Hoagy since he tore an ACL in the playoffs twelve years ago when he played for the Steelers.

    No, it is not. We are losing the light. The photographer stormed down field.

    Danni hitched up her skirt and hurried after him. Do we really need the team for the rest of the shots? Can’t we just do some from the loge? It’s got a great view of the field and I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind scrimmaging for a while for a back drop.

    Coach Draper! the photographer shouted. I need the cooperation of the team right now. We do not have any time to waste.

    Time to waste? Draper snarled. I am blowing an entire practice day to this hootenanny. Ms. Callahan. The coach turned to her with his hands out.

    Dear God, he didn’t expect her to intervene, did he? I’m sorry, Coach Draper, but the commissioner was insistent. What the commissioner had actually been was a jerk. He’d threatened to force her to sell the team if she didn’t take every quote girly unquote opportunity to portray the NFL in a positive light. They weren’t much of a team, but her family had founded the franchise. Like it or not, they were now her responsibility. One more picture.

    Ms. Callahan! the photographer wailed.

    We can do some more with the balls or something, Danni suggested. It was only the first day of training camp and they were already tying up the stadium because the photographer’s vision didn’t take place at the practice field.

    Snickering. Poor choice of words.

    We need to have enough photos for the spread, the photographer complained.

    And I can’t tie up the entire football team for some pictures. One more. With just DeShawn. The one name she knew was the quarterback. Frankie DeShawn. Her grandfather had been so pleased to get him as a first round draft pick two years ago. As soon as she got out of this, she’d apply herself to learning the rest. He can throw the ball to me.

    At least one of the players groaned. She should have said passed the ball. Another poor choice.

    I’ll pass you a ball, DeShawn said.

    Frankie. Hoagy’s deep voice brought the snickering to a halt. Play nice.

    Uh yeah, sure Hoagy. DeShawn trotted away to grab a football.

    All right, everybody let’s get to work, Draper shouted. He rattled off drill assignments.

    The photographer stomped away muttering about the hazards of working with babies and animals. Since twice in her hearing he’d referred to the players as animals, she assumed she fell into the babies category.

    Danni picked up her skirts again and followed him.

    Ms. Callahan.

    Danni froze as the voice rippled down her spine like warm water. Licking her lips in a stab at composure, she turned back to Hoagy. He’d looked excellent in a football uniform, but the way he filled out that polo was sinful. Yes, Mr. Hoagland?

    I wanted to tell you how sorry I was about your grandfather. I didn’t get a chance at the funeral last month.

    I’m sorry I didn’t make time for you. There were over two hundred people there. Getting to half of them had been a miracle.

    I know how close you were to your grandfather and I’m for your loss.

    Danni craned her neck to see if he was serious. Most people hated my grandfather. I’m pretty sure at least seventy-five percent of the people who showed up were checking to make sure he was really dead.

    Hoagy smirked. That doesn’t surprise me. He was a tough old bird, but he was good to you.

    Danni blinked. At least having her head tipped back discouraged the tears that wanted to fall. The photographer would be pissed if she messed up her make up. He was. Thank you.

    He reached for her arm, but changed his angle so that he ran his hand through his black hair. I think the photographer is waiting for you.

    He probably is. She picked up her skirts again and turned to where the photographer was glaring with Frankie DeShawn standing next to him tossing a football into the air.

    Ms. Callahan, I want you to stand on that white line there. Mr. DeShawn, if you would just throw the ball to her.

    This was a bad idea. DeShawn could knock her on her butt if he threw a serious pass. She should have elected the linebacker who hadn’t dropped her before. He seemed to not hate her. Of course, she’d have had to come up with his name when she was spelling out the terms of her last player photo. Then DeShawn’s gaze flickered to the photographer. Danni followed it. Hoagy stood behind him with his arms folded and a blank expression.

    DeShawn tossed the ball into Danni’s arms.

    Perfect! the photographer shouted. Now what? There’s no shots without the players.

    DeShawn took off down field like he might get recruited for more pictures.

    What about the goal posts? Hoagy suggested.

    Boring. The photographer sneered. It’s a stick.

    So put her up on the crossbar. We can get a lift.

    Wait a minute. Danni grabbed for her skirts only to discover that she still had the ball. She handed it to the PA who looked at it like it might bite. You want to put me on the crossbar of the goal post?

    "Sure. Just like in the opening montage of Mork and Mindy."

    "I love Mork and Mindy." Danni turned to inspect the goal post.

    It’s still a stick, the photographer protested.

    Not if you’re back far enough. Put her in one of those long dresses. Do you have one that’s supposed to drag in the back? Hoagy asked.

    The PA groaned. You mean one with a train?

    All of them acting so superior with their jargon. Didn’t they know the world had real problems? There’s that black one with the big collar, Danni suggested. She’d been hoping to avoid it. On the hanger it looked like something Cruella DeVille would wear for trick or treating.

    We’ll have to completely redo your hair, the PA said.

    That’ll give me time to rustle up the lift. Hoagy walked away.

    Fine. Come on. The PA scurried toward the storage room they had commandeered to dress her in, shouting into her phone. "Ferdinand, she needs an

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